Crushing Beauty (Harbingers of Sorrow MC): Vegas Titans Series (6 page)

BOOK: Crushing Beauty (Harbingers of Sorrow MC): Vegas Titans Series
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She ran into her house and started cleaning. She had to get
rid of anything that linked her back to the FBI. Degrees, pictures, and files
were shoved into a box and hidden in the crawlspace above her bedroom. Britton felt
a sense of relief as she set out the single picture she had of her and David. That
would have to do. There was no sign of Jagger. It would take him a few hours to
find out her address, and she desperately needed a shower.



Jagger had followed her to the hotel room door, but she'd
slammed it in his face. A normal man would accept that he had just lost the
trust a beautiful woman forever, but he was not a normal man. He was the head
of the Harbingers of Sorrow, and he took what he wanted. He would go after her.
He would force her to listen to him, and he would win her love back. He just
needed to find her address.


The steam felt wonderful and she needed the warmth of the
water on her shoulders after tonight. Every time she closed her eyes she could
see the fire in his eyes as he pulled her bindings tighter. If she was honest
with herself, he scared her, even though she would never let him know that. She
rung the water from her hair and tied a towel around her chest. She still
hadn’t called David. That would be her next move. She stepped out of the
bathroom and walked into the living room. She stopped short, her body
motionless. Jagger was there, sitting on her couch.


“How the fuck did you get in here?”

“Is this David?” He was holding the picture.

“I locked my door.” She couldn’t help but stand up to him.

“You know that’s never stopped me before.”


Britton remembered back to a night eleven years earlier,
when her father had forbid her from seeing Jagger ever again and she awoke to him
curling up beside her in her bed that same night.


This didn’t make her swoon though. He had broken into her
house, and his lack of respect for boundaries made her very uncomfortable. What
might he be able to find if he broke in one day while she wasn’t home?


“So is this David?”


“He’s a good looking guy.”

“He is.”

“He doesn’t look anything like me.”

“I know.”


That nipped more than he had expected. He wanted her to be
attracted to no one else but him. He stared at the picture, imagining this
guy’s hands on her body, the body that belonged to him. He felt the fire return
to his chest, as he couldn’t rid the image from his mind. He threw the picture,
hitting the wall and shattering the glass. Britton shrieked out of sheer




Jagger stood, towering over her.


“Does he touch you.”


“Do you let him touch you?”

“We’ve been together for four years...” She wasn’t answering
the question, but knew that his mind would be spiraling with the implication.


They heard a car pull into the driveway.


“Who is that?”

“I don’t know.”


Britton peeked out of her window. It was David. What was she
going to do?


“It’s David. Can you hide?”


“Please, he can’t know you’re here.”

“I want to speak to him.”

“You do and you’ll never speak to me again.”


Jagger resigned himself and moved down the hallway, out of
sight. Britton opened the door as David walked up.


“Where have you been? I've been calling you all night.”


Britton quickly widened her eyes, hoping to warn him that
Jagger was in her house.


“I got stuck at the casino. The high roller room stays open
all night.”

“I thought you got off after we spoke on the phone.”


She started speaking more deliberately, hoping he’d play


“I know, but after our fight, I didn’t want to go home. I
knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep without you beside me.”


Jagger couldn’t handle hearing that. He slammed his palm
into the wall.


“Britton, is someone here?


Briton thought fast. She grabbed David’s face and kissed
him. It started off labored and fake, but as she held him longer, they both eased
into it naturally, allowing their bodies to take over. David encircled his arms
around her and pulled her towel-wrapped body into his. He found himself growing
and quickly pulled himself away, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hide his desire
much longer.


“You really worried me last night. Don’t ever do that
again.” He drew her into a hug and whispered in her ear. “Is Jagger here?”


She looked into his eyes and bounced her own up and down,
signaling that his speculation was correct.


