Dangerous Curves 2: The Good Girl (A Billionaire and BBW erotica romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Curves 2: The Good Girl (A Billionaire and BBW erotica romance)
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It was the first time a guy had ever gone down on me, and the memory of his tongue gently lapping between my legs was electrifying.

The whole experience had been mind-blowing on a level I wasn't prepared for. After kissing me deeply for a few minutes, Shawn crawled down my body and began working on the zipper of my jeans. A few seconds later, I was naked from the waist down. As he slid my panties down over my feet, I felt a jolt rush through my body. His mouth was dangerously close to my sweet spot.

As he hovered for a moment, staring eagerly at my quivering body, a moan escaped my lips.
Shawn looked up at me, and a bright smile spread across his face.

“Can I?”

I nodded, closing my eyes as I felt his head move between my legs.

The second his tongue made contact with my lips my body lurched upward, an explosion of pleasure rocketing through me. The sensation was almost too much to take. I was moaning and screa
ming and crying out as he lapped furiously, his hands finding their way up to my breasts, which he was now caressing and squeezing over the top of my clothes.

And then…the unthinkable happened.

Right as I was teetering on the brink, right as I was on the verge of reaching orgasm….

The least sexy, most terrible thing in the world happened.

His PARENTS came home. With his little brother in tow.

Now, as an adult woman – parents, who cares?! As a horny, unfulfilled teenager….they’re the kiss of death.

I'd driven home a complete wreck. Shawn had stopped just short of delivering my first mind-blowing orgasm.

I knew it wasn't his fault. But boy, was I suffering.

And, boy, was I ready to finish the job off MYSELF.
I barely made it the five blocks to my house before I raced up the stairs and into my room, locking the door behind me. With a frenzy that surprised me, I collapsed on the bed, my fingers reaching desperately down into my pants to finish the job Shawn had started.

And so, three weeks later, I took the plunge and bought The Tongue. In the end, I suppose I have to thank Shawn. He may not have been the best boyfriend (he left me high and dry, after all – and, to top it off, he started dating a cheerleader his second week at college) but at least he gave me the inspiration to get my new best friend.



I laughed as I re-read the piece. Once upon a time, my vibrator really had been ‘my best friend.’ Not now. Not at all.

Now, I had the real thing.

I shut down my computer, grabbed my purse, and headed downstairs to meet Nick’s driver.

Chapter Two


I had no
clue where we were going.

The card hadn’t said, and I’d known better than to text Nick and ask.

“You’ll have to let me set the rules – all of them.”

Those had been Nick’s words, on the very first day we met in his office to discuss the “terms” of our new arrangement.

For thirty days, I was to give myself over to him – mind, body, and spirit. I’d let him do to me what he wanted, when he wanted.

“I’ll be respectful of your limits,” he had said. And that was true. But he had definitely been the one in

And so far, I had known that to be true. He picked when we met and where, and I was to do as I was told – no questions asked.

That might sound crazy. What kind of girl would agree to a thing like that?

“I like to think of it as a ‘gentle restraint,’” I’d joked to Katie the day before.

“A gentle restraint?” she’d repeated.

“Like using a silk tie instead of hand-cuffs.”

She’d raised an eyebrow. “So does this mean you’re letting him tie you up?”

“Maybe,” I’d teased. But the truth was,
. Or, perhaps, more tellingly,
not yet.
I wasn’t sure what exactly I was letting Nick do to me, but I suspected, the answer was,
Anything he wants
. I
agreed to his terms, after all.

And I didn’t know exactly where that would lead me
…but I was dying to find out.


# # #


Nick’s driver had picked me up in a black Lincoln town car, and he’d kept the partition up the entire time. When I tried to ask where we were going, he’d declined to answer.

As it turned out, he was taking me to a place called Colette’s. I’d heard of it before, but I’d certainly never been. To say Colette’s was out of my price range, was like saying Jupiter was outside of my travel zone. In other words, I wasn’t even
to being able to afford a place like this.

