Dark Forest (Secret Blood, Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Dark Forest (Secret Blood, Book 1)
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“Rose,” he said in a graveled, gritty tone. “Are you okay?”

She entered the room and moved to where he awkwardly lay on the small exam table. He was half on his side, holding one of his arms at a funny angle. “I’m fine, but look at you.”

He laughed a weak, rasping sound. “I’ve been worse.” He tried to sit up.

Rose helped him. “I’ll have someone get my car. Then I’ll take you some place you can heal. You don’t heal as a human?”

“Minor injuries, but this…” He looked down at himself. Blood oozed and congealed on him in so many places it was difficult to tell where he wasn’t hurt. “The lycan heals the best of all my shapes.”

“Okay,” she whispered. “What do I do to help you?”

“Come here,” he said through gritted teeth.

Rose moved closer.

He hooked his arm around her. His breath hissed with pain, but his arm tightened around her. “Delegate until it’s time to move me. I need you.” He dragged in a deep breath. “And don’t let me fall asleep. I’ll shift on my own if I fall asleep.”

“Okay.” She hugged him as tight as she dared. “I need to go for just a minute, and then I’ll be right back.”

He reluctantly let her go. In the span of ten minutes, she had everyone still awake and functional in Dark Forest getting her everything she’d need to disappear with Aiden for a while. She made Davis take Grams out to Aiden’s place to get her car. They had clothes, toiletries, and Grams’ ATM card to pay for food and anything else they could need until they got back. Once she had her own bank cards replaced, she’d pay Grams back every penny, but until then, she was happy she came from a small town where everyone took care of everyone else.

Aiden moved out to her car under his own power, with some help from her and the sheriff. They got him up into the back seat. She kissed the top of his head and closed the door, hoping he wouldn’t fall asleep until they were at least out of the parking lot. She hugged Grams tight, and then gave Davis explicit instructions to take care of the old woman while she took Aiden to a better hospital.

She thanked the doctor and the sheriff before she was finally able to get out of there. She drove straight to the motel just off the highway. They barely made it to the room before Aiden pitched forward on the king-sized bed, and shifted into his huge lycan shape.

It was over. She eased onto the bed next to him, curled into his side, and let her tears of fear and worry take her into sleep.


Aiden drew in a deep breath as he came back to consciousness. Rose’s wonderful scent was right next to him. He started to sit up.

“Wait.” Rose jerked up. “Don’t move or you’ll…” She puffed out a breath and dropped back onto the bed. “Never mind. How are you feeling?”

He flexed sore muscles. “Great, considering. Where are we?”

“The motel closest to Dark Forest.” Her gaze searched him. “Are you really okay?”

“Yes.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “I need to call the Council. I need to report what happened.”

She stuck her tongue out. “Then go do it.”

“Did I miss something?” He tried to figure out what he’d done, but it was making his brain hurt.

“You ran away from me,” she snapped, and then scooted off the bed and sat in the chair next to the door. “You killed that son of a bitch, and then you acted like I was going to hate you for it.”

It was too soon after waking up to deal with this, and without a pot of coffee to help him think straight. “I had to find out if Kiera was still alive. I’m sorry, I should have told you, or at least tried to. If I promise to never do it again, will you come shower with me?”

“We both need a shower. I’m covered in stubborn, impossible werewolf blood.” She got off the chair as if it were the most difficult task in the world. She took two steps toward the bathroom, and then her face crumpled. Tears leaked down her cheeks. “I shot him. Point blank. In the chest. And he didn’t die.”

Aiden caught her up in his arms. “He’s gone. He can’t hurt you again.”

She turned in his arms. Her face pressed against his chest before she pulled back. Her nose scrunched up. “Can I freak out after we’ve showered?”

He walked with her into the bathroom. He removed pants he had no idea how they’d gotten on him, and then helped her out of her clothes before turning on the water. When it was the right temperature, he stepped into the tub, and pulled her in with him. He closed the curtain, and let the water wash away the horror of the night. He wrapped his arms tight around her and pressed a kiss to her temple. “It doesn’t matter that you couldn’t kill him. You survived until I could get to you.” He used gently lifted her chin so he could look into her beautiful eyes. He dipped his head to brush a soft kiss over her mouth. He needed the way her naked body pressed against his, and he was beyond asking how it was even possible. Rose was finally his. “I know he scared you, but Rose, if someone shoots me, I won’t die either.”

