Read Dark Tremor (Mated by Magic #2) Online

Authors: Stella Marie Alden,Chantel Seabrook

Dark Tremor (Mated by Magic #2) (6 page)

BOOK: Dark Tremor (Mated by Magic #2)
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Chapter 12


They drove past the Air Force base at Indian Springs, then Terra instructed Jace to drive north on Mercury Highway.  Nothing but blue sky, scrub brush, and telephone poles for mile after beautiful mile. At high noon, desert shadows vacated, making the area seem even less populated.

“Turn off here.”

A familiar dirt road led deep into the hills and the truck’s shocks took a beating as he gunned the engine.

About an hour later, she tugged on his arm. “Stop.”

“Here?” He parked, shielded his eyes, and searched the terrain.

“C’mon. Let’s go.”

Her mine’s entrance was a hidden slit between two boulders, about twenty feet up the hill.

While he sat and changed his shoes, she opened the windows and placed the cat carrier on the back seat. Pumpkin meowed sadly.

“We won’t be long.”

Jace rolled his eyes and she couldn’t help but laugh. Renewed by the freedom and the stones nearby, she took the lead and climbed, while his ass dragged behind.  His breath warmed the back of her neck when she stopped for him to catch up. She squeezed between the two rocks.

“I found this place when I was eighteen.”

He put in one shoulder, then frowned and backed away. “I’m nowhere near as small as you.”

She raised her eyebrows and glanced down his long muscular torso. Man, he was built. But he was also right, he wouldn’t fit through some of the smaller crevices. She’d have to make the opening bigger.

Closing her eyes, she placed her hands on the warm rock. The earth trembled and the stones shifted, widening the gap.

Exhaustion hit her like a brick wall. Her hands fell to her side and she swayed.

“You okay?” Jace gripped her shoulder to steady her.

“I’m fine.” Her body lit up at the heat his touch produced.

They walked a few feet into the dark mine, letting their eyes adjust to the flashlight. She pointed it upwards.

Tilting his neck up, eyes widening, he whispered, “Holy shit.”

“Yeah.” Terra agreed with a sigh. The entire ceiling sparkled with pebbles of turquoise.

“You’ve barely made a dent in here.” He shook his head and wandered up and down the narrow path, gaze up.

“Careful. The mine’s floor is uneven.” Terra pointed the beam of light down in front of his feet.

“I only take what I need, but that’s not what I wanted to show you. Here…” She lit a narrow fissure in the wall and leaned back so Jace could get a look. His arm slid around her waist.

“Fuck,” the curse came out in a heavy breath. He pulled back and stared at her blinking. “That’s at least ten solid pounds of dark turquoise.”

“If you close your eyes you can feel it humming.” The vibration was subtle compared to the buzz his touch produced.

“Do you know what you’ve uncovered here? This shit could have some serious repercussions if the wrong person got a hold of it. Damn.” He scrubbed a hand through his hair. “It could change the balance of power between the clans. Between humans and witches.”

Terra’s breath hitched. She suddenly realized how isolated her thoughts had been, how narrow her vision was after living alone for so long. It wasn’t just Mic they had to worry about.

“We could bury it. Close the entrance. The only other person who knows about this spot is Falcon.”

“You trust him?” His words echoed in the cave, ominously.

“Yes.” She tried to sound more confident than she felt, but even she could hear the hesitation in her voice.

He stared, lips too close, and eyes too dark. “It’s safe here for now. Without the proper tools there isn’t anything we can do. Once we’re back at the hotel, I’ll call Jack and let him know what we’re dealing with. The sooner we get this thing secured, the better.”

“Right.” She glanced up at the ceiling and blinked back tears.

Everything she’d worked for was gone, or would be soon. If she went with Jace, she’d spend the rest of her life indebted to the Iesco clan.

“Hey.” He touched her arm.

She pulled back as if burned and he frowned.

“I’m fine.” Or at least she would be. With or without his help, she would survive. She always had before.

Blinking hard, she clenched her fists, and turned to walk the mine, perhaps for the last time.

Jace grabbed her hand, not letting go when she tried to pull away. Her legs went weak when large fingers wrapped around her much smaller ones. Allowing him to touch her was a bad idea.

“Thank you,” he said, taking a small step towards her.

“For what?” The words caught in her throat.

“For trusting me with all this.” He didn’t let go, but instead gave a small squeeze, his warm breath soft against her lips.

A sizzling warmth radiated through her hand, up her arm, and down to her toes. She let out a small moan. It wasn’t fair what he did to her. Other than the few kisses that Falcon had stolen, she’d never let another man touch her, let alone affect her so much. Every cell in her body cried out, wanting his lips on hers.

