Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel) (23 page)

BOOK: Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel)
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He almost smiled. “Keep them captive and comfortable.”



“How else can they be kept captive?” She wanted him to mention a collar and would have willed the confession from him if she could have.

He gave her an intent look, maybe reading her thoughts, then shrugged as if disinterested. The glitter of his eyes—and their very blue hue—revealed his interest. “They can be imprisoned.”


“It’s easy to build a safe room or a dungeon in a house. You just need the space, and lots of extra insulation to muffle the noise.”

“What kind of noise?”

He smiled, looking wicked and unpredictable again. “The kind of noise blocked by a gag in other locations.” His gaze fell to her mouth and lingered there. “Sometimes, it’s preferable to have a slave’s mouth available.” His words were a low purr, one that made her shiver. Had he liked how she’d sucked him off? Kendra was pretty sure he had.

She noticed his erection, but when her gaze dropped, he turned to the table of toys. His tone was bored when he continued. “Darkened windows, if there are any, to obstruct the view. A secure location.” He shrugged again. “No one knows the difference.”

Kendra had to know. “You’ve done this a lot?”

“Only once, and not for long.”

“Why not?”

“The prey in question didn’t like the game.”

“I would.”

He eyed her, as if deciding whether she was telling the truth. “Yes, I think you would, Miss Jones.” His eyes narrowed. “The question is for how long.”

“There’s only one way to find out, sir.”

He smiled at that. Instead of replying—much less promising to do so—he touched her chin with a fingertip, then lifted his wine glass to her bottom lip. “Drink a sip.”

Kendra instinctively reached to take the stem, but he rapped her hand with his fingers.

“Don’t make me bind you just yet,” he said, then commanded her. “Sip.”

She did as instructed, holding his gaze as she swallowed. “I don’t usually drink wine.”

“Doesn’t matter. It’s what I’m giving you.”

“You’ll give me what I’m allowed to have,” she guessed.

“When we’re together, you’ll consume only what I feed you. Understand?”

Kendra nodded, wondering how that would work. Was this a private game? Or did he mean to do it in public, too? She shivered, thinking of being fed in a restaurant, and her puss began to heat all over again.

Another sexy secret. This man knew exactly how to get to her and keep her aroused.

Before she could ask for details, Reid put down the wine glass and opened the jewelry box he’d shown her earlier. He took out the chain, letting it spill over his fingers. “It’s time to get serious about your lessons, Miss Jones.”

She said nothing, her gaze fixed on the chain. It flowed like a river of silver between his hands, shining and cold. He’d said he’d bind her with it, as with the rope.

“Tell me more about your boundaries, Miss Jones.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Are there any things that you won’t do, or won’t try?”

“You asked me that before.”

“And I told you we might discover new ones. Maybe you’ve realized something while we’ve played our games. Do you have any fears?” He placed the chain around her neck and she shivered at the chill of it against her skin.

“Everybody has some fears.” Her voice was slightly higher than usual, a little breathless.

“And yours are?”

“Snakes. Spiders.”

“No sexual fears?” He wound the chain around the front of her arms and to the back of her waist, just as he had done with the rope. He moved slowly, as if he had all the time in the world, as if challenging her to make a run for it and escape. It was more titillating to let him do what he wanted, to be submissive and cooperative. Kendra turned in place, easily facilitating his moves.

Helping him to bind her.

“Being hurt,” she said. “Raped.”

“That’s not unreasonable. What about fantasies?”

“I have lots of those. Just like everyone.”

“Wicked ones?”

She couldn’t help but smile. “Of course!”

“Who stars in your fantasies?”

She flicked a look at him and couldn’t keep herself from blushing.

Reid smiled, the very image of satisfaction. Kendra wished he’d reciprocate and tell her that she starred in his fantasies, but he kept his attention focused on the chain. He crossed it behind her waist and brought the ends to the front, letting them slide over her hips. He fed the chain between her legs, and she straightened when it collided with her genitals. It was cold and smooth. He then slid it through the X at the back of her waist. Again, he brought the two ends to the front.

She stared at him, her breath coming quickly and her lips parted.

She was bound by a featherweight cold chain.

He took his time securing the clasp at the front, ensuring that there was enough length in the chain to let it move around her body. He slid his fingers over her skin repeatedly, like a caress, one that left her keenly aware of the weight of the chain. Once locked, the clasp with his initials sat right at the front of her waist, enough slack in the chain for it to drop into her navel. The ends of the chain dangled, tinkling a little, sliding coldly into her pubic hair.

“I was going to trim the ends,” he mused as he considered her. “But leaving them this way will keep your attention.”

It sure would.

Kendra wondered how long he intended to leave it on her, then recalled he’d said it would stay on her body for as long as she was his.

She caught her breath. What would she say if someone saw it? Jade or Liv? When she went to the doctor? When she went swimming? She was wearing a chain marked with his initials.

A hidden reminder that she was his possession.

More secrets.

Kendra was breathing even more quickly now. She had to know for sure.

“How do I take it off?” she demanded and her voice was husky.

He smiled. “You don’t. You’ll wear this as a mark of my ownership for the duration of our agreement, just as I said earlier.”

“But, but someone could see.”

“And then they’ll know that you’ve been claimed, too.” Reid was watching her closely and Kendra didn’t want to disappoint him. “Terrifying or exciting, Miss Jones?” he asked softly.

She exhaled, letting go of her anxiety. “Exciting,” she admitted. “Another secret.”

