Dante Alighieri (6 page)

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Authors: Paget Toynbee

BOOK: Dante Alighieri
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After their great victory at Montaperti the Ghibellines remained in undisputed possession of Florence, and of all
the other cities of Tuscany, save Lucca alone, which now became the stronghold of the exiled Guelfs. The latter, however, were not allowed to remain long in their place of refuge. The Florentine Ghibellines, finding them troublesome neighbours, and learning that they were intriguing with the young Conradin, King Manfred's nephew, sent two successive expeditions with the forces of the Tuscan league, under Count Guido Novello, against Lucca, and forced the Lucchese to expel the refugees from their city (1263). The unhappy Guelfs, deprived of their last foothold in Tuscany, fled across the Apennines to Bologna, and with their departure “there remained neither town nor castle, little or great, throughout Tuscany but was subject to the Ghibellines”.

The period of Ghibelline ascendancy, however, was not destined to be a long one. Within a few years the tide of fortune had once more turned against them. Their champion and protector, King Manfred, to whose assistance they owed their triumph at Montaperti, while at the height of his power was suddenly overthrown, and the Ghibelline party was involved in his ruin.

In the spring of 1265 Charles of Anjou, brother of the French king, entered Italy at the invitation of the Pope (Clement IV), as the champion of Holy Church and of the Guelf cause, to take possession of the kingdom of Sicily, which the Pope declared to have been forfeited by Manfred. Having collected a large force, Charles in the following January was crowned King of Sicily and Apulia at Rome, and immediately afterwards set out to invade Manfred's dominions. Manfred was prepared to make a stubborn resistance, and on 26 February, 1266,
the two
armies met at Benevento, about thirty miles north-east from Naples. Manfred's force was in three divisions, consisting of his Saracen archers, German cavalry, and a reserve of Apulian barons. The French army was in four divisions, one of which was composed of the Guelf exiles from Florence and other Tuscan cities, under the leadership of Guido Guerra. At the sight of these last Manfred is said to have exclaimed bitterly: Where are the Ghibellines for whom I have done so much?” His Germans and Saracens fought with desperate valour, but were outnumbered by the French. Manfred accordingly ordered the Apulian barons to charge, but they, either through cowardice or treachery, instead of obeying, turned and fled from the field. With a handful of troops who still remained faithful, Manfred resolved to die rather than seek safety in flight, and plunging into the thickest of the fight, he fell dead in the midst of the enemy.

The defeat and death of Manfred was a crushing blow to the Ghibelline cause, and the effects of it soon began to be felt throughout Tuscany, and in Florence in particular. “When the news came to Florence and the rest of Tuscany of the discomfiture of Manfred, the Ghibellines began to lose heart and to be afraid in every part. And the Guelf exiles from Florence, who were outlawed, everywhere began to grow stronger and to take heart and courage; and they drew close to the city, and, in concert with their friends inside who had an understanding with them, they made plots for a change and for a new state of affairs within the city, for they had hopes from the Guelfs who had taken part in King Charles' victory, whom they looked for to come to their aid together with some of the French. Wherefore the people of Florence, who were at heart more Guelf than Ghibelline, by reason of the losses
they had received, one of his father, another of his son, and another of his brothers, at the defeat at Montaperti, likewise began to take courage; and they murmured and complained throughout the city of the expenses and heavy burdens which were laid on them by Count Guido Novello and by the others who were ruling the city.

“Seeing this, and hearing the tumult and murmuring throughout the city, the rulers, for fear the people should rise against them, in order to content them and by way of compromise elected two knights of the Jovial Friars of Bologna to hold the office of Podestà in Florence,
one of whom was a Guelf, and the other a Ghibelline. And they ordained thirty-six good men, merchants and handicraftsmen of the greatest and best in the city, the which were to give counsel to the said two, and were to make provision for the expenses of the commonwealth; and, of this number were both Guelfs and Ghibellines, both of the people and of the trusty nobles, such as had remained in Florence when the Guelfs were driven out. And the said thirty-six met together every day to take counsel for the good estate and common weal of the city; and they made many good ordinances for the welfare of the commonwealth, among the which they ordained that each of the seven greater Arts
in Florence should have a college and consuls, and that each should have its own banner and ensign, in order that, if there were any rising in the city with force of arms, they might assemble under their banners for the defence of the people and of the commonwealth.

