Cowboy Sandwich (2 page)

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Authors: Reece Butler

BOOK: Cowboy Sandwich
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He pursed his lips and nodded as if making a major decision.

Elbowed the man beside him. The slightly shorter man in dark pants and mesh vest grinned. He held out both fists, jerking them with thumbs up in approval then opened his hands out, palm up. He squeezed the air as if testing grapefruit.

Or her breasts.

They swelled in response. Her nipples hardened, eager for attention.


Reece Butler

For the first time in her life, Candy felt fully alive. Not just alive, but powerful, like Xena the Warrior Princess. Standing tall, eager for a man’s rough hands to explore her body. She turned her back on them and leisurely walked her hands down the pole until she bent over with straight, wide-spread legs, Near-naked bottom aimed right at them, she rolled her hips in a sensuous figure eight.

The narrow strip of fabric between her legs pulled snug, increasing her itchy ache. She undulated like a Mississippi heat wave, swollen with sultry promise. Both men stood with feet apart, arms crossed over broad chests, memorizing every move she made.

She’d never been so brazen. Her social-climbing parents punished what they called her defiance when she didn’t fit into the country club set. They made her take equestrian, ballet and tennis lessons when she’d rather be reading a book, riding her bike or climbing trees. The girls humiliated her for trying to fit into their world, for not understanding their constantly changing ‘rules’.

Wanting to escape into her own home and family, she dropped out of college to marry Dan, working to put him through school. Sue tried to stop her, but she had big hopes for the future, and said she didn’t really mind providing sex, housework and rent money. She explained away his belittling comments and demands to control her because of the stress of exams, but it got worse after he started climbing the ladder at work as she didn’t fit his image of a perfect corporate wife.

When she did things ‘wrong,’ his humiliation and disgust hit hard.

Then he walked out, demanding a divorce after she’d paid his way through school, met all his needs and got him started on his career.

Instead of walking away in humiliation, licking her wounds and apologizing, she found the best divorce lawyer she could afford. One year later, beaten-down Candice Stevenson had morphed into Candy, a sexy gal with secure investments.

Never again would she put herself in a place where she’d be put down or used. She’d been dependent all her life, and from now on it was independence all the way.

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She’d finally learned to stand up for herself, and tonight she’d take the next step, demanding satisfaction in bed.

She flapped the front of her skirt to cool the heat radiating from her upper thighs. The men’s eyes widened, their nostrils flaring.

Staring back just as intently, heart racing from her audacity, she ran her hands under her skirt, lifting it with one hand.

While moving her hips in a slow circle, she ran a finger under the top edge of her thong. She slid fingers over her mound, down to where her juices soaked her thong. She slipped her finger under the lace, tracing it down and back. Still watching the men, she licked her wet finger like a Popsicle.

The shorter man half turned away, grimacing and tugging at his pants. The other said something and laughed. They turned back to her, ignoring the half-naked women clustered around them like wasps at an open soda can.

Her pulse shot even higher as the taller man leaned toward her, nostrils flaring like a bull about to charge. Staring back in challenge, she leaned forward and shimmied. Pebbled nipples in full view, her breasts almost escaped from the engineering marvel she’d spent a week’s pay on. The attention made it worth every penny.

He took a step forward so she played coy, turning her back and flipping her skirt high to shimmy her ass at him. Then she straddled the pole like a lover. Head hanging back and eyes closed as if in ecstasy, she rode that pole as if it was the biggest cock in the room.

She tried to recreate the rush she’d felt before the leather-clad woman interrupted her.

Her song trailed off and, panting from excitement more than exertion, she stepped aside. She looked around but her admirers had disappeared. Maybe they’d gone to the bar to get her a cold drink? It didn’t matter. For once she didn’t care what people thought. With no one to judge her, she danced, oblivious to those around her.

Half an hour later she panted her way back to Sue’s table. How had she lasted almost thirty years without ever feeling so wonderful?


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Never again would she let a man control her. She’d fought for her independence and would darn well stay that way. Some day she might find a partner, but until then, she’d grab life with both hands.

