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She had her arms around him and pressed her face to his chest, sniffling. “Yes,” she told him. “Yes.”

* * * *

She went to the hospital to tell Greg about the proposal.

“So you want to be his old lady?”


“You guys are right for each other,” he said. “He’ll protect you as much as anyone can, and love you. With you around, he has a chance to find his way slowly back from his dark place. It won’t be easy,” Greg said. “Trust doesn’t come easy to him. Neither does optimism.”

“Being cheerful after what’s happened, where we are, isn’t the most sensible reaction.”

Greg had laughed. “Well, who said any of this was sensible?”

Greg was right. Loving Dirk was not sensible, but it was real. “Charming.”

“Look, he is nobody’s white knight, but I know he wants you and wants to share adventures with you. Life is dangerous and we sure as hell don’t get out of it alive. So all you can do is face the dangers squarely, and try to kick ass. You two doing that together can make it a hell of a lot more fun. You are in for one hell of a ride.”

She looked at his flushed face and realized what effort had gone into this impassioned speech. He was sincere and in her heart she knew what he meant. If you weren’t in denial, fear, confronting danger brought an adrenaline rush. There was a bonding when you lived with someone outside the boundaries of the straight world.

“Well,” she said, smiling. “There’s also the fact that I don’t have a better offer.”

Greg laughed. “I guess not.”


It was warm and sunny. Sitting around waiting made Dirk itch to be traveling. Looking at Audra made him want to take her in his arms and make love to her. But he was doing that. They’d just done that, and now they lay together, gazing into each other’s eyes.

Wrapping his head around the idea that Audra knew him as well as anyone ever had, and that she loved him, was taking some getting used to. The idea seemed fragile, delicate. But Dirk wasn’t the nurturing type. No, when he thought something might be faulty or weak, he stressed it, tested it to see if it would hold.

“What is it?”

She seemed to read him all too well. “Greg’s out and he and Chris are heading home.”

“You want to go back?”

He shook his head. “I need some road time,” Dirk said.

She smiled. “You’ve got a bike. Let’s take a spin.”

Laughing, he dressed and she threw their few belongings in a backpack while he checked out.

She got on back behind him and put her arms around him. He kicked his bike to life and as they roared away her body resonated to the thundering of the engine between their legs and the pounding of Dirk’s heart under her hands. A blacktop highway swirled beneath her as they rode out of the city and up into the hills. Near the summit, he took a side road that led to a clearing that overlooked the city where he stopped. When he switched off the motor, the world seemed deathly silent.

By then it was dusk and the sun sank behind them as they got off the bike and walked to stare down at the city. Belo, a haze hung over the city and as she looked lights began to wink on one by one as the darkness grew.

Dirk stood behind her hugging her. Then he let his hands move lower, to undo her jeans. She leaned back against his muscular body, feeling as safe as a person could feel in an unsafe world and trembled with joy when his warm hand slipped inside her jeans to stroke her pussy and make her writhe with pleasure. He was feeling up his old lady as they looked out over the world.

“We could go to Mexico,” he said.

Her breathing grew ragged. “He’d look there.”

Dirk shrugged. “If he looks, he’d have to look in Spanish. Makes it harder.”

She tried to laugh but his fingers playing with her made her short of breath. “Does it now?”

His fingers moved faster inside her and his other hand was under her shirt, fondling her breast. Darkness was wrapping them and he was arousing her, building an incredible excitement in her body.

“Course it does. Everything is harder in Spanish. Unless you’re Mexican. Besides, they don’t have elk there.”

“Is that important?”


He nuzzled her neck sending more tingles through her and then she was coming, her internal muscles squeezing his fingers, wetting them with her pussy juice.

She moaned and turned to face him, tipping her head up, opening her mouth as he kissed her. The touch of her soft lips reassured him.

“What about Greg?” she asked.

“We can send him a postcard. If he wants to he’ll come down.”

“Perfect,” she said, letting her mouth stay open in a seductive pout. Then she put her hands on his chest and blew him a kiss before slowly sinking to her knees and letting her hands slide down his body. When they reached his waist, she slowly undid his pants. He was hard and she freed his cock, stroking it, admiring it. Then she took it in her pouty mouth, sucking him, tasting his rigid flesh and sending a world of pleasure rushing through him. He rested his hands on her shoulders and moaned. Everything she did seemed to please him. That she wanted him, that she would do this for him told him she was the right one. She put her hand under his balls and cupped them, exciting him more.

He quickly came in her mouth, making her choke lightly, but she swallowed and smiled up at him. “I’ve always wanted to go to Mexico.”

He reached down and took her by the arms and pulled her to her feet. “Since when?”

“Since I decided I wanted to be your old lady. Since I decided I belong behind you on that bike riding wherever you want to go. Elk or no.”

“You’re going to be a hell of a biker bitch.”


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Look for Greg’s story coming soon in ‘Wrecked.’

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