Cowboy Secret (The Dalton Boys Book 4) (11 page)

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“Damn.” He climbed off the bench and carried his plate to the trash.

“Put your plate on the counter. I’ll feed it to the dogs,” Momma called.

Without a word he set the plate down and walked out of the house. For what felt like hours he tinkered close to home, mucking out the chicken coop and fixing a horseshoe. All the while he thought about Sabrina and his son and how vulnerable they were.

He either needed to let her go or marry her as Momma had said.

The former thought didn’t sit well with him, which meant he’d better head into a city and buy a ring as soon as possible.

With his heart made a little lighter by his decision, he grabbed a pitchfork and headed to the barn.

The holler traveled on the air currents, speared Beck’s brain and raised all the hair on his body. He ran out of the barn to see Momma waving from the front door.

He took off running, leaped the stairs. Momma thrust the phone into his hand and ice filled his veins.


“Beck, it’s bad and I took your truck and I need you. Owen’s sick. They’re talking meningitis and spinal taps. I’m so terrified. Please come!”

Her voice shook. Every word inspired more dread in him. “I’ll be there in forty minutes.”

“It’s an hour drive.”

“Forty minutes, Sabrina. Don’t panic. I’m coming.”

Feeling the blood drain from his face, he handed his mother the phone. She pressed a hand to her chest, tears filling her eyes. “I heard her. Go, son. Take your father’s truck.”

With a jerky nod, he jumped off the porch and hit the ground running. His family needed him.

* * * * *

Sabrina twisted the tissue until it was shredded heap on her lap. She got up and paced to the trash can then grabbed a few more tissues.

She mopped her trickling eyes and went up to the nurse’s station again. “Any news about my son?”

After asking a dozen times in an hour, they knew who she was. The nurse gave a sympathetic smile and shook her head. “The doctor’s still in with him. I’ll let you know the minute I hear something.”

“Thank you.” Her voice trembled and she turned away before she broke down again. Meningitis was serious, and not something this small-town hospital could deal with in an infant. Owen would need transferred to the nearest children’s hospital.

His fever had spiked on the drive and his screams had shaken the windows. By the time Sabrina had removed him from the baby seat, she was a shaking mess. Then she’d felt how scorching hot he was and terror had zipped through her nerves.

Her heart slammed her ribs and she pressed a hand to it. She paced to the window and looked into the parking lot for sign of Beck for the umpteenth time. Forty minutes, he’d said. He’d have to drive like a madman to cut twenty minutes off the trip.

Thank God he’d been close to home when she’d called. He might have been in the field, far from communication. He’d been there for her and Owen. He was coming.

Dabbing her eyes, she turned from the window.

“Ms. Myers? Would you like to see your son?” the nurse asked.

She jerked. “Yes!”

The minute she went behind the curtain separating her from Owen, she wished for Beck. Whatever was wrong with Owen, they’d face it together.

Her son lay in a crib, hooked up to monitors. Beyond the tubes and wires was simply a sleeping baby. Her heart struck her ribs and she released a low sob.

When she placed a hand on his belly, he didn’t feel as hot. “His fever’s broken?”

“We’ve gotten it lowered. It was very high when he came in.”

“I know. You don’t believe it’s his ears?”

The nurse attending him shrugged. “It’s harder with babies. They can’t tell us what’s wrong and all we can do is rule out the possibilities.”

“Are you still going to check his spinal fluid?”

“We’re waiting for a few tests to come back first. And we will transfer him if needed.”

Oh God. She needed Beck. If he didn’t come before they made the decision to transfer Owen, she didn’t know what she’d do.

“I’m looking for Owen Dalton. I mean Myers.” The loud, rough voice flooded the ER.

Sabrina’s fingertips tingled as she spun to rip aside the curtain. Six feet of worried cowboy stood there. His eyes were creased and his lips tight. “Beck,” she breathed.

He strode toward her and yanked her into his arms even as he turned to Owen’s bed. “Hell.”

“He’s going to be all right.” She said this as much for herself as for him.

