Daddy Morebucks (17 page)

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Authors: Normandie Alleman

BOOK: Daddy Morebucks
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Damn that Daddy! She snarled, and hurled herself out of bed. This had gone far enough.

Her bare feet padded through the dark, silent living room. Standing outside his closed bedroom door, she paused. Did she dare enter uninvited? Could she wake him up in the middle of the night?

Heart pounding, she screwed up all her courage and turned the door handle.

Inside she could hear his breathing. Steady, like the man himself.

When she tried to speak, only a strangled whisper came out. Her pulse throbbed just under the surface of her skin, which was beginning to perspire. What would he do once he realized she’d come into his room unannounced?

What if he yelled at her and sent her back to her room? That would be worse than the suffering she had endured for the last several hours. She wasn’t sure she could take that kind of rejection.

Surely he would be kind to her, even if he sent her away. It was this hope that gave her the chutzpah to pull back the blankets and crawl into bed with him.

He lay facing away from her. Slowly, she inched toward him until they were touching.

Still he didn’t stir.

She lay there for a while, relishing the quiet intimacy of being in bed with the man she loved, watching him sleep.

But his back was to her. Sigh.
Maybe I should just try to fall asleep

After a few minutes, she realized that wasn’t going to happen. She had unfinished business with her daddy and there would be no sleeping on her part until it was settled.

Gently, she draped her arm across his chest and snuggled up like a spoon against his backside.

Finally, he moved. His hand reached up and pulled her arm to his chest, holding it close. He mumbled something unintelligible and let out a snore.

This would not do. Frustrated, she whisper-hissed into his ear, “Daddy!”

“Huh? What is it?” he asked, half-asleep.

“Nothing, Daddy. It’s me, Marley.”

He readjusted, rolling back over toward her. “Marley.” He rubbed his eyes. “What are you doing here?”

How to answer that…?

“I couldn’t sleep.”

He reached over and ran a hand over her hip. “You couldn’t, huh?” A lecherous tone snuck into his voice.

“No, Daddy. You told me I couldn’t touch myself, so that’s all I’ve been able to think about. Sex. And you,” she said petulantly.

“So you understand the punishment now and you don’t like it, do you?”

“Yes, I understand, and no, I don’t like it, Daddy.” She gently traced the chiseled planes of his face with one finger. “I get very lonely, all by myself in my room.”

“You do?” he teased.

“I do, Daddy, and I miss you.”

He pulled her to him, covering her mouth with his. Even though he’d been sleeping, he tasted delicious, clean and fresh as a spring breeze.

“My poor girl.”

She nodded her assent and kissed him back, her tongue darting into his mouth, lolling in a dance with his.

“Let’s get this thing off.” He tugged her gown over her head then tossed it on the floor.

“So tell Daddy what it is you want.”

“I just want you, Daddy. However you want to take me.” She loved being submissive to him; that was what brought her the most pleasure of all, letting him do what he wished with her body.

“Uh-uh. This is your show, princess. You’re the one who woke me up. Now tell me what you want, what you’ve been fantasizing about.”

She furrowed her brow in the dark. Clearly she hadn’t thought this all the way through. What
she want?

“I want you to lick my pussy.” The words tumbled out before she could stop them. When he had done that before, it felt amazing.

“That’s such a good girl, telling Daddy what she wants. I’m very proud of you, Marley. If you’re not honest with Daddy, I can’t please you.”

Shifting himself atop her, he slid down her torso. “Spread your legs.”

She pulled her knees up and opened her legs.

“Wider,” he barked.

She stretched them as wide as they would go. “That’s the best I can do, Daddy.”

“That’s fine. You should start stretching yourself when you’re watching television. Daddy likes you to open wide for me, understand?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she whimpered with anticipation, the adrenaline already pumping at the vulnerable position she was in. Being spread like this had her juices flowing.

He burrowed his head between her legs, and caressed the insides of her thighs with his hands.

Marley involuntarily tensed. She felt incredibly vulnerable, her naked pussy in his face, and after she’d asked him to do this, too. How embarrassing.

“Relax,” he said, stroking her, tracing the outside folds of her southern-most lips.

