Cyber Seduction: Across A Crowded Room (IATO Series Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Cyber Seduction: Across A Crowded Room (IATO Series Book 3)
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Chapter Six


Jason had made his excuses at the office in Boston when he checked in. After arranging to get out of Europe early, he didn’t stop long enough to check out how Emily’s debriefing went. Instead, he headed straight out of town—straight to Harrison, who sneaked home early, too. He wanted to be in Maryland when she arrived.

Jason looked at his watch for the umpteenth time as he paced along the concrete sea wall, waiting impatiently for her with the rest of the family instead of meeting her the way he wanted to at the airport. He had to forego the trip to the airport when the girls insisted they were going. When Andrea heard about Emily’s flight, there was no denying the girls the pleasure of the trip. Andrea claimed it was a girl-bonding thing, so he had to be satisfied waiting at the dock while Harrison fished. How do a two- and three-year-old develop that female attitude? Genetic programming? Women ruled from the second X chromosome. All men were a lost cause where they were concerned.

He interjected a comment periodically to Harrison, mostly on his poor opinion of fishing, while taking slugs from a bottle of root beer. Harrison came prepared. He’d pulled the frosty brown bottle out of a mini cooler by his side and shoved it in Jason’s hand as soon as he’d stepped on the dock. “Here, you look like you could use this.”

“This is root beer.”

“Anything else, and you’d be asleep before they got home. Jet lag is going to kick in eventually. You want it to happen when you aren’t expecting it?”

“True, I did get some rest on the plane, but not much. I was too worried.” That seemed like an appropriate expression, but it wasn’t exactly what he was feeling. Worried was one emotion, but how could he explain all the rest?

Jason sat down on an old overturned wooden box. As he looked out over the end of the fishing pole Harrison handed him, he visibly relaxed in spite of himself. It was impossible to stay uptight with this view. The light off the marsh water shimmered silver. It glinted in concentric circles where unknown creatures below the surface played. The little finger of land where the dock sat projected into the cove, giving a wide unbroken panoramic view of the river beyond.

“Man, it’s beautiful out here. I can understand everyone’s fascination with this place.”

“In all the years you lived with Avery, and even though Annapolis is just across the peninsula, you only made a couple of brief trips out here. Right?” Harrison pointed toward the house.

Jason remembered Emily and Kate spent most summers hanging with Jorge here while Rosa cared for them. “You know that during the week, I stayed with Avery in DC to finish high school at first. Did a stint in summer school to catch up. Then later, when I went to Annapolis, I just didn’t have time to get over here. Even though it’s just a few miles, we all only saw each other at holidays.”

The unspoken rule was Kate and the boys never discussed their foster care life or that eventful night. The history was something he didn’t want Emily involved with, and that’s how he wanted it to stay. He didn’t think he could stand her knowing about what took place in Kincaid’s home, especially the last night.

Harrison had been there. “Too bad you missed all the good times out here. We used to visit quite often when Kate and Emily were younger and living here. ”

Jason hadn’t lived with Emily and Kate for long in DC when they were younger. The girls lived here until Emily’s mother died. He was already in Annapolis by the time they moved back to Washington.

Jason jerked back when he realized Harrison was talking to him. “Andrea fell in love with this place when we came out here for my recuperation. You know, after the bombing incident? I think it helped Emily to know we were here. You know how much she loves the place.”

Harrison baited his hook. “We’re just caretakers here until she gets her life in order.”

Jason knew Harrison referred to the event that had molded all their lives from that point forward, Avery’s murder.

“That’s why we bought the property next door. This place has a beauty that heals your soul. Looking back, there were times I don’t think I’d have survived without it. I wish you would have come back here with us instead of heading over to Monte Carlo alone.”

Harrison may think the farm could have helped Jason deal with his feelings, but finding the man responsible for Avery’s death was the only thing that could do that.

“You didn’t deserve the life you were dealt. You were a good kid,” Harrison said.

“Thanks, but it couldn’t be helped. I had to maintain the new cover I developed. Getting back to my place and my work kept me sane,” he added.

Harrison nodded in agreement. “I can see that. You still think Kincaid is mixed up in this?”

“This and more. He’s in it, all right. I know it. It’s the why and the how I haven’t got worked out.”

He thought back sequentially to when his suspicions started. “His sudden public appearances nights before the bombing put me on to him. After the low profile he’d been maintaining for years, it was like waving a red flag in Avery’s face. That was the first suspicious thing I noticed.”

Jason wound the line in and recast, watching as Harrison pulled on his pole. “You got something there?”