She collapsed onto her chair, legs splayed, and popped the cold soda Sue must have left beside her cowboy hat. After a few gulps she picked up her hat and used it as a fan, dabbing the can on her forehead and chest. It took a few minutes, but she finally caught her breath.

When Sue suggested this crazy idea, that she prepare a dinner basket to auction off, they’d shared fantasies over a few bottles of wine. She’d have to update Sue on a few more that popped into her brain since she saw the two hunks watching her.

She plopped on her hat with the brim touching her nose, leaned back and closed her eyes. Feeling someone approach from behind and expecting Sue, she didn’t bother looking around.

“Thanks for the drink. I needed it.”

“You’re welcome, Candymine.”

The deep voice flowed down her spine like a slushie, raising goose bumps as well as nipples. She shot to her feet and swirled around, heart racing. Her hat brim hid everything above his broad chest. He’d undone his vest and a line of dark hair dipped down tight abs, the thin ribbon sneaking under his belt. She gulped.

“Wanna see the rest?”

He rested the thumb of his big hand on the shiny oval belt buckle as if ready to shuck his pants.

“No!” She licked dry lips. “No, thanks. And how do you know my name?”

A callused finger slid under her hat brim and pressed it toward the back of her head. Her eyes rose with the view. She hadn’t really looked at him before. Dark curls escaped from the top of his vest. He had thick biceps, triceps and likely every other kind of 'ceps' possible.

A jagged white scar darted down his right forearm. His nose must have been broken at least once. Not a pretty boy, even with his strong, clean-shaven jaw and white teeth, visible through the half smile.

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And teeth the big bad wolf would envy. Her brain sent out a silent howl of anticipation but she cut it off with a yelp. She dropped her eyes but the evidence of his desire did nothing to cool her lust.

“I’m Adam, and I know more than your name. I know what you need.”

He reached out and captured her hand, rough calluses rasping her skin. She shivered at the thought of those two huge hands running over her body. What it would feel like to have a man stroke her with hands like that, taking his time to arouse her before plunging into her.

“I’ll get you so hot tonight you’ll scream my name as you come.

Again and again. By morning you’ll know why Eve wanted to give Adam that apple so bad.”

He pressed his thumb into the centre of her palm, something she’d never thought could be erotic. She yanked her hand back when an electric jolt ran from her palm to her core. With those muscles he could easily hold her from moving if he chose. In fact, he could make her do anything he wanted and she would have no choice.

Tonight she had a chance to discover what she’d been missing all her adult life. She’d left her emotional baggage in Boston, along with her uptight old-fashioned morals. Time to push a few limits.

“Is that a promise or just arrogance?”

She’d never expected the pull of attraction, of desire she felt when this man looked at her. She needed to press her body against his when he touched her hand. She ached to possess, and be possessed, in ways she’d only fantasized about.

She clenched her thighs at the itchy ache that begged to be scratched and rubbed before he scraped her with his teeth and flicked her with his tongue. She unconsciously licked her own lips at the thought.

“My word is a guarantee. But if you want, we can seal the deal with a kiss.”

Candy tried to escape, but the backs of her legs hit her chair. She squeaked and her arms windmilled. He caught her, pulling her against

Reece Butler

him so that her nose fit between his chest muscles. Cinnamon, leather and musk wafted past her nose. Her breasts, spilling out of her shirt, squished against his chest hair, tickling her cleavage.

He brought his face close, but her hat blocked his way.

“If I can’t have a kiss, I’ll take a hug instead.” He slid his arms around her back and down. Grasping one cheek in each hand, he pressed her close. She did the same, sliding fingers under his vest to his smooth back. He moaned and pulled her snug so her belly pressed against him. Feeling his size, she gasped, heart pounding. She couldn’t think, much less speak. Unable to look at him, she rested her head on his chest.

“Yeah, I’m a big man, Candy. All over. But we’ll make sure you can handle it.”

His deep, gentle voice rumbled against her, low and soothing. He rested his chin on her head and sighed. Something welled up inside her, new and unexpected. She felt…safe. Protected. For a moment she leaned into it.

