Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken (25 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hardin

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken
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Once he removed the final piece of clothing covering her, Reanna wrapped her legs around his waist, took his face in her hand, and pulled him downward to her, crashing her lips to his. God, she could barely think straight—all she could do was moan, beg, plead with him to make love to her. She’d never wanted a man more in her life, and wasn’t sure how much longer she could make it without having him inside of her.

“Please,” she cried breathlessly, helping him remove his sweats. She rejoiced inwardly when he kicked them to the floor, then tried her hardest to angle her hips in preparation for his sweet invasion. “I’m ready, Kyle. Please …” Ready was an understatement. Reanna was beyond ready for this. If he didn’t make love to her in the next five seconds she was pretty sure she’d die. “Kyle,” she whimpered, slipping her fingers into his hair, “make love to me …”

Her words trailed off with a gasp when she felt his big hand slip between her legs.

“Oh,” she moaned, her eyes fluttering shut.

Voglio che tanto male, colomba,”
he breathed, parting the lips of her sex, then slipping two fingers inside of her.

“Kyle!” Reanna cried out, her back arching slightly. “Kyle, please. Please …”

She knew she probably sounded pathetic, but in all honesty, she was past the point of caring. She wanted to be connected to him … finally.

“Sei così bagnata.”

Reanna could barely hear him, her body was too focused on the two long, thick fingers currently moving in and out of her. She moaned, letting her head fall back as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. “Oh God,” she sighed.

She needed more, still. So much more.

“I promise,” he whispered, “next time …”

She had no freaking idea what the hell he was talking about, and she had no time to figure it out either. The moment the words had left his lips, he removed his fingers, positioned himself at her opening, and pushed into her.

Holy shit, he should have warned her!

Reanna came. Yes, came. Almost immediately, and she was pretty positive it shocked the hell out of Kyle because it for damn sure shocked the hell out of her.

She just … hadn’t been expecting what she’d gotten. She’d been ready for it, but she hadn’t expected it to feel so incredible on initial … impact, is what she’d call it. He was just so hard, so thick, so … long, she’d been powerless to her body’s reaction to being so full after so much time.

Clinging to him, she cried out when the orgasm slammed into her, nearly knocking the wind out of her. Kyle held on to her, bringing her leg up higher at his side as he slowly ground into her.

Holy freaking shit!
Reanna had never felt anything more amazing in her life; the sensations were so overwhelming, she nearly passed out. She still hadn’t even come down from her first orgasm, but he was already thrusting into her at a deliciously steady pace.

Gasping, Reanna grabbed on to his face with both hands, her eyes locking to his as she began to move with him, meeting each of his thrusts.

“Yes, Kyle,” she hissed through a breathy cry as he sped up their pace, his hooded gaze still locked to hers.

Reanna bit down on her bottom lip, stifling a cry as yet another orgasm began to build deep within her, this one much stronger than the last. Kyle held tightly to her, one arm slipping behind her back while he held her thigh with a tight grip at his waist, and wildly pumped his hips, releasing the sexiest, uncontrolled moans with every hard thrust he delivered.

So amazing
. It was like they were moving in the sweetest slow motion. Reanna could barely follow what was happening. She was speechless. Literally, she couldn’t make a sound. She could barely even breathe as she pulled his face closer to hers and captured his mouth once again, catching each and every one of his moans in her mouth. God, it was so …
. The pure, unadulterated, passionate energy she felt in their kiss, in his touch, in the way he held her as he made love to her. It was overwhelming her. The emotion. That was what it was. The raw emotion.
So much raw emotion
. And desire,
so much
unexplored desire, lust, and
need. It swept over them like a forceful gust of wind. All she felt were intense sensations sweeping throughout her body, building rapidly in anticipation of a powerful eruption that would surely bring her entire world crashing down around her.

And when it finally happened, that’s exactly what it did.

Every wall, every barrier she’d put up to protect herself from her feelings for Kyle Valente collapsed the moment she came undone in his arms. It hit Reanna all at once, breaking her to her core, forcing her to embrace the truth, to
face it
no matter what caused her to hesitate doing so in the past.

She loved him.

She loved Kyle more than she ever thought possible. More than she’d loved any man in her life. She was in love with him. And that love was what pushed her over the edge, sending her falling into an abyss ... unprotected, vulnerable, and naked. Nothing was hidden now, her walls were down and would most likely never be up again.

She clung to him—both literally and figuratively—as the orgasm shook her body. Never had anything felt so right, so profound, never until she gave herself to him. She felt him, the moment he released inside of her. The connection was instant, unbreakable. Reanna immediately knew that after tonight, after this moment, nothing in her life would ever be the same again …



Chapter 11: Shame

The dictionary defines shame as a painful feeling of humiliation, of distress. And it came when one was conscious of their own wrong or foolish behavior.

For ten minutes now, Reanna had been lying in bed, wrapped in the arms of the man she loved, staring at the sun shining through the peach curtains covering her window, waiting for the shame … but nothing came.

Gasping slightly, Reanna closed her eyes as yet another memory from her evening flashed through her mind.

It kept happening. Ever since the moment the sun shining through her window had awoken her, Reanna had been seeing vivid flashes of her night of passion. Well, she didn’t know if she should call it that, seeing as it continued well throughout the morning. Yes, it seemed once hadn’t been enough for her and Kyle. They’d ended up making love three times. The first, very quick, very passionate, and the last two times, slow and sensual—an incredibly amazing, life-altering experience, and even more passionate than the first time. Just as Kyle had promised her …

Three times
they’d made love. And each time, Reanna had had the chance to stop things. To remind herself that what she’d been doing with him was wrong. To remind herself that she and Kyle were … just friends. That he was Aniyah’s boyfriend.

