
Read Crucified Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

BOOK: Crucified
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Marita A.


Like a television series,
Masters’ Nightmare
is broken up into seasons and episodes. A new episode
will be published approximately every 2-3 weeks until a season has ended. There
will be fifteen episodes per season.




Masters’ Nightmare

1, Episode 9



2014 © Marita A. Hansen

design © Arijana Karčić, Cover It! Designs

Photography by Nick Freund

and sourced from

All rights reserved. No
part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means whatsoever without the written
permission of the author, nor circulated in any form of binding or cover other
than that in which it is published. Thank you for respecting the hard work of
this author. For subsidiary rights inquiries email: [email protected]

All characters, names,
places, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events,
locales, or real persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


I would like to say a big
you to my beta reading team for this




Elaine Makri

Your help is greatly



Episode 8 “Questions”

Matteo’s sister takes a
to her house. After he wakes up the next day, he confuses
a dream with reality and thinks she has molested him. He attacks her, only
stopping when Matteo turns up, coming to her rescue. Once Jagger is cuffed to
the bed, Matteo leaves, unaware that Jagger will get free and take his sister
as a slave.

and Frano make love and talk about her
past. When Frano goes for a shower, Honey brings Rita her breakfast, and asks
if she can call home. After Frano returns, he says no to the call, then proposes
to Rita.

Seven years ago, the
spying on Frano skinny dipping and warns her
to stay away from the D’Angelos. Later that day, the
and his twin
brother visits her house. Christo threatens her life if she doesn’t stop seeing

Back in the present, Christo catches
raping Matteo, which ignites an
argument between the twins. Even though the tension still runs high, they all attend
the Rosso party so they can capture the Landi sisters and Thierry.

9 “Crucified” begins…


I ground against Rita, the woman
moaning under me. Dinner was drawing closer, yet I still didn’t want to leave
the bed. Rita was all I hungered for, and with the way she was kissing and
touching me all over, I was certain she felt the same way. I didn’t know how we
could go from fighting each other to making love within such a short space of time.
It was amazing, and something I never wanted to ruin.

I penetrated her deep, the wet, tight
grip on me making me growl low, because it was taking everything in me not to pound
her hard. Her hands moved to my ass
, the woman unable to keep them
off it. Though, I definitely wasn’t complaining—as long as she didn’t get
finger happy.

I leaned down and kissed her lips,
enjoying their softness. She kissed me back, then trailed her lips over my
chin, nipping at my stubble. She moved down to my Adam’s apple, making me arch
my neck as she kissed it. She had been fascinated with it seven years ago too,
and would kiss and nibble on it whenever she could, as well as running her
fingers over the bump as though it was an erogenous zone. No other female had
paid it any attention other than her, and it was sexy as hell.

She ran her lips back up my neck
and over my chin, mumbling she loved my stubble, again giving it little nips.

“I don’t love your stubble,” I
mumbled back, laughing as she jerked her head to the side.

“I don’t have stubble,” she

I rubbed my crotch against hers.
“You most certainly do, it’s scratching me. I think it might be time for
another visit to the bathtub,” I said, raising my eyebrows.

She groaned, her annoyance instantly

“I’ll take that as a yes, but only after
I come inside of you.” I pulled out of her and sat back on my knees.

She pushed up and grabbed my cock,
looking as though I’d tried to take her favorite toy away. “You just said you
were going to come in me.”

“And I will, but I want nothing
between us.” Removing her hand from my cock, I pulled the condom off and threw
it onto the carpet, then laid back down on her. She stared up at me, looking
dumbfounded. I kissed her lips, murmuring:

Sono dipendente dei tuoi baci,
I’m addicted to your kisses.
Sono dipendente da te
, I’m addicted to you.”

