Dalton, Tymber - Doggy Tales [Doggy Tales] (Siren Publishing Classic) (9 page)

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Doggy Tales [Doggy Tales] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Now that she had time to sit and relax, Genna thought about the previous night’s dream. How could she dream like that again? She’d do it every night, if she had her choice.

She sipped her chamomile tea. Facing Bruin every day would be a challenge. No doubt his real body matched his dream body. Between her legs, her pussy contracted in a hot and pleasant way at yet another thought of the dream-fucking she’d enjoyed more than any real-life roll in the sack with Lester.

It was hard to go to sleep despite her exhaustion. She was too excited about starting work the next morning, too hopeful the dream would return.

Eventually she drifted, but when her alarm clock sounded at seven, she looked at it with disappointment. No dream lover had boinked her brains out, Bruin or otherwise.

“Well, damn.”

With a disappointed sigh she showered and dressed for work.

* * * *

Genna decided to go in a little early and perhaps miss the worst of the dog crowd. Ivan didn’t greet Genna in the lobby, though Lindsey sat behind her desk already. The large dog could have easily been on the floor at her feet, but Genna didn’t want to risk mentioning his name for fear he’d come say hi.

“Good morning,” Genna said.

Lindsey smiled. “Good morning. Mr. Bruin called and said he’s running late this morning, but he left some things on your desk to get you started. You’re to call his cell if you have questions. And if you get stuck, call me and I’ll come up.”

“Thank you.” Genna raced for the elevators, breathing a sigh of relief when the doors slid closed behind her without her spotting any sign of Ivan. She’d brought her lunch and would hopefully not have to leave her office except for bathroom breaks. Maybe in a few weeks she’d be braver, but for now she wanted to focus on her new job.

And on not drooling over her hunkster new boss. Or worrying about passing out over a puppy.

There were several folders spread out on her desk in an orderly arrangement. She sat and read through them. The first was a specific list of several requirements Bruin had about her job. She’d signed a confidentiality agreement the other day, and he emphasized her silence was a requirement to keep her job. She could listen to music as long as it wasn’t disruptive or interfered with answering phones. She could take an hour lunch as well as two half-hour breaks during the day.

Wow, generous!

She would be available to him via phone twenty-four seven, three sixty-five for questions or issues, but those instances would most likely be rare. Still, she would receive a corporate cell phone. Travel would be a requirement—paid by the company, of course. Other specifics such as how to answer the phone, how to handle certain calls, it was a dizzying amount of information.

At the bottom of the first list, he included a handwritten comment.

I’m sure you’ll do fine, Ms. Pangborn. Relax.

She smiled at his tidy script. Lester always wrote like a trembling chicken.

When Bruin arrived around eleven, Genna had read through all the information and familiarized herself with the computer system.

He carried a Starbucks cup and wore dark sunglasses. Her heart fluttered as her mind briefly conjured the dream.

“Good morning, Mr. Bruin.”

He nodded. “Ms. Pangborn. Any problems or questions?”

“Not yet, thank you.” He almost seemed a tad…chilly.

Then again, she’d spent less than twenty minutes total with him. Who knew how he normally acted?

He paused at his office door. “I’m expecting a visitor in about twenty minutes. When he arrives, please send him straight in.”

“Yes, sir.” She didn’t want to ask the visitor’s name in case she shouldn’t know, but he looked at her.

“His name is Ivan.”

She shivered. “The dog?”

Then he smiled. “No, that’s a coincidence.” With that he closed the door behind him, and she ran her hands over her arms to smooth the gooseflesh. Her panties were already damp from just the thought of what his dream counterpart’s lips had done to her.

Nineteen minutes later, a large man walked in, nearly as tall as Bruin, with broad shoulders and familiar grey eyes, but she couldn’t place from where. His black hair was dusted with grey. It looked good on him despite how young he appeared, maybe Bruin’s age.

His stern demeanor concealed all emotion. She got the distinct impression he didn’t approve of her presence.

“I’m here to see Jeremy. Ivan Biendino.”

He made her nervous, no doubt about it. “Please go right in, sir. Mr. Bruin is expecting you.”

She held her breath until he closed the inner office door behind him. He was nearly as terrifying as Ivan the Dogzilla. Maybe Ivan was Russian for “can scare the living crap out of you with a look.” If so, both man and dog were appropriately named.

Ivan stayed in Bruin’s office for two hours. At one point she thought she heard raised voices, but she ignored it and continued working. When Ivan angrily emerged, Genna hoped she didn’t jump too much. This time the look he sent her was…


His face softened a fraction as he stared at her. “Have a good day, Ms. Pangborn.”