Harrison pulled up hard, snagging the fish good. “Yup.” He smiled wide as he fought with the fish tugging at his line. He reeled in the fish, unhooked him, and tossed him back in. “I agree. I think you’re onto something. I wasn’t sure until Monte Carlo. Then, too many coincidences. I just don’t believe in them.”

“I know. Neither do I. Then when Emily ran across that API photo with him at a charity fundraiser with Mosel last year, I remembered I had information in my files about him. It’s strange how his name keeps popping up when I investigate anything to do with arms or terrorists. Is it a coincidence it’s Kincaid working with the Senate Arms Appropriations Committee? And this year—Monte Carlo.”

Jason’s rod was long forgotten on the dock as he ranted, “What was he doing socializing with all those guys, illegal arms dealers and terrorist contacts? Mosel had to have every known dealer in the world at the ball.”

“You’re preaching to the choir. I’m sure we’ll get to the bottom of this. At least I feel like we’re heading in the right direction for a change.”

Jason never believed Avery was the sole target that night. He’d always felt his presence was a danger to those around him. That’s why he left, why he faked his death.

Jason wasn’t sure what he told Harrison was the whole truth. He tossed bread to a family of ducks swimming by, giving up on the fishing. He couldn’t contain a grin as the fuzzy bobbing ducklings scrambled around for the treat.

“What’s the plan when Emily gets here?” Harrison asked over his shoulder. “Are you taking her into DC or am I?”

“You’ll have to. I can’t be seen with her there, or for that matter, anywhere. I’m not supposed to be in the country right now. When I left Boston, I was reportedly heading to Dubai with the pretense of looking at property for an international money launderer.”

“Who’s covering for you?”

“Me. I went and left without going through the system.” He glanced at Harrison. “You’ll have to take Emily back into town after we hash through everything. We’ll set the plan here and stay in touch by phone after that. Andrea can be our contact.”





Chapter Seven


The house was finally quiet, the day’s excitement drifted away with the children’s laughter. Andrea and Harrison came into the room together, with Emily trailing a short distance behind them. Jason wished he and Emily had had a moment alone together today, but with the kids it was impossible. He imagined having a wife and the frustration of getting alone time with her.

Stealing kisses and moments with your wife. He startled himself by considering that frustration of marriage and wanting it. He was touched by the close relationship his friends enjoyed, knowing he probably wasn’t cut out for the same thing. Anyone in their company for more than a few minutes could appreciate the unspoken affection between them. They were perfectly suited to each other—size, temperament, direction.

Harrison jokingly tousled Andrea’s hair, making her look as disheveled as she probably felt. She smacked at his hand and moved to the refrigerator, taking out a pitcher of iced tea while Harrison grabbed a couple of glasses without any communication.

He groaned to Jason with a shake of his head. “Those two are a handful,” he said, referring to his two little daughters as he sank into a chair. The large family-style kitchen table was worn, evident in the distressed wood. “They wouldn’t go to sleep until Emily showed them pictures of the castle.”

Jason laughed at his friend. They had painted the kitchen in all shades of mellow yellows and soft, contrasting greens. To Jason, the danger facing them all seemed impossible here in this bright and friendly safe haven where they could keep the windows open to the relaxing night sounds.

It was probably why Avery loved this place so much. He thought about Emily living here with the sadness of her mother’s illness for so long. He thought about Avery’s loss and the guilt at not being at his wife’s side when she died.

He looked up and made eye contact with Emily at just the exact moment when he realized he didn’t want to waste any more time. Life was too short, and suddenly he understood he didn’t want to miss out on the love and happiness that waited for him. He wanted this, babies and stolen moments with his wife—her. It was right in front of him in a beautiful bundle if he just had the courage to take it.

He sprawled in the chair, legs stretched, hitting Emily’s knees beneath the table. He tapped his knuckles on the worn wooden table. “You know I’m not fine with this plan to set Emily up with Mosel. There must be another way to find out who he’s with when he’s in town.”

Emily sat up straighter in her chair, moving her knees away from his contact. “Wait, just a minute here. Why the change of heart? I’m ready.”

“I’m not,” he shot back at her.

Even Harrison was shocked. “We’ve been through this before. The compound is a fortress, what’s different now?” Harrison looked truly puzzled and glanced at his wife for reassurance. Andrea shrugged.

Jason got up and moved across the room.

Harrison started to push on, but Emily soon interrupted, seeing the change that had come over Jason’s expression. “What? We have to get into the estate. You know he brings in those contacts. You haven’t been able to track them down because they come in limos. No one’s gotten a heads-up or ID on any of them. He’s good, damn good. This is one sure way to find out who he brings in.”

