Daddy Morebucks (15 page)

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Authors: Normandie Alleman

BOOK: Daddy Morebucks
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He looked as handsome as ever, freshly shaven, smelling woodsy from his sexy aftershave.

“Good morning, Daddy,” she chirped, hopping up to hug his neck. Every time she used the word, it passed her lips as an endearment. His asking her to call him that had been a step. A step in the right direction. It gave her a way to express her feelings for him.

His arm encircled her waist, his lips finding hers. “Good morning, doll. You taste delicious.”


“Working on your application?”

She bobbed her head to the side. “Trying. I’m a little distracted today. Would you like some breakfast? I could scramble you some eggs.” Though she wasn’t about to set the culinary world on fire, she’d been making her own breakfast since she was eight. Eggs were especially easy.

“Sure. Thanks.”

“I made some coffee, too. Want some?”

“You are a dream, you know that? Sure. I’ll take some.”

“Black?” she asked, pouring him a cup.

He nodded. “I’d like to talk to you about Christmas.”

“Christmas?” Her ears perked up.

“Yes. It’s coming up in a couple of weeks and I wanted to know if you’d like to go over and meet my family? We have a big tree, a big ham, stockings, my mom plays the piano and we all sing Christmas carols. Embarrassing, I know, but it’s a lot of fun. You can meet my sister Anna, and I know my parents are dying to meet you.” He paused. “But if you’ve got plans to go home to Abilene, I understand.”

A sarcastic laugh escaped her. “Abilene? Home? Not hardly.” She tucked her hair behind her ear.

“Well, I thought… your mom. Maybe you’d want to see her.” He shrugged.

She handed him his coffee and sat down next to him. “Let me tell you about the Christmases I had in Abilene. They usually involved Mom drunk on the couch and whatever food Paul and I could scrounge.”

He grimaced.

“Yeah. One year she forgot to buy us presents so she went to the 7-Eleven at midnight and bought us some stuff. We were thrilled when Santa brought us beef jerky, gum, and a comic book. But when we got older we realized that she’d forgotten us that year. As the years went by, she stopped trying and Santa quit coming.”

Concern flashed across his face. “Oh, Marley…”

She focused her attention toward a speck on the floor. “It’s okay. I’m used to it.”

He tilted her chin so she had no choice but to meet his gaze. “You’re not used to being cared for, are you?”

She shook her head and willed the unshed tears to remain, stinging, in her eyes.

“All that’s in the past. From now on, I’ll take care of you.” He pulled her head close to his, pressed his lips to her forehead.

A salty drop escaped onto her cheek. That was what she wanted more than anything.

She wanted to take care of him, too.

She wiped her face. “I’d like to meet your family and spend Christmas with you.” She hesitated. “If that’s what you meant.”

“That’s exactly what I meant.”

“Sounds nice.” This topic was uncomfortable. She needed to change the subject. Giving him a peck on the cheek, she bolted to the other side of the kitchen and reached for a pan. “Poached or scrambled?”


* * *


That afternoon Ken called up to tell her that Charmaine’s driver was there to pick her up.

Kimberly had invited Marley to join her and Charmaine for a movie. Marley jumped at the chance to have something to do and to get to know these girls a bit better. She had lunched with them a couple of times since their first meeting and she liked them more all the time. It was nice to be able to talk with girls in relationships like hers. Heck, it was awesome to have some friends.

The elevator beamed her to the ground floor, and she waved goodbye to Ken as she left.

Charmaine’s ride was a tricked-out stretch Lincoln Navigator. She’d heard Charmaine say countless times, “Limos are so passé, chère.” The vehicle was the traditional black, equipped with fancy rims and a privacy window. The rich girl’s palace on wheels was stocked. With a full bar, of course. Would Charmaine travel any other way?

Charmaine was pouring herself a glass of champagne when Marley embarked into her mobile lair.

“Want some bubbly, hon?” Charmaine glowed. Whether it was from the champagne or some tropical vacation, Marley wasn’t certain. It was the middle of winter so knowing Charmaine, probably the former.

“Sure,” Marley agreed, settling herself into her supple leather seat.

“Good. Kimberly won’t have any. Sometimes she can be a bit of a doormat, ya know?” Charmaine filled up another flute and handed it to Marley. “Be careful. Sometimes George hits the brakes too hard.” She rolled her eyes, swinging her head in the direction of the chauffeur. “But he’s a good egg.” Charmaine took a swig.

