Dark Redemption (Broken Souls #1) (4 page)

BOOK: Dark Redemption (Broken Souls #1)
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Chapter Nine



Sofia woke once again to the now familiar feeling of her arms being restrained and was almost afraid to open her eyes. She’d hoped yesterday had just been a horrible nightmare and that she would wake up in her own cozy bed. How wrong she was, as the next thing that became apparent once she’d opened her eyes, was that she was also lying on the bed tied up and the clothes that she’d fallen asleep in were now gone.

“What did you do with my clothes, you bastard?” she yelled out before she could get a hold of her temper. She was even more shocked to hear a deep voice answer her from the en-suite bathroom.

“You won’t need them today.”

When her eyes followed the direction of the voice and found not only the door to the bathroom wide open but also the glass shower door, she almost yelped when a muscular, perfectly sculpted ass confronted her.

Sofia had to fight to focus on what he’d just said because even after everything she’d been through in the last twenty-four hours, her body betrayed her at the blatantly seductive sight of this dark stranger stroking his large hands down his wet, naked skin.

She must be insane. There was no way she should be attracted to her captor, but she couldn’t deny the warmth that suffused her body as she watched him. Was this some sort of Stockholm syndrome? God help her it must be, because as wrong as she knew it was, she couldn’t seem to drag her eyes away.

“I’ll be right out, I’m just finishing up,” he said as he turned toward her in the steam of the shower. “By the way, that color of purple is lovely against your skin.”

She couldn’t even blink when he turned to face her, let alone respond to what he’d said. Sofia’s eyes were riveted to the slow wet trail his hands were making down his hard body. Every inch of him was sculpted muscle. The tattoos she’d noticed when she first met him were a beautiful tribal pattern that covered his arms and shoulders. When his hand began to move down his tight abs, her breathing increased and she couldn’t help the wetness that began to dampen her panties when he finally reached his long, hard cock.

Jesus, this was hotter than any porn or romance novel she’d ever read
written before. As her brain tried to protest that she shouldn’t watch this, there wasn’t anything in the world that could make her avert her eyes from the bounty in front of her.




Eitan knew he had her undivided attention as he moved his hand down to his now aching cock. He had no idea this would be as hot as it was, putting on a show for his sweet little captive. But as her breathing increased, making those pretty little lace covered breasts heave, and her legs began to get restless, he leaned back against the tiles and took a few slow strokes up and down his hard shaft. He watched her carefully, loving the way her eyelids got heavy and her pink little tongue slipped out to wet her lips slowly. Any hesitations he’d had about moving forward with this plan of attack were completely obliterated when he saw how she reacted to the restraints and his nakedness. Clearly under that buttoned-down, sweet exterior, she had some hidden kinks, and that contradiction in her personality only made him harder.

Oh yeah
, he thought as he using the slickness of the soap on his body to ease his hand as he stroked himself, his eyes locked onto her. It was so natural to imagine Sofia’s soft brown hair wrapped around his hands as he fed her his cock. He easily pictured her kneeling in front of him in the shower, giving him complete control as he stroked in and out of her hot, wet mouth.

Eitan imagined himself sucking hard on those pretty pink nipples he could see through the lace of her bra as he slipped aside her panties. He thought about how good it would feel to slide the swollen head of his cock along her soaked folds. How she might gasp as he would finally rip away the silk and lace of her panties and spread her thighs wide apart so he could see every inch of her. In his mind, he saw her moaning out loud when he took his shaft and slowly fed it into her until he was balls deep inside her hot sheath.

He was now stroking himself at a hard pace, ready to come, and when he did finally hear a low moan escape her luscious looking lips, that was all he needed to have the cum rising up and coating his still moving hand. Eitan slowly stroked until the last of his release was coaxed from him, and as he looked back toward Sofia, he could see from the unquenched desire on her face and her heavy breathing that she had been thoroughly enjoying the show…but not nearly as much as he’d enjoyed giving it to her.

He rinsed off and stepped out of the water, turning off the shower. He took his time drying off his body, not looking directly at her, so he could gather his composure before he slipped on a pair of black boxer briefs and stepped back into the bedroom.

“Well, I feel much better this morning. You must be hungry?” he asked as he walked past her casually toward the open door to the rest of the apartment. “I’ll go grab you some breakfast.”









Chapter Ten



That rat bastard!
She thought as she watched him stroll out of the room just as though nothing had happened. As if he hadn’t just gotten her so turned on that she thought she’d spontaneously combust and then just…left.

