Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel) (37 page)

BOOK: Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel)
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She was supposed to trust him. Kendra nodded and followed his lead, hoping Reid had planned adequately for whatever was going to happen next. She didn’t trip at all, but walked just ahead of him, his heat solid behind her shoulder. It was kind of exciting to walk without knowing where she was going, to trust someone else to guide her safely.

She just wished it had been Reid.

She wished he had been watching.

She obviously wasn’t nearly submissive enough, because she wished she knew where Rex was taking her. She was seriously tempted to cheat and take a peek. He helped her into her coat, a perfect gentleman, if one who had felt her up and fed her in a restaurant.

“You drove, didn’t you?” Rex asked softly.

“I did.” It seemed impertinent to note that she couldn’t drive home with her eyes closed, so she didn’t say anything more.

“I took a cab.”

Kendra’s heart pounded as they left the restaurant together and she felt the cool air of the night. It was still snowing lightly, the cool flakes landing on her face.

“Do you need a ride, Rex?” she asked.

“No. I’m taking your car. Give me your keys, Miss Jones.”

Kendra was ready to argue with him, but she heard a car come to a halt in front of her.

She knew the low sound of that engine.


* * *

Kendra knew that if she opened her eyes, she’d find a familiar sleek silver sports car in front of them. Though the windows would be tinted dark, she was pretty sure she knew the driver. She dug out her car keys for Rex by feel, and heard him open the passenger door for her.

Kendra smiled. “Thank you for the appetizer.”

Rex smiled back. “I could say the same to you.” He pulled a flat box from his pocket and offered it to her, then plucked her car keys from her hand. “A token of my esteem.”

“Thank you.” Kendra got into the car beside Reid with her package, and dared to shoot a glance his way once the door was closed. “Was I good?”

“Why else would I be making fantasies come true?” he murmured, then put the car into gear. “Yesterday proceeded like clockwork. You show promise in many arenas, Miss Jones.”

“Is this my reward?”

Reid smiled. “Or maybe a test.”

“Can I open my present?”

“Tell me first what’s in your purse.”

“My new leather gag, just in case you need it.” Kendra said then grinned. “Plus black cable ties and a roll of black tape.” She heard Reid catch his breath.

“You are full of surprises, Miss Jones.”

“I try, sir.”

He was driving more slowly than usual and Kendra noticed him checking his mirrors. “Cops?”

“Just don’t want to lose Rex.”

Kendra’s mouth went dry. “You’re not going to give me away.”

“It’s not up to you, Miss Jones.” His voice was firm, hard enough to make her shiver. He did have a plan. “Now, open your present from Rex.”

Kendra took off her sunglasses with impatience and opened the package Rex had given her. Inside was something made of velvet. She turned it in her hands, not certain what it was, until Reid laughed.

“Well, isn’t that perfect.”

“You didn’t know what it was?”

“Not before you opened it. Do you know what it is?”

Kendra shook her head. It was a garment of some kind. There was an embroidered feather on the velvet, a peacock feather in shimmering turquoise. “What about this logo?”

“Ever heard of a club called the Plume?”

“No. Why?”

“It was a private BDSM club. Rex was one of the owners.” A shiver went through Kendra’s puss at that bit of information. “They called him the Master.”

Kendra could hear the capital M. “So, he was the best of the best.” She stroked the velvet.

“That’s what they say.”

“And you know him how?”

“I’ve been to the club once or twice. I contacted him because the Plume has a line of merchandise, and I thought Esperanza could do some contract sewing for them.”

“That’s brilliant!”

“All recovery plans need multiple facets to ensure success, Miss Jones. The weakness of your plan was that it relied upon only one.”

“Yes, sir.”

“That’s a velvet hood from the Plume line of gear. It has elastic at the back to allow for adjustability and fits softly around the neck.”

“And it leaves the mouth and nostrils uncovered.” Once Kendra knew how to look at it, it seemed perfectly obvious what it was. There was even an opening at the back at the top for a ponytail to be pushed through.

“Take the pins out of your hair, Miss Jones, and put it on.”

Of course. Kendra felt foolish for not anticipating that. “I think I should fix my lipstick first, sir.”

His smile was quick. “Good idea, Miss Jones.”

She pulled down the visor and re-applied her lipstick. Remembering that the car had dark tinted windows, she opened the front of her dress and showed him the nipple clamps. “Are these from you or him?”

Kendra smiled at the way Reid caught his breath. It wasn’t always clear to her who was really in control, and certainly, she wasn’t entirely powerless.

“What an enticing surprise.” His voice was husky. “Are they tight, Miss Jones?”

“Very, sir. But my corset isn’t. Rex said he’d help me with that.”

“I’m quite sure he will. He likes all presents tightly bound.”

Kendra stared at Reid at that, but he kept his gaze locked on the road. Was he giving her away? She’d told him she wanted to be shared, but right now, she didn’t.

She had a feeling it wouldn’t be smart to interfere with his plans for the evening. After all, he’d made arrangements with Rex.

Her heart in her throat, Kendra took the pins out of her hair, and used a band from her purse to pull it up into a ponytail. She stroked the velvet of the hood, then tugged it over her head.

It was tight and light, blocking all light and fitting snuggly over her head. The open circle framed her nose and mouth, passing under her chin. She felt encased and trapped, but also safe in a way. She liked how it pressed on her ears and how sound was slightly muffled.

“So?” Reid murmured.

“It feels very sexy.”

“Does it make you wet?”

“I’m already wet.”

“Pull up your dress and put your bare butt on the seat,” he instructed crisply. “I know how you like leather.”