But, no. She didn’t need a man for more than sex. She pulled back and, after a moment, he let her go.

“You might lose the auction, you know,” she said. “Someone else might buy my basket and you’ll be out of luck.”

He crossed his arms over his chest and loomed over her like Conan the Barbarian.

“Nope. Bryan’s staking our claim.”

“Isn’t that cheating?”

She realized her mistake when she glared up at him. He stepped close and her nipples perked up, pushing close enough for his heat to reach them.

“Nope. That’s business.” He ran a finger from her left shoulder to her right but his eyes stared at what he’d rather touch. “And it’s not cheating when we’re both bidding on you.”

“Both of you?”

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“Yeah, two tickets for one basket. The Double R is buying basket number seven come hell or high water.”

“What’s the Double R?”

“The ranch we own. Bryan and I share everything.” He stroked her cheek with the back of his finger. “Everything.”

Her heart beat so fast she shook. Being taken by two men at once was a dark fantasy, one that she couldn’t openly admit. But she looked for erotic books with scenes of two men and a woman, or two couples. Scenes where they did shameful things that made her batteries work overtime.

“We’ll be gentle.” He trailed his knuckles down her neck in an arc of fire.

“We’ll start out slow, tracing all your sweet curves with four hands and two mouths.” His hands followed his words, slipping under her arms, outlining her figure to her hips. “We’ll nibble on a sweet female as we slowly unwrap our gift.” He leaned close. “Then…”

“No!” She pushed him away, chest heaving. He made her so hot and bothered but fifty men would bid on only twenty women. What if someone else one bid higher? After feeling his touch, could she stand that of another? Yet she couldn’t let on that she wanted him so much.

“I just have to eat dinner with you. That’s it.”

He slid his finger under her chin and tilted her face up. Intense dark eyes captured her, calling forward even darker longings. Things forbidden to good girls. He slowly shook his head, a feral grin sending jolts to weaken her knees.

“After dinner you’ll still owe us all those favors.”

“Favors?” Her voice cracked.

He slid his hands under her skirt, just like in her fantasy. His large, rough hands heated her more than she imagined possible. He squeezed her cheeks once and pulled her against his groin.

“Always read the fine print, sweetcheeks.”

His deep, please-lick-chocolate-pudding-off-my-belly voice vibrated against her ribs.


Reece Butler

“A woman named Sue told me the lady gives one favor per thousand dollars bid.

“Sue? You talked to my friend Sue?”

He nodded, eyes crinkling. “She told me a few of your fantasies.”

“Such as?” She hated that her voice squeaked.

“Bending you over a chair…”

He walked his fingers down her bottom, pulling her nether cheeks apart. He slid a finger under the sodden lace and scratched lightly, deep within her sweaty crack.

“… baring that sweet ass begging for a spanking. I know what you want, Candymine. And claiming this cherry is on the top of my list.”

She clenched her cheeks, capturing his hand for a moment.

Instead of retreating, he pulsed his finger into her bottom, barely breaching the barrier. She moaned, releasing her grip. He pressed farther for a moment then pulled back, resting his hands on her hips.

She stood, fists at her sides, fighting for the control this man shattered. He made her feel itchy. Twitchy. Set her heart thumping and belly writhing. She clenched as if to squeeze him dry.

“What do you think, Bry? She hot enough to handle both of us?”

Candy turned to the blond man in black leather she’d seen earlier.

He had a wider chest, easily seen through the black mesh vest. He brushed the backs of his knuckles over her shirt, right where she stood out the farthest. She gasped at the jolt of need that shot between her legs.

“Very nice,” Bryan whispered, his voice harsh. “You like that, darlin’?”

If she said yes and the world ended at midnight, she’d die happy, her body and mind finally free. The two men made intense feelings erupt in her as if a dam had cracked, her nerves overloaded with a desperate need for pleasure and desire. She’d barely met them and they already had too much power over her.

She’d had to be in control all her life.
Don’t upset your father.

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