Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel) (41 page)

BOOK: Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel)
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It had the right license plate number.

Kendra swallowed as the driver got out of the car and came around to open the door for her. He was tall and built as if he worked out. He was wearing a dark suit and mirrored sunglasses, and she noticed he was wearing gloves when he opened the door for her. He was black. He smiled at her, lifting his sunglasses to wink.


Kendra smiled back at him before she got into the back seat.

There was no sign of Reid. Even though she’d anticipated as much, it was odd to be alone in the back of the car. There was a box on the seat and Kendra guessed it was for her. She opened the box to find the black stretch velvet hood from the night before.

Wear only what you find in the car.

Kendra swallowed, remembering Reid’s command all too well. She looked at Rex, but could only see his mirrored sunglasses in the rear view mirror. There was a screen across the back of the front seats, a protective barrier to ensure the privacy of those in the back. Rex opened it, then pulled out into traffic.

“Do you have to be reminded, Miss Jones?” he asked, his voice silky soft.

Had Reid given Rex permission to discipline her in his absence?

Kendra didn’t want to find out. She squared her shoulders, then put her purse on the seat beside her. She removed out a small tote bag that she’d brought. She took off her boots and put them in the tote bag. The car was scrupulously clean, which relieved her even though she hadn’t expected otherwise.

Was it Reid’s car? Or Rex’s?

Where was she being taken? To dinner somewhere. Her heart skipped. And she’d arrive naked.

Kendra took off her garter belt and stockings, placing them in the tote bag. She hesitated a moment before taking off her raincoat. She had to assume Rex would look, but then he’d seen everything she had the night before.

She put the folded coat in the tote bag. She felt very naughty and naked, but also admitted that she was excited. Her chain seemed to sparkle in the darkness, marking her as a possession.

Reid’s possession.

Kendra got a comb out of her purse and a fastener, then pulled her hair up and bound it. She touched up her lipstick, too, then took a deep breath and tugged on the hood.

It felt soft and sinful. Absolutely perfect.

Even better than the night before.

What were they going to do to her?

More of the same. Again and again. Kendra hoped Reid was going to take her tonight.

Kendra located the tote bag by feel, then put her purse into it. She zipped it up, then pushed it to the far corner of the car. She fastened her own seat belt, then sat back, her palms on her knees. She parted her thighs, giving Rex a view.

She felt wicked. So bad she’d need discipline for sure. Had the safe room at Rex’s house been completed? Kendra hoped so. She could imagine being allowed to make a call into the office the morning, while harnessed and blindfolded. She’d tell Ginger that she’d caught that cold from Jade and wouldn’t be in. Reid would be right there, holding the phone, maybe fingering her.

Maybe fucking her.

It was awfully quick for any construction work to be done, though. Maybe she was being taken to a remote cottage. Or an empty warehouse. Maybe Reid would get in the car and take her while Rex drove. Maybe he’d switch places with Rex and drive while Rex took her. Kendra liked the first option much better.

But it wasn’t up to her to worry about it.

Kendra smiled and surrendered to the moment. This was about trust and about submission. She was ready for anything. She was ready to do whatever Reid wanted.

Rex’s cell phone rang just then.

“Reid?” he said after answering and Kendra wished she could hear Reid’s voice. Then Rex said the only thing she didn’t want to hear. “Of course, we can cancel.”


* * *


In which Kendra changes the rules...

Chapter Sixteen

Rex ended the call with Reid, well aware of the conflict experienced by the woman in the backseat of the car he was driving. Miss Jones’ mixture of excitement and trepidation was why he’d repeated Reid’s words aloud.

He’d wanted to see her reaction.

It had been vehement. As soon as she knew Reid wouldn’t be joining the game, she’d lost interest in being shared. Yet she didn’t want to defy Reid’s will, and was struggling to be an obedient slave.

She clearly was bound to him emotionally as well.

Perceptiveness was Rex’s gift, and he’d used it for years at the Plume to ensure the members of that private sex club had their secret desires fulfilled. There was little he found more satisfying than identifying a fantasy so profound that the person in question couldn’t even express it, then making that dream a reality. The element of surprise, or even the sense that fate was driving experience, often heightened the experience.

Rex missed the Plume, mostly because of his ability to closely observe people and make fantasies happen.

So, he watched the woman in the back seat with care. What would she decide? He knew Reid believed it was her fantasy to be shared with another man, and that fantasy was part of the reason Reid was giving her to Rex. Reid was giving her outright, and in his absence because watching his slave being taken by someone else didn’t work for Reid. Rex had noted the other man’s agitation in the restaurant, his need to leave that restaurant rather than watch, his inability to go very far out of a desire to protect and defend his prize.

There was a connection between these two, and Rex didn’t want to destroy it.

Miss Jones was delightful, but Rex had his own connection to defend. He’d been thinking about Michelle this past week, hoping it was time to begin their games again.

Although Michelle didn’t place any restrictions upon him, Rex had realized the other night with Miss Jones that no other woman than Michelle would do.

He wanted to go home.


Reid had introduced the opportunity.

What would Miss Jones do?

* * *

Kendra was torn.

