Darkness Unleashed (12 page)

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Authors: Belinda Boring

BOOK: Darkness Unleashed
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But she got into your head. Messed with it.”

This time she nodded. “It was constant, Mason. When she wasn’t going into detail about what her plans were for the two of you, she was tormenting me with the night you made love.”

The night I made love to you,” I corrected.

See, I know that. You didn’t know something was wrong, not like that. My heart tells me you never would’ve turned to Amber willingly.”

That night I made love to my wife. It was you I was with—heart, mind, and soul. I turned to you for comfort. It was you I needed,” I added, praying I’d be able to convince Darcy that her fears were unwarranted. “You’re the only one I’ll ever need. What can I do to help you see that?”

I believe you. Please don’t think I’m doubting you.”

But?” I prompted when she failed to continue.

But I don’t know. It makes me wonder whether after being with her, whether I’ll be enough.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Were you not just here?” I blurted out incredulously.

I didn’t say I was rational right now, Mason. You asked what I was thinking, so I’m trying to be honest.”

Sweetheart, I’m not making light of this. I just don’t understand how you could doubt this.” My body was still trembling from the pleasure we’d just experienced. I hadn’t mistaken the way her face had glowed afterward, either. She never failed to satisfy me, but that wasn’t where the root of the problem lay.

Suddenly I realized what she needed.

Do you trust me?” I asked, determined to wait as long as it took for her to say yes.

Yes,” she whispered.

Then there’s something I want you to see.” Wasting no more time, I took hold of her mind and poured memories of that night through our connection. Darcy’s body stiffened beneath me as I felt her hurt of being reminded, but I didn’t release her. Skimming over certain aspects, I wasn’t doing this to torture her.

There were glimpses I wanted her to feel.

I wanted her to know without a doubt where my heart was that night after waking from the nightmare.

Please don’t, Mason. It’s too much.

I’m sorry, but you need to see this.
Then as gently as I could, I revealed the truth—my truth with flashes from my thoughts.

She saw it all—how desperately I’d clung to her, how I believed with each touch, I was losing myself in my wife. There was no arguing with the fact as each second passed; my love deepened because the woman I loved was dispelling the darkness.

It wasn’t Amber’s name reverberating in my mind as our bodies moved.

There was no trace of her existence.

It was all about Darcy and my soul-deep gratitude to have her in my arms.

I’ve seen enough.

Have you?
I asked, not wanting to let go of the memories until I’d proven my point.

The next thought from that night sealed the deal. It was the moment when I’d found my release and reverently whispered her name. Darcy’s name. With everything in me, I’d just made love with my mate. It was my belief in Darcy that had stilled my demons and helped me find my balance.

There was no response through our mental link. Giving her the space to process what I’d shown her, I dropped the connection. She was alone in her head, again.

I’m sorry she made you doubt yourself,” I murmured. “I wish I could undo the damage.”

Tears streaked from her eyes. “But you did. I feel like a fool.”

Kissing away her tears, I placed a kiss against her mouth. “You’re human. It’s better to face that fear head-on so it diminishes its power.”

I should never have questioned you. I should’ve known better.” She now held my gaze.

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve done the same. Sometimes what we know and what we fear battle against each other. It’s just a matter of having the courage to admit we have moments of weakness.”

Sounds like you’ve had your own gift of clarity,” she said, her face finally softening.

We all have things that cloud our judgment and undermine our peace of mind. I just couldn’t let you go on thinking that how I feel about you had altered. You are, and always will be, the center of my world. Nothing will ever change that.” I couldn’t help but kiss her, again. “And the answer to that last question . . .”

You don’t need to explain, Mason.”

I need to because it’s something that’s been eating away at me. My fear is that I should’ve known it wasn’t you. I had my concerns, but I kept waiting to see if somehow it would go away. I promise you, though, Darcy. There’s no way I would’ve ever imagined you were possessed. In my mind, my greatest fear was the vampire conversion had failed.”

You thought I was unraveling into madness,” Darcy stated matter-of-factly.

It was my turn to close my eyes as the thoughts I’d had resurfaced. I’d been terrified that the personality shifts I’d witnessed were all evidence she was slowly losing it and going mad. “I came up with excuses . . . rationalized away the knot of worry that kept growing. I should’ve acted on my instincts the moment I sensed you were different.”

You couldn’t have known.” She reached up and gently placed her hand over my cheek.

But I should’ve. I’m your mate.”

Lying there, naked in each other’s arms, we’d just stripped ourselves bare beyond flesh and bones.

You saved me. I’m here because you came for me.”

The truth was, she’d saved me the day she’d opened her front door and found me on the doorstep. “I’ll always come.”

Darcy’s eyes twinkled. “And that’s all that matters.” Pulling me down, she captured my mouth, kissing away any response I’d been ready to say.

She was right. All that mattered was we would never give up, despite the odds. That even in the direst of situations, we’d always be there for each other.

Always and forever.

Later that night, I showed her just how serious I took my promises. As she lie in my arms, her mind a fog of pleasure, a smile of satisfaction the only thing she could muster, I sent up a silent prayer of thanks for an amazing evening.

But mostly, it was a thank you for second chances—for being able to bring her back from the brink of death.

A thank you for not taking the only woman I would ever love.



Chapter Ten




Relief coursed through me as I carefully slipped out of Mason’s embrace.

Last night had been real. The magical moments over the last few hours had managed to wipe away the brutal sting of being possessed, easing it from the forefront of my mind. It had happened, it had been horrible, but I was still me and Amber was gone.

