Cumberland (Not A Dream Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Cumberland (Not A Dream Book 1)
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Chapter Twenty-Six


The Blue Crow picked up the Egg of Bravery. Her feet wouldn’t grasp it at first, but the egg gave in to her wants. She flapped her wings, as if she were struggling to lift it up.

              “Come on, momma bird, you can do it,” I urged her along.

              I looked up to try to see the nest, but only saw the back of the Blue Crow’s head. She moved her head, up and down, every time she flapped her wings.

              Mason tugged on the back of my shirt. I turned my head and saw him pointing up in the air, “The nest!”

              I looked and saw it sitting at the top. I smiled as we neared the nest. I looked below, to make sure the Egg of Bravery was still in place. It wobbled in her grasp, but still stayed true.

              I began to worry, so I asked my grandpa, “Is the egg going to be safe?”

              “Yes, a Blue Crow’s strength is more powerful than ever,” he answered.

              Olivia asked, “Well, we are carrying the Egg of Bravery. Is it possible the Blue Crow will become a coward?”

              My grandpa placed his hand on his chin, and answered, “Hard telling.”

              I looked over to the babies and they flew down to their mothers’ feet. I asked, “What are they doing?”

              Jack answered, “I think they are going to try helping guide the Egg of Bravery in the nest.”

              She flew up above the nest, and hovered over it for what seemed to be forever. I could tell she was trying to make perfect aim for it. She would lower and miss the nest. She would fly back up and try again.

              The nest was only a few feet away, and the Egg of Bravery was just inches from touching. I watched as she almost released the egg into the air. I yelled, “Whoa!”

              She tried for the nest again, so I turned to look at Mason, “I am worried.”

              He shook his head, “Don’t be.”

              My grandpa looked back at us and stated, “There is nothing to worry about. There is, however, a legend saying if the Egg of Bravery ever hatches, a fire breathing dragon bird will come out and destroy us all,” he shrugged his shoulders, “But, there is nothing to worry about.”

              Olivia sighed with a high pitch squeal, “Umm, okay.”

              I patted the Blue Crow’s back, and whispered to her, “
You can do this

              She began flapping her wings more vigorously, and began to pant from the heavy load. I looked down, and saw her babies circling her feet. Occasionally each of them would stop and look at their reflections in the Egg of Bravery, but kept flying when they got knocked into.

              She was inches away from placing the Egg of Bravery back into its nest, as one of her babies decided to fly up in front of her. She squawked in surprise, and flew backwards. The other babies placed themselves safely on her head, as the one that had startled her hid behind my parents.

              I looked down, to see the Egg of Bravery begin to slip out of her talons. I screamed, “The egg, it is falling!”

              Olivia screamed, as the Blue Crow quickly dipped down after the Egg of Bravery. She flew down fast, and I gripped tighter on her feathers. I could feel my body lift in the air, as did the others. I looked back to see Mason squinting his eyes, as the wind blew heavily in his face.

              I turned my head to watch the egg, as it fell faster than the Blue Crow could go. I yelled out, “We can’t let that egg break open!”

              “We are headed for the ledge!” Olivia squealed.

              Everyone but me shut their eyes. I tried to look around to see how close she was to the Egg of Bravery. As I caught a glimpse of the egg, I watched it hit heavily on the ledge, making it roll into the cave my parents were trapped in.

              The ledge broke free, and crashed into the ground. The Blue Crow paused at the sight, and I sadly met everyone’s eyes. They were also reflecting my emotions upon their faces. Even the baby Blue Crow’s looked down with a shudder.

              I felt Mason’s hand on my shoulder. I lifted my head to look at him. He reassured, “I will always protect you.”

              I nodded with a smile, “I know.”

              We patiently watched the cave, looking for any signs of the fire breathing beast to emerge. A bright yellow flame shot out of the cave. It echoed loudly enough to cover our ears.

              The flame shone brighter, blinding us with its luminance beauty. Mason pulled me into his arms to shield me from it. I could feel the Blue Crow flapping its wings heavily. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my grandpa and Jack huddled together with the baby Blue Crow’s. The mother Blue Crow tried to block the light from her eyes.

