Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken (23 page)

Read Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken Online

Authors: Michelle Hardin

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken
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Lifting the fork that was in her hand, Reanna watched as Kyle turned his head and took his bite, all while never tearing his eyes from her.

“Mmm,” he growled, chewing the food slowly.

Reanna bit her bottom lip, fighting with all her might against the laughter threatening to burst free from her lips. He was so creepy, and she freaking loved it. Nobody as dangerous as he was should be this silly, yet he was, and it was one of the things she loved most about him.

“Do you want more?” she asked, raising a brow in question.

His response was a funny, yet very sexy ‘caveman’ grunt, which made Reanna chuckle. She scooped up another hefty bite and fed it to him, laughing when he growled again, this time leaning closer to her face. He kissed the dimple on her left cheek, before backing away from her.

Reanna pointed the fork at him in playful warning. “None of that, buddy,” she warned, even though the smile never left her lips. “Don’t flirt …”

Something utterly evil flashed through his sexy blue eyes right before Reanna felt his fingertips glide down her exposed legs.

She squealed, “Kyle! Hands!” She moved her leg away from him as far as she could … which wasn’t really far due to their current proximity.

Kyle smirked. “I can’t touch you?” he asked, a sly smile in his eyes.

Reanna shook her head. “No, crazy man. You cannot.” She made a show of angling her legs away from him again, smiling when the action only seemed to amuse him.

“I can’t touch you?” he asked again.

“No,” she answered simply, then shrugged.

Kyle chuckled, lowering his eyes to her legs as he did. “Then you probably shouldn’t have answered the door looking this sexy,

Reanna’s mouth dropped as a shocked laugh fell from her lips. “I tried to change, you psycho. You’re the one that insisted I keep it on.”

Kyle lifted his eyes to hers. “There was no way in hell I was allowing you to change into baggy sweat pants and a T-shirt, Reanna.”

Reanna bit her bottom lip, then gave his leg a light kick. “My sweat pants are comfy,
thank you
. Kiss my ass.” She kicked him again, ignoring his stupid wicked smile. “And you don’t
me to do anything, Kyle Valente. You’re not the boss of me …” Of course his smile only widened at her words. This prompted her to kick him again. “And don’t call me sexy.”

This time he tossed his head back and laughed. “
Mi stai killin momento, bello.
You moan, and bite that gorgeous lip of yours far too often to demand such a thing of me,
. Have you no mercy? I’m just a man, baby.”

Her cheeks warmed as she looked away from him.

“See,” he said in a low tone, re-capturing her attention. “There you go biting that lip again.”

Reanna immediately released her lip, unaware that she’d even trapped it between her teeth, then shot him a quick scowl.

“Whatever,” she muttered, reaching over to the cake, to get Kyle another hefty bite. “Shut up and eat your cake,” she commanded playfully.

Growling, he gave an exaggerated shiver, leaning forward eagerly. “Yes, ma’am.”

Reanna rolled her eyes. He was such an idiot … but she loved it, so she wouldn’t complain.

Time passed, and after about thirty minutes more worth of delicious cake, and Kyle’s heavy flirtation, Reanna’s sweet tooth was thoroughly satisfied, she was tired, and she knew that Kyle was ready for bed, too.

Was she nervous about sleeping with him tonight?

Absolutely, Reanna was terrified. She and Kyle had slept next to each other before on numerous occasions, but never on a bed, and never in her room. She was crossing so many lines, but she couldn’t exactly bring herself to ask Kyle to sleep in a guest room. She didn’t even want that. She wanted him in her bed, where she could keep an eye on him, fight the
with him. It was silly, but she’d rather be next to him if he had a dream; that way, she could be there for him. She didn’t like the thought of him battling those demons alone. This was the reason she’d felt that sleeping with him was the best option, emphasis on

Smiling to herself, she tightened her grip on his hand as she led him to her bedroom. She couldn’t lie, though—she was nervous as hell, but she was still glad to be near him tonight.

“Since tomorrow is Saturday, I’m expecting you to sleep in, Valente.” She gave him a quick warning look over her shoulder before turning back around, continuing their journey. “No waking up early for calls, work, nothing. If I’m to be your ally tonight, then we do this my way. That means you get a full night’s rest.”

She heard him chuckle lightly behind her. “Yes, ma’am,” he replied.

Reanna smiled. He was being so cute.

Once they made it to her bedroom, Reanna released his hand, allowing him to enter, then she closed the door behind them.

“Do you have a preference in terms of what side of the bed you’d like to occupy?” she asked him.

“I do,” he answered.

“Very well.” She nodded. “Well, I’m going to brush my teeth …”

“Do you have an extra?” he asked, walking over to her. “I could use a brush before bed myself.”

Reanna glanced up at him, smiling once again. “You know I do …”

It was a dumb habit. Reanna had stock piles of pretty much everything, simply because one never knew when they’d need extra of something. Plus, growing up as poor and as dependent as she had been, Reanna vowed to herself a long time ago, that once she’d gotten her life together, she’d never be without anything she needed ever again.

Quietly, and side by side, Reanna and Kyle made their way to the bathroom.

As they both brushed their teeth, occasionally tossing each other looks out of the corner of their eyes, Reanna was sort of surprised how … natural it felt being with Kyle like this. She’d always dreamt about what it’d be like, and each time, it’d been difficult to see Kyle in a more domestic position with her. But this wasn’t bad. Actually, it was sort of great. Reanna feared she’d become addicted to it, so periodically, as she continued to toss him smiles every now and then, she had to remind herself that this was only for a night. One night, two friends, and then an awkward discussion about boundaries over breakfast in the morning.

