Darkness Unleashed (35 page)

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Authors: Belinda Boring

BOOK: Darkness Unleashed
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Oliver gave me a curious look, opening his mouth slightly, like he wanted to push the issue but changed his mind. There was no way I wanted this gorgeous guy to discover he was talking with a good girl who did everything she was told. Even though the chances were I’d never see him again, the idea of him out there in the world knowing how sheltered I was, bothered me.

It bothered me a lot.

Even though it breaks my heart, I’ll concede, just this once.” He placed his hand over his heart, giving me a crushed expression. “You enjoy your evening, Miss?”

It took me a second to realize he was asking for my name. I flushed again, knowing I’d been caught staring at his lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss them.

Liberty. My name’s Liberty Montgomery.”

It’s a pleasure meeting you, Liberty.” He bowed slightly, his hands tucked behind his back. “Mine’s Oliver Nichols. If you need me for anything, just let me know.” The flirtatious wink he gave turned my insides upside down.

Anything?” The second the word was out, I wanted to slap my hands over my mouth. I didn’t know what it was about this guy, but he had me forgetting all of my mother’s etiquette training. I was actually flirting, and it felt good.

Oliver laughed and the sound created another whirlwind in my body. That’s when I knew he was dangerous. “Especially if I can make you smile like that.” I instantly looked down to my lap, unsure of how to respond.

There was no need to worry as just at that moment, my older sister, Erica, approached the table, sitting down in the empty seat beside me. She glared at Oliver, obviously annoyed he was standing there, and ordered a drink before waving her hand to dismiss him. He graciously overlooked her rudeness, smiling at me one more time before leaving.

Please tell me you weren’t flirting with him, Liberty,” she demanded, her question laced heavily with disgust. When I didn’t answer with the correct response of denial, she shook her head. “Can’t I leave you alone for more than a few minutes?”

I don’t need a babysitter, Erica. And what if I was?” I felt the battle coming on. It always felt like we were in competition with each other, trying to see who pleased our parents more. It wasn’t how I wanted my relationship with her, but nothing I did ever softened her frosty attitude toward me. She saw me as a threat, one she did everything in her power to eliminate.

He’s hired help. He’s so beneath you. What would Mom say if she knew? Hmmm, maybe I’ll just let her know.” Erica wore an all-familiar cruel smile. I closed my eyes, knowing that without meaning to, my talking with Oliver would be conversation fodder for at least the next few days. My sister was relentless once she uncovered something.

If only I knew what?” As if mentioning her name was a summons, my mother appeared. She was the picture of elegance—her appearance completely molded and designed to display her social status. She was considered one of the top-tier elite within our social circle and it showed. She looked as though she’d just stepped off the pages of a fashion magazine with her tailored green evening dress, strapped heels, and flawless make-up. Even her manicured nails were impeccable. Her dream was to have her daughters follow in her footsteps and Erica was definitely doing it; but each time I saw her primped this way, I felt exhausted. I saw how much effort it took to present such a dignified front to the public, all while wearing a smile.

Liberty was flirting with one of the Wait Staff. Heaven knows what would have happened if I hadn’t arrived when I did.” I wanted to growl at the syrupy, fake concern with which Erica coated her words. “It’s worrisome, Mom. Can you imagine the scandal?”

I took a deep breath in, waiting to see how my mother responded. She seemed tense for a moment, as though wanting to lash out. But, as quickly as I noticed her reaction, it was gone. Despite her concealed annoyance at my apparent audacity, she didn’t accept my sister’s goading.

We’ll talk more about this when we get home,” she answered with a smile, her voice light and breezy. Only I noticed the slight tic below her eye. I knew what to look for.

Erica sat back in her chair, wearing a victorious grin. A tiny part of me wanted to lean over and smack the smug expression from her face. Instead, I took another drink of water, trying not to cringe.

Have you seen who else is here?” My mother asked, brushing away imaginary lint from my shoulder. She straightened the strap of my evening dress, displeased with how it sat against my skin. “Andrew Hampton. Your father has spent the last ten minutes talking business with him. He’s quite impressive and rumor says he’s streamlined to become a partner at his law firm.”

I thought we didn’t gossip,” I quipped, forgetting to keep my thoughts to myself. My mother’s lips pursed in instant annoyance. This was becoming quite the evening—first, flirting with Oliver and now this.

Mother continued talking as though I hadn’t just questioned her. “He’d be a good catch for either of you girls, but I’m thinking about you, Liberty. Andrew may be just what you need.”

I knew what her last comment was code for. She considered my talking with Oliver an act of rebellion, one she planned on squashing immediately. I was used to the parade of different suitors, used to being showcased like prized cattle. Looking around the large room for my father, I saw him talking with a young man.

Andrew wasn’t anything special to look at—average height, build, and appearance. He wore his black hair short and tidy, unlike Oliver, whose more contemporary style made him sexy. Andrew looked like a younger, carbon copy version of my dad. They even wore the same colored charcoal suit and white shirt.

, I inwardly sighed.

Heaven forbid I find love on my own.”

Who said anything about love? What you need is stability, Liberty Montgomery, and a man who can provide you with the lifestyle you’re accustomed to. You need financial stability, good breeding, and strong moral fiber. Love has nothing to do with finding the right husband. Now sit up straight. He’s looking over here.”

I did what I was told, correcting my posture as my mother chastised me. Nothing was ever right with her, especially the secret wish I’d unfortunately revealed. Whereas my family was all about appearance and maintaining their position on the social ladder, I longed for something simpler—more meaningful. I wanted love. The kind that overshadows everything. The type that transforms you into something bigger, better. And I craved it almost as much as I craved a life of my own.

Excuse me, I have your drinks.” Oliver returned and I immediately broke my gaze away from Andrew to stare up at him.

I could easily fall in love with you,
I thought.
You would be perfect for me.

Watching as he placed a martini down in front of Erica, I was surprised when he set something by my hand. It was another glass filled with sparkling water, but this time with small raspberries added.

It gives it a nice flavor,” Oliver said, showing me another grin before winking. My eyes widened at the revelation that he had done that for me and I shyly returned his smile.

Thank you. I’ve never tried it this way.”

My mother coughed, pulling my attention away from Oliver and by force of habit, I straightened in my seat. Embarrassed, my head dropped toward my lap and he moved away. I wanted to call him back.

I didn’t know what it was about him, but he oozed of one thing—freedom.

See what I mean?” Erica retorted, sarcastically.

I forced myself not to respond or follow Oliver’s retreating form. Pretending the situation held no importance, I reached for the fresh glass, my attention returning to Andrew. He was laughing at something my father said, flashing his overly white teeth in the process. When he looked over to where we were sitting, our eyes connected for a brief moment. Tilting his head in greeting, I nodded in reply, the glass rim touching my lips.

Liberty Jane.” The use of my middle name caused me to freeze mid sip.


Without another word, my mother took my raspberry flavored water and handed me my previous glass. She didn’t need to say anything, the message was clear—she knew best and even the smallest change wasn’t acceptable.

I caught glimpses of Oliver during the rest of the night, but he didn’t approach me again.

Just as well
, I sighed when the fundraiser was finally over. But I knew I was lying to myself. Meeting Oliver had sparked something within me—a taste of what I’d been missing.

I just hoped it wasn’t the last time I saw him.


Loving Liberty is now AVAILABLE.


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