“I’m sorry that I worried you. I’ll call you later.” she


As she pushed him out of the door, he noticed her wrists. He
quickly looked up at her and mouthed, “Are you okay?” She nodded, but could
tell David was worried. She knew she’d have to explain how she received the
injury at her next debriefing. Britton was not looking forward to that.


She closed the door and turned around. Jagger was standing
over her, his nostrils flaring with anger.


“I forbid you to see him.”

“He’s my boyfriend.”

“You know what I’m capable of, right?”

“Are you threatening me?” Britton did not like the path this
conversation was heading down. She needed to avert his attention. “What are you
doing here?”

“I came to get you back.”

“You tied me up and abused me. Why would I come back to
you?” She wanted him to keep begging. She needed Jagger to think that letting
her in was completely his idea, his decision.


Jagger sat down on the couch. He felt defeated. He never had
to ask anyone anything more than once. People just always did what he told them
to do. Why was she so different? Why didn’t he have that power over her?


“Babe...” He paused, at a loss for words. “I don’t know what
came over me. I thought you had betrayed me. I thought you had forced your way
back into my life to trick me into…something. I don’t even know what, but in my
line of work I need to be careful. I can’t act purely on emotions. I slipped up
with you in a moment of weakness. When you’re around, I don’t think straight. I


Britton’s heart softened. It was exactly what she wanted to
hear. He'd opened up to her, and after all these years, he obviously still
cared about her.


He continued. “I shouldn’t have hurt you; it just progressed
out of habit. I was angry. Britton, I am so sorry. Sorry for everything...” His
voice cracked, and she knew she had won. She sat beside him and took his hand. Warmth
flowed through her own, and she felt whole for the first time since he had left
her on the side of that road, she felt like she was home. He turned toward her
and opened his arms to her embrace. He felt her chest rise and fall against
his. It was comforting. He didn’t ever want to let her go. They stayed that way
for what seemed like forever.



Exhausted from the night before, they fell asleep together
on the couch. The next morning, when she opened her eyes to the sound of a
phone ringing, his arms were still fully wrapped around her. The towel tucked
around her body had come undone, and she was exposed. Britton wanted him to
open his eyes and see her. She wanted her body to be in his sights, and she
wanted him to crave it.

She pushed back, hoping that her movement would wake him up.
He stirred, and drew her in closer, splaying his hands against her bare breast.
This sensation woke him up and he lazily caressed her, finding her nipple and
bringing it to a point. His fingers danced around her chest, calling her body
toward his. She turned around to him, wanting more, and his eyes met hers.


Jagger wanted them to start fresh. He wanted to erase his
actions from the night before and meet her again for the first time to repair
the damage he'd caused all those years ago.


“You are stunning.”

“Thank you.”

“Can I kiss you?”


Britton was taken aback by his sincere request. He certainly
hadn’t asked any questions the night before. Her smile grew, and she nodded. He
took a deep breath and their lips met. It was a slow kiss, but every move was
precise. He wanted her to know with every twitch of his lips that he was still
crazy about her, and in that moment he didn’t care if it took him years to
prove it. He would make up for leaving her after the car crash. He would make
up for tying her to the bed with a frayed rope. He would make up for any
emotional damage he inflicted on her the past ten years. His phone rang again,
and she pulled away.


“You can answer that.”

“It can’t be more important than you are right now.”


She reached up and pulled his lips back to hers. She wanted
his clothes off. She wanted their naked bodies to feel each other’s warmth. His
hands cupped behind her back and tensed, sending a cascade of goose bumps up
her spine. He noticed the effect his touch had and couldn’t help but laugh.


“Hey! Don’t laugh at me.” she cooed.

“It’s just nice to know I can still do this to you.”


She batted at his arm playfully, making him hunger to pin
her down and punish her. That wasn’t what he wanted today to be about, though. Today
was about slowly rediscovering the beautiful being lying in front of him. The
girl he had fallen in love with was now a woman, and he was prepared to fall in
love with her all over again. He placed his finger on her cheek and traced the
outline of her face.

