Dark's Descent (14 page)

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Authors: Basil Bacorn

BOOK: Dark's Descent
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      “I'm going in,” Charlie said, not waiting for an answer. He walked over and stood on the edge of the dock. Cassie didn't yell, so he continued. He knelt next to her and whispered, “Thank you.” “For what!” Cassie wailed.

      “Thank you for saving us, thank you for caring,” Charlie continued quietly, “Thank you for being you.” Cassie looked up and smiled, tears running down her face. She stood up and followed Charlie to the vehicle. Will smiled at her. Cassie jumped at him with a big, tight, hug. “I love you.” she whispered.


      They soon arrived back to the high school, where unbeknownst to them, Skyler was waiting. Cassie, Charlie, and Will hopped out of the SUV, and ran inside. Lunch was over, and it was time for physical science, the period that Cassie's partner is Sky.

      Charlie walked with Cassie to science class, and Will headed to English. They got to Dr. Chanington's room just before the bell rang. Cassie sat next to a very angry, and bruised, Skyler. Dr. Chanington hadn't heard what happened, so he didn't move the seats at all. Sky continued to scowl at her ex-friend.


      “Today we are going to talk about physical and chemical changes.” Dr. Chanington announced. “Like my eye.” Sky muttered.


      Cassie put her head down. “What's wrong?” Sky teased, “Are you feeling bad? Because you should!” “Quiet Miss Gledhill.” the teacher ordered. Skyler rolled her eyes.

      Cassie was so confused! Sky was so nice, but the second Chyler split, it was like something snapped. Now it seemed like she was out for blood!

      While Dr. Chanington talked, Sky slid Cassie a note. It read 'Meet me at the alley behind the school at four and we'll finish things.' Cassie stuck the note in her pocket.


      Right afterwards, Cassie showed Charlie the note. “Don't go!” he plead, “You need to be the bigger person and turn away!”

      In truth, Charlie was scared of another confrontation of the two, and if she went, he knew he would have to go too.

      “I think I should go.” Cassie admitted, “Miley told me that she was giving a speech about how evil I am.” Charlie sighed, “No one believed it, right? Mrs. Spencer knows that the murder was self-defense!” Cassie had even saved Sky, and now Sky was making a whole campaign against her!

      “You're coming with me.” she demanded and Charlie swished his hair in frustration.



      After school let out, Cassie and Charlie went to the alley as the note said. Trash was everywhere, like someone had been digging through the dumpster. Barely any light was able to reach the ground, due to the size of the surrounding buildings.


      Sky knew that Cassie was going to show up, but she wasn't betting on Charlie coming too. Nevertheless, if she had to take care of them both, she would. Previously blinded by love, she only saw the best in Cassie, but now everything was so clear! Someone had to get rid of her before she causes anymore damage. Killing someone to protect your friends, doesn't make you a hero! It makes you a coward! Sky did the right thing, by knocking Henderson out, and letting the court decide his fate. Cassie had hurt and killed innocent people, and now it was time for her to get what's coming to her! She was ready.

      Sky reached in her purse and got the brown paper bag from the man in the black coat. She knew he was bad news since the first time she saw him, so she paid him a visit. Sky had asked him how to get rid of an unwanted pest. The guy had given her a shady look and said, “The best way to get rid of a pest is to kill it.”

      He gave her a bag and said, “Light this and run.” Sky now held the bag in her hand, and stood close to the street. It was now or never. Sky walked over to Cassie, wearing a fake smile on her face. “Hello Cassandra,” she began, “I thought we should end this.” Sky had about a minute before the bomb blew. She threw the bag to the side and ran. Hopefully she didn't give herself away.


      Cassie looked at Charlie. What was that about? She walked over to the bag, and smelled the air. It smelled like garbage and smoke. Smoke!? “Charlie!” she yelled, “Would Sky ever try to hurt me?” Charlie shrugged, “Maybe, I don't know, why?” Cassie opened the bag and screamed. It was a bomb. Cassie picked it up and started to blow out the flame.


      Charlie wasn't sure why Cassie was worried. Then he saw her pick up a lit bomb! Skyler! “Run!” Charlie hollered.


