Read Dangerous Curves 2: The Good Girl (A Billionaire and BBW erotica romance) Online
Authors: Melody Banks
Which suited me just fine.
I had the taxi wait downstairs for me as I took the elevator up to meet Katie. When she opened the door, she looked stunned.
“What are
doing here?”
“I’m taking you to your appointment,” I’d told her. “Just like we planned.”
She’d instantly burst into tears.
“I’m sorry, Violet,” she sobbed, throwing herself in my arms. It was not something I had expected. But I’d held her for a long time, comforting her, assuring her that everything would be okay.
“I didn’t mean to blow up at you, it’s just…things have been rough for me these past few months. And lately, it seems like all you ever do is talk about Nick. I have problems, too, but I don’t feel like you care about them.”
“I do care!” I told her. “Of course I care! You’re my best friend, Katie, I love you!”
We’d stood there at her front door sobbing like two brokenhearted schoolgirls for several minutes, until a neighbor walked by and asked, “Anybody got a cab outside? It’s been waitin’ for some time.”
Uh oh. I hadn’t thought about the fact that the meter was still running. Maybe I should have brought Davis after all! I wound up spending half a day’s pay on that cab fare, but it was well worth it. The ride to the dentist’s office gave Katie and me a chance to talk, to patch things up. We both admitted to
feeling left out (me, because she never had time for me on the weekends, and Katie because I’d been ditching her lately while I was off gallivanting with Nick Colby) and agreed to do better in the future, and to always keep each other in the loop for everything.
I’d offered to stay with her for the extraction procedure, but Katie’s sister had shown up not long after.
“I’m sorry,” Katie had said sheepishly. “But I really did think you would forget, so I called for back-up.” After receiving ample assurance from Katie’s sister, Melissa, I finally agreed to leave the dental office and go to work.
Speaking of which….
“I’d like to thank everyone for accommodating me on such short notice,” Nick said, as he took his place at the head of the large conference table.
We’d all been instructed to bring our laptops to take notes on his talk today. Nick had also brought a laptop.
“I’m going to go over a few points about our upcoming fiscal year,” Nick said. “Then I’d like to hear from the various department heads.”
He began talking about
Brown-Eyed Girl
’s budget for the upcoming quarter and, much to the shock of everyone, announced that he was increasing our operating funds by twenty percent.
“Mr. Colby! A
s you can imagine, I’m absolutely thrilled with this news,” Mariah beamed, as soon as Nick had finished talking.
“I’m glad to hear it,” he said. “Now, if you wouldn’t mind giving me a brief rundown of the latest goings on at the magazine…?”
“Absolutely. Our managing editor, Felicia, has prepared a PowerPoint for you.”
“Wonderful,” Nick said. “I see you’re all prepared to take notes
. If you don’t mind, I’m going to take a few of my own,” he said, gesturing toward his laptop.
Felicia went up to the front of the room and began fiddling with
the PowerPoint. As soon as Felicia started the presentation, an IM popped up on my screen.
You look amazing.
I glanced around self-consciously, making sure that no one could see what I was
reading. I usually sat next to Katie during these meetings, but since she wasn’t here, I’d wound up sandwiched between Mariah and Lucas, one of the senior editors.
I pulled my laptop to the edge of the table, and tilted the monitor down so it would be at an angle where
no one else could see.
Then I typed out a reply:
Thank you. So do you.
Feeling bold, I added.
In fact, you look ravishing.
Ravishing? Ah, I’ve been called many things in my lifetime, but I’m not sure anyone has ever referred to me as ravishing.
Haha. What do you think would be more fitting? Handsome?
You’re the writer. You tell me.
I’d say ravishing fits pretty well. Then again, so does handsome. And charming, striking, gorgeous.
I could get used to dating a writer.
Dating? Did he just say dating? And not just ‘messing around with?’
Before I could type a response, another IM popped up.
I trust you’re wearing the panties?
His reply was instant.
Good. I’m going to turn them on now.
And then, without further warning, I felt it.
Oh. God. OH MY GOD! How had I not noticed? There had been no switch inside the panties to turn
them on. In my haste to get ready, I had barely paid attention to this. But now, sitting here in the boardroom, I was very,
aware of the fact that the tiny, efficient little vibrator inside these panties was operated by remote control…a remote control Nick now had.
My body jolted as
I felt the vibrating panties pulsating between my legs. Thankfully, they were true to their word – whisper silent.
I’ve programmed the remote control to work from my laptop. It has seven power settings. I’ve put you on 1 for right now. How do you like it?
I swallowed hard. How d
id I like it? That was a tough question to answer. It felt nice…
nice. But also terribly embarrassing and uncomfortable! I couldn’t believe he was putting me in a position like this. Thank God Felicia had turned the lights out for her PowerPoint presentation, or else everyone might have seen how red my face was becoming.
It feels nice. But this is a very awkward position you’re putting me in!
My nipples were starting to get hard underneath my work shirt. Suddenly, I felt the pressure increase.
That’s two.
Oh, God. Why was he doing this to me? Why?