Andrea walked over and placed a hand on Jason’s shoulder. “I know it’s scary, but it’s been a long time, and this is our best shot. It will mean a lot to each of us. This isn’t just about your revenge, Jason.”

He pulled away from her touch, not wanting to listen, and sat back down. She followed him and ruffled his hair before sitting down in the chair next to him. “I’m sorry, Jason. As much as you’ve taken this upon yourself over the years, each of us wants closure for a different reason. Don’t back out on us now, we can do this. Emily knows what she’s doing, trust her with this.” She smiled at Emily, who nodded her thanks for the vote of confidence.

“I’m not going to do anything foolish or dangerous. I’m no hero,” she reassured the men. It gave Jason pause.

“Are we agreed?” Harrison asked, looking at Jason for confirmation.

Jason picked at the lime in his Corona and nodded, keeping his head down. “When you get back to the house in DC, return his call. He’ll be anxious, after all. Find out when he’s expected to arrive. I think he should be here by Friday. That gives you a few days to get yourself in character.” He didn’t look at her while he talked. He just kept picking at the thin slice of lime, reviewing the plan.


His deep voice did something to her insides. Tonight it seemed deeper, softer, and more serious than usual. They hadn’t had much time together, none alone since she arrived. He distracted her from the conversation whenever he glanced her way. It wasn’t easy keeping a professional distance when they had shared so much. He recited the instructions without a glance in her direction, to her relief. It enabled her to concentrate on what he was saying.

“I get it. Whenever he decides to meet with me, I’ll be wired and the cameras will be in my earrings. That should get you a good look at all his associates and from that, you can cross-reference them with previous contacts. With the new voice recognition programs, we might also be able to get a confirmed ID on someone whose looks are disguised. There’s got to be a connection to the bombing.”

“Speaking of bombing, what about Mosel’s yacht? Did you ever discover what that was all about? Was it a freak accident, or what?” Emily hoped she wasn’t the target, but if Mosel was, this whole scheme was getting really complicated. You couldn’t figure out who all the players were without a scorecard.

“There are no freak accidents.” Both Jason and Harrison spoke in unison. Emily frowned. Jason kept going. “I got some intel before I left that says the rocket was meant for Mosel. We don’t know who or why. But I have my suspicions.”

Harrison didn’t want Emily worried any more than she already was. “Don’t sweat it. Your cover is still completely intact. I checked, and I’m comfortable with this.”

She visibly relaxed. Emily knew Harrison loved her like a baby sister, and he’d never let anything happen to her. Then he added, “We’ll be following with a team so you won’t be alone.” She knew they’d be all over her in ten seconds flat if she needed them.

Jason continued, “Make sure when you pump him for information it’s casual. There’s an art to extracting information without the sub getting suspicious. You have to take advantage of the conversation, ask questions as topics come up, the inconsequential as well as the possibly important items.”

“Really?” Andrea and Emily were both smiling. Andrea held up her hand. “Please, who did you learn this technique from? I’m sure it wasn’t a MAN!” She stared blankly at Harrison. The girls started laughing, and even Jason joined in.

“No, you’re absolutely right, no one interrogates more subtly than a woman. As a guy, you just get caught up talking about yourself and spilling your guts to that interested, pretty, and oh-so-innocent face.”

Harrison shrugged at his wife. “Someone’s got to fill a guy in.”

“Emily will pretend to be lost and devastated after Jason dumped her so publicly in Monte Carlo.” Harrison accidentally shared that information with Andrea for the first time. Her brow raised a notch and took a quick glance at Emily and Jason, who both looked uncomfortable with the subject.

Harrison just plowed on without noticing their uneasiness until Andrea stopped him. She noticed Jason squirm and Emily’s face drop. “Exactly what are you talking about? This apparently needs to be discussed, or so it appears.”

Her husband blew her off. “What? Oh, it was nothing, part of the plan. While Emily was working the chip deal, she and Jason hashed out a deal to get Mosel interested in her so he’d follow her back here. Jason hooked up with Emily during the charity ball, swept her off her feet, and stole her away from Mosel.”

Emily blushed, remembering the garden. Harrison continued to fill Andrea in on the not so sordid details, but Emily knew the woman could read between the lines. Harrison didn’t have a clue. Emily had to wonder how he managed in the spy business so long.