“Thanks.” Marley took a sip, the fizzy bubbles tickling her nose.

“So how are things going with Mr. Wonderful?” Charmaine teased.

Heat rose in Marley’s cheeks. “Fine, I guess.”

fine?” Charmaine’s icy blue eyes pierced her.

The car pulled up to Kimberly’s place and they stopped.

“Yikes! I’ve got to go to the bathroom. I’m going to run into Kimberly’s. Here, would you hold this?” Charmaine shoved her champagne flute at Marley, who took it before Charmaine scurried out of the car.

Whew. Saved by the next stop. What was her problem? Nothing was wrong with her and James.

Or was there?

Nothing, other than the fact that she constantly felt like she was a good-for-nothing freeloader. She wished she had some way to pay him back for everything he did for her.

But what could

The only thing she knew was sex. And she already gave him that. She would have given that to him anyway.
If only I could do more

Kimberly climbed into the car, greeting Marley warmly. Charmaine followed and invited Kimberly to join them in having some bubbly.

“No, thanks,” Kimberly said.

Charmaine giggled. “See? What’d I tell you?” she asked Marley.

“It’ll make me fall asleep during the movie!” Kimberly popped Charmaine on the bicep.

“Okay, okay. You don’t have to go all
Million Dollar Baby
on me.” Charmaine rubbed her arm.

“I’ll have some after the movie, how ‘bout that? Y’all want to go for dinner afterwards?” Kimberly asked.

“Sure. Where’s Charles?”

“With his kiddo. How about you, Marley?”

“Yeah. Dinner sounds good.”

The girls laughed and joked all the way to the movie theater. Once there they purchased tickets and drinks. Marley and Charmaine ordered sodas, while Kimberly got an inordinately expensive bottle of water. Charmaine excused herself to go to the bathroom.

“She just went to the bathroom at your house,” Marley observed.

“She might be spiking her drink,” Kimberly sighed.


“Yeah. That girl has a tolerance I can’t even begin to wrap my head around.”

“She doesn’t seem drunk.”

“That’s what I mean. I’m not sure if she has a problem, but what can we do about it?” Kimberly whispered.

“Hmm. I’m not sure. Maybe ask her about it.”

Charmaine came out of the restroom and strolled toward them.

“Hey, did you go in there to liven up your drink?” Marley asked, half-joking.

“No,” Charmaine answered, looking nonplussed. “Tuna for lunch. Has my stomach all torn up if you must know, Miss Nosypants.” She linked her arm with Marley’s and marched them into the movie theater.

After a particularly long epic romance, the girls headed to a local burger joint for dinner. Charmaine had vetoed sushi, so they decided on hamburgers.

Once they were seated and had heaping plates of burgers and fries in front of them, Charmaine started in. “So, Marley, you were going to tell me what’s going on with you and James.”

“Now who’s Miss Nosypants?” Marley teased.

“What do you mean? Is something wrong?” Kimberly asked, worry lines indenting her forehead.

Marley swallowed a bite of her cheeseburger. “No, there’s nothing wrong exactly,” she said, dabbing the corner of her mouth with her napkin.

“Then what?” Kimberly asked.

“It’s just that he does so much for me… Hell, he gave me a car last week. And I’d like to give him something back. But I don’t have anything,” Marley explained.

“But he has
. Isn’t that enough?” Kimberly asked. “I mean, Marley, I know you’re good to him. Charles told me he’s never seen James so happy.”

“Yes, I am good to him, but I’d like to do more.”

“Like what?” Charmaine asked, sipping on a beer.

“I don’t know. Give him a three-way.” Marley laughed.

“Seriously?” Kimberly’s eyes grew wide.

“Why not?” Charmaine shrugged.

“I don’t know. Sex is the only thing I can think of. And guys all want to be with two women. It’s like the universal male fantasy, right?” Marley asked.

Kimberly shook her head. “I don’t know, Marley. Who would you get to do it?”

Charmaine grinned. “I’m in.”

“Really?” Marley’s heart raced.

“Sure, why not?” Charmaine’s nonchalance intrigued Marley.

Marley hesitated. Would it be weird with someone she knew? Or would that make it easier, better?

