Craig's Heart (16 page)

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Authors: N. J. Walters

BOOK: Craig's Heart
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The door opened when they reached it and Hank ushered out a group of four guys. They weren’t falling-down drunk, but they’d obviously had a good time. As the humans laughingly stumbled down the sidewalk toward a waiting cab, Craig nodded at his brother-in-law. “You going to let us in?”

“Do Meredith or Isaiah know you’re coming?”

Craig shook his head. “No, but I wanted to talk to them in person rather than call.”

Hank nodded, his expression grim. “Everyone is inside. That was the last of the customers and there is no human staff on tonight.”

When Craig raised one eyebrow in silent question, Hank gave a shrug. “They’re out with the flu. Both Bethany and Chrissten worked the floor tonight.”

Hank opened the door wide. “Come on in.”

Chapter Ten

Evie liked the vibe of the place but didn’t get much of a chance to look around. They were immediately surrounded by people.

“Craig!” A beautiful woman with a lush figure, long black hair and lovely blue eyes came forward with her arms wide open.

“Meredith.” There was a wealth of caring in Craig’s voice and Evie understood that these weren’t just friends of his. He considered them family.

They hugged briefly, but Meredith quickly stepped back. She sniffed the air and glanced behind Craig, her eyes narrowing on Evie.

A giant of a man with shaggy brown hair and rugged features stepped up next to the woman before sliding slightly in front of her. “What the hell is going on?” His voice was low and demanding.

“Isaiah.” Craig nodded at the big man. Evie knew this man and the woman beside him were full-blooded werewolves. She was still trying to come to grips with the idea that real shapeshifters actually existed.

The rest of the group circled them. The people she didn’t know were lining up behind Meredith and her man while Craig’s family stood behind them. Evie’s spine tingled. She hated having them at her back. She wasn’t sure they wouldn’t attack her if given half a chance.

Craig put his arm around her and pulled her into the curve of his shoulder, leaving no doubt that they were together. Evie stood a little straighter. Not that she could intimidate any of these people. They were all much taller than her. More muscular too. She wasn’t sure who would be stronger if it came to a test of strength—vampire or werewolf. She hoped for Craig’s sake it didn’t come to that.

“It’s a rather long story.” Craig’s tone was even, but she could hear the hurt in it. “I wanted you to hear it from me.”

Meredith smiled and shifted to stand in front of her husband. “Why don’t we all sit down.” It was more a command than a suggestion and all the others immediately sat. All but the big guy. “Isaiah.” Evie almost smiled at the slight warning in Meredith’s tone.

He sighed. “All right.” Isaiah stepped back and Craig walked past him. Evie kept one eye on the werewolf. She wondered what he’d look like when he shifted. One thing for sure, she wouldn’t want to have to face him in a fight. He looked like the type to do whatever it took to win.

Craig held out a chair for her and Evie sat. She tapped her boot on the floor, her nerves frayed almost to the breaking point. It took an enormous amount of effort to control all her senses. Even the dim light of the club was hard on her eyes. She wished she had a pair of sunglasses.

Craig seemed to be holding up better than her. Either that or he hid it better. He was calm in a sea of tension and unasked questions.

“What happened?” Meredith asked.

Craig didn’t answer. Instead, he introduced her. “This is Evie. Evie this is Meredith Striker and her husband, Isaiah. They own Haven.”

“Hi.” She didn’t bother with any other pleasantries. The big guy currently had a scowl on his face and had his arms crossed over his chest. Not exactly the friendly sort.

“You’ve already met my family,” Craig continued. “The two men next to Meredith are her sons, Michael and Benjamin. Just behind Isaiah are Kevin, Teague and his wife, Neema.”

Evie nodded.

Suspicion filled Isaiah’s gaze. “Now that we all know one another, who exactly is this woman and why don’t you smell like yourself anymore?”


Craig knew he’d probably smell different to them. They were wolves after all, with keen senses. But he hadn’t expected them to catch on quite so quickly. He owed them all answers.

