Damaged Hearts (2 page)

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Authors: Angel Wolfe

BOOK: Damaged Hearts
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Angel was a more slender, almost ten years younger, version of Kat and while they shared the same mother, they had been raised and treated differently and had different fathers.


“Strange seeing you out here Rick” Angel said, sliding off of Stardust and kneeling down to pat Wolfe as she whispered praise to him and loosened the horses cinch. 


“That’s one thing you definitely share with your sister Angel,” Rick said eyeing the dog while ignoring her comment.  “Your ability to “talk” to animals still amazes me to this day. 


Glancing at Rick, Angel stood up and stepped forward to shake his hand, another of her sister’s teachings. “Good to see ya again although, you never did say why you’re here.”


“He came with me to look at the fence where someone cut it.  We decided to come get you and then head to Rick’s place to meet up with Matt and make some plans on how we should go about chasing down our missing cattle.”  Kat sighed.  “Plus, I’m hoping that Wolfe may be able to pick up the scent and help us find them if we lose sight of the tracks.” 


“How hot is that mare Angel?”  Rick asked stepping easily into the big brother role.  “Is she still fresh enough to chase cattle or do we need to saddle you up another mount?”


“She’s run a bit Rick but she’s not winded if that’s what you’re talking about” Angel replied.  “Sis breeds some strong stock.  Plus look, Wolfe isn’t even panting hard.”


“Alright guys, let’s go get Matt so we can find the cattle and get them home.”  Kat broke in, uncomfortable with the praise.  “We don’t have time right now to debate treatment of stock or what I do or don’t do.”


She strode towards the corral leaving Angel and Rick to look questioningly at each other before hurrying to follow her.  Angel grabbed Star’s reins and marched elbow to elbow with Rick before nudging him in the ribs teasing like a younger sibling would.  Eyeing the dog again, Rick knew better then to retaliate.  Kat had trained it well and it never left Angel’s side.  He decided he’d let it go for now but would eventually get even before the day was over.  He did grab the horses’ reins away from Angel though and told her to go help her sister while he watered the horse for her.  


She giggled and told him “I think you’re going to be good for Kat.  You’ll keep her on her toes and no one else has ever done that before.”  With that, she ran ahead ponytail swaying as she ran.  If he was a lot younger, she might be someone he would go for but Kaitlyn was much more to his taste and would be a much better mother to his two girls, although...Yeah, that might just work.  His younger brother definitely needed someone to
keep him on his toes
as Angel put it.  Well, that was something to think about later, after the cattle were found and brought back where they belonged.


After saddling the other two horses again, they all mounted up and quickly rode out towards Rick’s place with Wolfe keeping pace with Angel’s horse.  Rick rode up next to Kat but kept the silence, temporarily just riding with her.  Under other circumstances, he could really enjoy himself in her company but right now, the situation was too serious.  Kat kicked her horse to join up with Angel who was riding up ahead and Rick contented himself with eating the dust of the two women as he contemplated the tracks that included the horse with the starred shoe. 


Knowing that there would be no answers until the cattle were found, he changed his line of thought to how he could make Kaitlyn comfortable enough around him that he could start including his girls in his plans to make her their mother.




Matt, a younger version of Rick but with piercing ice blue eyes, looked up as the three horses and riders came trotting into the yard followed closely by the ever-present dog.  His eyes went straight to Angel admiring the way she sat her horse and loving the way the sun seemed to reflect off her gold-blond hair.  He set down the pair of reins that he’d been mending and strode over to the trio wanting to see what had happened to cause his brother to actually be spending time with Kat Carson. 


“What’s going on that has you all looking so stressed?”  Matt asked as he approached.  Rick swung down and led his horse over to tie it to the fence.  “Kaitlyn’s got a huge problem.  She’s had someone cut her fence and ride off with about twenty head of her cattle.  If you would, go get Warlock and Lucifer and let’s get them saddled.”  He added as he loosened the cinch strap and pulled the saddle and blanket off Magyc.  He then unclipped the reins and laid them across the saddle as he grabbed a lead rope and hooked it to the young stallions halter.  He quickly led the palomino inside the barn and rubbed him down before turning him into his stall that opened into an outside paddock.  He then measured out some oats, forked out a bit of hay and latched the stall door meeting Matt with the other two horses. 


While Kaitlyn had her palominos, Rick’s forte was his paints.  Matt shrugged his shoulders as if to ask him which mount he wanted.  Lucifer was younger and a horse to be proud of, but Rick left him to Matt instead taking Warlock.  The two of them had a long history and there wasn’t currently a horse he’d rather have under him other than possibly Kaitlyn’s Golddust. 


After leading the horse out of the barn and tying him to the post, Rick left Matt to saddle him as he turned and headed towards the house.  Stopping to turn back again momentarily, he issued instructions.  “You gals may as well get down for a second and come on in.  I need to make sure the housekeeper knows we are leaving and see if she can keep an eye on the girls while we’re gone.  We don’t need Morgan sneaking out and trying to catch up with us.”