“Oh God,
Frano,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I took
a hold of my cock and pushed it inside of her warmth, then rolled us onto our
sides so I could continue to kiss her while we fucked. I smiled against her
lips, realizing for the first time I wasn’t fucking her—I was making love to
her, something I hadn’t done in seven years. All afternoon we’d fucked, but
now, in this moment, it felt different. It was like I had finally found home
after being lost for seven years, her absence having displaced me. I didn’t
know why, just that she made me feel like I belonged here. It was a place that
had seen nothing but heartbreak, the joy having been sucked out of it one death
at a time. So many people had died here, and I wanted it to stop. I wanted my
home to be a place where people laughed, not cried, where children ran around
instead of slaves being dragged from one cell to another. I wanted a

She flattened
herself against my body, making the sound that told me she was coming. I let
her do what she wanted, then when she had finished, I rolled her onto her back
and pushed my face into her hair. I started thrusting inside of her, no longer
holding back. I wanted to fill her over and over again, marking her as my

buildup started in my stomach and swiftly moved down to my groin, making me
pick up my thrusts, knowing I was going to come soon. She started whispering in
different languages, words I didn’t understand, until she said something in French,
which sounded familiar, then she said it in Italian:

mio, anima mia, vita
mia,” she paused, then repeated it in English, “You
are my heart, my soul, my life.”

It set
me off. I came, holding her tight as I filled her with whatever I had left
inside of me. Right at that moment, I didn’t care if she got pregnant; all I
cared about was that she was as close as possible to me, nothing between us,
both literally and figuratively.

I’d finished, I pulled out of her and rolled onto my side, all thoughts about
shaving her pussy gone, all
gone, my body both satisfied and
exhausted. I closed my eyes, murmuring that I needed sleep. She wrapped an arm
around me, my mind drifting off seconds later.

noise jolted me, making me open my eyes. I blinked, realizing I’d fallen asleep.
Rita had fallen asleep as well, her face serene. We both had an arm slung over
each other. More noise came from somewhere in the house, sounding like
arguing. Even though I didn’t want to, I removed Rita’s arm from me and got out
of bed. I went into the bathroom and quickly cleaned myself, then got dressed.
I left my room, finding a Landi soldier sitting on a chair outside my door.

The wiry-looking man stood up and bowed
his head. “How may I help you, Don?”

I closed the door behind me. “What’s
that noise?”

“Jagger’s arguing with Camila.”


.” The soldier held up his radio. “I got the
message just before you came out. I was about to tell you.”

” I quickly headed
down the passage and the staircase, spotting Jagger and Camila in the entrance,
along with the soldier who had the large facial scar. My cousin had an
unconscious woman slung over his shoulder, and was fending off a furious

“Put my niece down now!” Camila
hollered at him.

“She’s not your niece, she’s my
slave,” Jagger snapped, looking like a lion protecting his prey, his expression
vicious. He was bare-chested and was wearing what looked like ripped pajama

Camila went for him again, grabbing
at the female’s legs. Jagger pushed her back, hard enough to knock her down.
She jumped up and went to shove him, the woman obviously too angry to think

The soldier and I rushed forward at
the same time. He backed off, allowing me to grab Camila around the waist. I
pulled her away from Jagger, yelling: “
” which was
“You’ll make him drop her.”

Camila stopped struggling against
me. “Tell him to put my niece down,” she said, her voice pained. “She’s only a child.”

“Twenty-one’s not a child,” Jagger
snarled. “And she took advantage of me when I was drugged up to the eyeballs,
stripping me and sucking my cock.”

“Liar!” Camila yelled. “Teodora
wouldn’t have done that; she’s a sweet girl.”

“I’ve yet to find that out.” Jagger
flicked his tongue out, the evil smirk on his face telling Camila he wanted to lick
Teodora’s pussy.

“No! You can’t do that to her!” She
dug her nails into my arm, making me let go. Instead of attacking him, she
grabbed onto her niece’s legs again, trying to pull her off him.

Jagger wrapped both of his arms
around Teodora and pulled back, making Camila lurch forward. Camila tugged
again, screaming at Jagger to let go.

“Camila, you’re going to hurt her,”
I said.

She let go and spun around on me.
“Make him put her down then!”

“Settle down, I’ll sort it out.” My
attention moved to Jagger. “Put the girl in a spare room upstairs.”

“Slaves don’t get rooms,” he said. “I’ll
put her in one of my cells.”

“She is not to be treated as a


“Because she’s my fiancée’s niece.”

Jagger’s eyes shot to Camila, the
surprise in them morphing into rage. “Her
tortured me! They
raped and beat me! Yet, you’re going to marry her?!” he spat, his anger now
focused on me.