Beck looked over her head and greeted the nurse by name. “You’d better be taking good care of my son, Emily.”

“Of course. I didn’t realize… But yes, we’re taking good care of him.”

“Can we stay with him while we’re waiting to hear what’s going on?” he asked.

“Absolutely. If anything happens that we need you to leave the room, we’ll ask. I’ll get you another chair.”

“No need.” Beck stood looking down at Owen, his heart in his eyes. He threaded his fingers with Sabrina’s. “We’ll get through this, honey bun. Together.”

Her last shreds of resistance fell away and she gave herself to Beck heart and soul. They’d face the future hand-in-hand.


Chapter Eight


“It looks as if you were right, Ms. Myers. Owen has a severe ear infection. Sometimes babies react with very high fevers. We saw into his ears and knew the shape they were in, but when there’s a temperature that high, we need to rule out all possibilities.”

A cold wave of relief washed over Sabrina and she felt herself sag against Beck. His strong arm circled her waist, supporting her as they received the good news.

“Then you won’t be doing the spinal tap or transferring him?”

“We’d like to keep him overnight for observations, especially since you live some distance away.”

“Thank God.” Beck extended a hand to the doctor. “Thank you, Aaron.”

“Just doing my job.”

As soon as the doctor vanished behind the curtain, Sabrina met Beck’s gaze. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“I’ll stay the night with you.”

“You don’t have to do that. They need you on the ranch.”

“You and Owen need me more.”

Her heart did an odd flutter. Was this reality or a result of their scare over Owen? Her emotions were too high to tell. She couldn’t make any permanent decisions until she’d had time to process everything.

“Okay, then.”

“As soon as they transfer him to a room, I’ll take you to get something to eat. I know you haven’t had anything all day.”

“Only a cup of coffee,” she admitted.

His tender, blue gaze turned her inside out. “Maybe we can hit the diner. Remember how much you like their homemade rolls? Then I’ll take you to Shelby’s candy shop for a treat.”

“That would be nice, but I don’t want to be away from Owen too long.”

“Of course not.”

Forty-five minutes later Owen was installed in a room, sleeping peacefully. Sabrina stood at his bedside, staring at his beautiful face.

Beck placed a hand on her spine and she leaned into him. “He looks so much like you.”

“I’m going to press you to change his last name, Sabrina. Then I’m going to ask you to change yours.”

Her heart hiccupped and she tilted her face up to his. Thoughts scattered, she couldn’t form a sentence.

He nudged her chin up with his knuckles, gazing into her eyes. “I love you. I loved you then and was too stupid to say so. I won’t make the mistake twice. Sabrina, I want you to be my wife.”

Throat clogged, eyes stinging with tears, she forgot how to speak. Beck was a good man. A provider. A great dad and amazing lover. And she loved him back. How could she go wrong?

“What do you say?” His voice was low with emotion.

“I…” Awestruck, she shook her head. “You’re proposing over our child’s hospital bed.”

“It’s not the most romantic, I’ll admit, but I hope it shows how serious I am, honey bun. I’m in love with you. I’ll do anything for you and Owen.”

A strangled noise burst from her and she threw her arms around him. He caught her against his hard length. “I see that. I made the right choice in coming back to find you.”

He pressed a kiss to her lips. The rasp of his beard against her skin promised so much more.

And she was ready.

“Yes, Beck. I’ll be your wife.”

His eyes shone. “Everything else will fall into place.”

* * * * *

If Vixen had a decent diamond engagement ring, Beck would have emptied his savings account to buy it. But the general store had a few cheap gifts for the desperate. Nothing worthy of Sabrina.

Happier than he should be with a sick child in the hospital a few blocks over, he took his fiancée out to a quick dinner. Then they went into Shelby’s candy shop as promised.

“Dalton,” someone called.

He turned to see his old buddy Slater waving from a corner booth. The man’s small son sat across from him sucking a milkshake through a striped straw.

“How are things at the ranch?” Slater asked.

“Fine. Do you remember Sabrina? She gave you a few months of her time a coupla years back.”