“I was on my way here the night I disappeared.” He gave Meredith a slight smile. “I heard a sound coming from an alleyway not too far from here.”

Evie tensed next to him and he took her hand, silently reassuring her she wasn’t alone.

“You had to check it out, didn’t you?” Isaiah’s question made Craig smile.

“Yeah, I did.”

“You should have come and gotten one of us to go with you.” Isaiah’s scowl couldn’t get any darker. Craig knew it was because he was protective of those he considered to be in his pack.

“I thought about it, but I figured it was a stray cat or dog.” Evie made a small sound beside him and he smiled. “Instead, I found Evie.”

Craig felt his brother stirring behind him. The last thing he wanted was a fight among the werewolves so he hurried on with his tale. “Evie had been stalked and attacked by a vampire. He’d changed her but she’d managed to escape from him.”

Isaiah surged to his feet. “Vampire? You brought an unknown vampire into our home?” Isaiah’s face partially morphed into a wolf and his fingernails lengthened into deadly claws.

Beside him, Evie gasped and he felt the sudden surge of her fear.

Craig slowly rose, trying to control the anger bubbling through his veins. He’d always accepted everything about them, done all he could to help the pack. He’d trusted them. Why couldn’t they do the same for him? A part of him knew he wasn’t being fair. A part of him didn’t care.

He knew his eyes had turned when Meredith put a hand across her mouth and stared at his face. “Actually, I brought two.” He faced his friends who were looking at him with equal parts fear and pity. “Evie attacked me and when she realized what she’d done, she tried to save me. Instead, she turned me into a vampire like her.”

He could hear all their individual heartbeats growing louder and faster, hear their blood swooshing through their veins. He sucked in a deep breath, desperately struggling for control. He didn’t want a fight with his friends. All he wanted was for them to understand and accept. He knew he was asking a lot. Maybe too much.

“Come, Evie. It’s time for us to leave.” He guided her toward the door. None of them tried to stop them. Disappointment threatened to break him.

Chairs pushed back and he knew his family was following, including Bethany and Hank. He could smell their individual scents getting closer instead of farther away. Craig worried most for Hank as he was an official part of the Haven pack and one of Meredith’s adopted sons. Being seen as taking Craig’s side in this could damage his relationship with the rest of the pack. But it was Hank’s choice and he couldn’t help but feeling a sense of relief at knowing his family had his back.

Craig shoved open the door and stepped out into the night, taking a deep, calming breath.

“Are you all right?” Evie’s concern was a balm to his anger and disappointment.

“No, but I will be.” Her eyes were tinged red as well. Her fangs dropped. Craig knew he shouldn’t have brought Evie here, exposing her to both temptation and possible danger. It wasn’t easy for either of them to control the bloodlust when they were around so many people. For whatever reason, it was easier to control around Damek and Sonia. Maybe because they were vampires too. He took both her hands in his. “Forgive me.”

She went up on her toes and placed her hands on his face. “There is nothing to forgive. Ever. I’m the one who should be begging you for your forgiveness.”

“Well, can you do it back at our place?” Hank said as he scanned the street, his eyes ever moving as he peered all around. “We shouldn’t be standing around outside leaving ourselves so exposed.”

“Hank is right. We need to get home.” Quinn clapped Craig on the back. “Come on.”

Home. Craig wasn’t sure what that was anymore. A few days ago, he’d been certain it was Chicago and Wicker Park. He’d felt a part of something, an extended family. Now, that sense of belonging seemed to have disappeared.

Well, almost. He still had his brother and sister and their spouses. He turned to face them, keeping Evie tucked safely under his arm. The need to keep her close and protect her overrode everything else.

“Thank you for standing by me, but I don’t want to make things difficult for any of you. We’ll be going back to Damek’s.” They probably shouldn’t have left there in the first place, but he’d missed all his friends. “Thank you for having my apartment cleaned. I appreciate it.”

