Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken (70 page)

Read Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken Online

Authors: Michelle Hardin

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken
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“But you didn’t even think about it first.”

“I don’t need to think about it Sofia. There has to be a line here, a
. If your papa and I let you keep eating all this cake all day and night, sooner or later, you’re going to turn into one …”

Sofia’s mouth dropped open, her eyes widening with a gasp. “I’m gonna be a piece of cake!”

“Mmmhmm,” Reanna nodded, mercilessly playing the child. “A big piece of chocolate cake.”

“But—” Sofia stuttered, shaking her head in utter horror. “But I don’t wanna be a piece of chocolate cake. I like being a princess.”

Amazingly, Reanna was able to keep from breaking. She hadn’t even cracked a smile, even in the face of Sofia’s adorable horror. It was one of the best parts of parenting, messing with one’s kids just for kicks. It was horrible, and mean as hell, but damn did Kyle love doing it. He loved seeing her reaction when he tried his best to convince her that some of the most absurd myths were in fact not myths, but true. Did he feel like an asshole every time he did it, hell yes he did, he wasn’t a monster, but, come on. The look on her face, and big belly laugh that she’d give every time his smart little girl caught on to the joke was more than worth the two or three minutes of torture …

“I know you like being a princess, baby,” Reanna sighed, looking down at the cake sadly …

By God, the woman was a natural … So perfect.

“… That’s what I’m saying. Your father and I love you being our little princess, too, and I’m afraid, Sofi, I really am …”

Sofia looked up at her. “‘fraid of what?” she asked, genuinely seeking an answer.

Still showing incredible talent, and keeping that straight face, Reanna shrugged. “I don’t know, Sofi. Your Papa and I
like cake. And you’re going to be walking around the house all day, being cake. God forbid one night I forget to make dessert.”

Sofia’s gasp was just amazing. She was so shocked, so appalled, so hilariously horrified, Kyle had to bring his hand up to cover his mouth.

“You’re gonna eat me!” she screamed.

And that had been all Reanna could take, and Kyle couldn’t blame her. Even as he stood, quietly in the entrance watching his little family stalker style, his shoulders were shaking with silent laughter.

“Oh,” Sofia slapped her hand on the counter as a big, beautiful smile spread across her face. “Reanna!”

This was Kyle’s favorite part. The part when his little Sofia caught on to the joke, the part where she covered her stunning little face with her hands to hide her burning red cheeks as she shook her head back and forth, laughing at herself.

“You and Papa are always being silly to me.”

Wrapping her arms around Sofia from behind her, Reanna leaned down and kissed her rosy cheeks. “That’s because it’s so much fun.”

She blew a raspberry against her cheek, tickling her side as she did.

“But that’s teasing,” Sofia giggled, bringing her hands down from her face to try and stop Reanna’s tickle assault. “I thought I was gonna be a chocolate cake forever!”

“You’re silly,” she tickled her again, making her laugh loud. “You know you ain’t going to be no chocolate cake.”

Kyle smiled, still stuck on the warm feeling that had filled him when Reanna had said the words
‘our little princess’
. Sofia was their little princess, wasn’t she? Them,
because they were her… her parents. The two of them … Sofia had a mother now. Or perhaps— judging by how natural the two of them looked interacting with one another— she had always had one, and Kyle was just noticing it now.

“Alright, little girl,” Reanna clapped her hands, the sharp sound of it effectively bringing Kyle back to the present. “Get your chocolate hands over to that sink and get washed up for dinner. Your daddy will be home soon.”

Obeying Reanna’s order, Sofia hopped down off of her stool and scrambled to the sink and quickly washed her hands. “You think Papa’s gonna like all the food we made him?” she asked as she dried her hands on the towel sitting next to the sink.

Kyle nodded in silent response to her question. Of course he would.

“Absolutely, he will,” Reanna answered, looking as if she were about to begin cleaning their mess from the counter.

“What do you think he’ll like the best?”