“Yes, I absolutely remember her.” Slater shook her hand, a genuine smile on his face. “That third grade class is still talking about Miss Myers’s projects. They said you made math fun.”

The little boy looked up from his milkshake and peered at Sabrina. He probably wished he had a teacher who made math fun.

“Thank you for your kind words,” she said.

“Absolutely. Actually, I was thinking about you the other day. We have a teacher retiring this spring.”

Sabrina tensed, and Beck could nearly feel her energy flowing through their joined hands. “Which teacher is it?”

“Mrs. Taylor. She teaches—”

“Fifth grade.”

“Yes and sixth grade math. I hope you’ll stop by my office and put in your resume.”

“I’ll do that. Soon, I promise. Thank you so much.” While her words were composed, underneath Beck knew Sabrina was bursting with excitement. They said their goodbyes, grabbed a couple truffles and headed back to the hospital.

She whirled to face him on the sidewalk. “You had nothing to do with that, did you?”

He shook his head. “I never would have remembered math, even if it was fun. That’s all you, honey bun.”

She punched him in the arm. “Math can be fun.”

“Only when I’m counting your screams of pleasure,” he said against her ear.

She groaned. “Under different circumstances, I’d jump you in your truck like old times.”

“Guess this is what parenting is about, but I’m good with it. Better than good, actually.”

She stood on tiptoe to press a soft kiss to his lips. “I’ll make it worth the wait.”

* * * * *

Sabrina leaned over the kitchen sink to look out the window. The house was still for once, the whir of the refrigerator the only sound. The Daltons had all headed up to Hank’s house for dinner, and Maggie had insisted upon taking Owen to visit his cousins.

Secretly, Sabrina knew why, though. They were giving Sabrina and Beck alone time. Too bad her fiancé was too distracted by work to come in from the barn.

With a sigh she dropped back from the window—and came up against hard flesh.

Her skin prickled as Beck’s strong arm circled her waist, pulling her fully to him. “You can’t just sneak up on a woman like that.”

He lightly bit her earlobe, and she shivered. “Tell me you don’t like it.”

She reached back for his hip, tugging him closer. His erection pressed against her ass, raising a new kind of awareness. Since the whirlwind of Owen’s hospital stay and their engagement, they’d only stolen a moment or two. Not nearly enough when she wanted Beck’s hands and lips all over her body.

She tried to twist in his hold but he held her firmly. As he batted her ear with his tongue, he ran his hands down over her hips, the tips of his fingers nearing the V between her thighs. She sucked in a breath, heart hammering wildly. Too quickly he moved his hands, inching them up her torso to cup her breasts.

She sagged into his hold, nipples aching to be teased, touched, licked.

“I want to touch you too,” she whispered.

“Mmm. Do ya now? I was thinking about tormenting you for a long time. Come upstairs with me. I’ve got rope.” Before she could wrap her head around that idea, he took her hand and led her out of the kitchen.

Keeping a grip on her fingers, he climbed the stairs before her, giving her a yummy view of his muscled backside in worn, somewhat grubby jeans. His clutch on her fingers was so tight her brand new engagement ring dug into her skin, but it was a good kind of sting.

“Your bed or my bed?” she asked when they reached the top.

He threw her a burning look over his shoulder and without a word, led her into his room. “I want you in
bed, Sabrina.”

His dark tone licked her senses, and the wildfire spread through her belly. They were finally alone and she was going to have time to explore him—all over.

When they entered his room, she stopped in her tracks. “Funny, I’ve never been invited in here.”

“I couldn’t trust myself before.” He released her hand and captured her in his arms. His hot breath washed over her face, smelling of mint and the coffee he’d drank with a slice of apple pie.

She searched his handsome face for the man she’d loved before Owen had come into the picture. Yes, the old Beck was still there—eyes smoldering with passion and lust.

“See anything you like?” he drawled.

“Yes, I do.” She surged upward at the same moment he dropped his lips. Their mouths collided in a wild tangle of tongues and teeth. She locked her arms around his neck and yanked him down for more.

