C.R. Daems - Kazak 2 - The Unthinkable (7 page)

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Authors: C. R. Daems

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: C.R. Daems - Kazak 2 - The Unthinkable
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"Let's get out of here. It doesn't appear safe," I said as I helped Karin to her feet. "I think we should take Karin to the school's first aid. She might have a mild concussion."

"You're bleeding," Karin's friend Dorothy screamed. I nodded and we made our way to the campus first aid building. My wound had distracted the questions. When we arrived, I used the bathroom to redistribute my weapons. The doctor concluded my injury was only a flesh wound but that I should go to the hospital to be safe. I declined. At my insistence, he cleaned, sutured, and bandaged it. He examined Karin and concluded she didn't have a concussion, just a good size lump on her head. When we finally exited the examining room, everyone rushed us.

"Are you going to tell us what happened, Lana, or do we have to beat it out of you?" Dorothy demanded. The other girls nodded. Karin was or pretended to be dizzy, so I gave my version.

"You had just entered Sally Brown's shop when the shooting started. I pushed Karin to the ground and fell on top of her."

"That was brave of you, Lana," Dorothy replied, looking at me wide eyed.

"I followed my natural instincts. My father's a warlord. In Afghanistan, you learn quickly it's best to hit the ground when you hear gunfire. I guess I didn't hit the ground fast enough." We talked a bit while returning to the dorm. Karin said little. I made the excuse that we needed rest and would see them tomorrow. As soon as we entered the room, I called Witton on his private line.

"Boss, there was a shootout a few hours ago. I need for it to be considered an argument or a race issue. Two men attacked two others. I don't think anyone saw me shooting, but I don't want Karin or me to be involved." I outlined the specific details. Immediately afterward, he hung up. A man of few words would be an exaggeration.

"How can you quiet the Newspapers and a police investigation?"

"Self Interest 101. The newspaper is a business, which caters to the interests of the people in their area, so that they can make a profit. Fair and balanced doesn't enter into it. They will want to get the story in print before anyone else and put their spin on it. They will have to rely on the police report and witnesses, which will be very unreliable when bullets are flying. The police work for the government, whether it be City, State, or Federal, and can be directed what or what not to report and which details to withhold."

"The professors never mentioned that course." She came over and put her arms around me. "Thank you. I hated you following me around, joined at the hip as you say. I managed to tolerate you when you seemed to fit in so easily. But I never believed I was in danger. I thought my father was being over protective of his little girl. And I didn't believe you when you said you were willing to risk your life for me. You were right to tell me I was acting like a young girl, whining because she couldn't get her way. I guess I got what I wished for-to see you in action-and I missed it."

"Wasn't much to see. Four amateurs with guns, wanting to kill an innocent unarmed girl for a religion they don't understand. A standard Muslim greeting: Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, means Peace be upon you and God's blessings. Where was the peace and God's blessings? Enough. It's time for you to study. It seems to me one of your classes gave you a reading assignment."

"I can't study after what happened. Are you crazy?"

"Of course, I'm crazy. Who else would do what I do for a living. Pick up the book and read me your assigned chapters." I pointed to her books. She gave me a dazed look, opened the book, and began reading. I asked questions as she read. Apparently, some of them were funny, since she laughed. After about an hour, we bought some snacks and drinks from the vending machine and were having a pajama party like two young girls. Around four in the morning Karin called it quits and crawled into bed. She was asleep before her head hit the pillow. I pulled the covers over her shoulders and kissed her on the forehead. A silly gesture for a Kazak.


For the next few weeks, Karin and I became the most popular women on the campus, and I achieved hero status. If they only knew the truth. Two weeks later, Witton called.

"They identified the Al Qaeda cell and arrested all its members-except the ones you shot." He gave a small snort. "There's no reason for you to stay; however, I think it would generate less questions if you did, at least, until the end of the semester." I stayed.

When the semester ended, I told everyone that I had to go back to Afghanistan with my father, but hoped to start Dartmouth next fall. Karin and I said our goodbyes. She promised to stay in touch. I thought I would like that.


I sat in Witton's office drinking coffee. Ann Marie had either changed brands or was adding something to the old one. I made a note to ask her.

"Well Boss, what's my next assignment?"