She made a soft squeak, and then hid her face against his chest as the water washed over them. “I-I hadn’t thought of it like that.”

He held her until the water ran clear. “Smile for me, Rose.”

She lifted her head, and her mouth curved in a pathetic attempt.

He lowered his head and kissed the corner of her mouth. “I love you.”

Then a smile did bloom across her face. “I guess I can’t be upset when the town hero is in love with me.”

“Even if they don’t know it,” he murmured and tasted her mouth again.

“But it’s true.” She slid her hands down his back and cupped his ass. “You saved me, and found Kiera alive, and you stopped Julian, and you slayed the big bad wolf. They are going to treat you like royalty when we get back.” She stretched up and kissed his chin. “Jones took care of the wolf rumor with some story about a reintroduction of wolves in the area. They donated everything we’ll need until you can get back on your feet. Aiden, they love you.”

While it did send a spark of warmth through him to hear it, the town’s love wasn’t something he ever cared to have. He touched his nose to hers. “And what about you, Rose? Do you love me?”

She captured his face between her hands and pulled him down to her level. “I love you. I always have.”

They took their time washing each other, and just being together, until they were both ready to get out of the hot spray of water. Aiden got out first and wrapped a towel low on his hips. He wrapped one around Rose after she turned the water off and got out of the tub.

She grinned up at him. “We need to do that more often, only maybe we should include sex before we get out.”

Damn he loved her. He pulled her in close and angled his head. His mouth hovered next to her ear, and his voice was a low, thick whisper. “Marry me. Be my mate forever.”

Her skin shivered, and then her hands splayed out over his chest before they molded over his shoulders. “Yes. I-I want to do the bite you talked about. It connects us more, right?”

“Yes,” he said in a raw whisper.
Hot damn! Control.
He needed control or he could fuck this up. His canines grew, and claws formed. He scraped his fangs against her throat once. This was so wrong, but he couldn’t not do it. He held her head in place, so if she struggled, her throat wouldn’t get ripped before he could pull out. Then he banded his other arm tight around her. His fangs sunk into her flesh, and she screamed.

Her little body shook against him, but she didn’t try to push free. The rapid beat of her heart sent hot waves of blood into his mouth, and he almost gagged. Not because of the usual horrid taste of human blood, but because Rose’s was honey spiced. It was warm, and it was sweet, and he wanted as much of it as he could get.

It was wrong.

So very, very wrong to want her blood like this. He held her tight, not wanting to cause any more pain than absolutely necessary. He worked his fangs back and forth in the puncture wounds twice to ensure a good blood flow and then pulled out. His lips suctioned around the wound, and he worked his tongue across it because he didn’t want to give her a huge hickey on top of the fang marks. Not only was it tacky, but she deserved more respect than that.

His internal gauge kicked in, letting him know he had enough blood for the bond to work. He slipped his thumb between her skin and his mouth to put pressure on the wound as he pulled back. His hand shifted around her throat to keep the pressure on. After several deep breaths, he chanced a look at her face.

She was pale and still trembling, but she wasn’t afraid. “It wasn’t too bad,” she whispered.

He couldn’t help the snort. “I still feel like the biggest dick on the planet.”


He lifted a brow as he gently pushed her back, and directed her to the sink. “Ever read
Little Red Riding Hood

Her laugh was weak, but full of humor. “I’m Little Red, and you’re The Big Bad Wolf?”

He grabbed a washcloth and worked at folding it with one hand. “Something like that.”

She took the washcloth from him and folded it. “Hmm, then I think the wolf needs to devour Little Red.”

He could only give her a dumbfounded look.

Her laugh was stronger this time. “You’re the one who said marriage, pal, and I’ve been dying to make sure all of you is okay since we left Dark Forest.”

He removed his hand from around her throat, and then pressed the washcloth to her neck. “Hold that.” Then he washed her blood off his hands, making sure not to actually look at what he was doing.