She licked her bottom lip, expectantly.

“We need to go.” His voice went low and tight, but he didn’t release her.

“Yes,” she squeaked, then swayed under the power of his touch.

In the darkness, with just the flashlight illuminating the small area, shadows danced across his handsome features. Just one caress. One taste. What could it hurt? To know the passion that his smoldering eyes promised.

He leaned forward

Bracing herself, she closed her eyes and parted her lips. Her body buzzed anticipation. One small movement and his lips would touch hers.

“This can’t happen.” With a ragged sigh, the air cooled, and he was gone.

Her chest constrained, she opened her eyes, and blinked up in disbelief.

“Fucking solstice mating heat,” he mumbled. Letting go of her hand, he took a step back and raked his fingers through his hair.

A small tremor saved her from the humiliation of his rejection.

“Do you feel that?” She squatted on her toes, with both hands on the mine floor beside her.

Someone was coming.

“No.” His brows drew down.

Without waiting for him, she bolted toward the two boulders at the cave’s entrance. Sure enough, a black car zoomed towards them.

“Get behind me,” Jace demanded, pulling her back and blocking the entrance.

“No way.” She squirmed around, then knelt and placed her hands on dirt. “I’m not waiting this time.”

With a large burst of energy, she sent a ripple of power through the ground, directed at the approaching car. The tremor undulated through the desert heat with the sound of a freight train. At impact, the car lurched, spun, then rolled several times before skidding to a halt fifty feet in front of them.

The passenger side door creaked open, and a body fell heavily from the upside down vehicle. She was about to send another blast when she recognized the man.

No, no, no.
It hadn’t been one of Mic’s men. What had she done? 

She darted towards him.

At the bottom of the hill, Jace yelled at her to stop.

The driver of the vehicle crawled through the passenger door, shoving Falcon’s unconscious body out of his way.


Terra froze in her tracks.

“You have something I want girl,” he snarled, wiping blood from his forehead, while keeping his eyes centered on her.

She couldn’t breathe. She knew she should run, but her legs were cemented into the canyon floor.

“Give me what I came for and no one else gets hurt.” The ground began to tremble.

Falcon groaned, hugging his arms to his stomach. He was alive. But why was he hanging with Mic?

With a stomp of his foot, Mic sent a blast towards her. The earth rocked and a small fissure opened in the earth in front of her.

“Terra.” Jace’s truck pulled up between her and Mic. Through the open window, he yelled, “Get in.”

“I can’t leave Falcon.” Another quake sent her reeling into the side of the truck.

“Get in the fucking truck.” Jace produced a fireball that struck Mic square in the chest, making him stagger to the ground, motionless. “In case you haven’t figured it out, your boyfriend is working for your daddy.”


“Yes.” He opened the door. “I don’t feel like getting buried alive again, so maybe we can continue this conversation about twenty miles from here.”

Terra glanced back at Falcon, who was now fully conscious and starring at her with huge, guilt-laden eyes. Her chest compressed as she realized the truth of Jace’s words.

Mic stood, face fuming in deep red.

“ARRGGH!” A stomp of his foot opened the earth, creating a growing canyon headed straight towards them.

“Damn it, Terra,” Jace pulled her by the top of the jeans, held on, and floored the gas with the door open.

The truck lurched, she bumped her head on the dash, but managed to get into the passenger seat.

Jace leaned out and grabbed the door handle with one eye on the rearview. “Did he just open a fucking ravine?”

Terra looked over her shoulder and cringed. “Yeah and it’s still expanding. You might want to gun it.”

“Going as fast as I can, sweetheart.” He slammed the door.

Pumpkin meowed pitifully.

“Try to go faster.” She squirmed over her seat to get the carrier, and placed it on her lap. Her teeth clenched to stop the rattling.

The tires squealed and skidded when Jace sped onto the two-lane highway.

Terra’s white knuckles let go of the cat, and she whooshed out the breath she’d been holding when Vegas skyscrapers loomed in the distance.

And she’d thought her day couldn’t get any worse.



Chapter 13


After he passed the famous fountains, Jace maneuvered the truck down into Vdara’s exclusive parking lot. He handed the valet his keys, then rushed to open the door for Terra.

She sat with brows furrowed and refused to take Jace’s hand when he reached to help her out of the truck.

“I can’t go in there.” She hugged the damn cat carrier against her chest like a lifeline, her eyes huge.

“Why the hell not?”

