Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel) (24 page)

BOOK: Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel)
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Reid smiled, looking positively diabolical, and opened the ball. It looked like a smooth bearing, maybe half an inch across, but it was made to open into two halves, the hinge and clasp secured inside. The interior had a hollow imprint, a mold that perfectly fit the chain.

Kendra knew then what it was for. She fought her urge to take a step back.

“It’s designed to not move once placed,” he said to her, his tone too calm for what he was going to do. Kendra held her ground with an effort as he slid a finger under the chain that passed over her hip. He crouched in front of her, chose the appropriate point on the chain, then pulled it slightly away from her body. He fastened the ball over the chain, then eased it back into her labia. The ball pressed on one side of her clitoris, the stimulating unguent sending a jolt through her at first contact.

“Oh!” Kendra’s nipples were as tight and hard as pebbles, a flush rising from her breasts to her face. Reid watched as she fought her reaction, his eyes glittering.

“That stuff is dangerous,” she said, wanting to rub herself against him or anything else in the vicinity. She couldn’t keep her hips from moving, or her legs from brushing against each other.

“You’ll learn to like it as much as I do, Miss Jones.”

“I hope you plan on many working lunches, sir,” she said in a rush. “I won’t last the day wearing this.”

“Won’t last without what, Miss Jones? Without being claimed or without being punished?”

Kendra couldn’t think about anything except her puss, about her need—except maybe about the fact he was driving her crazy on purpose. He was trying to show his power over her. “Maybe it doesn’t matter, sir. Maybe I’m just your toy, awaiting your pleasure.”

“Very good, Miss Jones.” Reid indicated the dress and she put it on again, turning her back to him so he could zip it up. When she turned to face him, barely able to stand it, there was real admiration in his eyes. “Your initiative is excellent again, Miss Jones. You almost look more naked in the dress than you would without it.”

“Thank you, sir.” Kendra could feel a flush rising over her skin, a heat wave fed by his choice of ornaments for her and the knowledge that he was going to make her wait for satisfaction.

Maybe all night long. She felt her hands clench into fists.

“Walk across the room. Get used to it.”

She did as instructed, her nostrils flaring when she turned to walk back toward him. It was both excruciating and delicious. “That ball should be classed as a lethal weapon,” she murmured. “I take that back, sir. You’ll need to bang me every hour on the hour.”

“You should be so lucky, Miss Jones. I will teach you who decides on the next part of the game.”

“Yes, sir.”

Reid beckoned to her. When Kendra stopped in front of him again, he handed her the heavy leather blindfold. At a glance from him, she put it on.

“Tying myself up for you again?”

“You do it so well, Miss Jones.”

Kendra had thought it would be too much, but once again, the blindfold relaxed her. She felt her body settle in an easier posture and her breathing slowed a bit. Maybe it wasn’t so bad that he understood her.

Maybe it wasn’t so bad to let him decide upon everything.

Surrender rolled through her body once again, leaving her compliant and relaxed.

Reid turned her around and locked her wrist shackles together behind her back, then abruptly tightened the fastening on the blindfold. She stumbled a bit. “Rough again, sir?”

“You said you wanted to explore that, Miss Jones. Is it satisfying so far?”

“Very satisfying, sir.”

“Not too rough?”

“Not yet, sir.” Kendra licked her lips. “You could do more.”

“I’ll consider that, Miss Jones.” He ran a fingertip over her mouth, pressing his thumb heavily against the softness of her lips. It was a possessive move, one that thrilled Kendra and she found herself leaning into his caress. “Once you’re trained to eat blindfolded and bound, I’ll take you to restaurants,” he whispered.

“Not in public,” she protested, already understanding he would do it.

And she would let him. Kendra shivered.

“Oh yes, Miss Jones. Definitely in public. That’s the point.” He guided her to the table and ensured with a touch that she sat down safely. “What makes secrets potent is the possibility of discovery. Flaunting a secret makes that more likely, and thus the secret more exciting.”

“Yes, sir.” He was right about that.

Kendra realized he’d chosen a stool for her, and felt him lock her bound wrists to the back of it. The height was such that her back was slightly arched. If anything, it made her more aware of how her nipples were trapped. He didn’t even have to touch her knees before she spread them wide, pressing her ankles together as she offered him access whatever he wanted.

She was his and she wanted him to know it.

“What’s the point of your being a toy, if no one knows it but you and me?”

“Yes, master.”

“You’ll learn that moving back and forth, between public and private, between secrets and displays, will make for the hottest intervals. We’re playing with the notion of the forbidden, Miss Jones.”

“I thought we were blurring the line between pleasure and pain.”

He touched her lips for that impertinence, warning her and reminding her that he was being indulgent. “We’re both smart enough that we can have more than one objective.”

She didn’t argue with that.

She gave him a minute to think that she was becoming submissive, then she grazed her teeth against his finger. She bit him gently, easing her teeth over his skin. She felt him stiffen, so took the tip of his finger in her mouth. He didn’t move, didn’t argue, didn’t pull away. Kendra worked his finger much as she’d sucked him off, deliberately reminding him of what she could do.

