Dare You Forever (Brothers of Ink and Steel #2.5) (6 page)

BOOK: Dare You Forever (Brothers of Ink and Steel #2.5)
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Quickly I unfold the other.


I bet you’re having a freaking great time! Jules told me what they were going to be doing.

So, what I want you to do is for after your party. When you’re alone in your room read the sealed note, IN PRIVATE!

Be prepared—I know you must be soaking wet and squirming now after the drinks and touching battery operated cocks and thinking of me for the past few hours—and my hot girl has to get a little release before she can get relaxed enough to get married. So choose your favorite new toy, read my dirty-talking erotic letter, think of me as if I’m there and get ready to come hard!

And know this, MISS—soon to be MRS—I am going to tease you and please you and FUCKING ROCK your gorgeous body the moment I get that dress off you after the wedding! And fuck the reception! I’ll either get you in the limousine or the closet or the fucking bathroom! I am SO hard just thinking about getting into your panties!

No one but you, baby—you’re my fucking universe.

P.S. Play the thumb drive while you’re getting into your dress tomorrow.


My heart is pounding, and it feels like all the blood in my body is either filling my cheeks with color or rushing to my nether regions! A toy will
be enough! I want my hands all over him

“Read it out loud!” Jules squeals.

“No way!” I blush.
Holy hot hell, I need to leave and find him!

“Oooh … what kind of note was it?” Livie pipes in.

“A sexy one.” My voice falls to a whisper.

“Now, you know you’re not supposed to see the groom before tomorrow!” Quinn laughs. “And we all know Josh is cunning!”

“And stealthy,” Britt adds.

They must have come over when they saw the envelope.

Tove Lo’s “Talking Body” comes on, and I’m thinking of ways to sneak out.

“You’re not leaving yet!” Jules senses my plan. “I see that look in your eyes. You’re dancing!”

I whine, completely sexually frustrated as they literally drag me under the lights and onto the dance floor.




“I thought I specifically instructed you—no strippers, Will!” I growl at my brother.

“Fuck right.” Liam has his thick arms folded across his chest. “I didn’t sanction this. I’m the best fucking man!”

“You do know the girls are having a penis-toy party, right?” Will cries in his defense. “Jules even has two male models she uses at her book signings to ‘rev’ up the crowd!”

I watch as a big breasted, twenty-something-year-old woman slips past me with a tray of drinks. She’s wearing a barely-there maid’s outfit. There are about twenty of them high-heeling their way around the room, serving the men at this “cock” party.

“You need to get them dressed, Will. Now,” I tell him.


He’s not fine.

“You know this is
wedding too, Josh! Not just
” he retaliates.

“You don’t get it. You don’t get any of this! It’s
about her. The waitresses themselves don’t bother me. They probably wouldn’t bother Sophie either. But hell, the issue is I love her and she’s been fucked over. And my entire mission is to make sure she knows without a shadow of a doubt I’m not going to betray her!” My blood is starting to boil. “Sometimes you can really be fucking insensitive and immature.”

“How did you even change the plan?” Liam breaks in.

“Yeah that was hard to do—dropped my name with the hosting service and told them what I wanted.” He rolls his eyes.

“You’re a prick.” Liam points at Will, sparks in his gaze. “I’m walking the fuck away.”

When Liam is out of earshot, Will states defiantly, “I’m not apologizing.”

“I didn’t think you were going to,” I quip.

“Hello, Mr. North. Can I interest you in a … drink?” The blonde waitress holds the tray in front of her at her waist so I’m forced to look at her tits if I want to choose a drink. She’s also using her arms to press and push her breasts up and together

“Honey, I’m good,” I say while averting my eyes.

She walks away disappointedly.

I seethe at my brother. “You forget who
am and that
life is in the spotlight even more than yours. You want to live like this?” I shove my finger into his chest. “You go ahead. But I’m not anymore. One fuck up—one wrong move—and I lose everything I care about.” I ball my hand into a fist and force it to my side. The anger at the thought of losing Sophie churns the acid in my stomach. I’m seeing red. “Goddamn, Will, you’re a dick! Fix it and get them dressed or get them out of here.”