“And these?” He casually picked up the pair of small silver clamps from his display, the ones with a chain connecting them. It was similar to the chain he’d just fastened around her but finer. “Frightening or exciting?

She shook her head, at a momentary loss for words. “Where do they go?”

“I thought you’d never ask, Miss Jones.” He cupped her breast and fitted one clamp to the tight bead of her nipple. The sensation was exquisite, a sharp ache of awareness that was neither pain nor pleasure, the warm press of his palm. She couldn’t decide whether she wanted to take the clamp off or press it tighter. She’d made her nipples darker, coloring them with lipstick and he seemed to notice that only now. “Excellent choice with the lipstick, Miss Jones,” he murmured and his pleasure thrilled her.

“Thank you, sir.”

“It makes better contrast with the clamp.” Reid held her other breast and added the second clamp, watching as she shivered, swallowed and straightened. Then he dropped the weight of the chain, letting it hang from the clamps. Even though it was very fine, it added to the torment, creating a sweet agitation within Kendra. She felt her mouth open and close in consternation, and made herself stand still with an effort.

Her skin was on fire.

She was on the verge of exploding.

And he was going to make her endure it, just to prove that she wasn’t in control. This was his lesson, and it was a hard one.

Kendra wasn’t going to disappoint him.

“If you’re very good, I’ll bind you in a string of pearls,” he promised.

“They’d press on my puss.”

“They would. Would you like that?”

“I think I might.”

Reid pointed to the wrist and ankle shackles on the table. “Put these on yourself.”

“Then there would be a reward?” she whispered, her words husky.

Reid smiled. “There’s always a reward for a good slave. It just might not come as soon as you’d like.”

Kendra exhaled, trying to surrender to the moment and his control. This was a test, and she knew failing it would indicate the end of everything between them.

Her curiosity wasn’t nearly satisfied yet.

Reid snapped his fingers with impatience. She picked up the shackles for her wrists first, studying them for a moment to see how they worked. They were wide, made of soft black leather, and fitted precisely to contain her wrists but allow no chance of escape. Their padding also ensured the pressure was well-distributed and that she couldn’t be injured. The locks were embedded in the leather and felt very secure. She hadn’t been able to work free of them at the shop.

There was no sign of any keys. Reid had to have them himself, and she was clearly supposed to trust him to hold to the contract and take care of her.

Kendra snapped them on without hesitation. There were d-loops embedded in them, just as in the ankle shackles. She made to crouch and put on the ankle shackles, but Reid stopped her with a fingertip.

“Always bend from the waist,” he instructed when she glanced up at him.

“Let me guess: legs apart?”

“I like visual displays, Miss Jones.”

She knew that already, and she knew he liked her ass. Kendra turned her back on him, cracking over from the waist with her legs straight to give him a view. The chain slid through her labia, sending a jolt of desire through her with its chill. All the same, Kendra smiled with satisfaction when she heard Reid catch his breath.

“Buy some more garter belts and stockings, Miss Jones,” he said, the strain in his voice making her smile. “I like how they look.”

“A little old-fashioned.”

“And very feminine.”

“But they won’t get in your way.”

“Exactly. Another inspired choice.”

“Thank you, sir.” Kendra locked the shackles around her ankles.

“Don’t move,” he said and she held her pose. Kendra waited, not really surprised when she felt his finger slide under the chain. She was less surprised when he gave it a little tug, driving the cold metal against her puss. She closed her eyes, welcoming the torment only he could give.

She shivered as he rubbed the chain back and forth over her genitals. “Will you do that to me in the office, too, sir?”

“Almost certainly, Miss Jones.”

Kendra savored the sensation and the possibility. She felt him come to stand behind her, taking one chain in each hand and moving them alternately.

She swore softly under her breath.

He pinched one of the new welts, hard, and she gasped aloud. “Quiet, Miss Jones.”

“Yes, sir.”

He laughed and slapped her butt lightly. She felt him release the chain and move away. When he tapped her shoulder, she straightened and turned, displaying herself to him. Reid gestured and she walked across the room and back, and Kendra felt her consternation rising as she moved.

“The chain is . . . incredible.” It worked against her as she moved, always cold, always pressing on her clitoris. It was relentless and impossible to ignore.

And he wasn’t going to take it off.

She was going to be on the cusp of orgasm all the damn time.

Which was almost certainly his plan. He looked very pleased with himself as he watched her, proud of what he’d accomplished.

“It’ll be impossible to forget it’s there,” she added.

“Which is the point. A slave should always be prepared for her master’s whim.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Plus I know you like secrets, Miss Jones.” Reid held up a finger, even as Kendra considered that he’d chosen the chain not out of his own desire but to feed her own. “One more present.” He lifted a metal ball out of the jewelry box, one she hadn’t seen in the bottom. He rolled it between his finger and thumb as she watched him.

What was it?

Reid opened a small jar and methodically rolled the ball in the clear unguent inside, taking his time to ensure the entire surface was covered. He seemed to be taking forever about it, and finally Kendra couldn’t stand the suspense.

“Okay, I give up. What’s that?”

“So demanding, Miss Jones. Do I have to teach you patience, too?”

“You’ll never manage that.”

“No, I expected as much.” Reid reached out and brushed one fingertip across her bottom lip, leaving a bit of the unguent there.

Kendra gasped, then her tongue flicked to the point of contact. “It burns, but not. It’s hot and tingly.” What was he going to do with it?

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