Craig's Heart (13 page)

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Authors: N. J. Walters

BOOK: Craig's Heart
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Evie settled against Craig and pulled his arm around her. She’d try to sleep. That would help the time pass faster.


Vladimir Drake lay in his bed in the basement of the Victorian mansion he owned here in the city. The room was in the basement, but it certainly didn’t feel as though it was. It was sumptuous with its king-sized bed and damask curtains. All the furniture was antique, the art on the wall were all one-of-a-kind masterpieces and worth a fortune. His sheets were Egyptian cotton and his bathrobe was silk.

Dawn had arrived.

Vladimir prided himself on being able to remain awake a full minute past dawn. He was strong. Stronger than all other vampires. He’d never met one older than himself. He was king of the vampires.

The room he slept in was perfectly safe. The walls were reinforced with steel with the best locks money could buy on the door. Upstairs, two of his minions would watch over him, making sure no one entered his home uninvited. They would give their lives for him. He’d seen to that with a little brain manipulation.

Humans were weak. He was strong. Like cattle, they were here to serve him, to feed him.

He’d wanted a queen by his side. Evie. He’d chosen her to be his consort. But he could see now that was a mistake. He was better off alone. Women were nothing but trouble.

Yes, she was a mistake. One he’d have to take care of before he moved on. As soon as he was finished in Chicago, he’d spend some time on his estate in Cornwall. He hadn’t been home to England in a long time.

Unable to hold off sleep any longer, Vladimir closed his eyes.

Chapter Eight

Craig came awake in the span of a heartbeat. One moment he was totally unaware, the next he was wide awake and totally conscious of all his surroundings. He was also horny as hell, his cock throbbing incessantly. There was one problem with that. He was alone.

Evie wasn’t beside him.

He jumped out of bed and leapt at the door. He misjudged his strength and crashed into the thick panel. He shook off the blow and yanked the door open. “Evie,” he yelled. His heart was racing. Had she left? Was she out there even now searching for Vladimir Drake by herself?

Evie appeared at the end of the hallway. “I’m here. What’s wrong?” She looked around, searching for the threat.

He raked his fingers through his hair. “Ah, I woke up and you weren’t there.” The last was said sheepishly. He felt like an idiot now that he knew she was still here and safe.

She gave him a soft, understanding smile. “It’s okay.”

“Promise me you won’t leave without telling me first.” If he could get that guarantee, he’d sleep much better.

She frowned. “I can’t promise you anything.”

Damek appeared next to Evie. “She will not be allowed to go anywhere without my knowledge,” the older vampire promised. Evie glared at him, but he ignored her, his attention all on Craig. Damek’s gaze flicked downward and a ghost of a smile appeared on his face. “I think you should get dressed and join us.”

Craig suddenly realized he was naked. Great, Evie was making him totally crazy. He glared at her and she threw up her hands and stalked off after Damek, muttering something about arrogant male vampires. Craig admired the sexy motion of her jean-clad butt and the way her black braid swished from side to side as she walked away.

Feeling better now that he knew Evie was still here and safe, he went back to the room and quickly dressed. There was a change of clothing in the knapsack Byron had brought over yesterday. It felt good to wear clean clothing that belonged to him even if it was only jeans and a long-sleeved wool sweater.

When he was ready, he ambled down the hallway. Once again, everyone was congregated in the living room. There was a kitchen fit for a world-renowned chef in the place, but it was rarely ever used. A glass filled with blood waiting on the coffee table next to his laptop.

Craig swallowed hard, fighting the growing need inside him. He would conquer this craving, control it instead of allowing it to rule his life. He was master of his own mind and body.

He lifted the glass and made himself sip the liquid. It slid down his throat and his entire body seemed to sigh in relief. He set the glass aside and opened up his laptop.

Sonia was wearing a coat with her purse draped over her shoulder. Craig wondered where she was going. She dropped a quick kiss on Damek’s lips. “I’ll be at the library most of the night.”

“Jerome will drive you.” Craig knew it wasn’t a suggestion but an order. Jerome was Damek’s limo driver and well trusted. “Call me when you get there.”

Sonia grinned, grabbed her tote bag and headed toward the door. “I will.”

“I will join you there later,” Damek promised.

Craig smiled at the couple’s banter. He was glad Damek had found someone who loved and accepted him as Sonia did. She’d literally given her life for him, which is how he’d ended up converting her into a vampire.

He glanced at Evie and found her watching the couple with a wistful expression on her face. She hadn’t had much family and love in her life. But that had changed. She had him now. And once his family settled down and accepted things, she’d have them too.

Evie glanced his way and frowned. Craig hoped his thoughts hadn’t slipped out. So far he hadn’t been able to read her thoughts, only her moods. From what she’d told him, she was able to do the same with him, but he wasn’t taking any chances. He pulled his mental shields into place. They locked down easier and faster than last time. Over time, he might not even have to think about them anymore. He hoped it would become as automatic to him as breathing.

He checked the information on his laptop, vaguely aware of Damek walking Sonia out to the elevator. The door closed heavily when Damek returned. Without looking up from the screen, Craig spoke. “You know, you can go with Sonia. We’ll be okay.”

“No. There are things you need to know, things I didn’t have time to tell you last night. Sonia will be fine.”

Damek’s phone rang and he grabbed it.

“I’m in the limo.”

Craig could hear Sonia’s voice easily. He felt bad for eavesdropping on their conversation, but he hadn’t quite figured out how to control his hearing yet. He could thankfully block out extraneous noise like traffic and people far away, but when it was this close it was more difficult.

“Be careful, Sonia. Don’t forget there are hunters in town.”