Kat slid off her horse but as usual, Matt was right there to assist Angel down.  Kat noticed that his hands lingered on her sister’s waist longingly so turned and started towards the house to give them a couple minutes of privacy.  She knew the two had a prior history that her sister didn’t really want her to know about yet. 


Walking quietly into the house, Kat was hit the minute her boots cleared the entryway.  Caught by surprise, she tripped over Rick’s little six year old, blonde haired bundle of energy that had launched into her and they both ended up sprawled out on the floor.  Kat and Ali sat up totally astounded, looking comically at each other they broke into laughter.  That was how Rick found the two of them as he came back into the living room with his arm around the older fifteen-year-old Morgan.  Glancing up and catching sight of them, Kat attempted to get back to her feet but the giggling Ali made it a little difficult as she kept wrapping her arms around them.


Seeing her dilemma, Rick stepped forward, scooped his daughter up in one arm, and attempted to give Kat a hand up at the same time.  Morgan stayed where she was with her arms crossed, a hostile look on her face.  Sighing, Kat thanked Rick as she ruffled the hair on the top of Ali’s head making her laugh all over again.


“Hello Morgan, how is school going?”  Kat asked, cautiously.  “Hopefully all your studies are going well.”


“It’s not like you care!  You’re just after my father and his money like all the other hussies in this county.  You don’t care about me or my sister so you can stop your act right now.”  Morgan shouted as she stomped from the room.


“Wow, that went well” Kat said dejectedly.  “Guess she’s still afraid that someone is going to try to take her mother’s place here.”


“You could be our mommy Kat.”  Ali bounced excitedly in Rick’s arms.  “Morgan would be ok if you came and stayed here forever, honest she would.  She’s just sad because Daddy’s been too busy to notice that she’s got a boyfriend.”


“Let’s let Kat think about one thing at a time ok Ali-bug?”  Rick answered for her before turning a shocked look at Ali.  “What did you say?  Morgan’s got a boyfriend?  When did this happen?”


“I don’t know Daddy.  A bunch of days ago I guess.”  Ali answered him solemnly before asking, “Are you going to help Kat find her cows?”  Then turning to Kat, she added, “Are you sad that your cows ran away?”


Kneeling down to talk to Ali on her level Kat answered, “Yes Ali, I am very sad about my cattle.  The problem is they didn’t just run away; somebody stole them and now we have to go look for them and bring them home.”


“And that’s why we have to get going Ali” Rick said picking his young daughter back up and taking her into the kitchen.  He kissed her quickly as he handed her to his housekeeper and nanny.  “We have to get going Consuela and I’m not real sure when I’ll be back home.  Please try to keep Morgan out of trouble and away from this boyfriend of hers until I can talk to her.  And Ali, you make sure you’re really good; help Consuela any way you can and keep an eye on Morgan ok?”


“I’ll be good daddy but you have to hurry home and bring Kat so you can eat some cookies that we are going to make,” she said seriously.  “Otherwise we’ll eat them all and we’ll have to make more.”


Rick grabbed a bag Consuela handed him that was full of provisions just in case they had to spend the night on the trail.  “God speed Senor Jamison and do not worry so about your niñas si?  They will be just fine.”


Kat quietly went out the door leaving Rick some privacy to say good-bye to his girls.  She walked over to Dusty talking softly to him as she checked his feet again wanting to make sure there were no stones stuck in his shoes that could make him come up lame on their journey.  After checking his feet, she ran her hands under the edges of the saddle checking one more time to make sure there were no lumps in the blanket that could cause chafing or saddle sores.  Content that all was well for her favorite stud, she tightened the cinch back up and was just about to mount up when Angel and Matt came out of the barn.  Kat decided that for now, she wouldn’t mention the straw that was stuck in her sister’s hair.


Matt and Angel were mounted and talking to Kat by the time Rick jogged out of the house frowning.  He untied the reins from the fence and swung up onto Warlock stopping to check the stirrup length before setting his boots and clicking to the horse.  “Let’s get going if we want to catch up with those Angus.”  He said taking the lead and ignoring the question he saw in everyone’s eyes.



The dust hung thick in the still air and twenty head of high quality Black Angus cattle that they had been instructed to drive into the holding canyon were milling restlessly as George, Frank, James, and Robert made temporary camp.  The canyon was a genius idea of the Boss but Frank wasn’t so sure about stealing cattle from a woman.  Every time over the years that Frank had seen Miss Kat in town she had always been really nice to him and never looked at him like he was trash; not like the “Boss” did.


“Whatcha think George?”  James asked uneasily.  “Do we wait here like the “Boss” said or should we leave the cattle and head back to town?”


