Cyber Seduction: Across A Crowded Room (IATO Series Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Cyber Seduction: Across A Crowded Room (IATO Series Book 3)
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She picked up her wrap from the hook and her handbag from the table before she opened the door. “Mosel.” she hugged him with real enthusiasm. Seeing him brought back her questions about him. Who was this man, really?

He stepped back to take all of her in. “
, did you grow taller?” He checked her out, holding her at arm’s distance before pulling her back into a friendly embrace. “Oh, no, those shoes are deadly! So high, so sexy,” he crooned.

She couldn’t help but laugh. For some unknown reason, she kissed him on the cheek and hugged him affectionately. “Only you would notice the shoes.”

“Make no mistake, with those legs there isn’t a man breathing who isn’t going to notice. I notice everything about you. You are delectable. But those legs are unforgettable, and the shoes,
ooh la la
, unforgiving.” He gave her the once over again, emphasizing his interest by kissing the tips of his fingers for emphasis.

She humored him with a nervous laugh, needing to keep a balance. It was nice to be admired, but it made her nervous, too. She didn’t want him jumping to conclusions. Keeping his interest without letting him get too close posed a problem. It would be some juggling act, especially since she was unclear about her own feelings toward him. He was really a nice guy with her. When they were alone, he was warm and caring, nothing like his ice man reputation. Emily took his arm and aimed him back to the door. “Okay, thank you for the compliments. I dressed up like you asked. Where are we off to?”


* * * *


For the next week Emily met with Mosel at least once every day, socialized with businessmen and politicians, talked about Mosel’s family and business. He seemed focused on his charity. They never went to his estate in Maryland, and he never mentioned it. From everything Harrison indicated, it wasn’t far from her own place. She needed to speed the relationship along on one level but keep it placid on another. If he didn’t include her in more of his time, she’d have to start suggesting it.

She decided tonight she’d talk about her childhood and bring up the farm. If she had to invite him there, so be it. She knew watching was hurting Jason. It drove him crazy with worry and proprietary jealousy.

Every time Mosel touched her or she touched him while this romantic intrigue developed, Jason knew about it. He either heard it, saw it, or found out about it. She knew it was torturing him. Just remembering Jacqueline touching Jason set Emily’s teeth on edge, even now, knowing her part was an act. She wasn’t all that sure how much Jacqueline acted. Touching Jason wasn’t much of a hardship. She understood his frustration and protectiveness. For his sake she needed to nudge Mosel forward.

She hurried to the restaurant where they were meeting for dinner before attending one of the many gallery openings across town. She hoped to get a weekend invitation tonight, or she’d have to invite him to her farm to get things moving.

The weather held, the breeze promised to keep the late summer air cool enough without a threat of rain. The limo Mosel sent waited in the driveway. The driver who stood by the open door looked familiar. Emily suddenly realized where she recalled seeing him and blushed ten shades of red. He was one of the guards outside in the garden the night of the charity ball. She lowered her face as she entered the car, but didn’t miss the appraising look he gave her. “Thank you,” was all she could muster. Oh, she longed to get this business over with.

Inside, she dared not lift her head for fear of making eye contact with the driver in the rear view mirror. The ride seemed longer under the circumstances, but surely she could survive a few more moments of discomfort.

Mosel waited by the curb when she arrived, still flushed with her embarrassment. He commented on her high color as she rushed out of the limo. Mosel caught up with her, taking her arm and slowing her down.

“It’s nothing, I had to rush earlier and I guess I’m overheated from running around.” Shifting her body closer, she added, “Here, now I can relax.” She smiled while still trying to hurry away from the driver’s leer.

“Emily, are you sure you’re all right?”

“Yes, of course. I could use a cool drink, some water perhaps? Before the wine makes me even more flushed.” She tried to laugh, but the effect sounded stilted even to her.

“You look beautiful, flushed or no.” He stopped her, and took her face in his hands and publicly kissed her. She knew the team was watching. Well, that was going to help her blush. She thought she could hear Jason screaming in her head. Poor Jason, would he believe this would be as painful for her as it was for him? She hoped he was listening and her next statement would make up for his misery.

