Damaged Hearts (25 page)

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Authors: Angel Wolfe

BOOK: Damaged Hearts
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“Wait just a second Rick.  Angel and I are supposed to meet Aunt Josie at the dress shop after the meeting.  As much as I’d love to spend the day with you, I can’t see that happening with all that we have to get done before 7:00.”  Kat protested.  Turning back towards the bakery, she stuck her head inside “Angel, please hurry if you would.  I have a surprise for our wedding that we need to show you.”


Edward looked at Angel.  “Well, what are your thoughts on the matter?  I’ve heard from pretty much everyone but you and Kat’s attorney.”


“My honest opinion sir matches everyone else’s.  After all that he has done to make our life hell, I feel he should be hung so he can’t ruin other people’s lives too.”  Angel replied.  “Now, if it’s ok I’d like to go get ready to be married.”


“Run along girl.”  Judge Jamison said with a partial grin.  “Jacob, I realize Kat was your first client but being an attorney what do you think of the matter?”


“Your honor, in this tablet I have compiled an entire list of grievances.  If at all possible, I would like to opportunity to bring suit against Mr. Fairchild.  I think between the losses he has caused and the crimes he has committed, he deserves much worse than hanging.”  The attorney replied.  “Sell off his assets and split it up amongst his victims.”


“Is there nothing I can do then?”  Marie wailed.  “I don’t want to be left alone with no one else in the world to care whether I’m alive or dead.  How about you Mr. Weatherby, can I hire you to defend my father?”


“I’m sorry Miss Fairchild but I already work for Miss Carson.”  He shook his head sadly.  “It would be a conflict of interest to work for both the prosecutor and the defendant.”


“Who can I hire?  There has to be another attorney in this stupid town.  Judge Jamison, who are the defense attorneys that have gone before you?  There just has to be someone I can hire.”  Marie said desperately. 


“Marie even if there was a good defense attorney I could suggest, you wouldn’t have any way to pay them.  Attorneys cost quite a bit of money and right now it seems like that’s one commodity that is in short supply for you.”  Edward told her not unkindly.


“Well sir, if you’re done with us I think I’ll head on out to the land office and see about finding a place to settle in.” Mark said.  “You coming Charley?”


“I’ll be along later Mark.  I think I’ll help Ruby straighten up in here since there are those two wedding cakes that need to be made.”  The younger Carson brother replied.


“Alright.  Take your time.”  Mark told him looking back and forth between Charlie and Ruby.  If he wasn’t mistaken, he could see the sparks flying even though they had just met.


“I’ll head that way with you if you don’t mind Son.”  James said coming to his feet.  “I need to talk to them about finding a couple acres of land myself if I plan on sticking around to see my grandchildren.” 


“I think I’ll get over to the office and see about building my case for…”  Jacob stopped and looked at Edward.  “What day do you plan on holding the trial your Honor?  I know both of your sons are to be married this evening and no one would want to have a hanging on their wedding day; but when do you want to hold the trial?  How long do you think it will take to select a jury?”


“I’m thinking that since this is Saturday, if we have the weddings tonight, we can begin jury selections Monday and have the hearing start the end of the week or the first part of next week.”  Judge Jamison said thoughtfully.  “Will that give you time to prepare your case?”


“His case?”  Marie exclaimed.  “What about my father’s case?  How do you expect me to find an attorney for him and build his defense in a week’s time?”


“To be honest dear, I doubt if there is a defense in the territory that could save your father.”  The judge replied.  “You heard the discussion.  I’m afraid that most people in this area are going to feel the same way.”


  After hearing that small bit of information Marie stomped out of the bakery and headed for the general store, almost running head long into Frank as she turned a corner.  “Oh get out of the way.”  She muttered.  “Can’t you see that I’m upset and don’t want to deal with anyone right now?”


“I understand you’re upset Miss Marie but we do need to discuss what happened between us sometime soon.”  Frank said more forcefully then she’d heard him say anything.


“Oh, ok.”  She relented; suddenly tired of fighting everyone and everything that was happening in her life.  “Can we talk tonight after the wedding?”


“That would be fine Marie.”  He answered, calling her by her given name for the first time.  “Right now, I had better get on over to the dress shop.  Mrs. Andrews asked for my help getting everything back to her house after she buys it.”


