Cyrosphere 4:: Gathering of Lives (5 page)

BOOK: Cyrosphere 4:: Gathering of Lives
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Mark snaps, “Your friend needs you Ginger.”


His words were like a punch to the face. A reminder that she was the guilty party; the one that let Lucy down, not Mark.


His eyes saw her face and he crumbled under her powerful words.


Mark says, “Oh shit. I’m sorry. That was insensitive. I’m sorry.”

Ginger fakes smiles and states, “No need to apologize. I blamed you for two years for something that wasn’t your fault. I have come to the realization that I owe you an apology. I truly am sorry.”

Mark answers, “It is all water under the bridge. The past is just that a distant memory. Let’s move on.”


She smiled for real, nodded.


Chapter Twenty:


The plan was to leave first thing the next morning. She told everything to Luke after Mark walked away and left without a goodbye.


They were making progress. Allowing the past two no longer haunt them. Maybe now they could be friends, true friends. Lupio, Jurnee, and Penny were coming with them to Lunar Sci Gomar.


She was finally ready to go back and face her past, to stop living with guilt and regret. No longer would Diego’s death haunt her. She was dealing with the loss of Lucy, and now Ginger needed to move forward on everything.


After Penny casted the spell to open up a portal, the place was exactly the same as she remembered. This had once been her home, and she felt joy. Ginger couldn’t comprehended why she was so scared. And of what? Remembering she had a fantastic first boyfriend.


The small town seemed to have a air of despair. The death of Lucy hadn’t just affected her.


Mark appeared from an empty house with a man of superior height. Hassan Langdon was a 28 year old Lebanese demon. The man worked as an entomologist, which was surprising because he was a giant.


No seriously
, he was tall. He was 6’5, and as big as Mark.


She thought, “No wonder they are friends. The man is staked little house. Just like Mark.”

Ginger fought back laughter as Hassan was a palace council, one of three that replaced Lucy.


She nodded as he explained Brutus Vladmir Creed has returned. The man may be Caleb’s uncle, but was a nightmare.


Brutus is the one calling the shots. No one sees the king but him, for security reasons. All orders must be cleared through the executive chief, Brutus.


Ginger sighs and asks, “I need to see Caleb alone.”

Hassan states, “That is nearly impossible.”

Penny smiles and says, “Call me Sabrina because I am about to make magic.”


The small group followed him to the secret entrance, since no way would Brutus allowed them to visit Caleb.


Chapter Twenty-One:


Things had changed more dramatic then she first imagined.


She wondered, “What happened?”


Jurnee says, “Maybe Hassan and Penny can wait somewhere while the rest of us go in.”

Penny snaps, “Oh no. I am not standing on the sidelines. We discussed this.”

Jurnee replies, “Maybe now is not the time.”

Penny snarls, “Screw that. All right everyone. Big news! I am pregnant. She used her blood infused with a spell, and surprise I am having a supernatural miracle.”


Ginger gasps.


Mark smiles.


Lupio claps.


Mark says, “That is some surprise.”

Lupio answers, “Congrats guys. This is amazing.”

Penny replies, “It is, once my girlfriend stops treating me like a fragile toy. By the way, I ain’t having this child out of wed lock. Once we leave here, we are getting married.”


The poise Jurnee jumps into Penny’s arms pulls her in for a deep kiss. Penny breaks the kiss and looks into her eyes deeply.


Jurnee says, “Of course I’ll marry you my delightful princess.”

Hassan states, “This is all wonderful but guys we are trying to break into a heavily guarded castle.”

Ginger stops smiling and says, “Right. Let’s move.”

Mark grins and responds, “You heard the lady.”


They all continue to a private chamber. The room is a small office room that use to be one of Lucy’s board rooms. Ginger use to wait outside reading when Lucy came out all grins
about meetings and power decisions. The woman was one of a kind.


Ginger thought, “We’ll fix this Lucy, in your honor. I promise.”


Mark asks, “What’s the plan?”


All eyes turned to her.


Once again others blindly followed her and that scared her some.


Ginger states, “I’ll go in alone. Penny, Lupio, and Mark will link minds with me no we all can communicate incase things go south.”

Lupio says, “Okay, be safe. I have control now.”

Ginger nods and responds, “I know. We can discuss this later.”

Guadalupe sighs.


Ginger states, “Lupio. I know you’re awesome and been fishing to use your new abilities but today isn’t practical unless we’re force to defended ourselves.”


He nodded.


Chapter Twenty -Two:


Turning into a shadow before gliding through the castle, she used a cloaking spell to mask her presence from all the demon guards.


Finding Caleb’s room was simple, but she sensed magic around the door. Simply going through solid material was no longer a viable plan.