“I’m heading out to my farm in Maryland this weekend. Would you like to come by and see it?” There, she put it out there. Now he would have to play.

There was a cute expression around his lips, if one could call anything about this iceman cute. “You, you live on a farm?” He looked like he could barely contain himself as the disbelief rolled over him. The cute smirk was practically a sneer when he said the word “farm.”

“Please, it’s not what you think. No animals or crops.”

He changed his expression to “What, me, I wasn’t thinking anything,” but she just ignored it.

“No, really, calling it a farm is an old habit. Come for a visit and you’ll see for yourself. It was a real working farm at one time.”

“Yes, I would like to see your place. Actually it is a wonderful idea. I have a small estate I retire to when the city life is too much, and I have plans to meet with some old friends there soon. Maybe we can coordinate our time in the country.”

Okay, so it wasn’t exactly an invitation, but at least she was getting closer to the goal.

They walked into the restaurant, discussing the details of meeting in Maryland. Emily gave Mosel her address, pointing out she was staying in the remodeled boathouse and garages across the field from the main house.

He seemed surprised that their properties were so close. “We’re almost neighbors. No?”

Emily did chuckle at that. “Well, not exactly neighbors, but we could have bumped into each other at the grocery store one day.”

“Grocery store, oh, yes.” He laughed deeply then. “You’re making a joke. Right?”

Then she realized it was a joke. The chance of ever running into Mosel shopping for groceries was ludicrous. The man had servants for everything. He’d probably never been in a grocery store in his life. Then she frowned at the thought.

“What, what are you thinking?” Mosel saw her expression grow concerned, incredulous.

“You’ve never been shopping?”

“Of course.” he straightened indignantly. “I’ve been shopping. I shop all the time. Who do you think picked out my new yacht?”

Emily giggled at him. He looked insulted. “Not that kind of shopping—grocery shopping?”

“Grocery? No, no, of course not.” He looked at her as if she’d lost her good senses. “Why would I want to go grocery shopping?”

Emily had a gleam in her eye. He seemed confused. Everyone had to experience an American superstore at least once in a lifetime.

“What are you scheming? I can see the smoke billowing.” He looked at her skeptically, making swirling signs in the air signifying the smoke. She giggled again.

“Oh, you just wait,” she threatened. “I have a big surprise for you.”

“What, what are you cooking up in that head of yours?” Now he was interested, curious.

This was fun. So much more so than the sexual tension stuff they’d been muddling in. “No, no questions. It’s a surprise, and we need to change the subject.” She watched when he gave in and she saw the moment he decided to resume the seduction. Nope, she wasn’t going back there.

“Remember, you’re supposed to be telling me about you. I’ll start if you have a problem with that. I’ll tell you about my farm.”

He made a face at the term “farm.”

She told him how she liked the peninsula the property sat on, the privacy of the three-sided expanse of water the backside of the house opened to. The wraparound porch and the widow’s walk she added on to the small house where she stayed were miniatures of the ones at the main house.

She explained that during storms not only was the ship’s master in danger, so was everyone else fishing or crabbing the flats with him. So, although ships’ captains usually owned the big houses, the rest of the crews’ families lived nearby. Emily expanded on the history of the area for him. He seemed fascinated by her stories.

“Okay, now it’s your turn.” She picked at her food as Mosel described the property he owned. She angled for information. “How did you come to have a place here? With your European business, I would think it would be difficult to find time to get away to so many different places.”

He poured the chilled wine already standing beside the table. “Many years ago I bought a small company in Maryland. I needed a place here, naturally, when I came to see to my business. Many of my friends and contacts operate from this country. Sooner or later everyone gravitates to the seat of world power, and there is no greater seat than here.” He handed Emily the glass he poured for her, placing it into her hand with both of his. He dropped his hands to his lap and leaned back, looking at her quizzically.

“What about the area interested you enough to buy a place there?”

“It was your grandfather who recommended the country life in Maryland. Are you surprised?” he asked when she gasped.

“Absolutely, I wasn’t aware you were on such close terms with him.”

“He was very kind to me when I was younger and I alone was responsible for the family’s philanthropy. He was a mentor to me. How is it you came to this area?”

