Cyrosphere 4:: Gathering of Lives (2 page)

BOOK: Cyrosphere 4:: Gathering of Lives
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Jensen sighs and replies, “Maybe some other time.”

Ginger nods and asks, “Who is Feltus’ mom?”

Jensen frowns but continues, “MaryAnne Kris was dating Malcolm. She also had only one son Feltus, who died in the war. The only war. That is also a painful story. One I do not wish to tell right now, but I carried his body myself. I watched him get buried. We were all at his funeral, but unlike Malcolm I remember.”


Ginger gasps and asks, “What do you mean?”

Jensen lets out a breath and says, “Agnus placed a memory spell around the time MaryAnne vanished and cursed Daniel before she did. She wanted to torture Shalice Kincaid. Back in the day, there was a lot of dating and mixing of partners. Hearts broken and let’s just say not everyone is happy to deal with the past.”

Ginger mimes in, “History repeating itself.”

Jensen nods and states, “Only if we don’t learn from our past.”

Ginger answers, “Too true.”


The rest of the drive gave her a lot to think about.


Chapter Six:


While letting Jensen dive, Ginger’s mind kept wondering over to Mark. The man was impossible to deal with, but hotter then sin. Hottie Mcbody was definitely preoccupying her mind.


One he is a stubborn jerk, check. He intrigues her, but is it his bad boy vibe. He has a decent heart, and loyalty which really struck her as datable. He was obnoxious and fascinated her to the point she wanted to peal back his layers.


Ginger thought, “That’s what it is.”


The man was a mystery she had to unravel. Three hours thinking about Mark and they had pulled up to the house. She piled out at 11:04 pm; better then last time, but not a million text messages or phone calls this time around.


Ginger let Jensen in and got to work introducing him to her new family. Aaron and the girls kept him company while she ran upstairs to write. Sonia Solis always said the best way to help a creative mind was to stay active or busy.


That is exactly what Ginger did, spent a quick ten minutes writing while she allowed her family to get to know Jensen without her. She was sure they had plenty of questions, because she still had some.


Back in the kitchen, everyone was sitting around drinking tea and not discussing war strategies.


Stacey says, “Daniel says that Penny is our key.”

Ginger asks, “Should we trust Mark?”

Aaron states, “And why shouldn’t we?”


All eyes turned to her, so she shrugs and lets the subject drop. Everybody turns back to Stacey.


Stacey goes on, “Natalie will be with us during the battle.”
Ginger smirks and asks, “She is 700 years old, but looks like a kid.”
Jensen explains, “That kid is as powerful as him. I’d take her help if she offering.”


Ginger nods.


Stacey goes on, “So Penny has one of the oldest blood-lines of magic in her. She can help us fight off Feltus.”

Aaron smiles and says, “That’s good news, now bedtime everyone.”


Everyone starts to get up, placing dishes in sink to head upstairs.


Aaron responds, “That means you too Jensen. You may be a elder, but in my house you follow my rules.”

Stacey grins and shows him to a guest bedroom.


Chapter Seven:


Alone in her room with the door closed, she felt as if someone was watching her every move. Things felt strange, the world felt like it was off somehow. How? Ginger couldn’t tell.


She wrote a little in her journal to distract her, and went to the bathroom to wash up for bed. Once back alone in her room, she felt lightheaded suddenly and stumbled towards her bed. The soft inviting silky sheets called to her and she pasted out as soon as her head hit the pillow.


Her mind pulled her into a dream in which she was sitting on her bed in her room, but she wasn’t alone. A tall handsome 6’0 man in swim wear was there as well. He had the face of a young guy, around mid twenties. Arms that were fit thanks to the tank he was wearing, and long lean legs hiding beneath his
swim shorts. He had brown hair that went to shoulder length and kind hazel eyes.


The guy spoke, “Hello Ginger Solis. The chosen one, I am honored to meet you. My name is Oscar Guillermo Whitelock. I have traveled twenty years from the future to change the course of history. Read my mind to verify if you do not believe me.”


Ginger stunned a moment asked, “Who sent you?”

Oscar responds, “You did. I am on the new council, the Rising Miracles league. You are the captain and a great inspiration to many.
You made peace possible and I am one of the last timetravelers left, not many left that posse our ability to jump through worm-holes in time. I have learned so much from you at Hellhilton Academy. You helped train me and I trust you with my life, so you sent me.”


Ginger gasps and asks, “Florida? I don’t think so.”

Oscar laughs and says, “The future may change with this visit. The car can not be avoided but I was told by a powerful indigo Mark GrimJones that my presence here can help make a brighter future. And lastly not to worry about my life, once I left my own time zone that parallel world cease to exist so my death in your present day never happens. Don’t ask me to explain time-travel and all the multi-verses out there. It gives me a headache and I am not verse in quantum physics.”


Ginger laughs and says, “So this war when does it happen?”

Oscar sighs and states, “Tomorrow. It all changes tomorrow. No one can know about me into after the battle begins. I am cloaked to all but timetravelers thanks to a powerful spell from Penny Belkins.”


Ginger nods and says, “So I am not dreaming?”

