Crazy Horse and Custer: The Parallel Lives of Two American Warriors (84 page)

BOOK: Crazy Horse and Custer: The Parallel Lives of Two American Warriors
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Abilene, Kansas, 258
Adair, James, 9
Adams, Charles Francis, 184
Agard, Louis, 375
47–50, 77, 131, 136–37, 155, 158
Alexander II, Czar, 343–45
Alexandria, La., 249
Alexis, Grand Duke, 343–47
American Fur Company, 17, 51, 61
American Horse, 135, 237
American Indian Movement, 307
Antietam, battle of, 255
Apaches, 299, 318–20
Appomattox, 171, 197–99
Arapahoes, 7, 146, 232–43, 299, 318–21; battle with Sioux, 79–80; census of, 482
Arkansas River, 299, 313
Army of Northern Virginia, 186–89, 196–215
Army of the Potomac, 168, 171, 174, 178, 187, 196–213
morality in, 184
Arrow Creek, 354–57
Ash Creek, 417
Ashes (man), 341
Audubon Society, 313
Custer, George Armstrong
Bacon, Elizabeth (Mrs. George Armstrong Custer), 88, 91, 301, 309–11, 336–38, 377; courts Custer, 181–85; Custer worries over, 282–83; and Custer’s court-martial, 288–89; described, 181–82; grand duke and, 346–48; honeymoon of, 191–92; in camp with Custer, 198, 207; in Kansas, 257–59, 270–71, 327; in Monroe, 361; in South, 248–52; in New York, 399; in Washington society, 208–14; marriage, 189–92; widowhood of, 477–78
Bad Heart Bull, 134, 341, 421
Baker, E. M., 353
Ball, Charles P., 113
Baltimore, Md., 177
Bancroft, George, 254
Barrett, Lawrence, 258, 337, 343, 398
Bayard, Thomas, 402
Bear Butte, S.D., 37, 379, 397, 453; Sioux council at, 74–77
Bear’s Rib, 78–79
Beaver Creek, 462–63
Belknap, William, 397–402
Belle Fourche River, 37
Belmont, August, 336
Bennett, James Gordon, 399–407, 424–26
Bent, George, 152, 155, 326
Benteen, Frederick, 325, 431, 436–46, 479
Big Bellies, 135–37, 275–76, 342
Bighorn Mountains, 231–43, 259, 292–97
Bighorn River, 131, 335, 366, 381
Bingham, John A., 93–94, 253
Bismarck, N.D., 347–48, 401
Black Buffalo Woman, 76, 137–42, 296, 338–43, 482
Black Elk, 356, 436, 459
Black Hills, S.D., 8, 16, 37, 51, 77–79, 154, 374–81, 387–96, 452–59
Black Kettle, 150–51, 318–20
Black Moon, 417
Black Shawl, 356, 366, 456, 465, 470, 474, 479
Black Twin, 142, 296, 341–43, 390, 397, 421
Black Wolf, 158
Blackfeet, 8
Blackfoot, 7, 156
Blair, Austin, 179, 188
Blair, Frank, 256
Bloody Knife, 364, 375, 377, 405, 408, 425, 439
Boller, Henry, 11, 13
Bonneville, Benjamin, 5
“Boots and Saddles”
(book), 382
Bordeaux, James, 63–64, 69
Bouyer, Mitch, 430–31
Bozeman Trail, 163–64, 227–31, 293–96, 305–9, 414, 456
Bradley, L. P., 468–72
Brandy Station, Va., 176, 186–87, 192, 202
Brave Heart’s Society, 48
Brown, John, 111
Brown, William, 238–43
Brulés (
see also
Spotted Tail), 8, 232, 298; attacked by Mills, 453; census of, 148, 483; fighting methods of, 70–72; and Grattan affair, 61–64; and Laramie Loafers, 157
Bryant, William Cullen, 254
Buchanan, James, 92
Bulkley, John, 92
Bull Bear, 51–52, 457
Bull Head, 341
Bull Run, first battle of, 172–73
Buntline, Ned, 343
Burgettstown, Pa., 85
Burnside, Ambrose E., 169, 195
Burroughs, John, 478
Calhoun, Margaret Custer, 477
Calvinism, 23
Camp Rankin, 151, 152
Camp Robinson, 462–74
Camp Supply, 313
Canada, 458
Carrington, Henry B., 228–43
Casper, Wyo., 160
Cedar Creek, Va., 203
Central Pacific Railroad, 226
Chandler, Zachariah, 214–15, 253–54, 397
Chase, Salmon P., 254
Chatillon, Henry, 14
Cheyennes, 7, 146, 232–43, 262–71, 298, 324–26, 364–65, 414–17; at the Little Bighorn, 436–46; at Platte Bridge, 158–62; at Sand Creek, 146, 150–51; at Washita, 318–24; bullet-proofing ceremony, 75; census of, 148, 482–83; cholera epidemic and, 52–53; rescued by Crazy Horse, 456–57; surrender, 460
Chicago, 332
Chippewas, 7, 12
Chips, 56, 153, 158
Chivington, John M., 150–51
Christiancy, Isaac, 179
Cisco, Johnnie, 199
City Point, Va., 214
Clark, William, 31
Clark, William H., 438, 460–68
Cleveland, Grover, 87, 402
Cleveland, Ohio, 255
Clymer, Hiester, 402–4
Cody, William F., 343–45, 480–81
Coke, Edward, 33
Colfax, Schuyler, 209–10
Collins, Caspar, 147–49, 162
Collins, William O., 147–49, 154
Comanches, 299, 318–21
Comes-in-Sight, 422