“She has promised us the heads of
the twins and Matteo, as well as the Donatelli wealth.”

“Money means nothing to me! Only
vengeance; and
will be delivering the
head, along with

“You cannot take Matteo down, he’s
too skilled.”

Jagger smiled, the expression
almost evil. “I already have a plan set in motion to entrap him along with the

“What is it?”

His gaze moved to Camila. “She will
not be privy to my plan.”

“She is on our side.”

He looked back at me. “As far as
I’m concerned, she is the enemy and will hear nothing from my lips.” His focus
shifted to Camila again. “And all my enemies will be punished, starting with
this one.” He smacked Teodora’s ass.

!” Camila went
for Jagger, slapping him across the face, her nails drawing blood.

He wiped his face. “You’re now second
on my list,” he said, his eyes burning into her.

“I don’t give a fuck!” she yelled.
“All I care about is that you give me my niece.”

“You will care after I’m finished
with you; so watch your back, because I might be right behind you, giving a

Camila turned to me. “I’m your
fiancée, yet you stand there and say nothing as he insults and threatens me?!”

“Last warning, Jagger: take Camila’s
niece upstairs,” I said, having no interest in defending her. I just wanted the
banshee to shut the fuck up. I could feel a headache already forming from her

Jagger shook his head. “You can’t
take my vengeance away from me.”

“Then stay with her, but she’s not
to be put in a cell.”

He frowned, but nodded. “I will only
do this for you, not her. I owe you my life.” He bowed his head, then went to walk
past me, stopping by my side. “What happened to your head?” he asked, his gaze
moving to the bandage.

“You hit me with a chair.”

His body tensed. “I don’t remember
doing that.”

“You were high.”

Mi dispiace
.” He bowed his
head again. “You can punish me as you see fit.”

“I’m not going to punish you.”

He looked up, appearing surprised.
“But, I attacked you.”

“You were not yourself, so one lapse of judgment can be forgiven.”

sempre in debito
he said, saying he was forever in my debt. He then turned and headed for the
staircase, Camila’s niece dangling over his shoulder.

Camila stepped in front of me. “You
can’t leave my niece alone with him. You heard what he said he would do to her.
She doesn’t deserve this treatment.”

“He said she sucked him.”

“He’s lying. Teodora wouldn’t have
done such a thing. He’s just using any excuse to do what he likes to the sweet

“She didn’t look like a kid to me.”

“She’s a child to me! And I have a
say in this house, so go after him and get her back.”

I leaned my face towards hers. “Don’t
you dare speak like that, I’m the don.”

“Then act like one!”

I grabbed her around the throat,
making her yell out in fright. “You are pushing me, Camila,” I growled. “All
I’ve been hearing is your raised voice, telling everyone what to do, but failing
to do what you have to. So, until I see something from you, Jagger can keep his

“Teodora is not a slave,” she

“She is now,” I said, letting her neck
go, “and it’s up to you to change that.”

“Release her and I’ll start
arranging things with my

“No, she will remain with Jagger
until I see some results.”

“But, he will hurt her.”

“He’s more likely to pleasure her
than anything else.”

“NO! Tell him to give her back.”

“Again with the orders. You’re not
learning very well, Camila. How about I give
to Jagger as a slave?
He would enjoy cutting you down to size.”

“You can’t do that,” she said, now
looking worried. “We agreed—”

“For you to give me the twins and
Matteo, but it looks like Jagger might accomplish that sooner. So, how about
you start with the banks? First thing tomorrow morning, we will go and arrange
some joint accounts.”

“You’re making me feel like a

“You are more than that to me.”

“In what way?”

I glanced at the soldier. “Please
give us privacy.”

“I will wait out front, Don,” he
said, bowing to me. “Call me when you need me.” He headed for the door, closing
it behind him.

I turned back to Camila and pulled
her in close. She stiffened in my arms, looking uncertain.

I whispered into her ear. “The
house is bugged. The Landi are listening to me along with the Salvi, which is
why I need to be careful with what I say,” I said, lying through my teeth. “They
want me to marry Sophia, so I have to pretend I will until I get enough revenue
to buy my own soldiers. Hence, why it’s so important I get these bank accounts

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