      Sky grinned. Twenty seconds left. Cassie was so stupid!


      Cassie dropped the explosive and ran towards Charlie. They ran out of the alley as the bomb was set off. Garbage flew everywhere, and a glass bottle hit Cassie, hard enough to shatter when it hit her head. She fell to the ground, and laid still.


      Charlie stopped immediately. “Cassie!” he yelled running to her side. He took out his phone and called 911. Cassie was out cold. After the dispatcher sent help, Charlie called Cassie's mom.



      Susan was making supper, listening to her favorite song, and taking care of the twins, when the phone rang. Cassie said she was going to hang out with Charlie before coming home. “Hello,” she greeted. “This is Charlie,” he began, “Please come to the school now, the ambulance isn't here yet.” “What happened?” Susan yelled, “Where's Cassie?” Wait, Cassie! Susan dropped the phone and ran outside. Since the babysitter was still there, Susan hoped she would stay. “My daughter!” she informed, shutting the door behind her. James didn't want her walking to work anymore, so they bought an electric scooter. She hopped on and was at the school in two minutes flat. Who needed 911 if they couldn't get to the scene before the mother?

      “What happened Charles!” Susan exclaimed, running to Cassie. Charlie explained the meeting, and the bomb. Susan couldn't believe it. Her daughter had been the target of an attempted murder! She was going to send that child to juvenile detention if it was the last thing she did! Susan held Cassie close, hoping she would wake up any second.

      The ambulance finally showed up and took Cassie to the hospital and the cops began a thorough investigation as soon as they were gone.



      Since she heard the bomb, Sky had been running. She had to get out of their so she wasn't a suspect. She needed alibis! Sky would definitely be the number one suspect because of the fight! She knew she was in trouble. Jail was in her future for sure, but if that was the price for saving hundreds of people from that beast, then so be it!



      Charlie and Susan sat by Cassie's bed, waiting for the others. Charlie texted Will, and Mrs. Spencer said they'd be over as soon as possible, and if Sky was the culprit, everything would be settled. Sky would more than likely be put on trial for attempted murder, and face years of big-girl detention.

      James had left work early to visit his comatose daughter in the hospital.

      The babysitter called and asked if she could drop the twins off at the hospital so she could go home. “Yes, please.” Susan responded. The girl soon showed up and handed over the two eight-month olds.

      Cassie was still in a coma when her Aunt Linda visited at 6pm. Other than being unresponsive, Cassie was doing pretty well. Her friends and family, however, were not.

      “How long do you think it will be before she wakes up?” Susan asked the doctor. “We don't know.” the doctor explained, “She could wake up any second, she could wake up in a year, or -” Susan started to cry. Her baby, the one who she took in all those years ago, the one she loved and cared for, might never wake up again!



      Skyler had a visitor who took her to the police station. It didn't take too much interrogation before Sky gave up. “I did it!” she admitted, to the camera, hoping Charlie would see it, “I did it to save this place from that evil wench! She's a killer! She's a disgrace to the human race! She deserves what she got, and everyone who thinks otherwise deserves it too!”

      Skyler's parents were stunned. Their angel was capable of murder? Or at least attempting it?


      The next day, Will and Charlie checked back with Cassie. She was still unconscious.


      Charlie felt like crying. Why did it have to be her? If he hadn't broken up with Skyler, none of this would've happened! It was all his fault!


      Will knew it was his fault. If he would have gone too, maybe Cassie would've gotten away. He had the opportunity to save her from this, but didn't accept it. Sure, it would've helped if Cassie told him, but he knew something was wrong. It must be his Prince-tinct.


      Susan knew that the blame fell back on her. If she gave Skyler detention, Cassie never would have got the note, not to mention that Sky wouldn't have been able to attempt the murder. It was all her fault because she slacked off as the principal!


      Mrs. Spencer sat in her office. If she would've spoken up, and made someone give Sky detention, she wouldn't have given Cassie the note, and wouldn't have gotten the bomb, and Cassie wouldn't be in a coma! Her adopted son's girlfriend, and her very special student was in a hospital bed, clinging to life, and it was all her fault!