              The light illuminated the entire area, making it impossible to see. It soon turned white, making the back of my eyelids seem invisible. I could hear the piercing light, and the rumble it lead behind. I covered my face in his coat, trying to not get blinded.

              It began to slowly fade away. I lifted my head up to watch a ball of light head back down into the cave. I looked at everyone and seen they had wide eyes. The light quickly disappeared, as my eyes blurred back into their original sight.

              I felt a sense of urgency, “We
to check this out!”

              The Blue Crow looked back at me and nodded her head.

              “Are you serious right now?” my grandpa chortled.

              Jack chuckled, “Why not? I could use a little adventure in my life.”

              My grandpa quickly smirked, “Is
not enough for you?”

              Jack nodded his head, “Nope.”

              “Brad, talk Milly out of it!” my mother demanded.

              He shrugged his shoulders to her and explained, “Lillian, she is only adventurous because of me.”

              I saw her scrunch her eyebrows together and fold her arms reluctantly. I demanded, “Let’s go.”

              The Blue Crow flew down into the cave, and paused to sniff around. We hopped off of her back to discover the Egg of Bravery was now cracked into two gigantic pieces of faded gold.

              Jack walked up to the top piece and asked, “What do you reckon this would pay out?”

              I smiled, to only have it turn into a grimace. I swept around to follow a scampering noise.

              “Is there a good side to it opening?” I quickly asked.

              “Why?” my grandpa asked.

              I answered slowly, “Because I think it is in here.”

              “Well, another legend I have heard, is that
‘when the beast is released, bravery will be everlasting’
,” he quoted.

              I circled the broken egg to find a tiny baby bird cowering. Its red feathers were eminent, and made it hard to not stare. It eyed me curiously, but each time I approached the scared little hatchling, it whimpered away.

              My grandpa and the others soon joined my side. He stopped in his tracks, “A Phoenix!”

              I looked at questionably, “Why are you surprised?”

              “They are very rare, for as far as extinction goes, this may be the very last one,” he calmly explained.

              “We need to protect it,” I hasted.

              I heard Jack smirk, “What happened to it being some giant fire breathing dragon bird,

              My grandpa shook his head and continued, “From what I do know about these birds, a human can’t touch them.”

              “You mean
,” my dad said.

              “Why?” I asked.

              “Because a human will be instantly poisoned by their feathers,” my dad answered shortly.

              My grandpa added, “Also, a Phoenix chooses its owner.”

              “What if it doesn’t ever choose one?” Olivia piped up.

              “The Phoenix will burst into flames and die with all of Cumberland’s bravery,” my grandpa solemnly answered.

              I looked back at the baby Phoenix, and watched as it stood up. It looked at all of us slowly. It walked closer to us, and paused in front of me. I smiled at the Phoenix gingerly, and I held out my hand. Olivia grabbed my wrist and whined, “You will get poisoned!”

              I shook my head and explained, “I feel like it wants

              She looked at me carefully and released my arm. The baby Phoenix sniffed my hand and happily jumped up into my palm. I looked around to see Jack and Olivia with their mouth agape. My parents didn’t seem to be surprised, nor did Mason or my grandpa.

              I looked down at the bird, and whispered, “
You wouldn’t hurt me would you?”

              The Phoenix shook its head at me, and used my index finger to carefully caress the baby birds head.  I placed the baby Phoenix on my shoulder, and felt it snuggle down. I looked at my hands and exclaimed, “I feel just fine!”

              No one responded.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I stood by the opening of the cave, careful to not step off. The baby Phoenix nestled on my shoulder, and I turned to watch the sky turn orange. I looked at my grandpa and asked, “How much time do we have left?”

              “Six, maybe eight, hours left. The time is slow here, and never accurate,” he shrugged.

              “Will that give us time to find my father?” Mason worried.

              My grandpa looked out to the opening and sighed, “If we hurry, then yes.”