“We do just like the “Boss” told us and we may make a little money in the process.”  George answered from his spot by the fire.  “We wait a full day, make sure the cattle have plenty of graze and water and then head back into town one at a time from separate directions.”


“I don’t get it,” Robert said testily.  The “Boss” rode out with us and cut the fence wire himself.  He waited until we drove the cattle though and he counted every one without saying a word, then he headed off in the opposite direction towards town.  What’s the point in doing all that and then just leaving?  I just don’t get it.”


“You ain’t  p..p..posed to get it Bert” Frank answered.  “It’s why h..h..he’s the “Boss” and w..w..w..we aint.”


“I think that’s one of the smartest things I’ve ever heard ya say Frank” George said nastily.  “It’s a wonder we let you ride with us to begin with.”


“Y..Y..You knows I get to..to go cuz I’m the o..o..only one that can talk na..na..nice to the ca..ca..cattle and bed them down.”  He answered.  “And momma said you had to k..k..keep track of me after sh..sh..she died.”


George sighed and ignored the last part of what Frank had to say.  As a kid, Frank had worshiped the ground he had walked on.  The last few years however, he seemed to have wizened up and almost acted as if he knew what George was up to.  Frank was extremely simple and while he had a way with animals, that’s all George could trust him with.  He would forget to eat if George didn’t shove a plate under his nose every now and then.  The only reason George did keep him around was that he made a decent go-fer and he had after all promised his mother on her deathbed that he’d watch after Frank.  He just didn’t promise HOW he’d do that.


Robert and James were not so easy to deal with.  They never got along, constantly disputed his orders, and almost always questioned why they were supposed to do things his way.  If it weren’t for the “Boss’s” orders, he’d have left them buried along the way and gotten two better outlaws somewhere else; ones that could follow orders without asking questions.


All four of them had their own job.  Frank took care of the horses and any cattle that were rustled.  George was the spokesman and did all the communication with the “Boss.”  James was the camp cook and Robert took care of finding and hiding their trails.  George and Robert had a wife and family back in town so had to leave from time to time to keep suspicion at a minimum. 


James had a family a long time ago but he had turned to being an outlaw when they were killed by some renegade rebels two short years after the War Between the States ended.  Only no one knew that bit of information.


Frank was just Frank.  No one gave him much thought and he pretty much did his own thing.  He was smarter than most people realized, it just took him a little longer to think about things and make a decision.  Frank wanted a family of his own but knew that as long as he had to help George; that would never happen.  It sure didn’t keep him from wishing and wanting though; all he had to do was figure out how to make it happen.


“Grub’s on!”  James announced in a calm quiet voice.  “Grab your cups and plates and come eat.”


“What’s for gr..gr..grub today James?”  Frank asked.  “Sure sm.sm..smells good.”


“You always think it smells good Frank” James chuckled as he dished out some of the beans on to Frank’s plate adding an extra square of the honey sweetened cornbread which was his specialty.  Secretly, he liked the slower thinking young man and hoped that someday soon something would happen to get him back to the right side of the law.


“Whatcha got Cookie, more dried up hog food?”  Robert grumbled as he knocked the ladle out of James’ hand.  “I don’t reckon how we’re supposed to chase cows on that crap.”


“You don’t like it Bert; Go Home!”  George said approaching with his plate in hand.  “James, if you need more supplies; get me a list together and I’ll bring everything back from town.  I have to head in and check on the family and if you and Frank can handle it, I’ll probably send Robert back too.”


“It’s ju..ju..just tw..tw..twenty head George.”  Frank said.  “I think me and Ja..Ja..James should be ok.”


“That’s what I’m afraid of Frank; your thinking” George shook his head. 


“We’ll be alright George.”  James interrupted after stealthily sliding his colt that he had secretly pulled moments ago, back into its holster.  “I’ll make the list for ya while the dishes soak and then you and Robert can get headed back.  It’s already getting dark and it’s a pretty good ride into town.”


Things got quiet as the men went to shoveling food instead of insults, each man thinking his own thoughts.  The cattle slowly calmed down with food and water readily available and went to grazing rather than milling about.  The occasional sound of a bluebird could be heard and every once in a while the sound of a hawk screeching and diving to catch an unsuspecting rabbit or prairie dog broke the stillness.  After several moments, the sound of utensils scraping plates filled in the quiet and the men went back to squabbling before heading off to saddle the horses and harness the pack mule.


James watched George and Robert ride out and sighed with relief.  He was unsure about what to do and when on the matter of Robert.  Robert was the last of the renegade rebels that James had sworn to hunt down and deal with regarding the death of his family.  He didn’t want Frank getting caught in the middle and really didn’t care one way or the other about George. 

He’d almost had his opportunity at dinner but George had stepped in, the wait was getting shorter and hopefully before long he would be able to move on and attempt to do something with what was left of his life.

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