She was sitting naked and hooded in the back seat of a car, and Rex was driving. It had all been arranged: that she would be taken to dinner with Rex and Reid, she would wear only what was left for her in the car, and she would be their plaything for the evening. She was humming with anticipation—and wet, just thinking about the possibilities. She was wearing only the chain Reid had locked around her body, the one only he could remove, and the stretch velvet hood she’d found on the seat. She’d been thinking about Reid’s new house, about being trapped in solitude and at the mercy of two men, about the way Reid would watch her so intently.

She’d been thinking about the safe room Reid had talked about adding to his house, of being taken captive as punishment and kept imprisoned for his pleasure.

Maybe for good.

Kendra couldn’t imagine anything better. It was tempting to be naughty, just to ensure Reid felt the need to discipline her so vehemently.

But she’d just overheard Rex take a call from Reid, and repeating that dinner was cancelled.

Reid wouldn’t be part of the game.

What happened now? Would Rex take over? Had Reid given the other man permission to enjoy her, however he chose? Was she supposed to just submit? If she protested, would that give Rex the excuse to discipline her?

Did he need an excuse?

Or would he be so disappointed in her failure to comply that he terminated their agreement? She couldn’t even think about never having him inside her again, never being at his mercy again, never falling to her knees in front of him again. Just thinking it was possible made her palms damp and her heart race.

A little too late, she remembered telling Reid about her kidnapping fantasies. The problem was she wasn’t sure she’d made it completely clear that only he would make the perfect captor.

Rex’s phone clicked as he ended the call and Kendra heard him place it on the seat. Her mouth was dry, her hands clenched together in her lap. What would he do? What should she do?

Did she dare to use her safe word?

“You probably heard that was Reid, Miss Jones,” he said, as if he had conversations with naked sex slaves all the time—maybe he did.

“Yes, Rex,” Kendra managed to say.

“And he is cancelling his participation in our dinner game tonight.”

Kendra swallowed. “Yes, Rex.”

“He offered you to me instead. Told me to do whatever I wanted to do.”

Kendra caught her breath.

Rex chuckled. “He called you a little signing bonus for the Plume’s new deal with Esperanza.”

Kendra opened her mouth but no sound came out. She bit her bottom lip, the distress signal she had arranged with Reid. Did Rex know it? She couldn’t think straight enough to remember.

“Reid specifically told me to punish you if you protested or were disobedient. He told me you were due for a good spanking anyway. I understand you’ll need to be gagged.”

Kendra felt her face heat. It was all too easy to imagine Rex parking the car, getting into the back seat, gagging her securely and spanking her until her ass was red hot.

Then what? He’d probably bang her, and she’d be miserable. He’d taken her up the ass the other night and the only thing hot about that had been Reid’s presence. This wasn’t what she wanted.

And it was all because Reid wouldn’t witness it.

Yet she didn’t want to disappoint him. She opened her mouth and closed it again, not having the will to use her safe word.

“Not what you expected, Miss Jones?” Rex’s voice was low and dark.

“No, sir.”

“What’s the problem? I like to bind women helpless, and you like to be trussed.” It sounded as if Rex were trying to provoke her, maybe into a confession, which made Kendra wary. “I would probably let you have a release sooner than Reid seems inclined to.”

Kendra said nothing.

“Is it because I’m black?”

“No, Rex.”

“Is it because I have a partner already and a son?”

Kendra hadn’t known that, but she shook her head. “No, Rex. I didn’t know.”

“Then?” His voice softened. “Go ahead and tell me, Kendra. I’m good at keeping secrets.”

“It’s because you’re not Reid.”

“I wasn’t Reid last night either.”

“But Reid was watching. He was there.”

Rex didn’t immediately reply. Kendra wasn’t sure what to say or do, but she was pretty sure it would be bad to argue.

“So, your pleasure is dependent upon his presence,” Rex mused.

“Yes, sir. I’m his toy and his slave.”

“And if I told you there was a camera in the car and that he was watching?”

Kendra caught her breath. “Is he?”

“No, I just wondered whether it would matter.”

She hesitated only a moment before answering, hoping she wasn’t making it easy for him to lie to her. “Yes, it would. I’d know that he knew.”

“But your contract stipulates no photographs be taken. You’re lucky, Miss Jones, that I’m a man of principle. You offered me a loophole there, and someone else might have taken it.”

Kendra felt her concern lighten. Rex’s playful tone made her think her worst fears weren’t going to come true. “But not you, sir?”

“Not me,” he said with resolve. “I admire your devotion to your master and your obedience. Take off the hood and put on your clothes, Miss Jones.”

“Thank you, Rex!” Kendra pulled off the hood, aware that her breath was coming quickly. She saw the flash of his smile in the rear view mirror. They were on the outskirts of town, near the airport. She reached for her tote bag and began to get dressed.

“Would you have used your safe word?” he asked, his tone conversational. “That’s what it’s for, after all, to use when a situation is too much for you.”

“But I didn’t want to disappoint Reid.”

“And he didn’t want to disappoint you,” Rex said softly, nodding as he turned a corner. “Take the hood, Miss Jones. You might need it.”

Kendra hoped so. She jammed it into her purse. Meanwhile, Rex pulled into the driveway of a big hotel and parked the car before turning to address her over the seat. “You can get a cab home from the line here.”

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