Oscar huffs and answers, “Sort of, in a way. You are sleeping, but the spell allows our minds to link only temporarily while you sleep and like I said you won’t be able to see me after this. I am proud to carry out this mission for you. Now goodnight.”


And like that the dream ended. Ginger woke up, but the strange sensation from earlier was gone and she couldn’t detect anybody with her mind like before.


Ginger thinks, “At least I know Penny
and Mark make it out alive. Oh, and myself that is reassuring to know.”


She sighs and allows her mind to relax while drifting off to sleep.


Chapter Eight:


While she went through her morning routine, Ginger was finishing cleaning up the kitchen when Mark came up besides her while she was whipping down the counter.


Ginger looked up and says, “Hi, Mark. I want to apologize for all the drama yesterday.”

Mark stunned, smiles and nods his heads. He responds, “No problem. You’re in a good mood.”

Ginger responds, “I have a reason; classes and an amazing dream last night!”

Mark grins and states, “About me I hope.”

Ginger huffs and replies, “Why not got to start.”

Mark smirks wider and answers, “Stop acting like you don’t like me. Go be brainy. Oh, and by the way I do hope you dream about me because I dream of you.”


Ginger was left breathless, as he leaves the kitchen in search of Aaron.


Jensen clears his throat. She turns to him and asks, “What?”

He smiles and states, “Be careful with that one; is all.”
She nods and says, “Bye, classes to attend. Don’t want to be late. Stacey.”


Stacey comes into the foyer.


She asks, “Ready to go?”


Stacey nods and waves to Jensen


Stacey states, “Let’s hit it. The hybrid today, Yvette wants her car back.”

Ginger sighs and responds, “No worries.”


The day passes in a rush of normal, everyday routine into around three thirty she has a text message. It is from Mark saying everyone is at the house and waiting for them.


Ginger thinks, “How did he get my number?”


She calls Stacey, making a beeline for the car and ditches her last class. No Chemistry today, she sighs.
Twelve minutes later Stacey is getting into the car, and Ginger floors it to get back home in Westchester. Stacey was not happy to miss the rest of her Physical Therapy class.


Inside was everyone in jeans and t-shirts looking anxious to get this over with? Ginger’s eyes couldn’t help but roam over to Mark’s fine physique. His solid body to those long legs and his bulging biceps with his arms crossed. The image was mouth watering.


His beautiful blue eyes captured hers’. The air left her lungs and begged to be disrupted by his smoldering passionate kisses.


She thinks, “Oh shit. I need to stop.”


Looking back around the room, a grinning Leo was waving at her. Ginger gasps and quickly waves before she makes a bigger fool of herself. Sighing and paying attention to the meeting about to begin.


Chapter Nine:


Cole opened the portal to a tall industrial building in downtown Los Angeles. Malcolm was tracking him there and he wasn’t alone, Abe was tied up on the west corner on the fifty seven floor. Guards were surrounding the building.


Mark, Lucy, Ginger, Jordan, Kara, Stacey, and Guadalupe were to save Abe and take out Feltus Witchburn. Aaron was leading everybody on one end and Natalie on the other at ground level to distract the Gorjedein demons.


Jensen was to stay near Penny incase the backup spell to transport him to another country was the worst case scenario. Everything was up in the air at the moment, as portals were open and everyone went in a different direction.


Ginger felt confident, but wish that Spider or Hannah had made an appearance. She hoped she wouldn’t need them, plus both had hinted at trusting herself and not in them.


She put on a brave face and jumped into the portal. Stepping out of the portal to an empty office floor the size of a dance studio. Thankfully there were five people she trusted unsure about Mark at this point.


Lucy asks, “Is this the right floor?”

Guadalupe says, “No. We’re on the 56. One more up.”

Mark nods and states, “Let’s move.”

Stacey responds, “Wait, split into three groups. There is four ways up. We should cover them all.”


Ginger says, “Great thinking. Kara and Lucy take the south entrance. Guadalupe and I will take the west and try and get Abe out. Stacey go with Mark to the east wing. Leaving
Jordan in the north.”

Mark asks, “Is that wise?”


The smugness was gone, so Ginger stopped herself from lashing out at him. She takes a second to consider other options.


states, “It’s fine. Just stick to the plan and besides I can handle Feltus if he attacks.”

Lupio states, “You hope.”


glares at him.


Lupio answers, “I’m just saying.”

Ginger nods and states, “Everyone go!”


The group splits up and she went with Guadalupe to get Abe out of here.


Chapter Ten:


elevator ride up one floor was an agonizing two minutes; probably everyone felt the same way. She blocked off all the thoughts and feelings to focus. Stick to the plan and everything will be okay, she hoped.


Once the elevator doors opened, empty floor and somehow Ginger knew things were about to take a turn for the worse. They walked down the hall and there at the end was a red door, meant for them to open.


Lupio says, “Let me.”

Ginger states, “You sure?”

Lupio answers, “I’m the guy.”


Ginger smacks his shoulder and responds, “Whatever. Loss an arm to prove a gay or not, you’re mucho. Go for it.”

He grins which helps ease her worry and replies, “Will do. Take a step back.”

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