Sofia didn’t think about what she would have done if he’d tried to have sex with her. That would just ruin the fury she was currently riding. She should be relieved he hadn’t tried to force her. She
have been, logically speaking, but she had to admit to herself that her overheated body was ready to beg for release and that her traitorous hormones were killing the rational part of her brain. Sofia knew it was crazy, but all she could think about right now was that the most satisfying way to get some relief would be under her sexy captor. It was an issue that only got worse as he walked back into the room with a tray of food and all that beautiful, tanned bare skin.

“Here, let me help you sit up so you can eat,” he said, putting the tray down on the nightstand and moving closer, “Or would you rather wash up and use the bathroom first?”

“Bathroom first, please,” she said immediately, thinking she could follow his lead and get some satisfaction while cleaning up.

But clearly her eagerness must have given her away because he raised one eyebrow in challenge.

“Okay, but you have ten minutes to shower, and you are not allowed to touch yourself other than to get clean―am I understood?” he said in a firm tone as he leaned forward and undid her wrists.

“You’re going to watch me?” she asked, not quite certain if she was offended or turned on at the prospect. She wondered for a second why his firm tone seemed to excite her more than it should have.

“Do you want me to watch you?” he whispered low next to her ear, causing awareness to spread through her entire body.

Sofia was a little breathless at the thought of putting on the same show for him as he did for her, but in the end, her pride won out over the wanton need she felt inside.

“No,” she barely answered, and it sounded weak even to her ears.

His deep chuckle at her answer made her nipples peak even more, and she was almost disappointed when he leaned back and pushed the timer on his watch.

“You’ve got ten minutes, Sofia. Then I come in and get you.”

Sofia had never used the washroom and showered so fast in all her life, she got done with barely a minute to spare as she put her bra and underwear back on and then wrapped herself in a big fluffy towel before she walked back out into the room.

“You can keep the towel until you’ve eaten, then it’s off,” he said once he saw her.

She’d take that small win, and she took her sweet ass time eating as well until he finally took the tray away after she’d spent five minutes chewing a single piece of melon.

“Now are you going to make this difficult on both of us or are you going to behave?” he said as he motioned toward the wrist cuffs once again.

She thought about it, but there was nothing she could do against his superior strength, so she begrudgingly laid back against the padded headboard and raised her wrists.

“Why are you doing this?” she asked quietly. “I told you everything I know already.”

“Well, I’ll see about that soon enough, won’t I?” was all he said in reply as he fastened the cuffs and picked up the tray before he left the room.




By the time Eitan had gotten the kitchen cleaned up from breakfast and returned to the bedroom, he was already half hard from replaying how she’d looked watching him come in the shower. He thought about putting on a pair of jeans, but why bother? He certainly wasn’t ashamed for her to see how she affected him and she sure as hell didn’t seem to be put off by his body, so he may as well use that to his advantage, right?

“Ready for the ankle cuffs?” he asked as he entered the room.

He saw her swallow hard and move her legs tighter together.

“Why do you have to?” she asked with a worried look. “Are you going to touch me?”

“You don’t want me to touch you?” he challenged, already knowing her body didn’t have any arguments.

“Of course I don’t want you to touch me!” she answered, clearly trying to sound offended that he’d suggest such a thing, “I don’t even know your name!”

“Well, that’s easy enough to remedy,” he said as he placed one knee on the bed and pulled up the first ankle cuff. “My name is Eitan. Now give me your leg, Sofia.”

He could tell she was surprised he’d given her his name, and to be truthful, he was a bit surprised by that himself. But the more he thought about his name on her lips as she moaned her pleasure, the harder his cock got. He was doing all sorts of things with this little captive that seemed to be breaking his rules, and Eitan wasn’t sure he really cared.

When she tentatively placed her little foot in his hand, he quickly attached the cuff and then slowly ran his fingers over the softness of her skin. Clearly she waxed her legs as the skin was still supple and hair free. That thought made him more aware of the noticeably smooth skin under those pretty purple panties, and his mouth watered as he imagined how soft it would feel under his tongue. As he fastened the second cuff and her legs moved further apart, it was all he could do not to crawl up her body and relieve her of those panties just as he’d fantasized about doing in the shower this morning. It was then that he finally had to admit to himself that this interrogation was probably going to be more difficult for him than it was going to be for her…because his self-control was already bucking to be let loose.










Chapter Eleven



Sofia had never felt this sexually vulnerable before. It was oddly intimate to be here in this situation with a man she didn’t know, who she should have been terrified of. So many emotions were going through her right now, but she didn’t feel threatened exactly. She felt confused, and vulnerable, and yes…aroused. She’d never dated a man before who’d ever expressed interest in BDSM, so she hadn’t given much thought as to whether or not she was particularly submissive. It appeared, however, by her emotional and physical reaction to what was happening between them that submission and dominance were exactly what had been missing out of her unnotable, vanilla sexual history. Her body literally melted in Eitan’s firm hands. She’d always thought it was just that she hadn’t been very attracted to the nice men she had dated, but apparently it was much more than that.