“Sometimes I think you care more for my sister then you do for me.”  She said defeated.  “Just because you work for her, you seem to be totally devoted to her.”


“Marie, can I tell you something?”  Frank asked nervously.  At her nod, he continued.  “While it’s true that I hold a deep respect for your sister; it’s you that I’m in love with.  It’s you Marie that I want to marry and spend the rest of my life with and it’s you that I want to have children with.  If you’ll have me Marie, I promise to give you a comfortable life.  You know I’m not rich but I will do the best I can by you.”


“Frank, I know you care for me but I just don’t know if I’m ready to give up my independence to become a wife and mother.”  Marie said carefully.  “I had planned to come to town, work for Ruby at the bakery and live in a small house sharing rent with Anna.  Now, I’m not sure what I want anymore.”


“I had best get going Marie.”  Frank said quietly.  “Just please think on what I said.  I promise, I’ll spend the rest of my life doing everything I can to make you happy.”


“Ok Frank, I promise to think about it.”  Marie replied equally quiet. 


Frank turned and walked off towards the dress shop wondering as he walked what he was going to do if the woman he loved denied his claim.  He was already a bit worried after talking to Matt.  He hadn’t thought about the possibility of getting her with child the first time that they made love; but after a couple of carefully asked questions he had learned a few startling facts about the conception of children.




“What do you think Kat?”  Angel asked looking in the mirror concerned.  “Can you tell my belly is a little bigger?”


“Oh Angel, if anyone counts the months they’ll know right away anyway.”  Kat replied.  “What matters is that you’re marrying the man you love and that you’re going to have a family together.  I wish I was as sure of my ability to have a family.”


“It’s ok Kat.  Rick loves you regardless of whether or not you can have children.  I know how badly you want one but at least you are getting some kind of chance at happiness.”


“I know but I would dearly love to be able to give him a son.”  Kat sighed.  “I suppose I can always dream.  That’s one of the only things that kept me going anyway was the ability to dream.”


“Come on out dear and let me see how it looks.”  Josephine said from the other side of the curtain. 


Sliding the curtain open, Angel presented herself for an examination by her newfound aunt.  Pinching or tugging the material here and there, she circled her finger telling Angel to spin around.  As she looked critically at the fit, she noticed how well the color flattered her young niece. 


“What do the two of you think of this dress?”  She asked looking from Angel to Kat.  “I think the fit is quite flattering and effectively hides your small bundle.  The color is bright enough to add color to your face but not so flashy as to be tacky.”


“I think it looks absolutely beautiful.”  Kat said a little in awe.  “You have a radiant glow and your smile is lighting up the room.  You should get it Angel, it’s perfect on you.”


“She’s right Angel.  You look radiantly beautiful.  This dress was made for you.”  Their aunt agreed.


“Now we just need to find one for you Kat.”  Angel told her.  “Do we still want Ali to be our flower girl?”


“I’d really like it if we could.  Maybe have Frances, Anna, and possibly Morgan be our bridesmaids.  I don’t want Morgan to feel left out now that I’m finally breaking through with her.”  Kat replied.


“Then it’s settled.”  Josephine announced walking quickly out into the main part of the store.  “Frank, could you please go back to the house and ask Frances and Anna to come down here?  After they agree, I’d like for you to keep an eye out on the road.  Everyone that was out at the ranch houses should be about to town since we sent word out there with you last night that the wedding is going on this evening.  Once you find them, we need Morgan and Ali brought here as soon as possible.  If we’re really lucky, maybe they’ll already be at the house.”


“I’ll get to it right away Mrs. Andrews.”  Frank answered heading for the door.  “I’ll be back as soon as I can with everyone in tow.”


“Thank you Frank.  You’ll be a wonderful husband once we get Marie convinced.”  Josephine praised before turning and returning to the dressing room.  “Ok girls, Frank just left to get the rest of the wedding party for dressing.  Kat, we still have to find a dress for you.  Come out here and let’s look around and see what we can come up with while they get Angel out of her dress.”