              Olivia approached me with a smile, and reached out her hand, “Hey baby Phoenix.”

              She was quickly stopped by my mother who told her, “Don’t touch the bird.”

              Olivia shrugged, “Milly is.”

              My parents stared at each other immensely and my dad said, “Let’s not push it, just in case.”

              Olivia nodded, “Okay, then.”

              I looked at her apologetically and my grandpa added, “The bird picked Milly, maybe that is why it is not harming her.”

              I could sense a quiver in his voice, which he usually only had when he told a lie. I looked into his eyes, and shook my head,
why would he lie to me?

My parents eyed him, with big eyes. Mason, also, looked at him with wide eyes. I looked around to each of them, trying to make sense of it all. My thoughts were quickly disclosed, when my grandpa started to giggle.

              He smiled, “But, I could be wrong.”

” my dad affirmed.

              “Where would Holden be found?” I questioned, trying to change the subject.

              My grandpa paced back and forth, then concluded, “I might know.”

              I felt push on my hand, and saw the Blue Crow standing next to me. I looked up at her, and knew she must be hungry.

              I nodded, “Go ahead and eat. We will be right here waiting.”

              She flew away in haste, and disappeared into the trees. Olivia questioned me, “Do you think she will come back?”

              “I don’t have a doubt in the world, that she will come back,” I smiled.

              I turned back to my grandpa and asked, “Well, where was the last place you knew where Holden was?”

              He stared out into the open and answered, “In a tree top near the Onyx Waterfall.”

              “That shouldn’t be too far away,” Mason paused, “I just hope he will come back home with us.”

              I placed my hand on his shoulder and reassured, “He will, you are his son, why would he not?”

              My dad asked, “Well, we need to go, but why the Blue Crow is not back yet?”

              I shrugged my shoulders, “A few more minutes shouldn’t harm us any.”

              My grandpa stated, “Cumberland is full of enchanted creatures, don’t be too sure.”

              I felt Mason’s hand tighten in mine, and asked my grandpa, “Are you sure he will still be there?”

              He looked to the side, “I hope. I wouldn’t have any clue, as to where he would go. I am telling you the truth.”

              Mason nodded, and my grandpa continued, “But, do keep in mind, he does not look human. You know this, so why worry if he will follow us back up to the Earth?”

              I met Mason’s eyes and he claimed, “I want to meet my real father. Whether he stays with me, or not, I will always love him.”

              A smile etched out of the corner of my mouth. I felt awed at his respect towards his father. I knew I had to embrace him, to let him know how much I care about him. How much I,
, him. So I did just that.

              I started to hear rocks moving around. Olivia stared at me and piped up, “Is that the Blue Crow?”

              I looked down and saw two twin girls climbing up. I looked back at everyone and exclaimed, “It is Holly and Molly!”

              Olivia spewed, “
What are they doing here?

              I shook my head, without answering, I took a few steps back. My hands began to shake, and I could see everyone else begin to tense up as well. I inhaled a deep breath and exhaled slowly out of my nose.

              They popped up over the ledge, and Holly said, in a pant, “We are, here to, help. Our mother, aka
Queen Carolyn
, is planning something drastic for you.”

              “Why should we trust you?” I countered.

              “Why are you being hostile?” Holly asked.

              “You guys made my life a living crap hole!” I raised my voice trying to sound menacing.

              “That wasn’t us, I swear!”

              “Explain,” my grandpa stated.

              “The ones you lived with were clones our mother made of us. Clones are heartless, and do not care about anyone but themselves. She knew we were too caring, so she replaced us,” Holly said.

              I looked at Mason, and saw him begin to snarl, “You are lying!”

              Holly and Molly stared at each other and started to smile. I looked at Jack and he continued to watch the twins intensely. They cocked their heads towards me, and stared at my shoulder. I looked over and remembered about the sleeping baby Phoenix.

              Molly said, “You are right to not trust us, Milly.”

              “Huh?” I questioned.

              “They are the clones,” Olivia said to me.