“Well, you knew of my grandfather? This was where my grandmother, his wife, was from. For generations her family settled here. I was raised out on the family farm about half of the time and lived in Georgetown the rest.”

“Ah, yes, that must have been wonderful. Which did you prefer?” Mosel watched her intently, with more than casual interest.

She knew he wanted her sexually. They were both playing games with each other. Sometimes, like now, she felt like he was humoring her. It wasn’t as if he didn’t respect her opinions, but she often felt like he could see right through her charade. It was unnerving.

“I’ve always enjoyed the times I spent in both places. My father’s family home in Washington, DC enabled me to be exposed to a world far different than the one I knew in Eatons Landing. I was very fortunate.” She paused, thinking about the loss of her mother and father. “Then again, what about you? You’ve told me so little about yourself. Come on, I’ve told you my story, you tell me yours.”

He got that look again. Emily felt like he didn’t quite believe her. Well, she damn well knew not to believe him.

So far, the dinner was relaxing, despite all the mutual lying the couple was doing. It would stay that way, too, as long as the subject matter remained neutral. Emily hoped she could keep talking. God help her if she ran out of subject matter.





Chapter Eight


Mosel had sent the limo less than an hour ago to pick her up. After spending a wonderful time at her place the day before, he wanted to reciprocate by inviting her back to the estate. Later, guests would be joining them for dinner, but for now, they would relax and tour the grounds. This was the chance Emily and the team had been waiting for. She hoped they would finally make the connection between the terrorist contacts and the Washington, DC people behind the car bombing.

“Have you heard from Jason?” Mosel bluntly asked as they walked out on his dock.

The question caught her unaware. “Why would I?” She affected a hurt attitude, but an aspect of fear shot through her.

“I heard he’s been spotted around town, and I wondered if he tried to get in touch with you.” The casual way he spoke triggered an icy suspicion Emily had never experienced with him before. Or was he warning her in some way?

“I doubt he would be brazen enough to attempt speaking to me after I caught him with Jacqueline. I think I made my opinion of him perfectly clear then, and he seemed very blasé about the whole situation. He apparently felt my reaction was ridiculously childish. Perhaps monogamy after one night is too much to expect in some circles, but it’s not in mine.”

She went on, “Please, I don’t want to ruin today discussing him. Tomorrow let’s go to the zoo. What do you say? Something casual, fun and light?” She took a sip of her wine and tried to slow her galloping heartbeat. The whole time she tried to regain her composure, she also tried to figure out how to let Jason know he’d been reportedly seen in town. Although her conversation with Mosel was being monitored, there was no way of knowing if the one listening picked up on the danger.

They agreed on certain words to signify an emergency. In her opinion, this was one. By mentioning the zoo, anyone listening would contact Jason. She hoped the tech was savvy enough to realize this tidbit of information was immensely important for Jason’s safety.

Mosel agreed to the next day’s outing and changed the subject to discussions about the next gallery opening and the artist’s work being displayed. All during the day, Emily longed to get home and tell Andrea to contact Harrison.


* * * *


Emily glanced around the street twice before she noticed Andrea sitting by herself at the sidewalk café with huge sunglasses and a floppy straw hat to protect against the sun. She looked like a movie star. The other patrons kept stealing glances her way, as if they should know who she was. She did have that remote air about her. Not that she was distant. God, no, she was just so compelling with her size and grace and beauty. Everyone felt they were in the presence of greatness.

She looked up as Emily contemplated her and waved. “Hurry, I’m ready to order. I’m starving.” Nope, totally down to earth.

Jason and Harrison had called her in—that’s what this meeting with Andrea was about.

The small restaurant claimed to have the best food outside of the district. The variety was incomparable due to the exclusive clientele gravitating to the area. Their table gave them privacy, a distance from any of the others, so their conversation would be uninhibited.

“Do you have anything for me?” Andrea asked professionally. “I love this. Harrison never lets me do stuff like this anymore. I know it’s off the record, but all the years of training and the need for the inevitable adrenaline rush just don’t go away with the wedding ring and babies. Sometimes I miss my other life.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, I never knew you felt like that.” Emily took Andrea’s hand in hers and patted it. She was impatient to ask about Jason but held back.