She nodded. “Thank you, sir.” She noticed Ivan’s ass was as cute and tight as Bruin’s.

Bruin opened his door. “Ms. Pangborn, please bring a notepad with you.” He left the door standing open as he returned to his desk and dictated several notes for her to add to one of the files. He made no mention of Ivan.

By five o’clock, she wanted to leave but stayed a little later to finish a few things. The work was easy, and from the looks of some of their clients, she understood the need for stringent secrecy. Engineering agencies, chemical corporations, medical research firms—she still wasn’t exactly sure what Bruin and Associates did, but apparently they coordinated behind the scenes activities that had to remain silent.

Most of what she read was couched in technical terms and legalese. At least she could honestly say, if ever deposed, that she didn’t understand most of it.

That night she settled in and dropped to sleep.
Yay sexy dream!
The enormous brown dog returned. When the dog changed into Bruin, she smiled and felt a pleasant throbbing between her legs.

He didn’t say anything, just silently stared at her for a long time with an expression she couldn’t decipher. Then he knelt between her legs and looked at her, his amber eyes liquefying her soul.

“Who do you belong to?” he asked.

“You,” she breathlessly replied.


“I belong to you,” she said, her voice trembling.
this was a realistic dream. She felt the mattress move as he shifted his weight.

“You’re all mine, aren’t you?” he growled, lowering his head to her pussy.

“Yes, I’m all yours!”

“Ask me to make you come,” he whispered.

“Please make me come!”

His tongue laved her clit and she moaned.

“Say it again. Say my name.”

“Jeremy, please make me come!” His hot breath on her flesh drove her nearly out of her mind with need. She desperately hoped she didn’t wake up before he fucked her, that it wasn’t five minutes until seven and her alarm about to go off.

He grabbed her thighs and buried his face between her legs, making her explode twice before sitting up. “Am I better than Lester?”

She nodded, trying to regain the use of her vocal cords. “A lot better,” she gasped.

“And who do you belong to?”

“I belong to you.”

He dropped his voice. “Beg me to fuck you.”

“Please fuck me!”

“You want me to fuck you hard, like I did before?”


He flipped her over, and she screamed with pleasure as he rammed his stiff cock home.

“How’s that feel?” he asked, his fingers clamping almost painfully around her hips.

“Damn good!” she moaned into the pillow.

He stopped and pulled her up. “How’s it feel, Genna?” he growled in her ear.

“It feels sooo fucking good!”

“Do you want me to keep fucking you?”


He pushed her down to the mattress and thrust, hard and deep. Then he curled around her again. “Do you want me to come inside you?”

“Yeah.” She didn’t care what he did if it kept feeling this good.
Ah, another great dream.

With several hard thrusts he climaxed, groaning and burying his cock deep inside her. She wanted to roll over and bask in the sensation with Dream Bruin, but he was already up and off the bed, standing there and silently staring at her.

That was strange, but hell, who cared. It
just a dream.

He grimly nodded.

“This is just a dream, Genna,” he said.

Uh, duh. Of course it is.
She smiled. “Come back every night if you want.”

He paused then almost looked like he wanted to say something. When she blinked he was the dog again. Without another sound, he turned and he padded out of her bedroom.

* * * *

Genna awoke pleasantly sore. Then again, she’d been sore yesterday morning from moving.

Wow, this was an unexpected bonus. Hot boss, hotter dreams.

Whoo wee.

Bruin wasn’t in the office when she arrived, but there were several things laid out on her desk for her to do. She set to work. He arrived around ten, his dark glasses firmly in place, Starbucks cup in hand.

“Good morning, Ms. Pangborn.”

Her stomach fluttered at the sound of his voice—professional, not the sexy, sultry growl of her dream. “Good morning, Mr. Bruin.”

She breathlessly waited while he walked into his office and shut the door behind him, then she sighed.

If only…

No, crap, don’t even
that. That’s how you got involved with Lester, and look where it got you!

Ivan showed up an hour later and wordlessly nodded to her before walking into Bruin’s office and shutting the door behind him. She wondered if he was one of the “associates” from Bruin and Associates?

Twenty minutes later, Ivan stormed out, leaving the door open behind him. He hesitated at her desk like he wanted to say something to her when he looked at Bruin’s door. Bruin leaned against the doorjamb, a sly, challenging smile on his face, his arms crossed.

Her mouth watered. Damn she hoped she dreamed about him that night!

Ivan left without further word, and Bruin turned, closing the door behind him.


But not her business.

* * * *

She was almost eager to get home and go to bed, hoping her dreams held. She finally got to sleep, and the dream started soon after. The dog reappeared then changed to Bruin. Without a word he stared at her for several moments. Then he knelt at the end of the bed.

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