Crazy Love (26 page)

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Authors: Desiree Day

BOOK: Crazy Love
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Why You Should Never Cheat on Your Fiancé, Part I
  1. You might leave behind incriminating evidence
  2. You might get caught
  3. Your fiancé will be devastated

tacie turned her brown eyes to Crawford. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to her. His head was bowed so low that all Stacie could see were his shoulders as she glared at him. The only sound in the hotel room came from the TV. They were watching a porn movie and the actress's fake moaning filled the room. “I don't know what happened, I thought I put it on right,” he offered weakly. He had put his hands over his mouth and was speaking through the slits of his fingers.

“You thought you put it on right? How hard is it to put on a fucking condom!” she yelled. “All you have to do is unroll it and
It's on!” For the second time that day, a wave of panic washed over her. The enormity of what she had done hit her like a Mike Tyson punch; hard and painful, it left her breathless. The room began swimming and she dropped her head between her knees.

Sitting with her head dangling and sucking in the stale air, all she could think of was Jackson, and how he would feel if he ever found out. The bed shifted and she watched Crawford make his way across the room and into the bathroom. He closed the door and locked it securely behind him as if he was afraid she'd come in after him.

“I don't want you, man,” she muttered to herself, then chuckled mirthlessly. “I should've said that two hours ago. Then I wouldn't have some damn busta's condom stuck up my pussy!” She pulled herself up into a sitting position and as she did so, she spied her shoes lying next to the bed. They were the pumps she had spent the day trudging around downtown in.

A second later she was on the floor and they were both in her hands. She had them up to her nose as if they were an oxygen tank. She alternated shoes, first a sniff from the left one, then the right, back and forth. Stacie didn't stop even when Crawford stepped out of the bathroom. She was too far gone to notice that he was in the room and even if she did, she didn't care.

Crawford stepped over Stacie and sat back down on the bed and stared at the TV with dead eyes. His fiancée was going to kill him if he got
woman pregnant. She was understanding when she found out about the cheerleader. Tolerant would best describe her reaction when a second lady turned up pregnant and pinned him as the daddy. But she was going to kill him if Stacie got pregnant.

The sniffing didn't calm Stacie like it usually did. She threw down the shoes and began to cry hysterically. “You're gonna have to get it out,” she forced out between sobs, and Crawford came to life.

“Me?” he asked incredulously. “Why me?”

“It's your shit! And I want it out now!” She moved to the bed and flopped down on her back and spread her legs wide open. Crawford was a red-blooded man and normally such a sight would have aroused him to no end. But this time it sickened him.

“Oh, hell naw,” he protested as he began backpedaling toward the door.

“Get your ass over here and get your shit outta me!” Stacie ordered. Her face had turned red and her eyes had narrowed to teeny slits.

Crawford fearfully inched toward her as if the devil himself was beckoning him. “What am I supposed to use?” he asked stupidly, and Stacie suddenly wondered what the hell attracted her to him. Not only was he a joke, but he was dumb as hell.

“How am I supposed to know? It's not like I get a condom stuck up my twat every day. Check your briefcase. I'm sure you have something.” Just then his cell phone rang and Crawford made a move to pick it up. “Don't you dare,” Stacie hissed between clenched teeth. “If you pick it up, I promise you that it'll be smashed to bits. Now let's focus on getting this thing out of me.”

Crawford tightened his lips and plucked his briefcase off the floor. He could feel Stacie's eyes on him as he rummaged through it. He held up an ink pen and studied it, then turned questioning eyes on her.

“Hell naw, Crawford. You are not sticking that thing in me. I could get ink poisoning.”

“Well, I don't know what to do,” Crawford exclaimed, and threw his hands up helplessly. Then almost immediately a smile began to spread across his face. “What about if you try to push it out?”

“Push it out? Like I'm laying an egg?”

“No. Like you're having a freakin' baby,” Crawford said nastily. “Just go into the bathroom and try. And push really hard.”

“I'll try it,” Stacie reluctantly agreed. She crab walked across the room to the bathroom. “This'd better work,” she called over her shoulder. Stacie didn't bother to shut the door. She plopped right down on the toilet seat and bore down. She kept it up for five minutes. “It's not working,” she yelled to Crawford. Which was totally unnecessary, since he was watching her efforts from the bed.