"I would have expected you to ask for time off to visit Clare."

"I thought I had to be shot up to ask," I said, holding back a smile. If you run out of places to send me, I'm willing to go off and sulk."

"General Sorinson is very pleased with you. Not only because you saved his daughter's life but for mentoring her. He said she seems to have transitioned from a young girl into an adult. He's making a 6B Prowler Jayhawk available to you to go anywhere you want. He said they would make it a training mission and simultaneously reward a few deserving pilots, since they would be allowed to wait for you. So I guess I have to give you time off or disappoint an important client and maybe the Committee." He took a sip of his coffee, and then nodded. "The Committee continues to take a special interest in you. Because you're a woman, you're a better match for certain clients, like Karin Sorinson, and your client-restrictions have produced excellent results. They are hoping your project will product at least one woman Kazak. So far the feedback from the Hill has been positive.

"So while we wait for the Committee to pick your next assignment, you can take Sorinson up on his ride. I'll let you know when they've decided.


"Hi, Clare. Before you say anything, I'm in good condition and have another story you can't print. I'd like to go to Vegas to see Gabe and Jianyu. If you can and want to, I'd like you to come along. And maybe we can go someplace else afterward if Witton doesn't call me back too soon,"

"Of course, you are due for mental evaluation. You need a full time shrink, but I guess you'll have to settle for a part-time one. Where do you want me to meet you? Since you have no injuries, I suspect you've no private plane."

"Well, my last client's father has arranged for one. He feels he owes me, although he doesn't. But it won't be the kind of comfort we're use to. Meet me at Nellis Air Base, tomorrow around two o'clock. They will be expecting you at the gate and will direct you to the airfield. See you there." I hung up before she could ask any questions. Cruel, but the surprise would be worth it.


When I arrived at the main gate to Andrews Air Force Base, they had obviously been expecting me.

"Ma'am, I'm Chief Master Sergeant Noland. If you'll park your car over there, I'll take you to your ride." Noland proceeded to give me a guided tour of the base, before driving onto the flight line and parking close to several military fighters.

"Ma'am, Lieutenant Simns has been notified of your arrival and should be here shortly. In fact, that is Lieutenant Simns approaching now." He nodded towards a good-looking man in a sage green flight suit walking towards us. He had curly brown hair, round face, athletic build, and a nice smile.

"Welcome aboard, ma'am. General Sorinson and Admiral Clemens send their regards. You know some high-ranking military men. I'm Lieutenant George Simns, your driver. Your ride is over there. It's a 6B Prowler. It's a tight fit, but I think you will enjoy the ride. I understand you're a Kazak. Pardon me for saying so, but I didn't know there were any women Kazaks." He showed no sign of embarrassment, a typical young hotshot pilot full of self-confidence.

"I'm the only one. So, I get my first ride in a navy jet, and you get to transport your first female Kazak." I pulled up my sleeve to show my Kazak ID. It still gave me goose bumps when I looked at the tattoo-a gray police-looking shield with the head of a fox in the middle, and two scrolls with Kazak, Lynn, above it, and two with Guardian, and 231 my unique identification number below it.

"I guess that means I have to keep my hands to myself, or I'll wind up in the hospital. Not to mention the admiral will have me cleaning latrines for the rest of my career." He grinned. "The Prowler has limited range, so we'll have to stop at Scott Air Base to refuel. I look forward to talking to you and to our stay in Vegas. If you would like some suggestions on were to go after that, I'd be happy to provide some."

I met his ECMO, a Lieutenant Phil James. Simns and James sat in the two front seats and I had a position in the back, which also had two seats. I loved it. Simns did some acrobatics, either to impress me or see if he could get me sick. If the latter, he failed.

At Scott Air Base, I met some Air Force pilots and received lots of attention. Like Simns, they had never seen a Kazak and had lots of questions. It took Simns an extra half-hour to liberate me. Two hours later, we landed at Nellis Air Base where Clare stood waiting, surrounded by a bunch of pilots and sergeants. Simns had provided me with a Navy flight suit and an extra one for Clare.

"Hi, Clare. Your ride is waiting. We've got about an hour while they refuel the Prowler." I handed my wide-eyed, speechless friend the extra flight suit.