“Look at me.” She glanced down at her torn jeans and dirty plaid button down.

“You look fine.” Better than fine. She looked sexy and mussed, and he wanted nothing more than to ravage every inch of her hot little body.

Not going to happen
, he reminded himself.

God, he needed a drink. Or two. And a cold shower.

Terra’s eyes glanced around nervously, chewing on her bottom lip.

“Come on,” he said, self-control slipping. He gripped her hand and ignored the heat that burned between them. “If you’re worried about it, Nicole should have something you can wear.”

Terra remained silent, her gaze downcast the entire elevator ride. He all but had to drag her across the lush maroon carpet. He dropped her hand to knock, and Josh opened the door.

“I was starting to get worried about you.” His brother’s eyes were laced with concern as they entered.

“Yeah, me too,” said Jace, bolting the lock.

Josh frowned and watched his gesture with narrowed eyes. “What happened?”

Strolling across the room to the bar, Jace poured himself two fingers of rye, and downed it in one swig. He poured another, and one for Terra. She took it and ventured a weak smile, then bent over to get the meowing ball of fluff out of the carrier.

“We had a little run in with Mic Luggerio.”

“The Brasmatia clan leader?” This time, Josh headed for the bottles.

“Yeah. And not only does he know where a large chunk of dark turquoise is, but he’s a fuck more powerful than any earth witch I’ve ever come across. I don’t even want to think about what the bastard could do with that much power.”

A feminine throat cleared, and Josh’s wife came into the room, wringing her hands.

“Jace. Thank God, you’re all right.” Nicole’s dark eyes roamed quickly over Terra and the cat. Her mouth twitched down and then righted itself into a fake smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “Oh. You’re both here.”

What the hell was that all about?

Jace toned his voice to sound like his brother Jack, all command and not to be disobeyed. “Terra’s going to be staying with us. She’s going to need some clothes. I was hoping you could help her out.”

“Of course.” Nicole’s lips tightened. “And what about that…cat? We can’t keep it here.”

Terra visibly paled and held Pumpkin close.

“The cat stays,” Jace said, firmly. “I’d appreciate it if you could call down to the front desk and have them send one of their workers to get food and litter. If there’s an issue, remind them of what the Fialko’s add to their bottom line.”

Nose scrunched, Nicole gave a small nod and withdrew to another room.

“Thank you,” Terra said softly.

He gave a small nod. Of course the cat stayed. He hadn’t saved the damn thing to have it carted off to the pound. Plus, he knew how much the fur ball meant to her.

Josh looked between them, brows raised, and downed his drink.

“Don’t.” Jace warned, knowing where his brother’s mind was headed. “We need to focus on what’s important, making sure that Mic Luggerio doesn’t get his hands on Terra or that turquoise.”

“We need to call Jack. Let him know what’s going on.” Josh reached into his jean’s pocket and pulled out his cell.

Nodding, Jace paced, then stared down at the fountain below. “We’re going to need him, and any other men we can spare if it comes down to a fight.”

“We don’t have time for that.” Terra stood abruptly, and her cat jumped off her lap. “Mic will already have his men sweeping the mine. If he hasn’t found it yet, he will soon.”

“You saw what he’s capable of. There’s no way I can beat him.” Jace’s heart went into his throat at the panic in her eyes. Would that he could be all that she needed.

“What do you suggest?” The phone already to his ear, Josh glanced up.

“We wait for Jack and the others to arrive.”

“It’ll be too late,” Terra insisted. “I can fight him. I know I can. If you help, then–”

“No.” A headache began to form right behind Jace’s eyes.

“You?” Josh’s brows shot up. 

She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. Then the baby blues opened, laced with steel and grit. “Mic is my father. I inherited his powers. I might not be as trained as him, but with the pieces of dark turquoise, I’m sure I can beat him.”

What part of that is she not getting?

“It’s not your choice.” She crossed her arms over her chest and the cheap coffee pot rattled on the plastic holder.

That little trick had lost its potency. “While you’re under
protection it is.”

“I don’t need you or your protection. All this”–she waved her arms in the air–“is because of you anyways. If you’d just minded your damn business and stayed off my land, none of this would have happened.”

He covered the distance between them, finger pointed.

“Bullshit. You were pawning pieces of dark turquoise at a dive shop. How long do you think it would have taken Mic to track you down? And let’s not forget the fact that your little boyfriend has been working behind your back. Who’s to say he wasn’t the one that led your dear old daddy straight to your door.”

The color drained from Terra’s face and he immediately regretted his words and posture. He took a step back.