“I’m afraid it’s quite hopeless Auntie.  We’ll never find anything that looks decent on me let alone pretty.  I faced the facts a long time ago; Angel got all the looks.  I unfortunately am the byproduct of something very ugly.”  Kat pouted.


“That’s one of the biggest batches of nonsense that I’ve ever heard.”  Josephine said sharply.  “Today is you’re wedding day and we’re going to make sure it’s perfect for you.  I will not stand for any of this rubbish today.  We will find a beautiful gown and it will be wonderful.”


“Ok Aunt Josie, if we’re going to find it, we’d better get to it.”  Kat replied resigned to her fate.  “What color do you think would be best on me?”


“The other day when Frances and I were here looking for dresses for the Spring Fling, I saw a beautiful ice blue creation that I think would be perfect.  Now if I can just find it again.  It’s such a pale blue that it’s almost white.”  Her aunt told her.


“That would be nice Aunt Josie.  Blue is my favorite color.”  Kat agreed.  “Oh look here.”  She said pulling a dress off the rack.  It was a simple flowing confection of a silvery blue-ice color.  Holding it up against herself, it almost took her breath away.


“Oh, look at this.  It’s absolutely beautiful.”  Kat breathed.  “It’s so light-weight that it would almost be like wearing a chemise.”


Taking the dress from Kat, Josephine turned it around and looked critically at the way it was made.  Hooking it over a nail on the wall so she could look at the full length of it, she decided that it may in fact be the one for her.


“Let’s go get it on you and take a look.  It may be just what we’re looking for.  Looking at the way it’s made, I think it will flatter your figure while disguising your less attractive attributes.”  Josephine agreed with a gentle smile.


“Hurry, hurry; I’m really excited to see how it looks.”  Kat said, afraid to believe her own luck at finding it.  “Do you truly think it will look as good on me as it does on the hanger?”


“There’s only one way to find out Niece.  Let’s get to it.”  Josephine laughed.


“Oh my goodness.  That color is absolutely gorgeous!”  Angel exclaimed as they came through the curtain.  “I just knew you’d find something perfect for today.”


“Don’t get too excited Angel.  I haven’t put it on yet.”  Kat said quietly hoping that it would work for her.  Peeling her clothes off carefully with her aunt and sister’s help, she raised her arms and allowed them to settle the dress over her smoothing it as it fell into place, being extremely careful of her ribs and leg.


“I do believe that this dress is about a perfect as I’ve ever seen for you Kat.  The color matches your personality and the lines really do flatter your figure.”  Josephine announced.  “I think you’ve found your wedding dress.”


“Are we too late then?”  Frances asked as she and Anna burst breathlessly into the dressing room with Morgan and Ali in tow.  “Oh my, what a beautiful creation!”  She said, her eyes wide in admiration.


“That dress is quite beautiful on you.”  Anna agreed.  “My brothers are two of the luckiest men in the county.  I can’t wait to see them when they lay their eyes on the two of you.”


“Papa is going to love the dress Kat.”  Morgan told her.  “That silvery color makes your hair shine and your eyes sparkle.”


“Thank you Morgan.”  Kat told her.  “You don’t know how much that means to me.”


“Angel, why don’t you go help the girls find their dresses while I help Kat out of hers.”  Josephine suggested.  “We will need to find something suitable for Morgan and Ali.  We have a lot to do today to get ready for the weddings.”  She assisted Kat in taking the gown off and getting dressed back into her comfortable everyday clothes.  Turning to Millie, “We will take this gown, the pale rose one there, which ever gowns that Anna and Frances come up with and we’ll see what we can find for these two girls.  We will need matching veils and shoes, and of course undergarments.  Please have it all boxed and delivered to my home this afternoon.  We have two weddings to prepare for and not much time to linger.”


“Right away ma’am.”  The proprietress replied.


“Come on girls.”  Kat said joyfully to Morgan and Ali; her spirits high after finding her wedding dress.  “Let’s see if we can find two more beautiful dresses out here.”


They looked through the racks for only a few minutes before Kat pulled out a small rose-colored dress with silver flowers and trim.  Looking at Angel “What do you think?  You know my clothing sense is next to nothing.”  She laughed.


“I think it will match our dresses wonderfully.”  Angel replied.  “It has some of both our colors.  I’d say today is our lucky day all the way around.”  