With a growl, he lifted her and turned for the bed. It was made surprisingly neatly, the blue comforter without a wrinkle. She fell onto the mattress and he followed her down. Hips pressing hips, his big chest smothering hers. God, he felt so right.

She slipped her tongue over his until he grunted and tore away. Panting, he stared down at her. “I need to slow down a little. It’s been a long time for me.”

“Me too. We’ll slow down later.”

He shook his head, and dark hair dipped into one bright blue eye. “I want this to be perfect.”

“Beck.” She smoothed her hands over bulky shoulders and broad back. “Everything with you is perfect.”

His bad-boy crooked smile was worth it. He dived for her, claiming lips for dizzying, gasping minutes. Her insides turned to lava and seemed to flow downward until her cotton panties were wet with need. Then he pulled off her top and licked and kissed every inch of her throat, collarbones and cleavage.

When he reached beneath her and released her bra clasp, she issued short rasps. “Please, Beck.”

He rolled onto one hip and reached to the floor for something. Coming up with a length of rope, he wore a wide grin.

“Whoa,” she murmured.

“Yes, whoa. This means we’ll slow down. I want nothing more than to plow into your hot, tight body, but I won’t. Can’t. I want you to remember this moment forever.”

Emotion rose in her chest. “I remember every moment, Beck. I’ve loved you for a long time.”

“And I’ll love you forever.” He pushed onto his knees. Staring up at a cowboy who was gathering rope in his hands made her jittery with excitement.

“I haven’t gotten a chance to touch you much.”

“What about the pantry?”

She nearly groaned at the reminder of their late-night tryst. He’d cornered her in the pantry and kissed her senseless. Somehow she’d scraped up the pudding of her mind long enough to drop to her knees and take his length into her mouth.

She wet her lips, still tasting him in her memory. After he’d given up all control with a primal grunt, he’d dragged her to her feet, pinned her to the canned goods and blown her mind with his magical fingers.

Desire raced through her veins. She reached for him.

And he bound her hands so fast, she blinked.

“Can you still move them?” he asked, voice gritty.

She wiggled her wrists. “Yes. But Beck—”

“Just for a little while, I promise. I just want…need…to make you beg.”

Goosebumps broke over her at his dark promise. In their early days, they’d had nothing but lust. Romps in the truck, in fields. While this Beck seemed every bit as playful, he was very calculating, thinking ahead to her pleasures to come.

With a mewl, she gave herself up to him with a nod. Her hands bound before her, she watched him remove her jeans and panties, followed by his shirt.

Her mouth dried out at the sight of tanned, chiseled muscles. She must have made another noise because he tossed her a grin.

Right before he threw himself down on top of her and began to lick a path from belly to inner thighs. Slowly, he nibbled his way back up. Each time he passed by her neediest spot without giving it attention, she writhed.

Finally he pierced her in his darkened gaze and planted his hands on her thighs. “You need me, honey bun?”

“Y-yes.” She could barely choke out the word. He was driving her crazy, and being unable to touch all that bronzed flesh was stealing her mind. She could still move her arms and skimmed his hair with her fingertips.

Straining his neck, he brushed his lips over her finger then sucked it between his lips. As wet heat engulfed her digit, she rocked her hips upward.


“I don’t hear you begging yet.”

She nearly laughed with the joy of it—of being with him completely at last. But when he reached up her body and lightly twisted her nipples, she could wait no longer. She bucked her hips while trying to get closer to his callused fingers. “Please.”

Was that her voice? She wrapped her legs around his back as he snaked his tongue over her wet pussy. Red-hot pleasure lashed her insides. She needed more—now.

“Please, Beck.”

His rumble in answer sent shocks through her system. He opened his mouth wide—and scattered her thoughts.

Scorching tongue moving up and down her seam. As he reached her hard nubbin, he tongued maddening circles around it. Juices flooded from her. Then he thrust two fingers deep. She cried out, lifting her hips to meet his fingers and tongue. The rising pressure was too much to bear. She needed to grab that gold prize and float away.

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