Biting down on her bottom lip, Reanna closed her eyes once again, this time to stop the tears that threatened to fill her eyes. She wasn’t sad. Feeling any type of sadness regarding this would have actually made her feel better. That would have meant she had remorse for what she’d done. But she didn’t.

Reanna was crying because she didn’t feel remorse, she didn’t feel shame. When she’d woken up from the deep sleep she’d fallen in to—after spending the entire night making love to Kyle—and found out that it was all real, that it wasn’t a dream, all Reanna had felt was … happiness.

She’d been happy!

Not just happy, but … fulfilled. More fulfilled than she’d ever been in her life all because she could finally admit that she was in love with Kyle. It was kind of impossible for her to deny now, even to herself. When she’d first woken up, she’d thought the feeling of guilt would hit her immediately … hell, she’d spent most of the night, before Kyle had come over, with another man that had confessed his love for her for God’s sake. But not even the thought of betraying Braden had been enough to bring about the guilt. Of course she wasn’t jumping up and down at the knowledge that she was going to have to confess what she’d done to him, but still, she wasn’t guilty. She didn’t regret what had happened between her and Kyle, either. She just … selfishly wished she’d never started things up with Braden again in the first place.


She was being a monster, a hoe, a selfish bitch … and there was nothing she could do about it. Even now, all she could think of was waking Kyle up so she could tell him that things between them were never going to be the same again. That she loved him, that she wanted him, and that he needed to go find Aniyah right now and end whatever they’d had going on for the past two years for good.

Oh my God!

Inhaling a stuttered breath, Reanna shook her head as shame finally washed over her. And no, she still wasn’t ashamed about her actions. She was only ashamed that she
ashamed about what she’d done. How could she be so cold? To Aniyah? Beside the offhanded ‘fat’ comments that Ronaldo had told her about a few weeks back, Reanna had always felt that Aniyah Clark was a good friend. She was supportive, loyal, and she always had the sweetest and funniest personality that Reanna just found so … pleasant. Despite her faults, her insecurity, her high-maintenance behavior, and her apparent issue with Carter, Aniyah was still a good person. Flawed, but good, just like all of Reanna’s friends.

So why hadn’t she stopped herself last night?

Why had she let emotion cloud her normally moral judgment? She was supposed to be a good person, a kind-hearted woman, but here she was, laid up in her bed, naked with her good friend’s boyfriend, who was equally naked …

Quieting her thoughts, Reanna laid still, waiting for the shame to come. She waited. And waited. And just when she felt a slither of it creep into her system, Kyle interrupted it with the big, rumbling caveman grunt, his arms tightening around her as he pulled her back flush against him, and pressed his face into her neck, kissing her gently before he fell back to sleep, resuming his soft snoring.

Biting her lip, Reanna fought off a giggle in effort not to disturb his sleep.

For a big, scary mafia man, Kyle Valente sure loved to cuddle after a night of incredible sex. The thought made her smile as all traces of shame, once again, vanished, and she rested back against her big, scary, mafia ‘cuddle bunny’.

She laughed inwardly at the nickname. Kyle would flip his shit if he’d ever heard her refer to him as a ‘cuddle bunny’. So, of course, she made a mental note to call him the nickname once or twice when he woke up later …

But for now, as she waited patiently for what was sure to be a wonderfully hilarious part of the day, she decided to stop thinking.

She wasn’t ashamed, and she probably never would be. Being with Kyle felt too right to search for such a thing as shame, and she loved him too much to ever regret expressing her love to him the way she had last night. So she stopped thinking, stopped fearing what would happen between them, and decided instead to just be in the moment.

It was eleven in the morning now, and Kyle had been sleeping for about six hours, and he seemed to be sleeping well. With any luck, he’d stay asleep for at least a few more hours because, God knew, he needed it.

Sighing, Reanna turned in his arms, causing him to stir a bit, and adjusted herself so that she could face him, but before she could turn completely, Kyle had stopped her by resting his head on her chest. Reanna frowned, then attempted to move again, but paused when she seen the expression on his face. He looked … comfortable. Like the position gave him great pleasure, even as he continued to sleep. Sighing, he’d rested his cheek on one of her large breasts, then rested his palm on the other, falling right back into a deep sleep after he did. It was so funny, and so
to do something like that, Reanna could barely fight off her laughter, but she did as to not disturb him. She could only smile as she gazed at him, lovingly running her fingers through his hair.

Eventually, she was able to fall back to sleep herself, still dreaming, and still smiling because of the hope she felt in her heart now. Last night, she’d thought that she would have to wake up and let Kyle go, but now, after what had happened between them, there was a chance that he would maybe … choose her. That he wanted her the same way she wanted him.

Perhaps this was the turning point. The moment she’d been waiting for. Maybe, after last night, Kyle was finally ready to embrace whatever this was between them, instead of fighting it like he’d been doing for the last couple of years. Maybe this would finally be their chance to be together.

Maybe …


Okay, so it turned out possibility only brought about intense, merciless fear, and time and sleep only brought about good sense, reflection, and the shame that one should have felt the moment after even contemplating having sex with their good friend’s boyfriend, much less actually going through with it.

Reanna stared down at the chocolate chip pancake batter as she continued stirring it, a tense expression masking her face. She was concentrating too hard, she knew that, but she was finding it difficult to calm herself. She’d been like this since she’d woken up and slipped out of bed about thirty minutes ago.

It was now two in the afternoon and Kyle was still sleeping, which was great, of course. She wanted him to. He looked so peaceful, and after what had happened last night, his terrifying nightmare and all, Reanna was happy he’d finally been able to slip into an uninterrupted sleep. She, on the other hand, had awoken before him, twice. And each time she’d woken, her mind had been going a mile a minute, trying to figure out what the hell had happened between them last night … and what the hell were they going to do now that it had happened?

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