He dropped his head into his hands. I'm dead, he thought. “What are we going to do?” he asked wearily.

“The hospital,” Stacie said in a flat voice.

Panic swept across Crawford's face so fast that it was comical. If Stacie hadn't been in the situation that she was in, she would've had a good laugh, but all she could manage was a bitter chuckle. “I can't go to the hospital, somebody might recognize me,” Crawford protested.

“Somebody might recognize you?” Stacie asked incredulously. “This is too goddamn much.
too goddamn much. You're coming to the hospital with me, so put on some fucking clothes!”

Don't Go Fishing Until You Can Stomach Gutting a Fish

hanks so much for making sure I got home okay,” Tameeka said gratefully, and gave Tyrell a watery smile. Tameeka nervously cleared her throat, then laid her hand on his arm. “Tyrell—”

He shrugged her hand off as if it was an annoying bug. “Hey, don't worry about it,” he muttered, then flashed her a weak smile. The billionth apology was on the tip of her tongue and he sensed it.

“Okay, I need to bounce. I'm already late for work. Need to make that cheese, otherwise this big cat ain't gonna eat. And you know how much I love to eat…” His voice drifted off as his gaze locked with Tameeka's. Tyrell broke the spell. “Call me if you need anything.” He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly and Tameeka wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life. After a heartbeat, he sighed inwardly and gently untangled her arms and pushed her away. “Take care, okay. Don't forget to call me.” He was halfway to the door when she shouted.

“No! What happens if he comes back to get me?” Tameeka cried pitifully, and rushed across the room and clutched Tyrell's arm.

“Oh damn, I didn't know he got your purse too,” Tyrell groaned and smacked his forehead with his open hand. “That's some shit. We're gonna have to change the locks.”

“He didn't get my—”

“You okay?” Tyrell asked, concern marring his face as he looked down at the top of her head. She nodded softly and when she looked up at him, her eyes were glassy with tears. She blinked and they rolled gently down her cheeks and plopped on his sleeve and into his heart.

“He didn't get my keys,” she sniffed. “But he got my purse and I had a whole bunch of stuff with my address on it,” she lied, then swiped her hand across her eyes. Everything was safely tucked in her desk drawer. “He could get
Tameeka sobbed.

“That's okay, baby,” he soothed, and pulled her into his arms and she nestled her tear-soaked face against his chest. “Nobody's getting in here while I'm here. I'll take care of you,” he vowed, her knight in shining armor.

“You will?” Tameeka murmured; she felt Tyrell nod. “I'm ready to go to bed now. I've had a
day,” she whispered in a little girl voice and peeked up at him.

“Yes, you have,” he said, comforting her. “C'mon, let's go.” He tugged her arm and led her toward the bedroom.

“Do—you—think—I—should—shower—first?” she hiccupped, then gave him a look that made his heart melt and his penis hard.

“Um—er—yeah. Go on, take a shower, I'll stand guard by the front door,” he joked faintly, and silently thanked God for the baggy clothes he was wearing. He began backing out of the bedroom.

“Hey! Where're you going?” Tameeka whined. “Don't leave me alone. I'm scared.”

Tyrell stopped at the door and casually dropped his hands in front of his pants. “Just giving you privacy, baby.”

“Oh, thank you…but I'll feel a hundred percent safer if you sat on the bed while I'm in the shower…you never know where he might show up…and he is pretty big,” she whispered in a fearful tone.

“Okay,” Tyrell huffed, then stomped over to the bed. “I'd better call in and let them know I'ma be late.”

Inside the bathroom, Tameeka stood in front of the mirror, where she knew Tyrell could see her from his perch on her bed. She giggled to herself, then put on a face of nonchalance as she began undressing.