Damek’s words made Craig’s blood run cold. Craig could barely contain himself until his friend finished his call with his wife. “There are vampire hunters in town?”

Damek sighed and eased down on one of the rich leather sofas. “Yes. I didn’t spend all my time at the club last night. I did some investigating of my own. It seems that this Vladimir Drake is an idiot. Either he’s been making other vampires indiscriminately and letting them run amuck or he’s killing humans all over the place and not disposing of the bodies.”

Evie made a small sound of fear, but when Craig looked her way her face was impassive.

“The police have found three bodies in the past two nights alone.” Craig could sense Damek’s growing anger. “The authorities think they have a satanic cult in the city. They do not comprehend the danger of what they are dealing with. And, of course, any sign of unusual deaths brings the vampire hunters.”

“There really are vampire hunters? Like Van Helsing?” Evie looked pale. Craig grabbed his half-filled glass of blood and went to her side.

“Drink this.” He didn’t give her much of a choice, pressing the glass to her lips.

She resisted at first, but he persisted until she took a sip. “That’s yours,” she protested. “Drink some, please.” It was the please that did it. He’d do anything to make her happy and keep her safe. He took a swallow but then made her finish it.

He kept one arm around her shoulders and guided her to the empty sofa and settled her next to him.

Evie swallowed hard and took a deep breath. “Tell me about the vampire hunters.”

Craig glanced at Damek who inclined his head. “They’re a secret society that’s been around almost as long as vampires,” Craig began. “They destroy vampires—all vampires, the good alongside the bad. They’ve murdered humans who they suspected were vampires as well as those who they believed associated with vampires.”

“That’s barbaric,” Evie exclaimed.

“It is.” Damek leaned back and spread his arms across the back of the sofa. “The last time vampire hunters came to town they killed my Sonia. She was human, a researcher, a professor at a university who studied myths and legends. Her only crime was finding me.”

The walls began to undulate and Damek’s eyes turned red. His fury was like a living entity. The vampire shook himself and stood. “All the paranormal creatures have trouble with bounty hunters.”

“What are we going to do?” Craig asked. That was the big question.

“If they do not leave the city willingly, they will have to be dealt with.”

Craig knew Damek would kill them in a heartbeat if they threatened him or Sonia, and he couldn’t blame him. If anyone threatened Evie he knew he could kill them to protect her.

“I will do some scouting tonight and see if I can locate either the hunters or the rogue vampire.”

Craig checked his laptop, bringing up the results of some of his searches. “I’ve got some possibilities for property where Vladimir might be living. The name of the purchaser isn’t quite the same as either of his names, but they’re close. There are about thirty places.”

“I can probably get to about half tonight. I still have to spend time at the club and with my wife.” Damek gracefully rose from the sofa and straightened the cuffs of his shirt so the sleeve of his jacket was aligned perfectly.

Craig stood and went to his friend. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, for us. Thank you.” He reached out and hugged Damek. The older vampire stiffened slightly and then pulled Craig against him.

“I will protect you, my friend.”

“Take care of yourself and your wife first. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to either of you.” That was one of Craig’s biggest worries. He was prepared to fight and die if necessary, but he wanted his friends and family safe.

Damek pulled back and there was a predatory smile on his face. “Do not worry about me. I can take care of myself and my own.”

Craig believed him. Evie silently watched them and he wondered what she was thinking. He considered trying to read her thoughts but decided that would be not only rude but a violation of her trust.

“I’ll text you the list of properties,” Craig promised.

Damek nodded and headed out, leaving them alone in the apartment.


Evie breathed a sigh of relief as soon as Damek left. That was one intense dude. He wasn’t an overly large man, but he was well-built and there was no doubting the power that emanated from him.

She was still trying to digest everything they’d just told her. Vampire hunters. It was hard to believe. But then again, so was the idea of vampires. Yet here she was.

“Are you okay?”

Craig placed one finger under her chin and tilted it upward. His hair touched his broad shoulders and the gray sweater he was wearing brought out the color in his eyes, making them look even bluer. It had been difficult to leave him this evening. It would have been so easy to stay snuggled next to him. If she had they probably would have made love again.

She was getting too close to him and that couldn’t end well. Evie was a realist. No matter what Damek believed, she didn’t expect to live through the coming confrontation. Vladimir Drake might not be as old as Damek, but he was cunning and strong. Most of all, he was obsessed with her and undoubtedly angry at her escape. He would stop at nothing to find her, if only to kill her.

“Evie?” Craig brushed a lock of hair away from her eyes, hooking it gently behind one ear. A shiver of desire raced down her spine and her nipples stood at attention. Craig’s gaze narrowed and he licked his lips.

“No.” It wasn’t easy, but she pulled away from him. “We have work to do.”

“Is that the only reason why?”

Evie damned him for being so smart. “Of course, what else could it be?”

“You tell me.” He tilted his head to one side and studied her.

She shrugged. “We’ve got a lot to deal with right now. It’s not smart for us to get involved.”

His expression turned gentle. “We’re already involved, Evie.”

She wrapped her arms around herself, feeling cold in spite of the fact she could usually control her body temperature. She concentrated on becoming warm, but it didn’t help. “We need some distance. Some perspective.”

“You mean you want to keep me at a distance.” He prowled closer, his movements more fluid than they’d previously been. He was changing by the hour, just as she was. It was strange to keep expecting her body to behave as it had when she was human. How she walked, her strength and all her senses were so different, foreign in many ways.

Craig dragged his thumb over her bottom lip and she almost whimpered. Her pussy ached for him. He was a vampire. She knew he could smell her arousal, yet he didn’t refute her claim of wanting distance even though her body betrayed her word as a lie.

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