Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2] (7 page)

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Authors: Candace Smith

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2]
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Wind Seeker sent for Yellow Hawk and of course, the leashed dog followed. Yellow Hawk tied him to the porch post.
Mike’s hands were once again lashed to the traces down his back.
He waited outside, straining to hear what was being said in the cabin.

“There’s the dog,” Mike heard a girl exclaim.
Three Indian girls came running up.
All looked to be in their late teens, maybe twenty.
“Let’s see if we can get him to do it,” their leader proclaimed.

Mike didn’t like the sound of this.
The three pretty girls surrounded him. One reached out a small tanned hand toward his flaccid penis.
It twitched and the hand jumped back.
“Oh,” she exclaimed.

The leader said, “Turning Leaves told me he has no control, watch.”

Mike backed up and the pretty girl grabbed his balls.
“Be still, dog.”
She kept her tight grip on his sack and began patting his cock.
Pleading with his eyes, Mike tried to back away, knowing what would happen if Yellow Hawk came out and found him standing with an erection around three of his daughters’ friends.
The leader tightened her grip on his sack and slipped a finger through the ring.
“Feel him.
His skin is so soft.”

The other two girls reached out and feathered their fingers up his length. Mike couldn’t help the twitch at their touch.
Three little hands started stroking him, with the leader keeping him immobile with the ring.
His eyes pleaded.
“You’re a bad doggie, aren’t you,” the leader purred.
She leaned forward and whispered in his ear.
“You’re such a bad doggie.
All you think about is rutting your shaft in some little Indian girl’s warm wet hole.”

Mike was lost.
His cock started rising on its own.
“Yes, look at your stick.
You can’t control it.
It just wants to poke, poke, poke.”
Every time she said it she squeezed her hand and slid down his cock.
Meanwhile, the other two girls were attacking with gentle caresses.
Mike’s hips started rocking and he closed his eyes.
It felt so good.
The leader felt his sack tighten.
“That’s enough girls.”

All hands vacated Mike’s throbbing erection.
The girls, looking very pleased, sat in the chairs on the porch.
Raining Thunder and his friends passed behind Mike a few minutes later.

“Hey, Gentle Wave, what’s up?” Straight Arrow asked.

Apparently, Gentle Wave was the leader.
Someone got that name wrong,
Mike thought

“He is.”
Gentle Wave pointed at Mike.

The youths walked around in front of Mike and started laughing.
Mike’s cock started to dip.

“Get away,” Gentle Wave pouted.
“You’re going to ruin it.”

Wind Seeker opened the door.
The young men in the street scattered.
Mike stood there with half an erection and three girls watching Wind Seeker while they rocked on his porch.
Wind Seeker leaned down to Gentle Wave, “Won’t it be interesting if when he is a man, you are his wife and he can’t mate with you out of fear.
I imagine Straight Arrow may be thinking these thoughts too.”

Gentle Wave stopped rocking.
“You and your friends are to leave the dog alone.
If he rises merely when you pass by him, then you can correct him.
In the appropriate way of an Indian woman, not a child,” he added.

Gentle Wave began “But, Turning Leaves said,”

“I don’t care what Turning Leaves said.
You can be a leader within the women, Gentle Wave.
The girls listen to you.
My father will never give you that status if you listen to a girl infatuated with a misguided love.”

“Yes, Wind Seeker.”
Gentle Wave was caught between humiliation and anger.
Mike understood her emotion.
The girls quietly sidled by her and left the porch.
Gentle Wave followed and Wind Seeker went back into the cabin.

Mike was paralyzed when the Indian came out onto the porch.
He heard the conversation with the young woman and was somewhat relieved that Wind Seeker hadn’t punished him.
Their sense of justice still eluded him.

Wind Seeker and Yellow Hawk had watched the whole scene.
Yellow Hawk was getting ready to go out and discipline the dog when Wind Seeker held him back.
“No, let’s see what he does.”

They watched the panicked dog try to back away.
He was making every effort to control what he could.
The girls were just cruel.

When Wind Seeker returned from his discussion with Gentle Wave, he sat back down at the table.
“I don’t look forward to a joining between Straight Arrow and Gentle Wave.
She needs a stronger hand.”
Wind Seeker glanced out at the dog.
“So, after only one day, you think he’s ready to further his journey.”

“He had seven days with Lucien, almost two with you, and Raining Thunder and his friends did a good job.
Wind Seeker, he hasn’t gotten rid of the old ways, I know that, but the dog has pride.
Any one of the men watching the corral today will tell you that.
He calculated the docile mares first, then went after Lightening.
He was scared.
I could tell going into the corral he’d probably never touched a horse before.”

“There was pride in his eyes when the tribe acknowledged his bravery.
It worries me that anymore time as a dog, and that prideful streak could snap.
I think he needs to understand he’ll be rewarded when he behaves appropriately. Rewards may prove to be as beneficial to his training as punishment,” Yellow Hawk reasoned.

