Crushed (10 page)

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Authors: Leen Elle

BOOK: Crushed
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"I didn't realize thinking I'm an idiot and hating me were two different things." Sophie sensed another argument coming on.


"Well, of course they aren't the same." He flashed her a sly smile.


"Sometimes I wonder if working with you is worth it." She complained.


"Come on, we'll be like Batman and Robin." He joked.


"In this scenario, why can't I be Batgirl?"


Robert motioned to her reflection in the glass. "Because you look more like a Robin."


Sophie let his reply hang in the air for a few moments, deciding to change the subject. "Isn't it strange that you're like this now?"


"Like what?"


"You're being excessively friendly. It was only yesterday that you were telling me I was pathetic." Sophie closed her eyes, deciding the passing countryside was distracting. "I find that very irritating."


"Would you rather me return to being rude?"


"I would rather you not pretend to be polite to me. Your lack of sincerity drives me insane."


"That's just something you'll have to get used to." Robert shrugged. "I don't support your reason for working for Cleo, but my opinion isn't going to change anything. To reach my goal I need Cleo to be satisfied, and you are what she wants now. Being mean to you would be a waste of my precious time."


Sophie grinned, pleased with what she took as an honest answer. Having him accept her completely in such a short time would have made her feel uneasy.


"You people are really kind of scary." She mentioned quietly.


"It's good that you've realized that." He answered seriously. "People with strong desires are always scary."


"Because they will do anything to get what they want?" Sophie opened one eye to glance at him.


"Exactly." He turned and winked at her slyly.


"Do you think I will become like that?" Sophie asked, closing her eyes again. "Could I become someone terrifying because of my dream?"


"It depends on how much it truly means to you. This morning you proved that you were willing to fight for your future, but the question that comes next is how much you are willing to lose."


Sophie wanted to ask Robert how much he had lost working under Cleo. She was positive he had a reason to be working as a thief, and she suspected it had to be something more than money.


"So, worst case scenario, how much are we risking to lose if we are caught tonight?" Sophie tried to pose her question in a casual way. She didn't want to betray how nervous she was.


Robert laughed, his eyes crinkling in amusement. "Don't keep expecting there to be a we for much longer. Worst case scenario for you means getting charged with trespassing. Worst case scenario for me still means getting out without being caught."


She wasn't surprised that he'd once again made the distinction that while they were working together, he wasn't going to cover for her. If she was going to survive this mission, it would be by her own efforts.


"How is escaping without getting caught a worst case scenario?"


"In that situation, I wouldn't have obtained what we came to steal. Unlike you, it's not even a remote possibility that I'd be caught on such a small job as this."


Sophie scowled at his arrogance. "What exactly are we stealing?"


"A painting that's been missing for a very long time." He mused, his eyes sparkling with an emotion Sophie did not understand.


"Cleo asked you to steal this painting for her?" She was trying to fish for more details about his work.


"Not this time." He answered. "I heard about this painting from one of my sources. It could turn out to be a fake, but I think it's worth the time to check out. If the painting is what I'm looking for, I'll end up giving it to Cleo as a present." He grinned as he glanced at Sophie. "It's always a good idea to keep the boss happy."


"Should I be expecting this to be difficult?"


"Absolutely not." Robert laughed again, amused by her ignorance. "We're breaking into the office of a college professor. To fail we'd have to purposefully draw attention to ourselves."


"Professor?" Sophie's eyes shot open, and she glanced around her, trying to make sense of where they were headed.


"We're not going to your old college." Robert assured her. "This professor works for a less prestigious college. Poor woman accidentally found our target painting."


"Why do you sound like you pity her?"


"Well, she thinks she's discovered a painting that's been missing for nearly over a century. If she's right, we'll be taking her opportunity to show off her finding. If she's wrong, then her excitement was for nothing." Robert shrugged, sounding as if he didn't' care either way.


"You can't just let her have it?" Sophie asked, feeling somewhat guilty.


"You obviously don't understand the concept of stealing. If I thought about how others felt when I stole from them, I'd be a great deal less effective as a thief. Tonight, I expect you not to care about this woman. Focus only on retrieving and escaping."


As she stared at Robert, Sophie noticed that his expression was hard. The closer they came to arriving to their destination, the less carefree he seemed.


"You'll find that stealing from the public is rather easy." Robert continued.


"Stealing from this professor is like stealing from the public?" He'd caught Sophie's interest. She felt like she was slowly beginning to understand.


"I consider stealing from places like museums, or from unsuspecting citizens, like this professor, stealing from the public. Stealing from people like Max..." He paused and his expression darkened. "That takes skill.''


"I can't imagine how stealing from a museum is easier than stealing from one person." Sophie's brow furrowed.


"It depends on the one person." He answered. "Max and Cleo aren't average people. Neither of them have had to work a day in their lives. By inheriting their fortunes they've received a lifestyle that allows them to do whatever they please. They find excitement in acquiring things that money cannot buy, and when someone tries to take what they believe is theirs...they tend to turn violent."