Kendra did as she was told, then spread her knees wide. She placed her hands on them and breathed deeply, reminding herself of just how exciting it was. She didn’t know where she was going. She had hooded herself and made herself available to him. He could do whatever he wanted with her.

He might give her away.

He would definitely watch.

She wondered if he’d left something in her bedroom when he visited her apartment that afternoon, and wished she’d taken the time to look. She wouldn’t ask him about it, though, because she didn’t want to spoil any surprise.

It had been so hot when he’d taken her in her own bed.

She hoped he was going to do it again.

Kendra eased one hand beneath her own skirt and touched herself as the car raced to some unknown destination.

“Very good, Miss Jones,” Reid said, his voice as dark and soft as the velvet. “You’re showing tremendous promise.”

* * *

Kendra didn’t know how much time had passed when Reid put the car into reverse. He backed up, then turned off the engine. He got out of the car, leaving his door open, and she felt the coolness of the night air. She heard a clattering, like an overhead door being opened, then a thump, maybe as it reached a stopping point.

A garage door being opened. That was what it was.

Reid got back into the car and backed it up before turning it off. The sound beyond the car changed slightly, the hum of passing cars more muted. He slammed his door and left her in the car.

A car engine sounded close by, and Kendra was pretty sure it was her own Honda. The car engine was turned off and a man’s footsteps approached even as her own door was opened.

She heard that overhead door rattle again, then thump hard as it landed home.

It was audibly locked.

“You always drive too fast,” Rex complained.

“So do you,” Reid countered and they chuckled together.

They were both here, wherever here was. Kendra’s heart began to race. A man’s hand was beneath her elbow, helping her out, and she smelled Reid’s cologne. He reached back into the car, then put something in her hands. “Bring your purse, Miss Jones.”

“Carry my own bonds,” she whispered. She was guided up stairs that felt like concrete underfoot, then someone took her other elbow.

“Very submissive,” Rex said.

“Not really,” Reid countered. “But she’s brought cable ties and tape tonight.”

“I like rope,” Rex said, as if stating a preference for vanilla over chocolate.

“I brought rope,” Reid confirmed.

They were going to tie her up together.

And then what?

“I hope it’s good and thick,” Rex said. “I like complete powerlessness.”

“Look for yourself,” Reid invited as Kendra trembled. “Miss Jones also brought some cable ties and tape.”

Rex chuckled. “Initiative should be rewarded,” he murmured, his voice low with promise.

Kendra thought she might explode with desire. They walked her a dozen steps, one on each side of her, then halted. Kendra heard keys.

“A slave should always enter a prison naked,” Rex said.

“I agree, but it’s a bit cold here,” Reid replied calmly. “She can strip down inside.”

He was taking care of her. Kendra heard keys in a lock, then a door was opened. They moved forward again, into a space that seemed large. The floor still was concrete and Kendra smelled machine oil.

“Here?” Rex asked.

“Here,” Reid agreed. Someone unfastened the belt of her coat and held it for her, and Kendra had the sense that it was Reid. Someone else lifted her purse out of her hands. She was barely out of her coat when there were hands on the zipper at the back of her dress, unfastening it. Her nipples tightened in the cold. She clasped her hands behind her back and stood tall, feeling the men look at her.

“I brought a pair of leather gloves, as you suggested,” Rex continued, his tone conversational. “It’s amazing how many submissive women like the feel of leather.” Someone touched her cheek then, a man’s hand encased in leather as smooth as butter. His caress slid from her cheek to her chin and left her aching with need.


Reid was going to give her to him.

Kendra’s mind went blank with mingled fear and excitement.

“I didn’t realize it was that common,” Reid said. Another gloved hand landed on the back of her neck, and she recognized Reid’s firm grip. He urged her ahead of him, driving her to some unknown destination, just as he had in the fitter’s shop.

“Very. I knew a submissive once who just melted at the feel of leather.” There was regret in Rex’s tone, and Kendra had the sense that the women in question might be out of his life but not out of his thoughts.

“What did you do to her?” There was humor in Reid’s tone. Another door was opened and the air became warmer. Kendra felt carpet under her shoes.

“I offered to play a game with her. She had a fantasy of being shared, as well. I wanted to lock her up with two men. They’d blindfold her, then take her, one at a time, flipping a coin to decide whose turn was next. Each time one of them was done, she’d have to say which of them had just fucked her.”

Kendra heard her pulse pounding loudly in her ears. Was this the game they were going to play? It sounded both exciting and dangerous.

“And what was the point?” Reid asked.

“Well, if she was right three times in a row, the game was done and she’d be released,” Rex explained. “Each time she was wrong, though, they’d play another three rounds.”

“It might never end,” Reid said, stopping Kendra with a touch. “She could be captive forever.”

“Especially if she deliberately guessed wrong,” Kendra dared to say.

She felt Reid’s surprise, but Rex laughed. “I told her the only real question was who would lie first.”

“Who did?” Reid asked.

“No one,” Rex admitted, his disappointment audible. “We didn’t play.”

“What do you think, Miss Jones?” Reid whispered in her ear, the feel of his breath on her skin making her shiver. “Want to play Rex’s game?”

“Only if you promise to watch, sir.”

“Oh, I will.” His promise was low and dark, a whisper against her temple that made her puss throb. “Miss Jones, don’t you have a favor to ask of Rex?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Then do so, please.”

“Rex, would you please tighten my corset?”

A proprietary hand slid over Kendra, pausing to pinch the nipple clamp a little tighter. She gasped and tipped her head back, dizzy with the flood of sensation from that point. “How tight would you like it, Miss Jones?” Rex asked.

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