He wasn’t stopping to breathe. “He retrieved the stolen chip from her and made the exchange, but we needed a way to get Mosel interested enough to follow her back to DC. He’s very competitive with Jason. Especially regarding women. The next day we arranged for one of our operatives to be seen meeting up with Jason in a hotel where Emily, Kate, and Jorge were having brunch or lunch or tea, something like that, with Mosel—”

“Wait,” Emily jumped in. “Wait just a minute. What did you say?” She narrowed her eyes as she stared at Jason. He was very still, but glaring daggers at Harrison.

Harrison looked confused. “Which part?”

At that, Emily jumped up, turning her back to the table and looking out into the dark night through the window above the sink. She murmured, “Jacqueline is one of ours?”

She turned on Jason and through her teeth she asked, “Why didn’t you tell me, you rat? You let me worry all this time and weren’t going to tell me?” She threw the first thing she laid her hands on, a large wet sponge, directly at his head. It hit him right in the face before it plopped on the lime he was tearing apart.

He jumped up and moved around the table before anyone saw him. He held on to Emily’s wrists to keep her from thrashing him, but he quickly backed her up against the sink with his body and wasn’t budging.

“Whoa, stop right there. You never would have pulled that day off if you knew.”

“And besides,” he glared at Harrison, “your clearance doesn’t give you the right to every undercover agent’s ID. That’s what we’re fighting here, anyway. Isn’t that what we suspect started this whole mess?”

They apparently forgot there was anyone else in the room. Emily looked livid, but something else crept over her expression the minute his body hit hers. Andrea was at first confused until some of the information began to sink in and she noticed their body language. She started to suspect there was more going on than either she or Harrison was privy to. She glanced at her husband and rolled her eyes.

“Harrison, honey, let’s check on the kids. We’ll be right back, so no fighting, you two.” Andrea grabbed Harrison and pulled him into the family room. “What happened over there that you’ve been holding out on me? I didn’t expect Emily to keep anything from me, and I guess I was wrong about that, but I certainly expected more from you.”

He looked genuinely confused, then brightened visibly. “Well, now that you mention it, all those clutches seemed pretty authentic. He paced like a bear whenever we staked out Mosel’s while she was there, but he denied everything when I confronted him. I think there’s really something going on between them and he won’t admit it. What do you think?”

She smacked him, shoved him back against the wall, and placed her mouth over his ear. “Yes, Mr. Agent Man, I’d bet my life on it, and I’m glad you’re quicker with foreign terrorists than you are with people you know. The country’s secrets are completely safe with you.”

“Now, Andrea, don’t be so sarcastic.” He didn’t let her pull away, running his big hands over her rounded hips. “I’ve been watching those two for so long I’ve given up reading anything into their behavior. I thought it would never happen.” His lips curved into a grin, then his mouth covered hers. He tracked kisses down her jaw and mumbled into her neck, “Let’s go to bed and finish this bullshit in the morning.”

“What about them?”

“They can find their own way to bed.”


Emily’s anger mixed with relief as she relaxed against Jason. Her body heat notched up when she felt him press his arousal into her. Her body missed his. It both recognized and automatically responded. Seeking to be closer, she ground herself into him, feeling at once provoked and comfortable.

He felt so damn good, so right. They were a match. Physically and emotionally, they completed each other. The chemistry between them was impossible to ignore, and she didn’t want to. Sparks flew when they touched, drawn to each other like magnetic forces. She loved the way his body fit against hers, the way she reacted to him. Just his hands holding her in place like this thrilled her. The blue of his eyes darkened at first touch, his breathing became shallow, his pulse quickened. She saw in his expression the moment when he realized what he was going to do.

She observed him as he bent to kiss her. She knew when he remembered where they were, then she watched him disregard the consequences as he took her mouth anyway. He plundered. It felt like he poured everything he had into the kiss, urging her to sense his feelings, his emotions, his soul. Apparently, he wasn’t ready to declare those feelings verbally. So she’d let him off the hook for now, but not indefinitely.

“Come to bed with me,” his raspy voice whispered in her ear. “We’ll finish the plans in the morning.”

“What about—?”

“Don’t worry.” He didn’t even glance over his shoulder. “I think they figured it out.”


* * * *


Emily followed their plans. The earrings looked fantastic with the dress. Of course, diamonds looked great with anything in Emily’s book. But there was nothing to compare to the style of a basic black strapless dress cut up high on the thigh and diamonds—very big diamonds. Her hair spilled around her shoulders, setting off the dress from the top up, and the thin, strappy five-inch heels drew attention to the length of her legs, setting the dress off from the slit down. Her body set off the parts in between, where the dress itself was. As she inspected herself in the hallway, the doorbell rang.

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