“Now by reason of these changes which were made in the city of Florence by the two Podestà and the said thirty-six, the noble Ghibelline houses of Florence, to wit the Uberti, and the Lamberti, and the rest of the Ghibelline nobles, began to fear for their party; for it seemed to them that the thirty-six supported and favoured the Guelfs of the people who had remained in Florence, and that every change was against the Ghibelline party. By reason of this fear, and because of the news of the victory of King Charles, Count Guido Novello sent for help to all their allies near at hand, namely to Pisa, and Siena, and Arezzo, and Pistoja, and Prato, and Volterra, and Colle, and San Gemignano, so that, together with six hundred Germans, they mustered in Florence fifteen hundred horsemen in all. And it came to pass that in order to pay the German troops which were with Count Guido Novello, as captain of the league, he demanded that a levy should be made of ten per cent.; but the thirty-six looked for some other means of finding the money, which should be less of a burden to the people. For this cause, when they had delayed some days longer than seemed good to the Count and the other Ghibelline nobles of Florence, by reason of the suspicion they felt concerning the ordinances made by the people, the said nobles determined to raise a tumult in the city, and to do away the office of the thirty-six, with the help of the great body of horsemen which the Count had in Florence.

“And when they had taken arms, the first who began were the Lamberti, who with their men-at-arms came out from their houses in the Calimala
shouting: Where are the thirty-six, the robbers, that we may cut them all in pieces? And the said thirty-six were at that time in
council in the warehouse where the consuls of the Calimala administered justice, below the house of the Cavalcanti in the Mercato Nuovo ; and hearing this they broke up the council, and in a moment the whole city was in a tumult, and the shops were shut, and every one rushed to arms. The people all assembled together in the wide street of Santa Trinita, in very great numbers, and they took their stand by the house of the Soldanieri, and put up barricades at the foot of the tower the Girolami. Count Guido Novello, with all the horsemen, and the Ghibelline nobles of Florence, was in arms and mounted in the Piazza of San Giovanni; and they moved out against the people, and drew up in front of the barricade and made some show and attempt at fighting, but the people held their ground, defending themselves with crossbows, and shooting from the towers and houses. And Count Guido, seeing that they could not dislodge the people, gave the signal to retire, and went back with all the horsemen to the Piazza of San Giovanni; and from there he went to the palace of the Podestà and demanded the keys of the city-gates in order that they might get out of the city. And the two Podestà cried out from the palace to those who were with the Count that he should return to his house and not depart from the city, and that they would quiet the people and would see that the soldiers were paid. But the Count, being in great dread and suspicion of the people, would not listen, but would have only the keys of the gates. And this was a proof that it was the work of God, and no other cause; for this great and powerful body of horsemen had not been attacked, nor driven out, nor disbanded, nor was there any force to oppose them ; for although the people were armed and collected together, this was more from fear than to attack the Count and his horsemen, and they would soon have been quieted, and would have returned to their homes
and have laid down their arms. But when the judgment of God is ripe, the occasion is ever at hand. And after the Count had received the keys, he went out with all his horsemen by the old ox-gate, and made for Prato, where they came in the evening; and this was on St. Martin's Day, the eleventh of November, in the year of Christ 1266.”