“Wait.” She touched his arm.

His frustrated cock jumped to attention at the sudden contact. Heat zipped and sizzled between them, and he swore the heat in the room elevated ten degrees.

“No more touching,” he said, tearing his arm away from her.

At that, Josh choked on his drink, then laughed.

Jace glared.

Seemingly oblivious to his brother’s response, Terra pouted with little fists clenched. “I knew I shouldn’t have come here with you.”

“And where else would you go?” Jace demanded.

“Anywhere but here.” She scooped the cat up, then stormed towards the door.

“The minute you walk out of here, Mic’s men will be on you like flies on shit.”

She ignored him, clicked the bolt, and turned the handle.

“Goddamnit, Terra, wait.” He crossed the room, reached over her shoulder and held the door shut. His chest brushed against her back. Every neuron in his body sparked at her nearness.

He inhaled her intoxicating sent. Desert with a hint of rye.

“Get out of my way.” Her voice held a soft quiver. She felt it too.

“I’m not letting you walk out of here,” he whispered softly in her ear.

She shivered and her breath hitched.

Josh cleared his throat behind them. “Just an observation, but if you two are a match, then–”

“Don’t start.” Jace kept his palm planted firmly on the door and locked an arm around her waist. His cock begged to enter her.

“I’m just saying, it’s solstice. If you mated–”

“Not happening,” he growled. 

Terra turned to meet his gaze. Hurt shined behind her blue eyes as she bit her lower lip.

“Look, I don’t want to be mated to you either, but if there’s a way to beat Mic, then I’ll do it.”

He placed his free hand on the door beside her head, trapping her. She let go of the cat and took a small step backwards, until she was pressed tight against the door.

“This isn’t a game. Do you even understand what Josh is suggesting? What you’d be sacrificing?”

She swallowed hard. “It’s just sex.”

He laughed darkly. “It’s a hell of a lot more than sex. It’s a fight for power, for control. If you’re not strong enough…” He clenched his teeth not wanting to think about what could happen to her.

The ground trembled beneath his feet and the entire structure seemed to vibrate.

Josh cursed behind him, and Nicole came out of the other room squawking.

“For the love of God, stop it,” Jace yelled. “Do you know how high this building is?”

“Trust me. I’m strong enough.” Terra’s eyes blazed, but the tremors subsided. “Maybe it’s
who’s not strong enough.”

“What’s going on?” Nicole’s high-pitched voice grated on his already overwrought senses.

Her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open. “Did she seriously just do that?”

Josh laughed at the bar and poured another. “Looks like you found yourself a little hell-cat.”

“More like a badger,” Jace grunted.

“Nicole, let’s go.” Josh’s lips twisted in a smirk.

“I’m not going anywhere. I want to know what just happened. Did
just cause the entire building to shake?”

Not for the first time, Jace wondered how Josh put up with the screeching.

Josh gripped his wife’s shoulder and turned her toward the door. “We can talk about it in the car. You said you wanted to visit your family.”

She shrugged off his hand. “I’ll go. Alone.”

Jace didn’t miss the subtle glare Nicole threw at Terra and the disdain at Josh before slamming the door shut behind her.

Josh stared after her, clearly wounded by her slight. Their marriage had never been easy, but Nicole was acting even bitchier than normal. Clearly even love matches had their problems.

“It’s the desert heat,” Jace said, shoving his hands in his pockets and not taking his gaze off Terra. “Makes everyone cranky.”

The breath that escaped Terra’s lips sounded like a hiss. 

Josh gave his head a small shake. “I’ll go down to the conference center and make a few calls. Get Jack up to speed.”

“You don’t need to leave,” Terra said, looking uncomfortable.

“Yes he does.” He took a step towards her and the damn cat nearly tripped him.

The little demon hissed, as if it was his fault.

“We need to talk.”

“Right. Let’s talk about how the thought of mating with me makes you cringe.” Her mouth quivered. “Sorry if I don’t meet your high standards.”

“That’s not why…” He scrubbed his hand over his face and blew out a long breath.

“Yeah, I definitely need to get out of here.” Josh slapped him on the back as he passed. “Good luck.”

Terra glared at Josh’s back as he departed and crossed her arms over her chest.

Jace studied her a long moment. Her face was scrunched up in defiance. Her lithe body tense, but still she made him harder than fucking granite. Maybe she was strong enough to survive mating with him uninjured, but he wasn’t taking any chances.

Not again.

What he needed was a cold shower and an icepack for his aching balls.


BOOK: Dark Tremor (Mated by Magic #2)
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