But Nicholas Colby certainly could. He could even afford to rent out the entire place for the night – which, I soon discovered, was exactly what he’d done.

“Mr. Colby thought you’d prefer some privacy,” his driver, Davis, explained as the owner rushed to the front door to greet me.

I noticed a paparazzi photographer lurking nearby. It wasn’t uncommon for Nick to have the paparazzi following him, but I didn’t know if I was quite ready to have my face splashed all over social media.

I hurried inside.

“We’re so happy to have you tonight, Miss Lewis.”

“Thank you,” I said. “I’m happy to be here.”

I stepped inside the restaurant, and there

Nicholas Colby, in the flesh.

My heart was in my throat as I walked towards him. I didn’t know how it was possible, but he looked even better than the last time I’d seen him.

He stood to greet me as I arrived,
stepping forward and embracing me in a tantalizingly brief hug.

Nicholas leaned in and brushed his lips across my cheek. “It’s good to see you.” His breath tickled my ear, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. He pulled the chair out for me, and I took my seat at the table.

“How have you been?” Nick asked,
walking around and taking a seat across from me at the table.

“Good,” I answered
nervously. “And you?”

“I’m very well, thank you.” He motioned and a waiter appeared with a bottle of white wine. He poured some for Nick to sample. The wine was met with approval, and soon the waiter was
fixing a glass for me, as well.

“To a wonderful evening
,” Nick said, and I raised my glass to meet his.

I took a sip of the wine. It was delicious. Cool and smooth, the per
fect summer drink. As usual, Nick’s taste was impeccable.

So, Violet, did you enjoy this morning?” he asked.

“Yes,” I gushed, “it was amazing!” Instantly, I wanted to smack myself. Be cool, Violet!
I scolded myself. You don’t have to act like a lovesick schoolgirl.

Very good,” Nick said, fixing his piercing brown eyes on mine.

“But there is something I’m curious about.”

“Ah?” he raised an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

“How did you
know Tabor’s was my favorite bakery?”

Nick laughed. “A magician never reveals his secrets.”

I screwed up my mouth into a flirty smirk. “So it was magic, was it?”

“Something like that.” He took a sip of his drink. “So you liked it, then?”

“I loved it,” I blurted out, and I instantly wanted to kick myself. I was failing royally at this ‘being smooth thing.’

Nick laughed lightly. “I’m glad.”

“I am curious, though, how you got Tabor to deliver. I know for a fact that normally isn’t possible.”

“Anything’s possible
, Violet. You just have to know the right way to ask.”

Something about the way he said it was exciting. I could feel myself getting wet.
“So does that mean if I ask you nicely you’ll tell me what’s really going on with you? With your work, I mean.”

His face
darkened and I was immediately sorry that I’d brought it up. Ever since we’d met, Nick had been increasingly evasive about his business dealings. Not that it was any of my business – not really – but Nick had promised to explain why he had disappeared so suddenly a few days ago. And that was a promise that, so far, had not been kept.

Nick had returned to town the night before last after abruptly leaving on a business trip.
His sudden departure had sent me into a tailspin. On the phone he’d promised to fill me in on what had happened, to explain why he’d gone away without a moment’s notice. But once he’d arrived, he’d dodged my inquests. And after handing me a beautiful bouquet of daisies, and kissing me passionately on the lips, I’d let him slide. And before long, we’d found ourselves in my bedroom, furiously undressing each other…and Nick’s mysterious business dealings hadn’t quite seemed so important anymore.

My work is complicated,” he said now. “It’s also rather unpleasant.” Nick poured me some more wine. “I’d much rather talk about

“Oh!” I said, beaming. “That reminds me. I’ve got some news to share with you!” I told him about Mariah offering me a lead feature story assignment.

“Violet, that’s fantastic!” He smiled widely. “And you more than deserve it. You’re incredibly talented.”