"Is that why Max killed my parents?" Sophie whispered.


"Possibly." Robert frowned, looking disturbed.


While Sophie was eager to keep questioning him, the time for answers had passed. The car slowly pulled to a stop, and before Sophie had realized they had arrived, Robert was unbuckling his seatbelt.


"Ready?" He asked as he opened the door to step outside of the car.


Sophie followed suit, frowning at the thousands of questions she still had racing through her mind.


"You said there was no danger, right?" Sophie replied, following close behind him as he began walking down the sidewalk. They were obviously on a college campus, but the area was unfamiliar.


"Right." He answered, shoving his hands in his pockets.


As she was examining him closely, Sophie saw him shift his behavior. His strides became slower and more relaxed, and his expression turned bored, rather than serious. For a moment he appeared to be like any of the other students walking around campus.


She tried to follow his lead, but she couldn't help feeling awkward. She'd worn a baggy sweatshirt, old sneakers, and a pair of faded blue jeans, though she still didn't feel masculine enough. She had no idea how she was supposed to act in her role. She didn't want to seem like she was trying too hard to appear like a male.


"Keep up." Robert ordered, glancing back at her.


"I'm trying." She hissed, pulling up her hood around her face as she quickened her pace so that she was walking beside of him. "How far away is this building?"


"Right up there." He motioned three buildings up. "Her office hours were over two hours ago, but we should wait until we're sure no one else is inside."


Street lights flickered on around them as they approached the building. Sophie checked her watch upon their arrival, wondering how long they would have to wait.


"Aren't there too many people around?" She asked when Robert stopped walking. Various college students were still wandering around campus, and Sophie couldn't see how they would be able to break inside the building.


"You worry too much." Robert replied casually. "People are less attentive than you give them credit for."


"So instead of being incredibly anxious, I should be bored?" Sophie crossed her arms. This job wasn't turning out to be what she expected.


Robert didn't answer her question. His eyes were focused intently on the top floor of the building, though Sophie didn't see anything that stood out.


"Shit." He whispered angrily, clenching his fist. "Someone's inside already."


Sophie glanced from him to the building. "What kind of someone?"


"If I knew he was going to be here..." Robert sighed, releasing his anger. "Well, at least we get two good things out of this unexpected turn of events." He began walking again, this time heading for the back exit of the building. "My suspicions were correct, and we don't have to worry about breaking in ourselves."


"Let me get this straight..." Sophie's voice was laced with frustration. She didn't like how Robert wasn't explaining anything. "Someone is already stealing the painting we were supposed to steal?"


"It's not that uncommon. Just mildly problematic." Robert smirked, a mischievous look on his face.


"What if he's dangerous?" Sophie asked worriedly.


"If you're that concerned, go wait in the car." Robert replied in an annoyed voice


Not a chance, Sophie thought, frowning. He wasn't going to get rid of her that easily.


"Here's the new plan." Robert began, his eyes focusing intensely on the building. "I have this area mapped out, and he'll most likely exit through that window." He motioned to the left part of the building where a window was already lifted open. "Initially, we were supposed to use that as an entrance, but it'll work just as well as an ambush point."


"You sound like you know who this thief is." Sophie accused.


"I was always a good guesser." Robert joked. "You should wait around the corner. His first instinct will be to head that direction. I'll be waiting to attack."


"Hold on, attack? What the hell is that supposed to mean? What happened to this not being dangerous?"


"Calm down. You are just a distraction. I'll be doing the fighting." He sounded nonchalant.


"You act like fighting is not that big of a deal. What if he has a weapon?"


"I'll improvise." Robert shrugged, then began walking off. "Hurry up and get into position." He ordered before disappearing behind another brick building.


Sophie's heart began to race as she crept around the corner he'd told her to hide behind. Everything was happening so suddenly she didn't have a chance to think.


She shivered as she realized how much danger she was in right now. She'd known being a thief would be difficult, but this situation seemed insane. Robert's confidence was the only thing keeping her in place. Despite his warning, she found that she did trust him, at least as a thief.


As she stood frozen in place, she felt something press gently against the back of her head. At first, she tried to believe she was being paranoid, but then she heard the heavy breathing of someone behind her.


Just as she began to scream, strong fingers wrapped around her mouth. Her eyes widened as she was swept around towards her attacker.


The stranger was twice her size and cloaked in black. However, they weren't what she was focused on. Her eyes flew to the weapon they still had pressed to her head, and her heart froze when she realized it was a gun.


All of a sudden her body shuddered in fear. She began struggling against the stranger with everything she had, panic only now setting in.


"Luke, I thought it was you."


Sophie froze at the sound of Robert's voice. Her eyes darted to him approaching casually, as if he were greeting an old friend.

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