"Ma'am, your friend tells me you're a Kazak. The only woman Kazak," a colonel said. Seven other pilots and a few sergeants stood waiting the answer.

"That I am. I have an hour, what would you like to know?" I settled in for the barrage of questions to follow. Most consisted of training and the life. Again, Simns had to drag Clare and me away. I had warned Gabe I was coming. He and his wife met us at the landing field. As we exited the Prowler, Simns motioned to me.

"Ma'am, we've orders to wait for you and to take you any place you want to go, so long as there is a landing field. I know you wouldn't care, but James and I do." He gave me his award-winning smile. "We'll be at the Winn Hotel when you're ready to leave, but we'll need at least twelve hours notice. We need to file a flight plan and be sure to have our eight hours of mandatory sleep." This time he grinned.

"Enjoy yourselves. I'll give you plenty of time to properly say goodbye to the girls and whatever you need to do." I left them with smiles on their faces. Gabe and his wife were surrounded by another bunch of pilots and mechanics.

"Hi, Gabe, Lauretta. It's wonderful to see you two again. I hope we aren't intruding on your plans." I knew Clare didn't mind and probably Gabe, but I wasn't sure about Lauretta.

"No, Lynn. I look forward to seeing you and Clare." Lauretta gave me a hug. "You're welcome any time."

"Give me time to talk to these curious, gallant men and women." I turned to the group "Yes, I'm a real Kazak. I'll give you one hour for any questions you may have." It was a fun hour, and I had to promise to arrive a bit early before I left. Clare and I also got several offers to take us to dinner, shows, and anywhere else we wanted to go. We declined as gracefully as we could.


We stayed five days. I treated everyone to dinners and shows. I had nowhere to spend my money but on friends. It felt good. We also spent several hours visiting with Jianyu. I found that Lauretta had begun taking Tai Ji lessons with Jianyu after watching my Kazak candidates train.

"You look at peace, Master Lynn. Although many try, few every reach that state of mind. Most seek peace through meditation. You've found it by filling a need in your life. My masters would find that interesting and unbelievable. We have been taught that meditation is the only path."

"I am at peace. I love my life, have good friends, and found my soul mate."

I reached over and squeezed Clare's hand. When she looked up, her eyes were misty. I pulled her close and whispered in her ear. "Honest feelings are never anything to be ashamed or embarrassed about. I love you."

Now tears trickled down her face. She smiled and made no attempt to wipe them away. Jianyu changed the topic and asked poignant questions about my reactions, feeling under a variety of conditions, and interaction with clients. My answers amazed me. They provided an insight I never had before. I was content to be who and what I was but had never stopped to look at why. Gabe and Lauretta looked shocked. Clare on the other hand sat quietly listening like she had heard the story before. She hadn't but somehow she knew.

Gabe and Lauretta both worked. They had managed to get five days off but now had to get back to work.

The next morning, I called for room service. After a breakfast of Swedish crepes, a fruit cocktail, and juice, we sat back relaxed.

"Where to Clare. We have a Prowler ready to take us anywhere we want. The lieutenant did say that he had to have a landing field."

"Knowing you, I'll bet you wouldn't care," Clare snorted. "How about Phoenix? The pilots will have a big city to explore, and we can travel to Sedona. I hear it's beautiful and not too many people."

"Phoenix it is. I'll notify the pilots. We should be able to depart tomorrow."


We spent a wonderful week in Sedona. I had thought I knew everything there was to know about Clare, but each time we were together, I discovered more. Reluctantly, she decided she had to get back to work. We left the next day. The pilots seemed to have enjoyed themselves in Phoenix. We flew back to Denver, where I stayed a few more days. Since Witton hadn't called, I called him.

"Well Boss, have I been retired or fired?"

"No. I was just about to call you. The Committee has given you an assignment. I'll expect you back the day after tomorrow." The phone went dead. I wondered what the assignment was for about a minute. I didn't really care. Any assignment would do.


I sat in Witton's office drinking a cup of coffee. Ann Marie had given me a new blend. I sipped it slowly trying to determine if I like it better than the last one. The last one had a stronger roast taste with a hint of chocolate. This one tasted milder with a hint of cinnamon. I decided I preferred the chocolate.

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