Commager, Henry Steele, 24
Comstock, William, 278–89
Confederate States of America, 101, 114–15
Conquering Bear, 54–56, 61–65, 69
Cooke, Jay, 372
Cooke, William, 278, 287, 300, 357, 439
Cooper, James Fenimore, 13, 28–29
Cooper Union, 332
Cortes, Hernando, 6
Cotton, Annie, 184
Crazy Horse (
see also
Curly), 17, 381–82, 412–17; contrasted with Custer, 121–25, 206–8, 209, 219–21, 225, 243, 362–67; nicknames of, 38; description of, 158–59; and discipline, 122; and history, 123; world view of, 124–25; as hunter, 129–30, 259, 299; fights Shoshonis, 130–33; fighting methods of, 133–34, 331–35, 420–23, 444–46; fights Crows, 135; becomes shirt-wearer, 135–37; and Black Buffalo Woman, 137–42, 296, 338–43; guerrilla warrior, 146, 150–52; friendship with Collins, 147; at Julesburg, 151–54; and Laramie Loafers, 157; at Platte Bridge, 159–63; at Fort Phil Kearny, 225–43, 293–96; as decoy, 237–39; opposes treaty with whites, 275–76, 305–9; on the Yellowstone River, 353–56; and Black Shawl, 356; and sale of Black Hills, 388–96; at Rosebud, 420–23; at the Little Bighorn, 437–47; after the Little Bighorn, 451–56; tries to surrender, 456; and deserters, 457–58; surrenders, 459–62; on agency, 463–71; death of, 473–74; burial, 477
Crook, George, 401, 414, 417–18, 420–24, 452–71, 481
Crow Agency, Mont., 482
Crow Dog, 481
Crow Feather, 76
Crow Owner’s Society, 48, 137, 335
Crow’s Nest, 431
Crows, 7, 53, 134, 299, 335–36, 382, 421–23, 457, 483
Curly (
see also
Crazy Horse), birth, 37; childhood, 38–46; as teen-ager, 56; and Grattan affair, 64; vision of, 67–68, 77; first kill of, 70; and Harney campaign, 73; among Cheyennes, 75; at Bear Butte Council, 76–79; gets name of Crazy Horse, 80–81
Curly Hair, 326
Custer, S.D., 395
Custer, Boston, 90, 418–19, 439, 443
Custer, Elizabeth Bacon (Mrs.),
Bacon, Elizabeth
Custer, Emmanuel, 27, 86–90, 95, 169
Custer, George Armstrong, 21, 26, 30, 247–48; contrasted with Crazy Horse, 121–25, 206–9, 219–21, 225, 243, 362–67, 383; and ambition, 33; birth of, 85; family of, 85–90; in Michigan, 90–92, 252, 309–10; appointment to West Point, 93–95; characteristics of, 94–95; at West Point, 99–111; writing of, 110–11; politics of, 112–13,
203, 209–10, 253–57, 400–7; graduation of, 115–17; and discipline, 122; world view of, 123–25; response to war, 167, 170, 172–73; at First Bull Run, 172–73; health of, 175; and women, 179–85; and Pleasonton, 177–79, 185–86; and liquor, 184; as a general, 186–89, 195–97, 200–3, 311–23, 436–43, 444–46; relations with enlisted men, 198–204, 270; and discipline, 206–8, 250–51, 285–86; and flattery of, 208–9; in Texas, 248–51; in Hancock campaign, 259–71; Kansas campaign of, 277–89; and Carrington, 280; and Sherman, 281–82; court-martialed, 300–1; and Washita campaign, 311–23; in Kansas, 277–89, 324–27; in New York City, 336–38; and grand duke, 343–48; on Yellowstone expedition, 375–81; and Belknap, 397–400; in 1876 campaign, 418–20; marches to the Little Bighorn, 424–28; at the Little Bighorn, 436–43; death of, 443–44; mistakes of, at the Little Bighorn, 444–46; burial of, 477–78
Custer, Jacob, 85
Custer, Maria Ward, 85–90
Custer, Nevin, 90
Custer, Tom, 90, 199–200, 219, 248–50, 278–89, 300, 357–64, 401, 418–19, 443
Custer Hill, 440–46
Dana, Charles A., 337
Dansard, Mary, 361
Davis, Theodore R., 263
Deadwood, S.D., 455
De Crèvecoeur, 33
Deer Creek, 155
Delaware scouts, 277
Democratic party, 170, 188, 252–57, 399–408, 430
Denig, Edwin, 10
Denver, Col., 150–51, 152, 324, 345
Department of the Missouri, 301
De Smet, Father, 54–55, 374
De Tocqueville, Alexis, 21, 32
Dodge, G. M., 156
Dodge, Richard, 41
Douglas, Stephen A., 255
Dull Knife, 456, 482
Du Pont, Henry A., 104–6
Eagle Feather, 52
Eagle Foot, 296
Eats Meat, 240
11th Ohio Cavalry, 154
Eliza, 199–201, 248, 271, 357
Elizabethtown, Ky., 338, 347
Elliott, Joel H., 287, 300, 318–23
Endicott, William, 402
Episcopalian Church, 103
Erikson, Erik, 46
Eubanks, Mrs., 156
Evans, John, 150
Fair Grounds, New Orleans, 347
Fallen Timbers, 27
Far West
(steamboat), 419–31

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