Liam comes back over once he sees Will is gone. “Man, I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault,” I assure him. “Only thing is, I’m pissed and need to get my composure. Fucking little brothers.”

“Hey! Don’t lump me into that shit,” Jake,
younger brother says. “I’ve been married longer than all of you.”

“Don’t get your whitey-tighties in a knot,” I quip.

“Fuck that, I wear sexy black designer briefs,” Jake says. “And I heard what you said about them getting more clothes on; only prob is that it could take a while if the waitstaff doesn’t have uniforms here, and remember we’re like a thirty minute drive to the
party. This is just the dinner.”

“Yeah,” Sam puts in. “Can we just eat and go? I’m starving.”

“I think it’s the principal of the thing.” Caleb is now in the circle. An auburn haired server winks at him. “Yeah, I’m going to need a cold shower.”

Ryder and Reese are at a side table actually chatting up two of the waitresses, who they’ve talked into sitting down with them.

“Looks like they’re going to get fired,” Connor states factually.

Chase laughs. “Yeah, well, I’d bet a twenty we’re going to lose the two of them for the rest of the night.”

“Does Will have a direct line to Hugh Hefner? Because it looks like we stumbled into the Playboy Mansion.” Talon is observant.

“I’m leaving. I can eat on the road,” I decide.

“I’m with you,” Nate says.

Liam settles things, saying, “Whoever wants to go ahead, do it, I’ll make sure the rest of the party gets out right after dinnertime and I’ll meet you there.”

“Thanks, Liam,” I tell him.




Ryder came after all. He stands next to me now. The two of us are up against a decimated concrete wall. I’m in all black. He has an intimidating skull mask around his mouth. Both our eyes are covered in protective gear. 

“Damn, that stung like a motherfucker!” he blisters.

“Stop whining, pussy.” I barely breathe. “They’re going to hear you. Besides you’ve been clipped by worse.” I’m thinking knives, bean bag rounds, taser prongs, bullets. “It’s a freaking paintball,” I hiss.

I feel the air current change next to my face as a paintball whizzes past me and splats against the wall behind me, leaving a bright green stain in its wake.

“SHIT!” Quickly, I pull back. “Stop fucking talking!”

“Yeah, okay … pussy,” he retorts. “Just go on, I’ll cover you.”

Ryder shows me with his eyes that we’re going to make a break for the steel cylinders about fifty yards away. He holds up three fingers and counts down.

When he gets to one, we run like hell!

Dirt kicks up from our boots, and paintballs come at us from Will and Sam, who are behind the shell of an old, trashed car. He’s pissed and has a vendetta. Whatever—it’ll spice up the game!

Ryder and I slide down behind the pipes. If I had to be caught in a war zone—like a real one—Ryder, Jake and Liam are the ones I’d want beside me. Jake was Army Special Forces and toured in Iraq and Afghanistan. He’s smart and keeps his cool under pressure and is nearly fearless in a courageous way. Now retired, he teaches extreme sports and enjoys being a husband and father.

Who would’ve thought he’d be the first one?
Even though I didn’t then, now I feel like he was the first to come to his senses. But I hadn’t met Sophie yet.

Ryder is especially versed in tracking, observation and warfare tactics and strategies. He learned a lot of special-ops military skills from his trainer and mentor, who also got him into the bounty hunting business—not to mention his capabilities in the mixed martial arts—he’s one hell of a soldier.

Only problem with Ryder is that I don’t think he wants to see his twenty-sixth birthday. He lives every day on the edge, like it’s his last, and defies death every time he takes a job. He only goes after the most dangerous criminals the regular bounty hunters won’t touch. He’s considered a specialist in his field, even as young as he is.

I think about the word
. I just put that word on my angry brother Will, but Will isn’t angry, he’s just superficially pissed off. Ryder, he’s
. He’s been angry since I met him. He lives and breathes the vendetta he carries around inside of him.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Reese trying to make it to a pile of concrete rubble. It looks like an actual war zone here for our play. I wish all wars could be fought like this—with some beers and paintballs.

I position myself, aim and …“FUCK YES!” I shout before taking cover.

“Nice hit!” Ryder fist bumps me.