Chrissten gave a small cry and threw herself into her brother’s arms. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a reassuring hug. Evie discreetly moved out of the way, which Craig didn’t like at all, but he understood why she did it. He knew Evie was upset on his behalf at what had happened in the club.

“We want you home with us.” Chrissten clutched him, and he felt her desperation. They all wanted to turn back the clock and return to life the way it was. But that was impossible. There was no changing what was.

“Not until the threat is gone. I won’t put any of you in danger.” Craig sighed and kissed his sister on the temple. “I shouldn’t have come here tonight.” He gave a rueful smile, “But I missed you all.”

He felt Evie edging away from the group and reached out. He grabbed her arm and tugged her toward him. The last thing he wanted was for her to slip away by herself. “I wanted Evie to meet everyone and I wanted to talk to Meredith and the others in person. An error in judgment on my part.”

A familiar long black vehicle rolled up beside them. The back door opened and Damek stepped out. “I thought I might find you here.” The older vampire pinned him with a steady look. “Alarm systems and locks?”

Craig shrugged. “Seems I have a talent for bypassing them.”

“So I discovered.”

Craig knew his friend wasn’t happy with him, but he also sensed Damek understood why he’d come. Fatigue washed over him. He was tired. His entire life had been filled with one struggle after another, and he’d spent almost two long years of that time alone, unable to see his family or shared his worries with anyone. That might have been more than five years ago, but he hadn’t forgotten for one moment what it felt like.

Then his family had been reunited and he’d found Haven and Damek. The need to keep them all safe and cherish them was his goal in life. Now he didn’t know what was going to happen. All his plans were dust.

He squared his shoulders. He had money and he had drive. Plus, he had Evie and Damek and his immediate family. He nodded at Damek who inclined his head. The older vampire knew his thoughts. Craig wasn’t even trying to hide them from his friend.

Craig went to his brother and hugged him. “I love you.”

Quinn slapped him on the back and returned the hug. “I love you too. We all do. Whatever you need, I’m there.”

Next Craig hugged Bethany, who kissed his cheek. Then his sister. Finally, he turned to Hank. “I don’t want to make any problems for you.”

Hank shook his head. “There’s no problem. If they decide they don’t want me working at Haven anymore, I’ll find a new job. No big deal.” Hank took his hand and pulled him into a half hug. “You’re Chrissten’s family and she’s everything to me.”

Craig believed the big half-breed werewolf.

Evie stood by the door of the car, patiently waiting. Craig urged her into the vehicle and started to follow, but then paused. “Are you coming?” he asked Damek.

“I’ll be along shortly. I still have one final property to check. There is blood in the refrigerator behind the bar. One bag each. Then you should rest. We have a lot to do tomorrow night?”

Craig nodded and slid in beside Evie. Damek shut the door and the car slid away from the curb. The dark, glass panel separated them from the driver, giving them privacy. He closed his eyes and rested his head against the smooth leather. He was physically tired and emotionally drained.

A small hand covered his. Craig opened his eyes and stared into her concerned green gaze. “I’m sorry you had to witness that, Evie.”

She shook her head. “It’s okay. It was a lot for you to expect them to accept all of this so easily.”

“Why? I had no problem accepting them.”

“But they don’t know me. They probably think I’m controlling or manipulating you somehow. They’re afraid for the safety of their pack.”

He brought her hand to his lips. He opened his mouth and sucked on the tip of one of her fingers. The fatigue that swamped him only moments before was quickly being replaced by something else, something more powerful. His cock lengthened, pushing against the zipper of his jeans.

Evie gave a low, sultry laugh when he nipped on the pad of flesh at the base of her index finger. “It’s not going to take us that long to get back to Damek’s place,” she reminded him.

“I can work fast,” he promised. He needed to touch her, needed the connection to the one person who truly understood what he was going through. “Maybe I shouldn’t ask this of you, but I am.” Craig lifted her easily, placing Evie on his lap. “Let me love you.”

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