Kimberly said, “I could never do that. I don’t know how you girls can deal with that. I’d be too jealous. It would be too weird.”

“This wouldn’t be my first time. I respect their relationship so I won’t get in the way. No need to worry about me being a third wheel afterwards.” Charmaine chuckled.

“Do you even know James?” Kimberly asked.

“No, it’s hard to believe. You and Sloane talk about him so much, but I’ve never even met him,” Charmaine said.

“You haven’t?” Marley was surprised.


“Are you sure you didn’t meet him at Sloane’s Christmas party last year?” Kimberly asked.

Charmaine inspected her zebra-stripe manicure. “I was in the Swiss Alps, remember?”

“Oh, yeah.” Kimberly turned to Marley. “He doesn’t know her. Seems like that would make it easier…”

“Yeeeesss.” Marley stalled. “I guess I’m down with that.” Charmaine was beautiful. A gorgeous, exotic woman who seemed to have everything. Surely Charmaine had men knocking down her door. She didn’t need James. She didn’t need his money either. Maybe she
be a good choice.

Scratching her chin, Marley considered. Charmaine batted her eyes at Marley.

Yes, she trusted her. Charmaine didn’t have designs on James. She only wanted to have a good time.

Marley sighed. “We’ll set up something next week?”

Charmaine winked in response.

It wasn’t until they were on the way home that Marley realized she’d forgotten to check in with James.

Chapter Fourteen



James paced the floor. Back and forth. His shoes threatened to wear a path into the rug.

Where was she? She knew she was supposed to check in, but she hadn’t.

She said she was going to a movie. Had texted him about that. But the showing should have been over hours ago. Where could she be?

And why didn’t she answer her phone? Or respond to his texts? His stomach tightened.

Her car was in the garage. She must have ridden with someone else. Supposedly she was with Charmaine, but he didn’t know that number…

His gut lurched. What if she wasn’t with Charmaine? What if she were with another guy? Or worse, injured in an accident…

Grab a hold of yourself. People are late all the time for good reasons. Traffic. Things happen. It could be anything

Forcing himself to sit down, he reached for the remote control. Maybe watching television would distract him. He took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on SportsCenter. How did he keep finding himself in this predicament? He frowned. Usually women waited for him. His time was valuable. Too valuable to be stuck waiting around for a girl too self-involved or headstrong to obey his rules. His anger swelled.

The jangle of the phone startled him. It was a text from Marley.

“Sorry, Daddy. Went to dinner with Charmaine and Kimberly and forgot to tell you. Please forgive me. On my way home now.”

A wave of relief washed over him. Thank God. She was okay.

Now that he knew she was okay, his thoughts turned to consequences. He’d never really had to punish Marley. He’d spanked her a few times, but nothing significant. She was a well-behaved sub most of the time, but this kind of mistake could not be repeated. It was important that she understand the rules; that he was in charge. She must obey them. Or there would be repercussions.

Rules with no consequences were ineffective. He’d have to come up with something that would serve as a deterrent. He tapped a finger on the side table and considered the possibilities. When he heard her enter the apartment, he was prepared.

“Daddy, I’m so sorry.” She tossed her purse to the side and rushed to him, showering him with kisses. “I totally forgot to call you. I’m so sorry,” she repeated, her face forlorn.

He hugged her to him. “I’m glad you’re okay. I was worried. Are you aware of that?” His voice was firm, almost harsh.

Fidgeting, she replied, “I guess, but I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“It doesn’t matter if you didn’t intend to do it; the point is you broke the rule. Rules are in place for a reason, Marley. This rule is for your safety and my peace of mind. I’m disappointed that you selfishly disregarded it. In this case you caused me unnecessary worry. And for that you shall be punished.”

“But Daddy…” she protested.

“But Daddy what?”

She lowered her head. “It’s just—I didn’t mean to, and I’m sorry. Isn’t that enough?”

“No. It is not enough. Now go into your bedroom and strip naked. When I come in there I want you naked and kneeling on the floor with your hands behind your back.”

“But Daddy!” Her voice shook with fear.

“Just do it,” he barked.

Keeping an eye on his watch, he let fifteen minutes pass before going to her room. He wanted her to wait, just as he had waited. He wanted her to wonder what he was going to do to her, what was going to happen next.

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