! My legs were starting to shake. I tried squeezing them together, but that only made the problem worse. The wetness was growing inside my panties, and I could feel the tiny bullet egg sliding against my clit.
Maybe we should shut these off, save them for another time.
He ignored the comment, instead saying:
How do these compare to The Tongue?
So he’d read my article. I should have known. It had only been up online since last night, but I should have figured he would have found time to read it.
Nick! I’m seriously! This is REALLY uncomfortable
Remember our agreement, Violent. I never promised you comfort. In fact, I promised the opposite. I promised to push you out of your comfort zone.
I felt the pr
essure increase. This was awful! And oh, soooooo good all at the same time.
Do you have any idea how difficult it is to sit here like this?
My nipples were now visibly erect, poking out noticeably through my shirt.
You never answered my question. How does this compare to The Tongue?
It’s different.
I thought about it, took a deep breath, and then answered honestly:
It’s better.
Mmm. Just what I wanted to hear. You know, reading your article today was very enlightening for me. I had hard time believing you even needed such a device when you were eighteen.
I started to type a reply, but I wasn’t fast enough.
I wish I’d known you back then. I would have eaten you out day and night.
He shouldn’t be talking like this. It was making it so much worse.
I love watching you like this, Violet. As you sit across the table from me, so poised and professional, I know that your panties are gently, quietly pulsating between your legs. That beautiful wetness that I’d love to taste. Let yourself relax and enjoy it as you think about our ‘naughty little secret.’
I felt the volume go up. Breathe, Violet, just breathe.
I wish I could crawl under the table right now and bury my head between your legs.
I remembered my first orgasm, the one I’d had involuntarily at the slumber party when I was back in school, the one I’d written about for the magazine. I had always,
been a ‘screamer’ when I came, unable to control it even in my sleep. And now – right here in the middle of a meeting! – Nick was pushing me dangerously close to the point of an orgasm. I needed to hold back, to keep myself from coming at all costs.
Stop, please. I’m begging you. I don’t want to have an orgasm in the middle of my work!
He ignored my request, instead
turning the pressure up.
Four. If you keep begging, I’ll keep increasing the pressure. But if you’re a good girl, I might turn it down, and let you wait to have your orgasm once the meeting is over.
I squirmed uncomfortably in my chair.
I’m rock hard right now. All I want in the world is to have my face buried between your legs, to feel your hands clutching at my hair as my head bobs up and down.
I knew that asking Nick to turn them off was a lost cause, so it was up to me to control it. And the first step was to stop reading his messages. I exited the IM program and put my computer in lock mode. Then I pushed it away from me.
Mind over matter, I thought. Mind over matter. You can do this. Think about things that don’t turn you on.
Birds. Kitchen counter tops. Finger nail polish. I tried to push my mind onto other things, but it of no use. I was dangerously close.
Right at that moment, I looked up and made eye contact with Nick. He moved his right hand up, running it through his hair, and right as he did it I saw him briefly – but unmistakably – flash the number five with his fingers.
And the pressure went up.
I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.
Don’t come, don’t come
don’t come!
For God’s sake, Violet, do not come!
I remembered times in the past where I’d desperately needed to pee but had been in a situation where I’d been forced to hold it.
This is no different, I reminded myself.
It’s like when you need to pee so bad….I tried turning that thought over in my head but, for some strange reason, thinking of peeing made me even more aroused.
I could see Nick’s hands wrapping lightly against the conference table. In an instant, my mind was back in that place, thinking of how good his fingers felt inside me, sliding in and out.
And his mouth. Oh, God.
It had been so fucking good last night, the way Nick had started out slowly, teasingly, parting my lips with his tongue, darting it in and out, before finally treating my pussy to one long, slow lick that ended right on my clit.
My hips had bucked wildly beneath him, as his tongue moved up to trace circles around my clit….
It was happening.
Oh, God. Oh, fuck. It was going to happen. I was going to come.
“Violet?” Mariah said. “Would you mind telling Mr. Colby about the new assignments you’re working on? I’ve prepared a brief PowerPoint on the story you’re doing. If you wouldn’t mind walking us through it.”
I froze.
There was no way, no earthly way that I could stand up in front of this conference room full of people right now.
“I – I,” I began.
Mercifully, Nick took pity on me. I felt the vibrator slowing. But it didn’t shut off. My God, why couldn’t he just put a stop to this right here and right now? Why couldn’t he allow me to wait?
“As much as I’d lov
e to hear Violet’s presentation,” Nick said, I’m afraid that’s all the time I have for today.” He stood up, grabbing his laptop and briefcase and said, “Why don’t you all get back to your desks now and finish what you’ve been working on? Thanks for letting me listen in today.”
People began filing out of the room at an agonizingly slow pace. I didn’t want to chance standing up while anyone was watching, in case the sudden movement sent me over the edge, so I pretended to work on my laptop until everyone had filed out of the room.
Once the coast was clear, I made my move, leaping up from the table so fast I knocked my chair to the floor. Without wasting another moment, I raced out of the room and down the hall to toward the safety of the bathroom. I barely made it through the door when my pussy exploded in a massive orgasm.