Her laugh turned into a giggle. “Did I shock you, Mr. Hyde?”

He turned the water off and dried off his hands before he turned around to face her. “Yes, I must say, I am well and thoroughly shocked. I just bit you, and you’re turned on?”

Her nose wrinkled. “The bite hurt, but your tongue…”

He did his best to ignore her standing there in only a towel as he pulled back the washcloth to make sure the wound was no longer bleeding. He dropped the washcloth into the wastebasket when it wasn’t. The pad of his thumb lightly brushed over his fresh mark on her throat. “You’re going to make me crazy.”

She let out a dreamy sigh. “I know, but it should be illegal to be able to work a tongue like that.” Her wicked green eyes were dilated, sexy as hell. When she swept her tongue over her top lop, a surge of mind-numbing need shot right to his groin.

His brain fried right in his skull. Any control he might have had vanished. His plan to make love to her went up in smoke. In the next instant towels hit the floor. He did manage enough lucidity to stroke her a few times to make sure she was ready before he wrapped his hands around her tight little bottom, lifted her up, and slammed into her, to the hilt.

Every pent-up, unexpressed emotion and fear coiled around them, making them frantic. She kept his grueling pace, meeting him stroke for stroke. They reached the saturation point, and exploded together. He caught her cries of passion with his mouth.

He carried her out of the bathroom, still joined to her, and laid her on the bed. He cupped her face and gave her a deep kiss. His hands slid over her, memorizing every inch. He sampled her skin everywhere, needing her taste on his tongue. Her mewling sounds of pleasure embedded into his memory. Rose would forever be his mate.


One Year Later

“Why, aren’t you just darling?” Patty from the diner cooed at Aiden. Then she leaned down and kissed the baby’s cheek. “And this little one is just too precious and beautiful.” She clicked her pen as she righted herself and held out her notepad. “Chocolate pie for Grams, cherry milkshake for Rose, and what can I get you, Aiden? On the house, of course.”

Aiden’s jaw twitched. He held Russell tighter. If he could get away with it, he’d also have Rose on his lap to keep her away from freaky, scary humans. He didn’t care how damn adorable he was with his baby. These people needed to understand they were dealing with a werewolf with a deadly instinct to protect his family, but they couldn’t know. He suppressed the need to growl and managed to produce a smile. “Cheesecake with strawberry topping.”

“Perfect,” Patty said. “I was sure the two of you were never going to surface after the baby was born. It’s been over a month.” Then she rushed off to put in the order.

Edith reached over the table to pat his arm. “You’re doing well. Big breaths, and remember the people of Dark Forest are mostly a good bunch.”

Rose snorted. “Wasn’t it just last year they all thought he was a serial killer?”

Edith arched a silver brow. “You thought the same thing, and you just had his baby. Isn’t it great how perceptions change?”

Rose rolled her eyes. “Grams, there is no need to bring this up now. Aiden knows I didn’t think those horrible things about him. You and your drama are going to make me batty.”

Aiden chuckled and relaxed. He looked into his son’s beautiful face. “You’ll get used to them. Mama and Grams always bicker like this, but it’s oddly comforting.”

Russell’s eyes widened, and then he tipped forward to drool on Aiden’s arm. He grabbed a burp rag out of the diaper bag to wipe it off.

“You can’t keep saying things like that to him,” Rose said.

Aiden leaned forward to brush his mouth over hers, and then whispered, “But you like telling him I am a werewolf.”

“But you are a werewolf,” she whispered back.

He flashed a grin before he shifted his hold on Russell until he was holding the baby with one arm, and then wrapped his free arm around Rose. “I love you and your crazy grandmother.” He kissed her temple. “I have a family because of you.”

The End

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About the Author

Emma Weylin fell in love with the written word as a child. She loves to create her own worlds full of magic and wonder. One of her favorite things is populating those worlds with interesting and true-to-life characters who experience everything from epic love and heartrending battles to seriously silly or embarrassing “duh” moments. She believes love can and does conquer all things. When she’s not writing, she enjoys her family and has a copious yarn addiction. www.emmaweylin.com

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