Those thoughts served to effectively sober her as she rinsed her mouth once more than dried her mouth with a hand towel. She passed the towel to Kyle before walking past him, surprised when he grabbed her hand as she passed.

Her eyes zeroed in on the contact, but she didn’t let go. She just continued walking to the bed, hand in hand with Kyle, until they made it to her side.

Once they stood at the right side of the bed, Kyle leaned down and gave her two lingering kisses on her forehead and cheek, then released her, making his way to his own side of the bed. Reanna swallowed, her cheeks warming as she watched him.

That was a very …
thing for him to do, but in an effort to keep her sanity intact, Reanna didn’t overthink it; she dragged her gaze to her bed, and tried her best to calm her nerves.

All right. It is time. This is no big deal. It is only sleep
. Nodding her head, she opened her robe, and slipped it off, making sure to keep her eyes away from Kyle’s because she knew he was looking. She could feel the smoldering heat of his gaze slowly moving over her body. Ignoring the reaction her body was currently having due to both his gaze and his presence in her room, Reanna climbed onto her high bed. Once comfortably seated, she positioned herself under the comforter, then laid down on her side, facing him.

Kyle laid down on his back, yawning, stretching, then folding his arms behind his head. Closing his eyes, he let out one of his soft ‘caveman’ grunts.
He seems relaxed
, Reanna thought, taking a shameless moment to run her eyes over his gorgeousness. She actually wanted to scoot closer to him, but, of course, she quickly decided against that. They were a safe distance apart from one another, which was smart, seeing as they were already crossing the line just by being in the bed together. But it was hard … resisting the desires rushing through her body as she lay staring at him. It was almost painful. To be safe, she took extra precaution and discreetly slipped a couple of plush pillows between them.

It was for the best. There would be no accidents tonight—


Kyle’s voice startled Reanna from her thoughts, making her lock her eyes back to his.

“Hmm …” she answered.

But he said nothing. He just stared at her for the longest minute before annoyance flashed across his face for the hundredth time tonight.

Reanna frowned. What had she done now?

Running his hand down his face, Kyle grumbled words in the Italian language, and shook his head. “I have no idea what I’m going to do with you, woman.”

She was still confused.

Reaching forward, he gripped the pillows between them, and tossed them across the room.

Reanna gasped. “Kyleeee!” she squealed in surprise when he snaked one of his long arms around her waist, and effortlessly pulled her over to him.

Now positioned halfway on top of his chest, Reanna looked up at him, cheeks burning hot, and her mouth agape.

Kyle only smiled. “Better,” he said, leaning up to kiss her forehead once more. “Goodnight, baby.” He relaxed back again as if all was right in his world and closed his eyes.

Ducking her head, Reanna extended her arm over him, and rested her cheek on his chest. “Goodnight,” she whispered, cuddling closer to him.

Biting down on her bottom lip nervously, she closed her eyes, praying to the Lord that she’d be able to part from him in the morning. That tonight wouldn’t make her fall back into old habits, and that she’d be able to move forward with Kyle as close friends, even though her feelings for him were ever increasing …

After ending her prayer, she cleared her thoughts. Tomorrow would bring enough trouble on its own, no need to fret about it all right now. Deciding to just enjoy her last night in Kyle’s arms, Reanna hugged him tightly, closed her eyes, and finally surrendered to sleep …



Chapter 10: I need you …

The sound of frantic, heavy breathing startled her from her deep slumber. Shooting up to a seated position, Reanna’s eyes darted around her bedroom.

There was nothing out of the ordinary.

No threat. No harm. Nobody hurt, but …

“Per favore smettila. Fa male, non posso respirare ....”

The second the pained voice hit her ears she turned her head to look at him.


“Non posso respirare ... per favore non posso respirare.”

Oh shit
He’s dreaming

No, not just dreaming; he was having a nightmare. A full-blown freaking nightmare from the looks of it.

Quickly reaching forward, Reanna placed a gentle hand on his chest. “Kyle,” she whispered, a bit hesitantly.

She wasn’t sure whether or not she should wake him, but on the other hand, she felt she had no choice. He looked … highly distressed. Like he was suffering. And beneath her palm his heart was pounding rapidly, almost too fast. Reanna feared for his health at this point.

“Non riesco a respirare … Mama … smettere … non posso!”

Reanna frowned.
She gasped.
He was dreaming about his mother.
Oh God! Oh no!
The memories of the last time he’d told her about the dream involving his mother came rushing back at that moment. She remembered how he’d said that in the dream she’d forced him to watch her torture Sofia, but … tonight it didn’t look like he was witnessing any torture. It looked as if he were the one being tortured.

It was the way his features were strained as if he were in insufferable pain that confirmed this for her. The way the veins in his forehead and neck were bulging, and the way a thin layer of sweat now covered his face, neck, and chest.

He was being hurt.

Not only that, but he was begging for her to stop. He was desperately begging for something else, too, but because he wasn’t speaking English, Reanna had no idea what.

Abruptly, Kyle’s entire body tightened, his fist clenched the sheets tight, and he inhaled a stuttered gasp as if he were being strangled and struggling to breathe.

That was it for Reanna. Screw what the internet had said about waking people up during nightmares, she couldn’t take anymore. She was waking him up.

“Kyle. Wake up!” she yelled, scrambling up to sit on her knees.

She placed both hands on his chest and gave him a shake, but it proved to be useless. He was still asleep, not only that, but he continued to struggle for air.

What the hell was his mother doing to him?

Shaking him more forcefully, Reanna attempted again. “Kyle, wake up!” She leaned down, cupping his face. “Wake up, baby. It’s a dream. Please. You’re safe, you’re not there anymore. Come back to me.”

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