“Aw, man you suck!” Reese yells as he rolls on the ground, D. E. A. D.

Talon is suddenly there and tucks himself up next to me. “I found their flag position—it’s over in the forest up an oak. Do you think we can make it into the brush?”

“All right, Talon!” I say quietly through my teeth. “Let’s do it.”

We wait for the opportune time, then run.

Talon goes down in a puddle of mud, and Ryder doubles back to help him while I cover their asses, and soon we’re hidden and making our way through the brush.

We pass undetected as Caleb, Jake and Nate rush at Will and Sam, completely taking them out!

After a LOT of swearing the two move to the dead zone.

When we get close to the flag, I cover Talon and Ryder as they take it down.

We wave it triumphantly, indicating the other team’s defeat!



All in all it was a great day, and it took my mind off of everything, but now in the silence of the house all I can think about is Sophie: if she’s okay, if
okay, if everything’s going to go as planned in the morning. That makes the adrenaline rise through my veins. Then I imagine Sophie and what she’ll look like tomorrow. Of course that gets me thinking of the dirty letter I sent her. I wonder if she’s read it yet. At the thought, my dick begins to rise. I cover it with a steady hand.

“Down, boy. Tomorrow will be here soon enough.”

Chapter Eleven



I carefully skim the letter—absolute erotica at its finest—but I can’t do it without him. I have to wait. Instead I take the thumb drive and stick it in the USB port of my laptop.

As it loads I grab a glass of water and gulp it down. I’m still a little buzzed.

Oh, and Charlie was so cute when I Skyped with her this evening right before she got into bed. She’s so excited about tomorrow.

And she wants to call him Daddy.

I smile and breathe out a deep sigh of relief. My friend on the inside—I giggle when I think of Suzanne, Josh’s mom, as some sort of spy—told me that Josh had a couple parenting books hidden in his workout bag. One was especially for new dads coming into a ready-made family situation.

I could totally imagine Josh in all of his tattooed, bad boy hotness with an opened parenting book, trying to love us more.

“He loves us so much,” I say out loud.

I feel loved. I feel cherished.

That is maybe the most amazing feeling—to be cherished.

I know he cherishes Charlie too.

Oh my God, I’m so warm inside and just overflowing with emotions. And it’s so nice to be alone—to have had these few days all to myself—to enjoy Josh’s incredible gifts, to really be able to contemplate what’s happening and what everything means, quietly.

Music begins to play from my laptop.

He made me a playlist!

“Fight Song

“I LOVE this song!”

As Rachel Platten’s voice fills my ears and the music stirs in my soul, I jump up from the bed in excitement.

“MY BABY MADE ME A PLAYLIST!” I dance and move my body to the music with MMA moves that Josh has spent hours on end teaching me.

The chorus hits and I’m throwing punches through the air and swinging my hips. At first I’m lip syncing, then I’m singing softly, but by the second verse I’m rocking the full voice!

I jump onto the bed and dance up there, singing at the top of my lungs.

I don’t even have to worry about my neighbors
, I think, giggling,
as it’s only my bridesmaids.

That amazing bridge comes and I’ve got one hand in the air, banging my fist toward the ceiling.
Ha! I could be filming a video!

When the song ends I fall down onto the bed, breathless and laughing.

Dear God, I adore that man!

I’m a new woman today!
And he loves me for all that I am and all of who I am!

“And I love him back!”

The next song starts up—“Boom Clap”—Charli XCX! Back on my feet, I’m totally dirty dancing, thinking about his big, rough, calloused fighter’s hands stroking over every inch of my skin.

“Just one more night, Mr. North, and you are ALL mine!”

Three strong knocks blow against my door. “Are you okay, Sophie?”

It’s Britt. I start to the door.

“Oh, Josh.” I’m a helium balloon, floating away, and I ain’t never coming back down!

When I open the door and see Britt’s worried face, I can’t contain my laughter.

“What the—”

Before she can finish, I yank her into the room and start dancing with her.

“You’re crazy!” she exclaims. “You do know you have to be up in mere hours?”


“Why are you dancing?”

Yeah, she’s not really keeping up with it all.