Andrea left her hand in Emily’s. “Yes, but don’t get me wrong, it was no sacrifice. I wanted to do it. I was trying to get pregnant anyway. So having all those kids around was going to kill me or cure me.”

They both laughed before Emily asked the expected question. “Did my warning get back to Jason?” Andrea nodded.

“Harrison caught on as soon as he reviewed the transcript. He headed out to find Jason and provide cover. I didn’t expect Jason to disappear during this crucial aspect of the mission. Did you?”

“No, but I know he had some leads he wanted to follow, and I know watching Mosel and me together is hard for him.”

Andrea winked at her, picked up the menu, and said, “Let’s order, then you can tell me all about your adventures.”

She took the wire and earrings that Andrea slipped in her hand and dropped them in her purse, concealed behind the menu. She’d need them to transmit the data when they were at Mosel’s estate.

They ordered soft shell crab and salads accompanied by a carafe of fruity Sangria that the little café was noted for. Emily had spent almost every moment of the last three weeks with Mosel and was now more confused than ever about him. As she spent more time with him, she found she genuinely liked him.

The food came, the waiter disappeared, and Andrea gave her friend a knowing nod. “So, what do you think? Is there anything else we don’t have? Anything we should know that we don’t? What have you gotten so far, anyway? No one’s filled me in on anything. I’m not familiar with any operatives, ours or theirs. Whoever
is anymore.”

Andrea tried to fill in the missing pieces with what little she knew. “Jason recognized El Marat, but that’s no biggie. We assumed he was the one Mosel sold the arms through.”

“At least that’s confirmed.”

“Yes, and both Harrison and Jason were surprised by someone else, but they were close mouthed, said they had to do some checking. I think Jason is following Mosel out to that meeting he has tonight. The one you were pointedly excluded from.”

Emily shifted closer to Andrea. “I’m pretty much done here after this weekend. I didn’t think we’d ever get the chance to get into the estate. I pushed Mosel by telling him I needed to get back to Boston soon.”

She sat back a little. “He’s trying to talk me into going back with him to Monte Carlo, for business and pleasure.”

“Would you consider his offer?”

“If I discover he’s not one of the bad guys? Is that what you’re asking?”

Andrea laughed. “Oh he’s one of the bad guys all right, even if he’s working for the right side. You know what they say about agents who’ve worked undercover so long you can’t tell which way they’ll roll? Well, I think if he’s on our side, there’s no way we’ll ever know the answer to that.”

Emily thought about that, and how she felt about Mosel.

“What does he say to your excuses?” Andrea asked.

“I’ve put him off, explaining I’m not ready to jump into anything else after getting burned so badly my first time out. He’s trying to be understanding, but he’s pissed at Jason for ruining what he considers his big opportunity with me.”

“Is that what happened? Did Jason ruin it?”

“For appearances, maybe. But in fact, there’s never been anyone else in my heart. He makes me crazy, but I don’t think there’ll ever be anyone else. But to give the man his due, Mosel’s the only one who’s ever lit my fire like Jason does.” Emily wiggled her brows.

“Hot? Huh? The man looks cold as ice.”

“Ice hot.” Emily shivered. She’d been picking at her food, concern growing for Jason’s safety. “How will I find out about tonight? Will you or Harrison call to let me know what’s going on?”

“Of course! But you know how stakeouts can be. They could be tied up all night.”

“Well, that’s okay, just as long as someone lets me know something eventually. I’ve been feeling like I’m on the wrong side of this for a while now.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know this is ridiculous, but I really ‘like’ Mosel.”

Andrea pointedly studied her.

“No, don’t give me that look, it’s not at all like that. I just told you there’s never been anyone for me but Jason. It’s something else. Mosel comes across as this perverted bad boy, a twisted international womanizer, but he’s really so different. Sometimes I think he’s acting, playing a part, and the only time he’s real is when he’s with me. Does that make sense?”