When Count Guido and his forces were safe in Prato they began to realize that they had committed an act of folly in leaving Florence without striking a blow, and they determined to return the next day. But the Florentines were in no mood to throw away their advantages and risk exposing themselves once more to the Count's vengeance; so that when he and his horsemen presented themselves in the morning at the gate of the Carraja bridge, and demanded admission to the city, they were met with a refusal; and when they made an attempt to force the gate they were shot at and many of them wounded ; and at last, neither threats nor persuasions being of any avail, they were obliged to retreat. “And when they reached Prato they bitterly reproached one another; but after a thing ill-advised and worse done, repentance is in vain.”

The Florentines now dismissed the two Bolognese from the office of Podestà, and sent to Orvieto for a Podestà and Captain of the People, who arrived with a guard of a hundred horsemen for the protection of the city. “And by a treaty of peace in the following January both Guelfs and Ghibellines were restored to Florence, and many marriages and alliances were made between them, among which these were the chief: Bonaccorso Bellincioni degli Adimari gave for wife to M. Forese, his son, the daughter of Count Guido Novello; and M. Bindo, his brother, took one of the Ubaldini; and M. Cavalcante de'
Cavalcanti gave for wife to Guido, his son, the daughter of M. Farinata degli Uberti;
and M. Simone Donati gave his daughter to M. Azzolino, son of M. Farinata degli Uberti.

“But by reason of these alliances the other Guelfs of Florence held all these as doubtful members of the party; wherefore this peace lasted but a short time, for when the Guelfs had returned to Florence, feeling themselves powerful, and emboldened by the victory which they and King Charles had gained over Manfred, they sent secretly into Apulia to the said King Charles for troops and for a captain. And the king sent Count Guy of Montfort, with eight hundred French horsemen, who arrived in Florence on Easter Day in the year of Christ 1267. And when the Ghibellines heard of his coming, the night before, they departed out of Florence without stroke of sword, and went, some to Siena, some to Pisa, and some to other places. And the Florentine Guelfs gave the lordship of their city to King Charles for ten years; and he accepted it; and for the exercise thereof he sent year by year his vicars, that together with twelve good men, citizens of Florence, his vicar should govern the city. And be it noted that the expulsion of the Ghibellines at this time was on the same day, namely Easter Day, whereon they had committed the murder of M. Buondelmonte dei Buondelmonti, from which arose the factions of the Guelfs and Ghibellines in Florence, and laid waste the city; and it seemed to be a judgment from God, for never more did the Ghibellines return to power in Florence.”

“And at the same time that the city of Florence came into the hands of the Guelfs, and the Ghibellines were driven out, and King Charles' vicar came into Tuscany, many of the cities of Tuscany likewise returned to the Guelf party and drove out the Ghibellines, namely, the cities of Lucca, and of Pistoja, and Volterra, and Prato, and San Gemignano, and Colle; and they made a league with the Florentines, whereof the head was King Charles' vicar, with eight hundred French horsemen; and there remained to the Ghibelline party only the cities of Pisa and of Siena. And in so short space of time, by reason of the defeat of King Manfred and of the victory of King Charles, was the state of affairs changed in Tuscany and in many cities of Lombardy, which from being on the side of the Ghibellines and of the Empire passed over to the side of the Guelfs and of the Church.”


Villani, bk. vi. ch. 79.

Villani, bk. vi. ch. 79.

Villani, bk. vi. ch. 81;
, x. 91-3.

Villani, bk. vi. ch. 81.

Villani, bk. vi. ch. 85.

According to the reckoning of the Florentines, whose year began on 25 March, this was 26 February, 1265. See p. 36, note 3.

Villani, bk. vii. ch. 9.

Hitherto the office had always been filled by a single individual. The names of the two were Catalano de' Malavolti and Loderingo degli Andalò, the former a Guelf, the latter a Ghibelline. Cf.
, xxiii. 103-8.

These were, the judges and notaries ; the merchants of Calimala, i.e. of French cloths ; the money-changers; the wool-workers; the physicians and apothecaries; the silk-workers and mercers ; and the furriers.

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