Ginger went to a room next to his, which was easy in a palace. She turned back to her human form and touched
the wall adjacent to his and used her mind. It was like her psionic and telekinesis fused together and she shifted from one side to the other.


Thank you, Spider. The man had taught her that all matter is controlled by the mind. She wills time to her bidding and made the wall temporarily un-exist. So therefore the wall was prior to being built, and she walked from one room to the other.


She was growing stronger with each passing day.


Caleb lied on the bed looking like death was about to come knocking on his door. He had a full grown caveman beard, hair unruly and overgrown. The man looked bad, but oddly smelled clean. Must be a spell, who did this to him?


She openly allowed the tears to flow and she reached out and grasps his hand. Ginger squeezed but it was like he was brain dead, she relayed this to the others telepathically.


Penny suggested she enter his thoughts.


Maybe she hoped to get through. Ginger relaxed her mind and slowly slipped inside like a deep slumber. All the room faded away and Caleb was chained to the bed suddenly, thrashing against the bindings.


Ginger runs back towards this bed where her friend was at least active. She touched his cheek and his furious gaze - soften when he looked at her.


He spoke with a stutter, “Gin-ng-er?”


Ginger smiled as tears fell.


She states, “I’m here. Let me help you.”


She used all her mind to break the bed, chains to restore this thin damaged man to the image she remembers.


Caleb says, “Thank you. My uncle did this to me. He must pay.”

Ginger grins and replies, “And we will.”


Chapter Twenty-Three:


Leaving his mind, Ginger was stunned when she saw she wasn’t alone. The tall man with a beard and the powerful gaze narrowed it onto her.


The splitting image of Caleb, but just an older version.


He says, “Ginger Solis. I am Brutus Creed.”

Ginger snarls, “I know who you are. A monster!”


He smirks and looks at Caleb.


Brutus responds, “Oh that, that is for his own safety.”


He coughs and the stunned look on Brutus’ face is priceless.


Ginger snaps, “Cat got your tongue?”

Brutus smiles and says, “I heard from an old friend you are powerful.
But this is incredible. No one has been able to break her spells before.”


Ginger asks, “Her?”


He grins.


Brutus states, “You don’t know everything? How refreshing?”


He begins to laugh.


Caleb yells, “Guards.”


The doors fly open and six armored men march in. They surrounded them.


Brutus smiles and states, “Yes. Do get this rift raft out of the palace.”

Ginger grins and replies, “I didn’t come alone.”


Brutus smirks.


He responds, “Oh, I know. I was given containment spells to trap them. They are in this orb.”


He pulled out a glass canister from his jacket pocket.


Ginger thought, “Oh no. Is he lying?”


She used her powers, but the connections to the others was faint at best.


Ginger says, “Shit. He has them.”

Caleb asks, “You sure?”

Ginger states, “This is me. I’m certain. I would read his mind, but I am sure it is disgusting.”


Caleb laughs.


Brutus snaps, “What you laughing at caveman?”


Caleb growls and his eyes flash a shade of blood read. She grabs his arm to stop him from lashing out.


Ginger says, “We can’t, my friends. Think.”

Caleb replies, “Fine. We’ll try it your way.”

Ginger asks, “What will it take to get my friends back?”

Brutus smirks and states, “A game.”


Chapter Twenty-Four:


She thought she must have heard him wrong.


Ginger thought, “A game. Was he insane?”


Caleb asks, “A game. Are you mad?”

Brutus says, “Hardily. Winner gets the canister and the kingdom.”

Caleb yells, “Absolutely not. I am still the king.”


Brutus laughs and states, “You were. Don’t you remember you signed over the palace and the kingdom to me? I am now the ruler.”


Ginger gasps and responds, “Oh shit. I have no other choice.”

Caleb says, “Don’t. He is a champion chess player.”

Ginger grins and answers “Don’t worry. I got this. Deal!”

Brutus smiles and replies, “Exactly. Let’s play.”

The guards were ordered to detain Caleb after they set up the game for Brutus. The man truly was a bastard, throwing around power like it was given to him. He was a common theft and she knew it.


Ginger asked, “Why chess?”

Brutus says, “I used to play with my little brother Sebastian. I would dominate him, but our parents gave him the throne.”

Ginger states, “Jealously. Because it was the only thing you could win.”

Brutus snaps, “Are you trying to psychoanalysis me little girl?”

Ginger answers, “Why? Does it bother you?”

Brutus snarls, “Nope, not at all. Your move.”


So they played and talked, but Ginger was losing. He was good, but she learned from a Pro. Thanks Frost, she had a fail safe winning strategy up her sleeve.


She allowed him to think he was winning; it was all apart of her ultimate plan.


Ginger thinks, “Last question.”


She stares him down.

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