Andrea picked a tomato out of her salad, then took a long sip of her Sangria and popped a cherry from the glass into her mouth. “I don’t know. Women have been fooled for years by men who seem perfectly normal in public, and then are monsters in private. What would be the point of being a public monster and a sweetheart in private?” Andrea stopped her words and whipped off her sunglasses. She stared at Emily and went deadly serious. “Unless he
playing a role. Do you think he could be playing
? If so, we have to get this information to Jason. It could be vitally important.”

Emily didn’t want to panic, but she couldn’t stop the fear from building. “Maybe I’m paranoid, but this isn’t the first time the thought crossed my mind. I felt like this once before with him in Monte Carlo.”

Andrea stared at her pointedly. Emily tried to argue away the fear. “He’s not a bad guy, I know it in my bones.”

“Okay, if you think he’s a good guy, then what’s the problem?” Andrea settled down to analyze the question.

“I think he subtly tried to warn me that Jason was in danger. But how would he know I was still concerned, or that I could do anything anyway? Unless he has some idea about what’s going on?”

Andrea argued, “Hell, we don’t even know what’s going on. That’s part of the dilemma. Nothing is as it seems. No one is who they say they are. In DC, your brother could be an agent for one bureau, and you could be an agent for another and never know it.”

Emily nodded and took a long sip of her wine. She had mixed emotions about going back to the security of her computers.

“Do you think Mosel is working undercover with the terrorists?” Andrea asked.

Emily hesitated, then sat back in her chair before answering. She thought back to how protective he’d been in Monte Carlo, how he was the one who made such quick arrangements for Kate and Jorge and her to get out of the country shortly after the chip switch. And she remembered he was also involved with Jacqueline.

“No, not with the terrorists. But yes, I do think he’s undercover with someone, possibly even one of our agencies.”

“You’re kidding! Him? I know sometimes governments broker arms to other countries, but with the way things are going right now, I can’t imagine our government brokering to terrorists.”

“Me either, that’s what has me confused. Unless Mosel can at least control the sales and report the factions that are out there shopping. And with his IT company, he has a great deal of control. This could all be a set up.”

Andrea’s phone rang. Emily watched the growing concern on her face as she covered the mouthpiece. She mouthed that it was Harrison. “I’m with her now. Okay, we’ll stay together.” She hung up.

She didn’t meet Emily’s eyes when she snapped the phone closed. “Harrison says they have Jason. Someone must have spotted him in town, and Harrison got word through the department that El Marat’s group picked him up outside a restaurant where he followed, get this—Senator Kincaid.”

“What, his old foster father? What does he have to do with anything? This is all so weird.” Emily spoke faster with each word. “We have to get to Jason. Does Harrison know where they took him?”

Emily was already calling for the bill and throwing money on the table. Andrea placed her hand over Emily’s. “Calm down, remember your training. I know it’s hard at a time like this, but we can help if we’re smart. Aren’t you supposed to meet Mosel this afternoon?”

She picked up their things and walked Emily to her car.

“Yes,” she answered. Emily worked to get her breathing under control, to sort information, but everything kept jumbling together. As they walked to the car she asked, “Where did Harrison think they took Jason?”

“El Marat’s limo was spotted heading out east of Mosel’s estate. He thinks the farmhouse at the end of the property may be where they’re holding Jason.”

“I’m going to meet Mosel then. But listen, you have to back me up. We know this area better than any of their people. Get a hold of Cade, let him know what’s happening, and then tell him to meet me at the oak at Crab Creek and come in the dinghy. You stay on Alder Road, where all the kids go parking. Wait there until you hear from me. Keep your cell phone on. There’s no way Harrison and the guys will get to that farmhouse without anyone seeing them.”

“Emily, do you think this is a good idea? If it doesn’t work we could be risking his life.” Andrea was just saying what was expected. She knew they couldn’t sit by and wait for Harrison this time.

“Don’t worry, I’m no hero,” Emily laughed. “But he may kill me when he sees me.”

“What makes you think he’ll see you?”

“I’m going to make Mosel take me there. We’re going by boat. I’m going to walk right in. Cade will be my backup on the water, and you’re covering the road. I think Mosel is a good guy. I’m about to risk our lives on it, so you better hope my instincts are good.”

With that parting shot she waved and got in the car. “I’ll call you as soon as I can.”

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