“Josh—he made this for me! It was in the magical, golden envelope!” I explain. “Each one I get is like receiving a unicorn!”

“Man, you got it bad.” She shakes her head with a grin.

“Oh yes I do!” I wiggle my ass to the tune while I sing—probably badly.

She lets go of my hands and checks on the laptop. “Oh my God! There are like twenty songs on this, and you have to go to sleep.”

” I sass and stick my tongue out at her.

“Okay, Miss Insanity—”

Insanity!” I correct her.

“Soon enough,” she mumbles. “Jeesh, doesn’t the man know any slow songs?”


That’s when a really swoony song by Rob Thomas comes on. It’s not fast-danceable.

”Now, lie down and go to sleep,” she coaxes.

I fall to the mattress and bounce back up a little before my body settles into a comfortable position.

“Would you come rest with me?” I can’t believe the words escape me. “I miss … my mother … or what a real mother would be to me at this moment—or maybe even a sister. Would you be my sister tonight?”

“Of course, Sophie.” Britt hugs me and we rest side-by-side on top of the bed.

A lump forms in my throat. “Thanks.”

“Hey, no crying—your eyes and face will get all puffy!”

“I’m not going to cry.” At least I don’t want to. But’s it’s ironic—I’m ultimately so amazingly happy—but at the same time I feel that sting and longing of wanting my own mother by my side at a time like this. Truth is, she checked out a long time ago. That was her choice. Now it’s my choice if I’m going to let it still damage me—if I’m going to let it ruin mine and Charlie’s future.

“You know, there’s a song on that playlist Josh made for you that’s really thoughtful, and I think it’s a must—right now.” Britt walks back over to my laptop.

“Jesus, I’ve been running and hiding since I was fourteen years old and now … It’s like I’m standing on the middle of a long, far-spanning bridge with my past on one side and my future on the other.”

Am I going to leave the past behind me? Can I?

The beat and lyrics of “Invincible” by Kelly Clarkson wash over me. I can’t help but smile at my future husband’s amazing sensitivity. I get the feeling he knows me better than I know myself.

“You’ll probably want to get back up and dance.” Britt laughs.

At that moment my phone rings. My first thought is that it’s Charlie, but when I snatch it up, I see Josh’s photo. My heart freaking soars right out of my chest!


“Hey, beautiful! God, I miss you.”

I close my eyes and let his deep, strong, masculine voice spread through my soul.

“Did you have a good time tonight?” he asks sleepily.

“Yeah. It was great—Josh, everything you’ve done, the gold envelopes—” I begin.

“Shh … let’s talk about that on our honeymoon, baby,” he says gently. “It’s so damn late, but I had to hear your voice to fall asleep. Jesus, I miss you—did I say that already?”

I smile. “A girl doesn’t get tired of it.”

“Are you all ready for tomorrow?” he asks, and I can hear the slight hitch in his voice—something between hope and fear.

“Oh yes! I’m more than ready. I may just run down that aisle to get to you.” I say it all sexy-like. “I love you, Josh.”

“I love you with all my life, Sophie.”

I take a deep breath and pull up the courage to confess, “Joshua North, you are my everything.” 

I can hear him suck in a breath over the receiver.

“It’s all going to be okay, isn’t it?” I ask.

“It’s going to be more than okay,” Josh says. “It’s going to be a lifetime of incredible.”




“How’s your head?” Britt asks.

“Shut up,” I whisper.

Quinn tells her, “I gave her a couple Tylenol.”

“Don’t worry, Sophie,” Britt says cheerfully, “this is a good thing.”

“How is a hangover on your wedding a good thing?” I groan.

“It’s hurts too much to run.”

“Oh, you’re real funny.”

It’s about seven in the morning, and we’re sitting in the back of a luxurious white stretch limo headed toward Villa Bellezza—a classical, European-style vineyard that stretches for miles, overlooking beautiful bluffs and Lake Pepin, a twenty-six mile long lake that more resembles a scenic river. With its stone and stucco architecture, the villa really fools its guests into believing they’re attending an event in southern Italy and not Pepin, Wisconsin.

It’s perfect for our friends and family—it’s elegant and picturesque—
we didn’t need to worry about international travel along with the stress of putting a wedding together.
… we were able to keep it out of the press. That was nothing short of a minor miracle.