“The cake, hands down,” Kyle answered before Reanna could. “I’ve been waiting for another piece of Reanna’s chocolate cake since the last time I had it …”


Grinning widely when she turned from the direction of the sink and ran to him, Kyle leaned down, opening his arms wide to receive his precious little girl.

“Papa! Papa! You’re home!”

When she made it too him, and he lifted her into his arms that was it, that was enough to fully restore his equilibrium, to calm his nerves, and bring him every bit of peace he needed to keep him balanced.

Mi bella bambina
. Did you miss your, Papa again?”


Kyle laughed, loving how cute her muffled words sounded while she told him how much she missed him with her face buried in his neck.

“Aww, my sweet, lady bug,” he cooed, turning his head to kiss her cheek over and over. “Papa missed you, too.”

So much.

Once she lifted her head from his shoulder, Kyle looked into her big blue eyes. So full of love, genuine,
love that Kyle would never feel deserving of.

“You’re late, Papa. We almost ate without you cause’ I’m hungry.”

“Ate without me,” Kyle’s eyes widened in mock offense. “Have you no patience lady bug? I would have waited for days if it were you that was late.”

“No you wouldn’t,” she giggled.

“Would too,” Kyle instated with a nod.

She frowned. “But what about last year on Halloween, Papa?”

Kyle’s mouth closed, his eyes widening slightly when her brows rose in question.

“You and Reanna promised that you would wait for me to eat Halloween candy, then when I woke up you both were sleep on the couch with all the candy wrappers around you—”

“Alright,” Kyle cut her off with a raise of his hand. “You made your point munchkin.”

The sound of Reanna’s laughter caught Kyle’s attention, making him look over to where she stood. He frowned, realizing that she was not in his arms where she should have been the moment she’d seen he’d entered the kitchen. She, instead, was standing across the kitchen where she had been when he’d first arrived, watching he and Sofia with amusement brightening her warm, brown eyes.

Upset, and absolutely not enjoying the amount of distance between them, Kyle frowned. “Speaking of Reanna,” he said, taking a step forward into the kitchen. “What are you doing all the way over there, woman?”

Her smile widened at his words, but she didn’t respond.

“Get your behind over here, and greet me like you’re happy to see me,” he commanded.

And was immediately backed up by his little, Lady bug.

“Yeah, Reanna!” Sofia giggled, excitedly bouncing in Kyle’s arms. “Get your butt over here.”

Her mouth dropped open with a soft laugh. “You guys …”

Kyle shook his head, cutting off what he was sure was a protest, but he would here none of it. It’d been a hard day, and he was home now. He knew they still needed to tell Sofia about the shift in their relationship, and he planned to do that, as soon as possible, but right now, he just wanted both of his girls in his arms.

“Now woman,” he commanded, pointing down at the empty space on the floor directly in front of him. “I have spoken.”

And as her future husband, he expected to be obeyed. He was pretty sure there was going to be something regarding her obedience in their vows. And yes, of course he knew Reanna would protest to making such a vow, but Kyle had a plan. He’d slip it in there discreetly. Reanna wouldn’t even notice.

Once again, laughing softly, Reanna shook her head and sat the small hand towel in her hand on the counter. “Alright, alright,” she sighed exaggeratedly, bringing up her hands in lazy surrender. “If you two must have my love, then I suppose…” she shrugged. “I have no choice.”

“Damn right you don’t.”

She laughed again as she walked into his open arm. “Hi,” she whispered, placing one of her arms around Sofia, then the other around his waist.

, he was such a lovesick sap.

“Hi,” he replied, smiling like a goofy idiot.

Mercilessly giggling at his sappy ass smile, she looked up into his eyes, her expression playfully stern once her laughter calmed. “You’re late.”

More than anything at that moment, Kyle wanted to lean forward and kiss her. Breathless. But he knew he couldn’t. He just kept reminding himself that they still needed to talk to Sofia. “I know,” he said, settling for running his fingers through her soft, silky, freshly curled hair. “I’m sorry.”