“You are very naughty, Miss Jones,” he whispered, then abruptly cupped her chin in his hand. She felt his other hand lock around her nape, and tipped her head back, liking when he held her captive like this. That was all she had time to do before his mouth locked over hers. His kiss was possessive and demanding, thorough enough to leave her breathless. He kissed her hard, as if he couldn’t get enough of her, as if he’d eat her alive.

And Kendra kissed him back. He was giving her what she wanted, maybe against his will, and she was going to make sure he knew how much it pleased her.

He tore himself away suddenly, breaking the kiss when Kendra was wishing it would last forever.

“No more kisses, Miss Jones,” he warned, his voice unusually sharp. “You’re going to earn yourself the worst punishment I can devise.”

Kendra smiled with the certainty that she was getting to him. It seemed only fair, giving his effect on her.

“Oh, I hope so, master,” she murmured, practically feeling the way he glared at her.

He leaned down beside her again, his lips against her ear. “There will be a safe room, with your name on the door.” Kendra shivered at the prospect. “Keep playing your game, Miss Jones, and once you walk through the door, you might never leave again.”

“Sounds like heaven,” she whispered.

He was startled, and then he chuckled under his breath. “I’ve warned you before: be careful what you wish for, Miss Jones. Now, I should gag you and spank you, but you have a lesson to learn and dinner is getting cold. Do try to behave for the next few minutes.”

“Then my reward?”

“You’ll have to be very very good at this point to get any concession,” he said with resolve and Kendra straightened on her stool. Reid wasn’t the only one who could deal in surprises.

She’d show him just how good she could be.

* * *

In a suburban neighborhood, far from the glittering hotel where Kendra and Rhys continued her training, a man sat in his car, watching a darkened house. The snow was falling in earnest, swirling against the windshield, providing both a blessing and an obstacle. His car was less likely to be noticed by people hurrying through the falling snow. At the same time, the way the snow melted on the hood revealed that the car had been running recently—an observant person could notice that it was recently arrived and maybe look closer.

Jackson was notoriously observant.

Reid was observant, but he tended to focus so completely on any given objective that he had blind spots on the periphery of his goal.

Jackson, having no goal other than perfect service to his employer, had no blind spots.

That said, the man in the car approved of Jackson’s choice in real estate. The neighborhood was on the outskirts of town. The houses were large and luxurious, but even better, their lots were enormous. There was virtually no chance of an intruder inadvertently being captured on the security system of a neighboring property.

He’d have only Reid’s security system to worry about, if he chose to enter the house.

And it wouldn’t be installed or configured just yet. All he needed was a moment of opportunity.

There were no sidewalks in this neighborhood, because no one who lived here walked in public. The staff evidently lived in or had their own vehicles: there was a bit of traffic on the street, maybe a car every five minutes or so, and some cars parked along the curb. Just enough to keep his vehicle from being the only one. The trees were large and old, the entire area peaceful.

The car wasn’t actually his car, but a vehicle stolen earlier that day. He hoped he’d have to abandon it. To his eye, it looked like the kind of car live-out staff might drive: a smaller sedan in a conservative color, a model that was about five years old but well-tended. He’d parked close to the driveway of a neighboring property to bolster the illusion. He wore gloves and had laid plastic over the seat, just to ensure that he left as little physical evidence in the car as possible.

He wasn’t surprised the house Jackson had selected was so modern. Reid had a fondness for poured concrete and large windows that faced into interior courtyards, just as he had an obsession with privacy. The house had a very large footprint, as a result of this design, and had probably been for sale for such a long time because of its price. It had a six car garage and a guest cottage, as well as a pool and a creek meandering through the back of the wooded lot.

That feature was particularly exciting.

The man in the car had even managed to have a real estate agent show him the house while Reid’s offer was in play. He’d worn a disguise, used an assumed name, been flamboyant and outspoken, even vehement about his dislike of the house’s design. She’d remember a great deal about him, but nothing that could actually identify him.

That charade had been fun. Since then he’d been driving, fetching a cargo from the city where Reid had lived to date, and stashing it in a rented storage locker here.

All in preparation for this weekend, or ideally, this night.

A car came along the road and the man slid down in his seat. Just as he’d expected, it was a nondescript rental car, driven by an older gentleman. The lights on the house flickered to light, obviously triggered by a remote. Jackson pulled into the driveway and got out of the rental car, leaving the driver’s side door open.

He removed the For Sale sign and put it in the trunk of his car.

Then he paused and looked around, his gaze lingering on the stolen car. Jackson stared at it for a long moment, long enough to make the hidden man fear he had been detected, long enough for him to consider the various ways Reid’s butler could be silenced.

Jackson abruptly slammed the trunk and turned away as the man exhaled. He shook the snow off his coat then got back into the car, continuing up the long driveway. He parked outside the garage, keys flashing in his hand as he walked to the front door. The rental car locks engaged with a beep, Jackson disappeared into the house, and the man in the parked car waited for opportunity.

It didn’t take long. The discrete luxury sedan with familiar out-of-state plates arrived within the hour. Foster parked it farther from the door than the rental car Jackson had used, and left it running when he went into the house.

Presumably, he intended to park Reid’s car in the garage.

He would never have the chance. The waiting man moved swiftly, so swiftly he was already around the curve in the road before Foster returned.

He smiled as he drove away, confident that his plan was coming together perfectly.

Before Reid Stirling even knew anything was wrong, the trap would be closing around him.

* * *

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