She slipped off her top, wadded it into a ball and tossed it in the trash can; she didn't want any reminders of the robbery. Her lacy black bra was next; she rolled her shoulders as she ran her finger slowly over the left strap, then slid it over her shoulder. She did the same with her right strap. Then she let her fingers play and skip over the clasp. Tameeka peeked in the mirror and saw that Tyrell had inched to the edge of the bed wearing a look of rapture as he stared at her reflection. With one flick of her fingers her breasts sprang out like two cantaloupes and she could've sworn she heard a moan of desire coming from the bedroom.

Tameeka hid a smile as she shimmied out of her pants; then toed them into the garbage. She was glad that she had worn a thong; the silky black material was nothing more than an extra-wide piece of floss. She ran her finger along the elastic waistband and gently tugged it down past her hip. Then she pulled her hands out as if she had changed her mind. She almost giggled when she heard Tyrell suck in a mouthful of air. She seductively ran her hand over her behind as her hips began gyrating and she slowly swayed back and forth while slipping her thong down past her hips, down past her thighs, letting it drift down like a feather to her feet.

Her shower was short and quick. She wrapped an oversize towel around her, then padded into the bedroom, where she found Tyrell sitting on the bed, trying hard not to look at her.

“I feel a hundred percent better. Thank you,
my strong, black king,
for protecting me,” Tameeka gushed. Tyrell snorted in response and pushed himself off the bed.

“ 'K, I'm out,” he announced, and Tameeka's face crumbled. She scurried over to her dresser and began rearranging her bottles of perfume, lotions and fingernail polish. “See ya,” Tyrell called out to Tameeka's back. Tyrell shrugged, then ambled to the bedroom door. What he didn't see was Tameeka's mouth turning into a grin when her hand rested on a bottle of lotion.

“Can you do me one little itsy-bitsy favor before you go?” she asked in a super-sweet syrupy voice. Tyrell glanced over his shoulder and what he saw made him stop in his tracks and cause his penis to pump up to three times its normal size. Her towel was gone and drops of water glittered over her naked body and it sparkled like it was encrusted in diamonds. “I can
reach my back…can you please do it?” she asked, and held the lotion out to him.

Tyrell stared at the lotion in her outstretched hand as though it was poison.

have to get to work. Maybe some other time,” he fumbled as he tried to back out of the room while keeping his hands in front of his crotch.

“It'll only take a minute. If it takes more than that, you can spank me,” Tameeka teased. “Not that you haven't done that before.” She winked and he flinched as though she had hit him. “C'mon, puh-leeze,” she begged. “It'll help me go to sleep.” It was ten o'clock in the morning and she was going on twenty-seven hours without sleep.

“Just your back. Nothing more,” he growled, and took the lotion out of her hand. “Turn around,” he demanded. Tameeka did as he said, but then she peeked over her shoulder.

You wanna rub lotion on my back right
Wouldn't the bed be a lot better?”

“Here is fine,” Tyrell mumbled.

“What happens if I fall? I read a story on the Internet where a lady fell right on her face when her husband was rubbing lotion on her back; he inadvertently pushed so hard that she fell flat on her face and broke her nose. I don't want that to happen to me,” she said, and pulled away from him.

“You're not gonna fall!” He glared at her and Tameeka stared at him. “Fine!” Tyrell almost shouted. “We'll do it on the bed. C'mon.” He flopped down on the bed and Tameeka sat down in front of him.

“Okay, I'm ready,” she whispered, and her voice was like a caress over Tyrell's skin.

“Whatever,” Tyrell mumbled as he squirted a dollop of lotion in his hands. As soon as he touched her skin, he knew he had made a bad decision. Her skin felt as smooth as silk. It took every ounce of his energy to focus on rubbing the lotion in.

“Oooh,” Tameeka moaned.
“That feels so good
. Can you do the front?” And before Tyrell could protest, she had turned around and had her breasts in his face. “Can you lotion these too,” she whispered seductively.

“Um—er—Meek, I don't think this is a good idea.”

“What? Lotioning a friend's body. What's wrong with that? C'mon now, we're past all this. Are you afraid something will happen?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.

“Not at all,” Tyrell shot back. His hands wavered for a heartbeat over her breasts before he dipped his hands and started lotioning them. Using small, circular movements, he worked the lotion into her breasts, inched down to her stomach, then worked his way back up to her breasts.

