Dark Endings (4 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

BOOK: Dark Endings
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“Good fight son, well done.” Mick says, coming into the room.

I nod. He narrows his eyes.

“Do you need to rest before your next fight?” Sharleen asks.

I glare at her. “Do I look like I need to fuckin’ rest, Sharleen?”

“Don’t speak to her like that boy, she’s doin’ what I’m tellin’ her to. If you fall, it’s on her.”

I stand and get in Mick’s face. Once he might have been able to drop me on my ass but now…now I’m pumped full of steroids and twice the size I was before. I fucking hate him for that almost as much as I hate him for bringing me here.

“Don’t tell me who I
will and won’t speak to. I’ll do what I fuckin’ want and if you’ve got a problem with it, then I’ll leave and you can find someone else to play your fuckin’ sick games.”

“You leave,” Mick snarls, “a
nd I go and get Willow and fuck her until she can’t move. Then I’ll let everyone else fuck her.”

I punch him and Sharleen screams. He stumbles backwards gripping his jaw and panting with rage.

“You shut your fuckin’ mouth,” I warn.

Mick steps forward smirking. “Punch me all you like, you’re under the chain here and you know it. You leave, she’s dead. Well, fucked…then dead.”

I raise my hand again but he grips it in his large one and squeezes. My fingers bend and crunch together.

“Hit me again boy, you won’t like it.”

“Speak about her again,” I spit, “and you won’t like it either.”

“Get back out there and finish this, we’ll talk later.”

“No,” I say, standing, “we won’t. I’m done tonight.”

“We’ve got another fight
, Jagger!” Mick roars.

“I don’t give a fuck.”

I turn and grip the shirt sitting on the silver bench. Then I stand and walk out, leaving him to scream and snarl curses at me. Good, let him. I couldn’t give a fuck. I step out into the fresh night air and stroll briskly down the street. Florida. We’ve done three fights here and I have another two before we go elsewhere. I’m sick of travelling, I’m sick of broken bones, split lips and pain. I’d do it all over again though, for her. I’d do anything for her and that’s why I’m here.

I think about her every day. I can never get the image of her being dragged away from my mind. I don’t know where she is. I don’t know if she’s ok. Last time I spoke to the boys was the day I left to go find her on that island. I told them if they came after me, I’d kill them and they knew I meant it. I told them to keep her away from me. Tore my fuckin’ heart out but I know her, I know she would have come after me if she thought there was a chance.

There isn’t a chance. While Mick is around, there’s never a chance. I’ve thought of killing him, but it goes far deeper than just him. It’s a massive group of people all willing to defend him. I’d have to take out the lot and even I’m not that good. I haven’t spoken to Maggie in months, I know she’s worried and I can only hope Willow has explained things to her.

Willow, god, s
he fuckin’ breaks my heart. She’s on my mind every second of every god damned long day. I broke her and I know she’s suffering. I can’t fix her. I can’t see her. I can never love her again and that’s enough to break me. Fighting is the only way to keep on track, it’s a way to channel my anger and for that I’m grateful. I’d do anything to make sure she’s safe and if it means giving my entire life, I will.

I step into a local bar
just down the road from the fighting ring. It’s packed, so I find a seat at the bar and order a drink. People swarm around me, chatting, dancing, and flirting. Heck some of them are fucking. I look down at my beer and try to keep the thoughts from swarming my head. The bar attendant pulls up a stool and stares over the bar at me, his eyes scan my face. He’s old, bald and fat. Typical. I meet his gaze and he shoves another beer my way.

“You look like you need it son.”

“Cheers,” I mutter.

“Tough night?”

“Tough life.”

“Shit hey? Wanna tell me about it, I hear it helps?”

I raise a brow. “I doubt it would, but thanks.”

“You look like you got a good busted lip there, needs stitches that does.”

I touch my split lip and wince. Well fuck, more stitches.



like that.”

He nods, rubbing his chin. “Well son, I hope it gets better for you.”

So’d I.






“So, we’ve got the information we need.” Angel says.

I have just walked out
the next morning in my cotton pants, an oversized shirt and some serious sleepy eyes when he’s in my face. I rub the sleep from my vision and blink at him.

“Good morning
, Angel.”

“Did you hear me?”

“I’m fairly sure I did but being that I have barely been awake two minutes, I don’t think I processed it.”

“I found a way to contact him.”

That wakes me up.


He smirks. “Now I’ve got your attention.”

“Spit it out, Angel.

“Ok, so, everyone who puts massive bets on goes through Mick. It’s the club law. Mick then has Jagger follow those men o
ut into the dark and…sort them out.”

“Excuse me?
I don’t think I got that right.”

“You got it right. Mick makes his money because he cashes their bets
when Jagger wins. He not only gets his own money, he gets all theirs too. It’s a good system really. Jagger is sent to make sure those men don’t come back, if you know what I mean? In fights like that, police don’t get involved. It’s a gang war basically and people show up dead all the time. It’s easy enough to get away with.”

“Ok, let me get this straight. Mick takes all
the bets, then he sick’s Jagger onto them to kill them so he can cash the money?”

“That’s it
, except I don’t think Jagger kills most of them. Some he just…scares off.”

“And how does this involve seeing Jagger?”

Angel smirks, “We’re going to make a bet.”


“It’s dangerous,” Ace says, shaking his head.

“Yeah, but it’s worth the risk.” Angel protests.

I stare between the two of them as Jenny and Ava flit around me to try and give me a whole new look. Apparently I’m going to go in, face Mick again, make a bet and hopefully when Jagger comes after me, manage to speak with him before he plugs me with a bullet. Solid.