“Now we just need to find something for Morgan.”  Kat said.  “Nothing too girly I think.  We need something to show just how grown up she is.  Rick may be mad at me but I think it’s time for him to open his eyes and see how things really are.”


“Do you really mean it Kat?”  Morgan asked excitedly.  “Do you think I can have a dress more my age?”


“Of course Morgan; after all you are almost sixteen years old.”  Kat affirmed with a grin.  “It’s time your father saw that and treated you as such.”


“How about this one?”  Morgan asked almost shyly as she pulled a conservative dove gray dress from the rack.


“It’s not too bad Morgan but not quite what I had in mind.”  Kat told her gently.  “What I’m thinking of has a fitted waist and bodice with a fuller skirt.  Something…how should I say it, fun and flirty.”


“Like this!”  Angel said pulling a pale blue dress with silver threads and small roses from the rack.  “Not real subdued but not too flashy.”


“That should fit her perfectly.”  Josephine said clapping her hands.  “Frances and Anna have both found their dresses as well.”  Turning to the storeowner, “It appears that we have found everything we came for, please have it all boxed up and added to my account.”


“Very well ma’am.  I’ll have everything sent over with plenty of time remaining.  I’m fairly certain I have sets of kid slippers that have been dyed to match if that will work for you.”  She replied.


“As long as they all fit, that will be fine.”  Josephine said as she nodded to Kat that they needed to move on.  “Looks like it’s time for lunch.  We’ll all head over at the hotel dining room.  We shall have lunch and discuss plans for this evening.  Sarah Jamison will be meeting us there.”


“Angel and I can ride and take the girls if Frances and Anna want to ride in your carriage.”  Kat said.  “We’re accustomed to horseback and it may be quicker than walking.”


“Sounds like a fine idea Kaitlyn.  Shall we go ladies?”  Josephine asked as she led the way out the door. 


Several minutes later, Kat and Angel tied their mounts to the post out in front of the hotel while Frank stepped down from the driver’s seat and was helping the other ladies from the carriage.  “Mrs. Jamison, Mrs. Simmons, Miss Lawrence, Consuela and Marie are all inside waiting.”  He announced. 


“Great, then we can start our little party.”  Josephine laughed.  “You girls don’t mind if we have a bridal shower luncheon do you?”


“Oh Aunt Josie, you’ve thought of everything.”  Kat joined in the laughter.  “Thank you so very much for everything.  You’re making our day absolutely wonderful.”


“What bridal party would be complete without gifts?”  Frances laughed.  “Come on, hurry up!  We were late to the dress shop because we were shopping.” 


“You didn’t have to get us anything.”  Kat argued.  “I’m just happy you’re going to be there to share our day with us.”


“Let them have their fun Kat.”  Angel said.  “It’s not very often that you actually have a gift to open.  Just shut up and enjoy it.”


“Yes ma’am, Captain Carson.”  Kat saluted her mockingly.  “Let’s get to it then.”


They all made their way to the hotel dining area and were shown to a private room off to the side.  “Everything is arranged as you asked.”  The host informed Josephine as they found an empty seat.  “Kaitlyn and Angel, I presume?  If you would please come up and take a seat here in the front of the room.”


“Thank you.”  Angel replied.  “Just go with it Kat.  Relax and let them have their fun.  It’s customary to have a bridal shower before you get married.”  She added in a whisper.


“Are you sure we’re supposed to get gifts just because we’re to be wed?”  She asked a little in awe.


“I’m sure.  Just have kick back and enjoy it.  These ladies are happy for a reason to shop and get together for lunch.”  Angel replied.


“Ok, as long as that’s the way these things work.  I don’t want to be seen as a charity case.”  Kat said quietly.


“Lunch is served.”  The waiter announced walking in with the first of several aromatic dishes, setting the plates in front of Kat and Angel.


Waiting politely until everyone had been served.  They picked up their utensils and tasted the food.  Deciding it was good, Kat ate with relish; looking around from time to time to make sure she wasn’t making a spectacle of herself by thoroughly enjoying her meal.  Once she was finished, the waiter reappeared to take her plate and inquire about dessert.

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