The decision to focus on the positive, and rely on what I knew instead of feared, had been difficult, at first, to grasp. There was a tendency to let myself sink into the ‘what-ifs’ and still fresh memories, but I refused to be kept a prisoner by Amber. I’d survived this ordeal, just like I’d overcome the other trials before.

If there was one thing I was certain of, it was that I wouldn’t become a victim to someone else’s insecurities.

Not anymore.

Resting my feet on the floor, I waited to see if Mason would stir as his breathing changed. We’d stayed up talking until exhaustion claimed us. Even though I was surprised to be awake so early, it was good to have these moments alone to gather my thoughts.

I’d watched from the shadows as Amber paraded around in my body, fooling everybody. There would, no doubt, be questions from Pack members and a need to make sure I was okay. It was how we were—family—when one of us hurt, we all did.

Before that started, however, there was something important I needed to take care of. I might not have been in control, but I could still feel the way hunger pulled on my body. I’d been horrified as Amber straddled the line between satiating her thirst, our thirst, and letting it darken and feed her desire for violence. It had been dangerous, and while cringing from within my prison, I’d silently vowed I would never allow myself to ignore the blood’s call.

I wouldn’t become a monster.

Mason let out a soft snore as he rolled over, giving me the perfect opportunity to escape. I was tempted to grab my phone and secretly tape him for future proof of his disturbing habit. He claimed it was me who kept him awake, but he wouldn’t be able to argue with the evidence. Not this morning, however.

I had a date with a blood bag before things became too busy.

Pulling my clothes on, I softly padded toward the door, gently closing it behind me. I loved this part of the day when the house was still and quiet—the hush before everyone woke up and their chatter filled the air. I loved how Mason ran the Pack and opened his home to those who wanted to live here. Many chose to seek their own dwellings closer to town, enjoying their freedom to come and go as they pleased.

Right now, we had a few rooms empty, but it wouldn’t be long before someone would ask to move in. There was a constant flux in the dynamics—different personalities creating a wonderful blend of friendship. In all the time I’d been here, I’d never seen the drama normally associated with a roommate environment, where temperaments clashed. Despite the close proximity and differences, there was an ease I loved.

My mother always said that a happy Alpha meant a happy Pack, and she was right. Only now, I’d add that it was more than just being content. When an Alpha cared and placed the needs of his pack before his own, the loyalty it inspired ensured that things ran smoothly.

It doesn’t hurt that the resident jokester helps keep everything lighthearted
,” I murmured out loud as I briefly stopped outside Daniel’s room. There was no movement from inside, only the not so subtle rumblings as he slept.

Looks like snoring’s another thing they have in common.

The kitchen was empty as I entered, making a beeline for the special fridge Mason had set up to store my blood. Even though I knew there was no need to be embarrassed, it was still new and strange to drink in front of others. I appreciated the solitude as I pulled a glass from the cupboard, making a mental note to buy some new ones. Just because I needed blood, didn’t mean others had to use the same glassware or see what I was drinking.

Draining the bag in to the tall tumbler, my thirst took over the second the first drop touched my tongue. I didn’t think about it as I swallowed each mouthful, power hitting my veins and giving me renewed strength. Something told me I’d never get used to the difference that hit me after each feeding. It was more intense than the feeling I got when I ate regular food. While it provided a similar nourishment, the only way I could explain it was the effects were magic-like. It filled me up from a cellular level and made me thrum with an almost potent energy.

It didn’t take long to satisfy my thirst, the remains of three plastic baggies crunched up and discarded on the counter. When my stomach rumbled afterward, the gurgling sound reminded me not to ignore my other appetite. Chuckling, at least some things never changed.

Gathering everything I needed to make my favorite omelet, I retreated back into my quiet thoughts.

Looks like I’m just in time,” Devlin’s voice startled me from behind.

Are you trying to kill me?” I exclaimed whipping around. Leaning against the doorframe, my uncle and best friend wore a cheeky grin that was refreshing to see. Last night I’d wondered if the heavy look of concern and etched lines across his brow would completely disappear. He’d not only witnessed the powerful spell that removed Amber, but he’d also seen his beloved sister.

I didn’t care what he said, that had to have been difficult—painful.

Nope, that was the other week, remember?” he joked, pushing away from the wall and swiping an apple from the bowl on the kitchen island. Polishing it against his shirt, Devlin took a huge bite before sitting on one of the bar stools. For all his lighthearted bantering, I knew he was studying me, trying to gage how I was feeling.

I’m fine, you know.” Pointing the eggs I’d taken from the fridge, he nodded, and I cracked a few extra into the skillet heating on the stove. “It’s good to be me, again.”

Do you remember much?” he asked, curiously.

I remember everything,” I admitted, removing a spatula from the drawer and lightly lifting our breakfast so it didn’t burn. Sprinkling some cheese and ham over the mixture, I waited long enough to ensure it was cooking properly before turning my attention to him, again. He was still watching me. “What?”

I don’t believe you.” It was just like Devlin to speak his mind.

I leaned back against the counter, my arms folded. “That I remember?”

No, that you’re fine. It’s okay to admit that it freaked you out . . . to be angry. Something.” Clearly I’d surprised him with my attitude.

Trust me, I feel all those things, but what good is it going to do me to dwell on it? Will it change what happened? Will it reverse time and give me the past few weeks back?” Despite my needing to remain calm, my voice raised and betrayed me.

No, but it’s also not good to bury those things and ignore them.”

You sound like Mason,” I snorted as a pop from the pan drew my focus away from the conversation.

And he would be right.”

I could feel his stare hot on my back. “I’m processing, okay? I just don’t want this to make me afraid of my own shadow. What kind of life would that be if I let this destroy me? Amber would win and I refuse to let her. She’s taken enough, already. She won’t steal my future because I chose to be a victim.”

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