Once we arrive, we’re escorted through the piazza and into what the owners call “The Apartment,” which is an elegant space for the bride and her party to get prepared.

“She’s here, Mom!” Jules’s voice echoes out the open window.

My headache is gone, thankfully, and Charlie rushes out to hug me.

“I missed you, Mommy!”

“Hi, sweetheart! I missed you too!” I pick her up and set her on my hip.

“We’re going to marry Joshy-Daddy today!” she sings brightly.

I tickle her ribs to make her giggle. “Yes we are! Are you happy?”

“Very happy!” She nods.

A beautiful crowd of women, who I now call family, surround me: Josh’s mom, Suzanne, Cade’s wife (who is also the honorary Brothers of Ink and Steel mom), Debra, my sister-in-laws, Jules and Livie … I never thought I’d have this—never thought I’d have a family or a mother, let alone two. I never thought I’d have sisters or friends I could really get to know like Quinn and Britt. Josh gave all of this to me—to me and to Charlie.

“Oh shit! She’s going to cry again.” Britt’s voice breaks through the depth of my thoughts.

“Hey, no crying. Not yet! Save that until the I Do’s,” Livie says.

“Don’t even do it then.” Jules’s voice is sweet and sympathetic. “You’ll ruin your face.”

“The boys’ limo will be here soon,” Debra says as she ushers me away quickly. “Get inside.”

We walk upstairs and into the room, but before I have a chance to gaze out the window at the magical view or really get a sense of how exquisite the furnishings are in the apartment, the first thing that catches my attention, laying stately and alone on the middle of the cut marble table, is a golden envelope with my name on it.

Everything else sort of melts away—their chatter, the scenery, what’s supposed to happen next—and I take it in my fingers. I can smell Josh. I can feel him here, next to me.

And just like that, peace roots itself deep down into my soul and expels all of the remaining fear, doubt and darkness.

I’m not alone anymore.

not alone anymore.

I flip the envelope over. On the back flap it reads:


Don’t open until you’re ready to leave the room and walk down the aisle.


That’s sort of hard to agree to.

Suddenly the paper is snatched away. “We can all see what that says.” Quinn hands the letter to Jules. “You’ve got to wait on that one, girlfriend.”

“She’s right! You don’t have a lot of time left—so let’s get you ready!” Livie squeaks.

I shower with a light pear scented gel and wrap up in a towel. Next thing I know, Suzanne is styling my hair, while Livie is doing my nails.

Beside me, Britt and Quinn and Debra are giving Charlie the royal treatment—hair, nails, shoe polish—she’s like a little Queen.

As soon as my makeup is finished, I step into my Eddi Saab gown, which is adorned with silk, lace and gold accents. The modern cut is stylish while being romantic, as cascades of fabric and lace drift down my body and fan out around me and across the floor in an elegant train.

“Mommy, we’re twins!” Charlie’s little voice sings delightedly.

twins!” She’s wearing a frilly lace little girl’s gown that poofs out from her waist, which is tied in gold silk, and when she walks she resembles a swinging bell.

“Now seems like a good time to give you this.” Debra comes over.

In her hands rests a small navy blue velvet box.

“What did you do?” I ask. I wasn’t expecting anything. My heart fills with love and gratefulness. Debra is a little shy—the opposite of her husband Cade—but she loves her husband, and her boys, and Quinn and all the kids that come into North House hard. And she’s brought Charlie and I into the family wholeheartedly.

“Just a little something.” She dabs the corner of her eye with the knuckle of her thumb. “Open it.”

I press my lips together and lift the lid. Inside is an exquisite, delicate gold watch piece in locket form that dangles from a chain bracelet.

“Oh my God, Debra, it’s beautiful,” I begin to gush.

“And broken.” She throws me a soft smile. “Well, not really broken, but there’s no battery in it. It’s to remind you to allow time to stand still. And enjoy every moment of this precious life with the people you love.”

Her words echo in my mind, and the tears well up fast and furious.

“Debra, you’re an amazing woman—and I’m so thankful to have you in my life.” I barely manage to sob out the words.

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