The offered apology came with a light tug of her ear, and a yet another unshakable urge to kiss her.

“Apology accepted,” she said, giving a nod of her head. “Just, please remember to call next time, Kyle.” She gave his back a light pinch. “We worry, Sofia and I. Especially after a day like today.”

“I know, I know,” he sighed, bringing his free hand up to her cheek. Gently, he ran his thumb over the deep dimple on her right cheek. “I’ll call from now on. I promise.”

“Good,” she murmured. Then standing on her perfect toes, she gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek. “It’s good to have you home, Kyle.”

, it was so good to be home.

“You hungry?” Reanna asked, pushing back from his embrace. “Sofia and I made a lot of food.”

“Yeah, Papa,” Sofia chirped, squirming out of his embrace as well. “We made a big, special dinner to celebrate. Reanna is staying with us tonight!”

Placing her on the floor, even though he hadn’t wanted to, Kyle gasped in mock surprise. “Is she?”

“Yes!” Sofia exclaimed, jumping up and down in the middle of the floor. “And we’re gonna eat dinner together, and watch cartoons, and eat cake.”

“All that fun, bambina,” Kyle chuckled. “Are you excited?”

“Yes!” She grinned. “She’s going with us to take me to school tomorrow too, she promised. ‘Member, Reanna?”

“I do, baby,” Reanna said, walking over to the stove, and opening it. “Now come on you two, it’s getting late. Come help me get the food so we can set the table.”

Sofia, rushed over to the counter next to Reanna, then stood there as if waiting for instruction.

“Kyle, honey, can you get the plates and cups down for us?”

“Plates, huh?” Kyle asked, tossing her a smirk as he made his way to the high cabinets, and mentally trying to resist the urge to slap her ass on the way by. “What happened to you and Sofia’s counter climbing method?”

She pursed her lips. “We wanted to wait for you to help us tonight, jerk.” She bent back down, reaching for the next full dish. “We’re gonna set the table as a family. So move it bud, we’re hungry.”

There it was again, that sudden urge to kiss her. So overwhelming it almost sent him catapulting across the floor to pull her into his arms. He loved how cute she was when she bossed him around.

“Yeah, Papa,” Sofia cheered happily. “We’re gonna set the table as a family. You me and Reanna.”

“Do you think you may have room for a fourth?”

At the sound of her voice, Kyle saw Reanna shoot up, her head immediately turning to the entrance, and her eyes widening slightly.

Sofia had already screamed, and run into Tamara’s arms, greeting her boisterously as Reanna stood on, watching the interaction.

“What are you doing here?” Sofia asked.

Kyle knew his little girl was on cloud nine tonight, surrounded by all of her favorite people.

“I’m here to see you,” Tamara replied. “What do you think I’m here for?”

She kissed Sofia’s cheeks until she giggled, pulling away.

“Are you gonna stay for dinner too?”

Tamara smiled. “If you three would have me,” she nodded, “I’d really love to.”

Sofia gasped, quickly turning to face Kyle and Reanna. “Please, can Tamara stay and celebrate too?”

“Of course she can,” Reanna answered, a faint smile now on her lips as she removed the oven mitt off of her hand. “She’s always welcome here.”

With a squeal, Sofia turned back to face Tamara. “I’m gonna wear one of my princess crowns for the celebration. Do you want one, too?”

Laughing softly, Tamara nodded her head. “I’d be honored.”

Sofia darted past Tamara, and out of the kitchen without warning, scrambling to her room to search for the princess crowns before dinner.

Once she left, Tamara finally locked eyes with her sister as she stood up from the floor with a long sigh. Nervously, she clasped her hands in front of her.

“Are you sure?” she asked Reanna, her now timid. “Because I …” she lowered her eyes briefly. “I know how important tonight is too you, and I didn’t want to intrude or anything. I just—”

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