Eitan was now kneeling casually on the bed in between her feet, and as he ran his fingers lightly up and down the insides of her legs from knee to ankle, her body began to react to the hypnotic movement.

“Now tell me, Sofia,” he began in a soft, soothing voice, “when did you first meet Carl Roberts?”

“I met him when he was moving into the building six months ago,” she quickly answered breathlessly.

“Have you ever been on a date with him before?” he asked, this time moving all the way to the inside mid-thigh with his warm touch.

“No, I already told you that.” she answered again, her eyes flashing in irritation.

She thought she’d pushed him too far when he sat up and began to climb further up her body, leaning closer to her. When his groin just barely brushed up against her covered mound in between her splayed legs, all the air left her lungs in a rush; then when the soft hair of his chest tickled the tips of her nipples, she couldn’t stop herself from pushing up into the delicious heat of his body.

He didn’t physically react at all to her movement; he simply held himself there and then leaned forward to whisper in her ear, “Are those cuffs too tight?”

Sofia moaned softly and tried to rub up against him in spite of what other thoughts may have been going through her head at that moment. The loudest one was screaming at her to just get closer, that if she could just feel the weight of him on top of her, it would be everything she needed right now.

So when Eitan backed away from her, dragging the hardness of his cock beneath the soft material of his briefs along the damp front of her panties, she struggled to try to get her arms free to bring him back.

“Shhhh, don’t hurt yourself now,” he said softly as he brought his warm hands to trail up the sides of her ribcage and tease the underside of her breasts. “I want to see these.”

“Yes…” she whispered back.

Before Sofia knew what was happening, Eitan had leaned over the bed and grabbed something small, and when his hand came back with a knife she went completely still, not knowing what to think. Her body and mind were a mass of confusion and lust―of course, she was frightened of the knife, but she also ached for his touch at the same time.

His eyes locked with hers as he brought the blade down and slid it under the band connecting the lace cups of her bra, and with a light twist of his fingers, the material parted. The shock of his hot, calloused hands replacing the soft lace was so damn good her eyes slid closed at the pleasure. Sofia didn’t think that anything had ever felt better than his hands on her skin.

A few moments later she felt the cold steel once again against her heated skin, only this time is was at the low waistband of her panties. She looked up into Eitan’s gray eyes. When she bit her lower lip to stifle another groan, the slightest grin curved up on one side of his generous mouth and she nodded once for him to continue. She felt the material as he pulled it away and suddenly she could also feel his eyes zero in on the part of her that wept for his attention.

“You’re a beautiful sight, sweet Sofia,” he murmured as he ran his fingers along the inside of her legs, ending just at the top of her thighs before looking her once again in the eyes. “Tell me more about when you met Carl.”

Sweet Jesus!
she thought. Was he trying to fry her brain? Sofia couldn’t even remember what Carl looked like in her head right now! Everything in her was focused on the dark, controlling man sitting between her legs at the moment.

“Did he ever bring or give you anything?” he continued while lightly moving his fingers and slowly lowering himself so he was almost resting his chest on the bed in front of her. “Maybe like a plant? Or a trinket of some sort?”

“No! I only ever saw him in passing until yesterday morning,” she whispered, desperately wanting him to lower his head and kiss her where she now felt his warm breath against her wet folds, “He helped me move some boxes from the elevator to my car that I was taking to a storage locker!”

Eitan stopped for a moment and gave her a serious, considering look.

“Very good baby,” he said, gently running his fingers along her wet pussy, revealing her swollen clit just waiting for his mouth. “Was he ever out of your sight with any of these boxes at all?”

Sofia was trying to lift her hips to force those luscious lips to touch her where she needed him most desperately, but his weight on her legs made it impossible to move.

“What? No…I mean, well yes…” She was so confused and needy, she didn’t know why he wouldn’t just touch her. “While I went to get my car and pulled it up to the elevator doors he was alone with the boxes.”

“That has to be where he put the zip drive then. We’ll go take a look this morning,” he finally answered her, looking up again into her eyes, “You did great, baby.”

Finally, without breaking eye contact, he lowered his head and drew her swollen clit in between his lips. When he began to suck on it, and then lightly bit her, Sofia’s entire body went taut as the most glorious orgasm flowed through her limbs and ended up right in the very center of her.

“Oh God, Eitan!” she screamed, rolling her hips as if she could almost feel him inside of her.

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