“Thank you.” I blushed at the

Nick reached across the table and took my hand, and I felt my body jolt in excitement.
The wetness between my legs was starting to grow.

“You look amazing tonight, by the way. Although this,” he leaned forward and fingered the yellow scarf adorning my neck, “is going to have to go.”

“It is?” I asked.

“How am I going to kiss your neck when you’re wearing that?” he said.

Oh. God.

“So,” I asked, “
what are we doing tonight?” I asked.

“That depends,” h
e turned my hand over, and traced his fingers on the groove of my palm, “on what you’re up for.”

I squirmed in my seat, squeezing my legs together. I wondered what
Nick had in store? We’d enjoyed some amazing times together – two, to be specific. But, thus far, we’d only engaged in oral sex. We had yet to make love, and I was desperate to feel him inside of me.

“I’m up for anything.”

“We’ll see about that,” Nick said. “I had something, rather,
in mind.”


Before I could respond, the waiter appeared.

“Mr. Colby, I have an urgent phone call for you.”

Nick’s brow furrowed. “Tell them I’ll call them back.”

“I already tried tha
t, sir. They absolutely would not take no for an answer.”

Nick slowly let go of my hand. “Violet, I’m afraid I’d better take this.”

He stood up from the table and headed toward the back of the dimly lit restaurant.

As I watched him go, I
exhaled slowly, letting out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. I felt dizzy with anticipation. Simply being near Nick was enough to make me feel weak in the knees. I couldn’t wait until I was alone with him tonight. My, God, the things I would do to him….

reappeared suddenly. “Violet.” There was something in his voice that told me, even before he said it, that this would be bad news. “I wouldn’t normally do this, but I’m going to have to cut our evening short. I’m afraid an emergency has come up.”

I fought hard to keep from reacting. An emergency? Was he joking? He couldn’t be doing this to me again, could he? Not another disappearing act, not now, not when things were
starting to get good.

stood up from the table. “That’s okay. That’s fine,” I said, not really meaning any of it.

“Violet, I –”

“No, it’s fine.” I turned to go.

Nick stepped in front
of me, blocking my path. “It’s not fine. At least, not to me.” His hands gripped both of my arms. “Violet, look at me.”

I stared down at the floor, refusing to meet his eyes.


There was something in his tone that gave me pause. I raised my head, to meet his face, and when I saw his eyes I was taken aback. They were searching, pleading. Scared. “I don’t want to keep doing this to you.”

And I believed him.

“This is not part of my plan. This is not how I intended things to be. Never.”

In his words, in his voice, I knew he was telling me the truth.

You’re not leaving town again, are you?” I asked.

nodded slowly. “I’m afraid so. But only briefly. I’ll be back the day after tomorrow.”

I fought hard to keep from showing my emotions. How could he keep doing this to me? We only had thirty days together – thirty days and that was it. Or was it? If he was going to keep skipping out of town, did that mean we’d be spending longer together than our initial agreement entailed? I didn’t dare ask – I was not going to humiliate myself by inquiring about such a thing.

“Take my car for the evening,” Nick offered.

“No,” I told him. “I can
find my own way home.”

“It’s raining out, Violet. Please. Take my car.” His tone was firm, insistent.

I obliged. “All right.”

“Take it for the weekend,” he said. And then, suddenly, his face brightened. “In fact, I’d like it if you’d meet me at the airport Sunday when I return.”

“Oh, you’d like that, would you?” I asked, taunting him lightly.

stared me directly in the eyes, almost challengingly. “I’d like that very much. We only have one month together, if you’ll recall. One month, before my schedule takes me abroad permanently.”

So it was still on. The original terms
of our thirty day agreement were still in place.

“All right, I’ll come to the airport,” I agreed.

“Wonderful,” Nick said. “Before you come to my house on Sunday night, have Davis drop you off at my place. I’ll have a little surprise waiting for you there.”





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