“What about the rutting?” Wind Seeker asked.
“I can’t have him walking around pointing that white stick at the women.”

“I’ve already decided that if he can’t be controlled, I’ll ring him until he gets it out of his system and learns.
It‘s a flatlander instinct and not meant as disrespect.
He can be broken out of the habit,” Yellow Hawk assured him.

“Okay, that’s the best we can do,” Wind Seeker sighed.
“Now, let’s discuss the other problem.
Shining Star shared a discussion she had with Turning Leaves.
I’m considering her concerns along with what you’ve said.
Frankly, the situation with Gentle Wave this afternoon helps.
We’ve known we were looking at two dominate females in this generation.
It won’t work.”
Wind Seeker looked down at the table tapping his fingers on the wood as his thoughts sorted themselves then looked back at Yellow Hawk.
“I think the answer might be to let her go to the settlement.”

Yellow Hawk’s immediate reaction was to argue.
He closed his eyes and thought about it.
He loved his daughter, but she was using Patrick’s flatlander to break up Raining Thunder and Misting Waters.
The blonde warrior winced with embarrassment when he heard Gentle Wave tell the acting chief that Turning Leaves was behind the cruelty to the dog.
He hated to admit it, but he knew his daughter was a disruptive schemer.
If she went to the settlement, Patrick would see she was cared for and maybe break her of the spoiled habits he and Whispering Wheat had put up with.

The unsettling part was that he wasn’t surprised his daughter was behind Gentle Wave’s ambush of the dog.
If Gentle Wave got in disfavor with Wind Seeker, it would promote his daughter’s chance as dominant female. Reluctantly, he admitted Gentle Wave was strong, but she wasn’t devious, at least not without instruction.
He wasn’t looking forward to telling Whispering Wheat what Wind Seeker suggested.
Turning Leaves was their firstborn.
There was always the chance that calling their daughter’s bluff could backfire.
All they could do was see what would happen if Turning Leaves knew she’d have to move to the settlement to be with the flatlander.

As it ended up, Yellow Hawk didn’t have to tell Whispering Wheat anything.
When he arrived home with the dog, his wife called him inside the teepee.
Yellow Hawk tied the leash overhead and Mike leaned against the wall of the tent, listening.

“What I have to say might upset you, Yellow Hawk, but please hear me out. I know you were with Wind Seeker when Gentle Wave tried to get the dog in trouble.
To have him see the dog trying to rut three young women in the middle of the street is a reflection of your training, and falls back on our whole family.
I know Turning Leaves was behind that.
We both know how she’s trying to steal Raining Thunder from her sister.
She’s figured out he’s the most promising of the young warriors.

“She says she has this bond with the flatlander.
I don’t even know how much of that is true or how much is for attention.
I do know she’s dangerously close to being chosen dominate when Shining Star steps down. She’s my daughter, but I have to admit it may not be in the tribe’s best interest. The fault is mine.
I spoiled her and I realize that.
The tribe shouldn’t have to suffer because of my bad instruction.
The burden should be mine.”

“We both raised her, Whispering Wheat.
At some point, she began to follow her own journey.
I don’t think we missed the signs to guide her. Watching her recent ploys, I think she hid them from us.
When I look at Misting Waters’ kind nature,” he reasoned, “I don’t think either you or I had an effect on Turning Leaves’ manipulative controlling drive.”
He took his wife’s hands.
“Whispering Wheat, what would you like to do?”

Tears started forming in her eyes.
“This is not going to get better, and she’s causing a strain on her sister’s relationship with Raining Thunder.
I think we need to give her no choice and send her with the flatlander to the settlement. We can tell her we understand their love and won’t keep them apart.
Patrick will be good to her.
We both know that.
Perhaps we can rejoice at her change when we see her twice a year at the celebrations.”

Whispering Wheat’s declaration was stronger than his.
She didn’t even want an ultimatum.
She wanted her gone.

The part that interested Mike though, was that Gentle Wave could be chosen dominant female.
Although cruel, the girl was gorgeous.
Slick black hair fell straight to her waist and she had the most incredible almond shaped chocolate eyes.
She was average height and built beautifully.
Mike was sure he saw a brief flicker of surprised interest when she looked into his blue eyes before she began her torture.
He remembered her commanding seduction.
Mike realized in terror, his cock was getting hard again.

Yellow Hawk glanced over and mistakenly thought it was due to being in his wife’s presence again.
He angrily slapped Mike’s penis and yelled, “Bad dog.” Mike squealed in pain, thrusting in agony as the man’s big hand kept smacking him until the erection surrendered.

Mike ate his dinner out of the bowl Whispering Wheat had given him. Apparently, he’d earned a somewhat permanent change in status in that regard.
He prayed they’d leave him outside the dangerous arousing confines of the teepee and groaned when Yellow Hawk grabbed the leash and pulled him under the door flap.
He was tied to the beam with his hands lashed in front to the ring as everyone settled in.

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