He reached her lips and stole a kiss. He ran his finger down
her chin and slid slowly down her neck, reaching the curve of her collarbone. She
lengthened her neck toward him. His hands continued, finding her defined
shoulders. She moved her hands up, grasping for his arms, but he smiled and
shook his head slowly.


“No. Relax.”

“But…” She was struggling to keep her yearning at bay.

“No. This is about you.”


His fingers rounded the mounds of her breasts, and she
pushed herself into his palm. He retreated, falling south, and traced the faint
lines of her abdomen, circling her navel, and making his way toward her hips. The
tension was excruciating, and she couldn't help the small moans that escaped
her mouth. He loved this, and it only made him slow his fingers down. He
journeyed down the sides of her legs, sketching the curves of her distinct
muscles. He found himself wondering what she did to keep her body in such
perfect shape, but decided questions like those would have to wait for another
day. There would be another day. He would make sure of it.

He rounded her heels, tickling the bottoms of her feet as he
skimmed his way back up. Her towel had now fallen to the floor and he could see
his destination. He tickled her untouched inner thighs to warn her that he was
about to satisfy her desires. He slowed his movement even more, lowered himself
closer, and softly blew in her direction. She shook with anticipation. He pressed
softly down on her lower belly to lift her pelvis, and his fingers found their

Britton gasped at his contact. Her eyes shot open and her
lips parted. That was all Jagger could have hoped for. Seeing the pleasure on
her face filled him. He retreated and lowered himself on top of her. His mouth
found hers and they kissed. Britton tried to speed things up, but Jagger took
control, keeping her craving. He pulled away and tugged his t-shirt over his

In the broad daylight, Britton could see every muscle and
every scar. She remembered most of them, even witnessing some of them created
first hand when his father would find them alone together, but there were quite
a few new ones. She wondered if they were inflicted by his father, or if they
had come from the years of wear and tear with the motorcycle gang.


Jagger saw her face change as he pulled off his shirt, and
knew he had found his chance to gain back control. He took her up into his arms
and walked down the hall into the bedroom. He slowly laid her down on the bed
and kissed her, faster and deeper than his kisses before...he wanted her aroused
and free from the concern and worry that he'd just seen wash over her at the
sight of his scars. He pulled a scarf from her nightstand and wrapped it around
her eyes.

He took a step back, admiring her willing body. He quickly
undressed and slowly lowered himself on top of her. She felt his virility press
into her stomach, and she fought the excitement that consumed her. Jagger used
his knees to spread her legs and opened her up to him. He found her, teasing
her within a beat of her peak, and then swiftly entered her warmth. She arched
with acceptance, attempting to take power over the situation. He pushed her
down, grabbed her hips, and slowed his motion. He wanted her to feel
everything. He wanted her to want him so badly that it hurt. He wanted her to
forget David.

As Jagger thought of him, and that kiss they shared right in
front of him, his anger grew. He sped up, pushing himself into her, ignoring
her screams. He wanted David to witness this. He wanted to tie David up and
force him to watch the pleasure she was experiencing from his cock. He pushed,
faster and harder as his thoughts could not escape the holds of the other man who
had been inside his Britton. His Britton.


She couldn’t keep quiet any longer. She called to him,
needing him to finish.




“Oh, my...please.”


He answered by rapidly grabbing her hips and lifting her up
onto him. Once more he flooded her and they both released. Jagger collapsed,
his body falling onto hers. They continued their cries of pleasure together as
their gasping subsided, and their breathing returned to normal. He pulled the
blindfold from her face and stared deep into her eyes. How had he let her out
of his life for so long? She was his beginning, and she would be his future. They
both lay there, silent, reveling in the previous moments. He wanted to turn to
her and command that their relationship begin anew within the last few hours. He
wanted to erase her memory of the previous night’s interrogation. He looked at
her, wishing he could read her mind.


Britton kept staring at the ceiling, not meeting his eye,
wishing that this were all real.

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