Tilting her head back, Marley shut her eyes and took a deep breath. She was more comfortable giving. It was difficult for her to accept the gift he was about to give her, but she knew she must. She had asked for it, after all.

She forced herself to let go and enjoy the experience as he nipped at her lips with his. Boldly, Marley wound her fingers into his full head of hair. James took this as a green light, employing his tongue with a gusto that surprised her. He seemed to truly be enjoying himself.

His tongue was thick, wide, and meaty. He lapped up her whole sex, the way a Labrador would drink a bowl of water—thirsty, with passion abounding. Then he pointed his tongue and hit only certain spots of her labia. At first Marley was consciously aware of what he was doing, and with what part of his body.

But before long, the pleasure became so intense, spreading out over so many nerve endings, she couldn’t keep it straight in her mind. She moaned, crying out constantly, her body overtaken by the most delicious sensations she’d ever felt in her life.

He licked her clit, swirled all around it. Was he using his fingers, maybe his nose? Hell, she didn’t care! He was so passionate, like her body was an ice cream store filled with all of his favorite flavors. She spread her legs even wider, open for business.

His mouth made her buck hard underneath him, and she came, wave after wave of pleasure lasting for what seemed like an eternity while he licked, nipped, and stroked her pussy. Slowly she came back to earth.

Afterwards, he marveled at how much pleasure he’d brought her. “Wow! You really liked that. Why didn’t you tell me how much you like that, naughty little girl?”

She giggled, threw her arms around his neck, and said, “I didn’t know I did.” Her lips found his and she tasted her own tart nectar. Holding him tightly to her, she hoped he wouldn’t banish her from his bedroom. The endorphins pinging through her body gave her confidence. “Daddy, can I sleep here tonight? Please.”

He kissed her neck and gave her a squeeze. “Yes, you may. Snuggle up to Daddy and go to sleep now.” He tapped her on the nose. “We have a big day later today. I’m taking you out for brunch and then we’re going to a football game.”

“For real?”

“For real. Now let’s get some sleep.”

Dutifully, she rolled into the crook of his arm and slept better than she had in weeks.

Chapter Fifteen



James took Marley to brunch at Nick & Sam’s. He wanted some time alone with her, so he planned to meet their friends later at the game.

They sipped mimosas and grazed at the various culinary stations. James ordered a slab of prime rib, while Marley enjoyed a custom-made omelet with ham, cheese, and two kinds of onion. The dessert table groaned with scrumptious selections, but they both settled on the chocolate mousse, which was heavenly and thankfully light.

After they were satiated, James had his driver take them to the Dallas Vipers’ gigantic stadium. The facility boasted some of the world’s most lavish accommodations, and last year he had treated himself to season tickets with his own skybox.

For the last few games he’d given his tickets to some of the higher-ups in his company as a perk and a gesture of good will. But today, he looked forward to showing off Marley and watching the game with her.

The box seating offered a bird’s-eye view of the playing field and gave the event a party vibe. Luxurious midnight blue upholstered furniture, several high-definition monitors, and parquet flooring provided a comfortable atmosphere.

James had invited Charles and Kimberly. Carmen would be joining them as well. From what she had said, Carmen preferred to watch with them rather than the ‘players’ wives.’ It didn’t sound like that group was one in which she felt at ease. To hear her tell it, those ladies had nothing on any of the housewives from those reality shows in the drama department.

The home team played the Houston Honeybadgers that afternoon. The game opened with a kickoff return for a touchdown by the Vipers. They set the tempo from the beginning, held down the throttle and never looked back. Just before the half, Carmen’s boyfriend, Natron Dakers, caught a pass at the twenty-five yard line and ran it in for a touchdown, making the score 21-0. Mugging for the cameras, Natron unveiled a new touchdown dance that had him shimmying in the end zone. The crowd went wild.

“He’s quite the showman,” James said to Carmen.

She laughed. “Don’t I know it!”

Mushroom snowcaps, breaded parmesan asparagus tips, stuffed shrimp, and other appetizers were served on the buffet. Ice-cold beer flowed, and a wine selection was available for some of the ladies who preferred vino.