“What if he shoots before she gets a chance to speak?”
Ace snaps.

“Jagger won’t just shoot in a public area, he’ll follow.”

“It’s risky.”

Angel sighs. “I know that, but it’s Willow’s choice.”

I stare at the two of them as Jenny pulls a lock of my hair. I yelp and slap her hand away, to which she responds by poking my head with a pin.


“Willow,” Angel says, ignoring our female attacks. “If you don’t want to do this, I will not make you.”

“I have to do it Angel, I have to see him.”

“It’s risky, Mick might recognize you.”

“We’ll see how this disguise looks
before we do any more worrying,” I say in a reassuring voice.

The two men excuse themselves and walk outside
, no doubt to argue some more. Jenny and Ava continue to poke, prod, pinch and cover me in loads of make-up. When they’re done, they both stand in front of me with wide grins. I guess that’s a success.

“You look totally hot as a blonde,” Ava winks.

I stand and reach out to the take the mirror Jenny hands me. When I look into it, I gasp. Holy sweet mother, that’s not me. My eyes are now blue, thanks to contacts, and my hair is platinum blonde. The wig is real human hair and it looks amazing. I am decked out with make-up, and I honestly wouldn’t recognize myself if I didn’t know it was me. Angel and Ace walk in the door and I spin around to face them. They stop dead in their tracks.

“Holy sweet mother of Jesus!
” Angel barks, jumping back.

“Fuck.” Ace mumbles.

“I believe that’s a success.” Ava grins, clapping her hands together.

“I wouldn’t recognize you on the street, no way in hell.” Angel breathes.

“You’re a hot blonde!” Ace smirks and Jenny slaps his arm.

“Ok,” I whisper, “are we doing this?”

“Fuckin’ oath we are. Tonight. Sit with me Willow, we have a lot to go over.”

Ace pulls out a chair and Angel points towards it. I sit down and Angel sits across from me. His blue eyes meet mine and we stare at each other for long moments before he speaks.

“Ok, Mick takes bets tonight at seven pm. I’ve had Huck get me a contact to book you in. You go and see him, hand the money over and leave. You play it cool, I’ll tell you exactly what to say. Then you walk out into the car park and Jagger will be following you. I am warning you Willow, keep your cool until you’re far away from the building. When you get down onto the sand, Jagger will no doubt make his move. It’s set out well really. There are rocks at the far end and all it would take is someone to slip the wrong way. It’s dark, quiet and no one would know any better. You have to distract him somehow, if you don’t then he will likely shoot you. This part of the beach is secluded and privately owned. No one will see or hear anything. So you’re going to have to have a sure fire way to get his attention.”

I close my eyes for a long mome
nt. If this goes wrong, I could lose my life. I could lose my son. I am so torn. I either forget Jagger and move on, or I risk helping him and risk my own life. The idea of living without Jagger breaks me, but the idea of losing my life and my son being alone breaks me even deeper. I wish this were easy, I wish I could just fix this but I can’t.

“What about Cody?” I whisper. “What if something happens to me?”

Angel touches my hand. “That’s why we need a way to get Jagger’s attention before he does anything.”

“What if he doesn’t wait Angel, what if he just

“Mick doesn’t work lik
e that, I can assure you. He won’t let Jagger just shoot, it has to be subtle, well played out.”

“If I die…”

Ace is beside me now, gripping my face. “We’re not gonna let you die Willow, for starts we have a bullet proof vest to put on. Jagger always aims for the heart, trust me on that. We’ll be waiting nearby, and hopefully you’ll get Jagger’s attention before that gun even goes off.”

That does make me feel a little better, but I can’t shake the unease about this whole situation.

“I can’t live with myself if I don’t try to help him, but the fear for my son is huge guys, it’s eating away at me.”

Angel nods. “I know Willow, and if you want to pull out you just say the word.”

“I’m the only one that can do this, and you all know it or you wouldn’t have asked,” I whisper.

“Maybe so, but we respect your decision, either way it goes.”

“I have to help him, a huge part of me knows that.”

“We’ll pull you back if it gets too dangerous, I promise you Willow.” Ace says gently.

“Thanks guys. I know. I also think I have the perfect way to get his attention before he shoots….”






It’s a cool
night, the wind tickles my face as I walk towards the large brick home a few yards away. It’s the only house for miles. I drove my car to the entrance and walked the rest of the way. The driveway is long and gravelly, and I can hear the ocean whipping against the shore just a few yards away. I imagine during the day this place is beautiful, secluded and deadly for people like Mick.

I am swallowing over and over to try and stop my heart from pounding. If I make one little mistake, this is over, not just for me but for Jagger too. Thinking about seeing Jagger again has done my head in all day. I don’t honestly know how I’ll react. Right now the stabbing pain in my heart and the swirling in my stomach
says the reaction will be intense. If I make it out the door long enough to get one.

With trembling hands, I reach the front door and knock. God, what if Mick recognizes me? What if he knows who I am right from the word go and just decides to end me? Maybe this was a bad
idea, maybe I should have let Jenny or Ava do this. Just as I’m about to turn away, the door opens and I’m faced with a man I haven’t seen since the island. Mick.

He’s the exact same as he was back then.
His eyes, his face, his body. He’s still as scarily handsome as he was and still just as cold. I can see it in his eyes. He narrows his gaze a moment, and I’m sure he has found me out. Instead of raising a gun to my head though, he nods and a grin spreads across his face. No way buddy, don’t even think about trying to get me for a slave. Sick bastard.

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