              “Where are the
Holly and Molly?” I demanded.

              They shrugged their shoulders and answered, “Don’t know, and don’t care. We want the Phoenix.”

              Holly and Molly mirrored each other as they reached behind their backs. They said, “One more chance, gives us the Phoenix or else.”

              “Why should I give you the Phoenix?” I snarled.

              They quickly stole a glance and then back at me, “Our mother has plans for the

              The Phoenix awoke, squawking and hissing at them. They each pulled out a small handgun, and said, “Now!”

              I looked at my grandpa and he held out a finger to silence me before I could talk. I looked over to Jack and saw his hand pulling a gun out of the back of his jeans. He raised it towards them, and Holly quickly shot it out of his hand.

              I stopped and watched them carefully, as they aimed at me. I shook my head and raised my hands. I yelled, “Go ahead! Shoot me, but you will never get this bird!”

              “Don’t be so sure about yourself,” Holly smirked. Molly giggled at her sister.

              She held up her gun, and placed a finger on the trigger. I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes.
I really need a miracle right now,
I thought to myself.

              I heard one of them scream, and deep growl come from their direction. I slowly opened my eyes to see Rolf jump up from behind them. I looked at Olivia with wide eyes, “Where did he come from?”

              “He snuck up behind them,” she tried to say quietly.

              He turned to us and asked, “Are you okay?”

              I nodded, and out of the corner of my eye I caught Olivia starting to tear up. I looked back at Holly and Molly and saw them without their guns. Holly started to charge at Rolf and I quickly pointed, “Rolf, look out!”

              He turned his head, and quickly raised his rear legs. With one thrust, he kicked her off the ledge, leaving behind only her screams to echo. Molly eyed Rolf, and we walked towards her with a lowered head. I could hear a growl muster from his throat.

              She edged closer to the end of the cliff, and stopped as she about fell. She pulled out a knife, and began to cackle loudly. Rolf barked, and head-butted her off.

              We walked over to him and Olivia quickly wrapped her arms around his neck. I heard her say, “I missed you so much.”

              The necklace he had given her, revealed itself as she bent down. She looked down and asked, “Did you want this crystal back?”

              He looked up at her and answered, “No, I gave it to you. It is my promise to you, that I will always protect you.”

              “Sorry to break up the welcome wagon, but there are just too many of us to keep traveling,” Jack said.

              My dad piped up, “I and my wife would like to go home. I trust Milly and you guys you will do fine.”

              “Why?” I asked frantically.

              My dad placed his hand on my cheek, as my mom held my arm. He explained, “We will wait for you there. Trust us, you will be fine.”

              I nodded, fighting back tears, I hugged them tightly, “I just got you back!”

              Rolf said, “I know of an alternative way out. Why are you all not coming?”

              “We need to find Holden,” my grandpa answered.

              “Why?” Rolf asked.

              “He is my father, that I have never met, and would like to meet so I can learn more about myself,” Mason answered.

              Rolf nodded, “I will take them safely there.”

              My grandpa stepped forward, “I will go with you as well.”

              “You were supposed to help us find Holden,” Olivia exclaimed.

              “Just go where I told you, he shouldn’t have wandered too far,” he told us.

              He turned to Mason and added, “When you find him, tell him where to find me.”

              Mason nodded.

              They climbed down the cliff just leaving us by ourselves. I felt saddened, yet more worried than normal.

              I turned to look at Jack; he quickly noticed my concern, “What’s wrong?”

              “I am confused.”

              “They are going to be safe,” he assured.

              “No, not that,” I shook my head.

              “Then what?” he pressed.

              “Why would my cloned parents protect me, if clones are without hearts?” I quizzed.

              He sighed, “A heart is not just an organ placed in your body.”

              Olivia giggled, “Yes, it is.”

              Jack looked at her and continued back at me, “Anyways, a heart is grown in fetal stages. If it fails to grow in the body within eight weeks, the clone becomes lifeless,” he paused, “But, if a heart finds an owner, it will beat until their duty is complete.”



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