James watched Marley mingle. Every move she made dripped style and grace. Truly, seeing her today, it blew his mind that she had ever been a prostitute, walking the streets. The woman could shine in any setting. From homeless shelter to the most high-end charity ball, she found her niche and made her delightful presence known. Seeing her today, a stranger might have thought she’d grown up in the toniest neighborhood in Dallas.

None of that mattered to him. He didn’t care about her past. Hell, there were times when he forgot about it completely.

On the other side of the room, Marley sparkled in a green sweater that enhanced her emerald eyes. Engaged in conversation with Kimberly and Charles, she tucked a strand of raven hair behind her ear. James’ chest tightened. He couldn’t imagine life without her. She’d become as essential to him as breathing.

He must tell her.

Talking about his emotions wasn’t his strong suit, but he’d find a way.

James crossed the room and slid his arm around Marley’s waist.

“Hey.” She turned to him and smiled. “What have you been up to?”

“Watching you.” It was halftime and people were milling around, out of their seats.

Kimberly and Charles shared a knowing look, then rushed off, making some excuse about needing some more champagne.

“Ah, now I have you all to myself.” He wrapped his arms around her.

?” she protested feebly.

“Anywhere I want,” he growled in her ear. “This is
box, anyway.”

He tickled her ear, nibbling just behind it.

“You’re right, Daddy.”

He nuzzled her neck, leaving a trail of kisses behind. They huddled together on a sofa and watched the rest of the game. The Vipers destroyed the Honeybadgers with the final score reading 42-7. Natron had two hundred all-purpose yards. Viper fans were jubilant. Their team was going to the playoffs.

Amidst all the high-fiving and the congratulatory hugs, Marley whispered in James’ ear, “Daddy, there’s something I want to run by you.”

Leaning back to look at her, he said, “I’m listening.”

“I’d like to have a friend over to spend the night this week. Kind of a slumber party. If that’s okay…”

Stroking his chin pensively, he answered, “I don’t see why not.”

She threw her arms round his neck and kissed him hard on the cheek.

“Oh, thank you, Daddy. You won’t regret it.”


“And I have a special early Christmas present for you, too.” An impish grin lit up her face.

“Great.” What was his little vixen up to now?


* * *


James couldn’t decide if he should go for a swim or a run. Swimming was his workout of choice, but he liked to break up the monotony occasionally. While it was chilly outside now, it wasn’t terribly cold, and it was only going to get colder out the further they got into winter.

A run, then. He walked into his closet and took out his running shoes.

Marley was having her friend over tonight, and he was planning to stay out of their way. Let them do their girly things. He’d brought some work home with him. Maybe he’d get a pizza and hole up in his room.

Dressed in a long-sleeved Under Armor shirt and jogging shorts, mp3 player in hand, he was almost at the door when the bell rang. He opened it to see an attractive girl with tiger-striped hair, dripping with designer labels and sex appeal.

“Hi, I’m Charmaine. You must be James.” She extended a hand palm down as if she expected him to kiss her ring.

He gave her a firm businesslike handshake and invited her in. Offering to take her bag, he called for Marley. “Charmaine’s here.”

Marley’s head popped out of her room. “Okay. Hey, Charmaine.” She then turned to James. “Where are you going?”


“Oh, okay.” Was that a look of disappointment he saw on her face?

It was sweet she would miss him. “I’ll be back soon. You girls have fun.”

With that, he plugged in his earbuds and set off for his workout.

Six miles and one hour later, James came through the door, dropped his mp3 player on the hall table, and went to his bathroom to clean up.

His hair still dripping from his shower, he threw on a t-shirt and shorts. Parched, he padded barefoot to the kitchen to get some water.

A gale of giggles erupted from Marley’s room. He smiled to himself, glad she was having fun.

Full glass of ice water in hand, he trudged into the living room, sat down, and turned on the sports channel.

Momentarily Marley and her friend came out of her bedroom. They were laughing and stealing glances at one another, as if they had a secret they weren’t going to share with him. Both girls wore short tight t-shirts, panties, and long striped knee socks. Marley’s hair was tied back in ponytails.

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