Gawd, his hands feel sooo good!
Her nipples hardened to dime-size buds and what had started off as a trickle between her legs had grown into a river. “Oh God, T, you make me feel
good,” she moaned. “Here, baby, momma want you to taste this.” She cupped one of her breasts and swiped her nipple across his lips. “Go 'head, take it,” she encouraged. She sucked in a stream of air when Tyrell's hot lips clamped over her nipple. Tameeka grabbed the back of his head and pressed his face into her chest, giving him a mouthful of her breasts. “Do the other one,” Tameeka demanded, and Tyrell obeyed.

“I miss this,” he moaned, and gently nudged Tameeka so that she was lying on the bed facing him. He stood up and pulled off his shirt and the rest of his clothing quickly followed. Naked, he stood over her in all his glory. “My black king,” she murmured, and her eyes filled with tears. He's so beautiful. Bending to his knees, Tyrell leaned over and showered the inside of her thighs with butterfly kisses. Her feet were next. Every toe was treated to a long, lingering suckle. Tyrell retraced his kisses and buried his face in between her legs and Tameeka clamped her legs around his head and bucked her hips. They were working in perfect harmony, her hips and his mouth.

Tameeka was muttering incoherently as Tyrell's tongue worked on her. “Oh, baby, baby,” Tameeka groaned as her body thrashed wildly on the bed. “I'm about to—I'm about to come!” Her body bucked wildly and then she lay on the bed, gasping for breath.

“What's wrong? I'm too much for you to handle?” he teased, then leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips. Tameeka barely managed to shake her head. “Whatever,” he grinned as he reached into her nightstand and pulled out a condom and slipped it on. “Ready or not, here I come,” Tyrell sang, then mounted Tameeka and slid himself into her. For the first time in a long time, she felt whole.

“Ah Tyrell, do me, baby,” she groaned. With her arms wrapped around his neck and her hips matching his stroke for stroke, she was tasting heaven on earth.

“I'm doing you, baby,” Tyrell grunted. “Do you want me to do you like this?” he asked, slowing his stroke. “Or do you want me to do you like this?” He picked up the tempo and moved so fast that it left Tameeka breathless. “Or maybe you want me to do you like this?” he teased, rotating his hips in tight little circles, and Tameeka whimpered as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.

Seeing that she had been satisfied, Tyrell let loose. “Yeah, baby,
like it when
do you like this,” he groaned, and increased his speed until he found his release.

“Man!” a dazed Tyrell murmured. This wasn't supposed to happen, he thought. And it wasn't supposed to feel good. Without glancing down at her, he rolled off of Tameeka and ambled to the bathroom.

“Thank you,” a droopy-eyed Tameeka moaned with a smile. She was lying on top of the blankets, curled up into a ball, when Tyrell returned to the room.

Tyrell bent down and begin plucking his clothes off the floor and quickly dressed. All the while Tameeka was lying still on the bed. “Tameeka,” he called. “Tameeka!” he repeated. “We need to talk.”

“Oh, okay,” Tameeka mumbled, and managed to pry open her eyes. “Wasn't this fun?” she giggled sleepily. “When are we gonna do it again?”

“We're not,” Tyrell muttered, and averted his eyes.

“What?” Tameeka demanded. The shock knocked the sleep out of her. “What do you mean, we're not? You come over here and fuck me! You think you can use me whenever you want?”

“Use you? Fuck you? Listen, Tameeka.
called me.
played that little game in the bathroom.
played the game with the lotion.” He began mimicking her, ‘Here, massage me, just my back. Nothing will happen.' Well, something did happen. And I'm sorry it did,” Tyrell huffed.

“You wanted me just as much as I wanted you,” Tameeka said in a watery voice, and her eyes began filling with tears.

“I did want you and I still do. But it's over between us. I can't trust you, Tameeka. I don't ask a lot from my lady, but trust is definitely up there.”

“Can't we try again?” she pleaded. And her heart broke when Tyrell shook his head. “We can be fuck buddies, you know. Strictly sex. What do you think about that?”

Tyrell silently eyed her while contemplating her question.

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