      Sky sat in her room. She was on house arrest. This was all her fault! She could've poisoned her, or shot her, or beat her to death, but now she laid unconscious in a hospital bed alive! That means if she wakes up, she will be running around, free and happy, with Charlie and Will! How could she have been so careless! Skyler picked up a vase and chucked it at the wall. Then she saw it. Charlie gave her a necklace after their second date. It was a glass heart on a golden chain. “You jerk!” she screamed, knocking over the nightstand. The necklace shattered on the floor, mixing with all of the other glass she broke in the past hour. The confession was being sent to court so they could decide her punishment. Until it was decided, Sky was locked in her room. Due to her new, very violent personality, she was handcuffed to her bed rail, and her mom slid her meals through the window. In addition to the silver, Sky also had an ankle bracelet just in case.

      Everyone hated her for trying to save them! Now she was the bad guy! She hated Cassie. She hated her so much!


Cassie Wakes, Sky Breaks


      Three days passed and it happened. Cassie woke up from her coma. It was when Charlie was visiting before school.


      “Please wake up Cassie!” Charlie plead. He did this every morning and night since the tragedy. He sat next to her bed and begged her to wake up. He knew the news about Sky, and he wanted to tell Cassie. Charlie didn't care about what he told her, he just wanted to tell her something, anything, and have her respond.

      “Charlie?” Cassie moaned, “Charlie?” Charlie jumped up and said, “I'm here!” He was so happy! Not only was she awake, but he was the first person she called for! Granted that it was probably because he was the last one she saw, but still, it was cool.

      “Doctor!” Charlie yelled, “She's up!” Cassie opened her eyes and groaned, “What happened?” “Doesn't matter right now,” Charlie said, “What matters is you're awake!” The doctor came in and took her vitals. He also had a little chat with her, and told Charlie to call her mom.


      Susan was almost ready to leave the house, when she heard the word “Cassie”. She turned around to a just as amazed babysitter. Vander just said his first word! And it was Cassie? “Up”. Susan looked at Vanessa. She just said up. The twins' first words were 'Cassie' and 'Up'. Cassie up.

      The phone rang. Susan answered the phone and before she could say hello, Charlie screamed, “CASSIE'S UP!” Susan dropped the phone and smiled. “Really?” Sallie, the sitter, questioned, “Did they just say what we just heard?” Susan nodded and ran out the door as Vander and Vanessa took turns shouting 'Cassie up!'.


      Susan saddled up on the scooter and motored off. She sent out a text to her whole contact list that read two words, 'Cassie Up'.


      Sky's mom got a text that said 'Cassie Up', and sighed in relief. She told her husband that Cassie was okay and they hugged.

      Upstairs, however, Sky heard the news. “Cassie's up.” she whispered, “How nice, Cassie's up!” Sky got out of bed and got the hammer from between the mattresses. “Cassie's up!” she yelled, hitting the cuffs until they broke, “Not for long!”


      “Cassie's up Cassie's up Cassie's up Cassie's up!” Sky screamed, catching her parents' attention. “I'll calm her.” her mom volunteered. She went up to Sky's room and unlocked the door. It was silent. She opened the door a crack. “What!” she screeched. She opened the door all of the way, and Sky was gone! As was her one-piece window. It was shattered into dozens of pieces that had rained out onto their lawn. Running to the window, Mrs. Gledhill saw Sky, driving away in the family car.



      Susan got to the hospital and soon Cassie had dozens of visitors. They expected the chaos, but they didn't expect what happened next. Susan got a call from Sky's mother.

      “I called the police, Sky just stole my car and I believe she's looking for your daughter.” Mrs. Gledhill informed. “What? How do you know?” Susan asked. Mrs. Gledhill told her about the Cassie's up chant, and her previous rants.


      A car crashed straight into the hospital lobby, and a girl got out. “Cassie?” she yelled, “I heard that she's up. I have come to change that. The receptionist called security, but got shot in the process. Somehow, Sky now had a gun. She wasn't going to mess up this time!


      Susan heard the chaos downstairs and looked at Cassie. She wasn't going to be able to leave yet, so she shut the door and crossed her fingers. She called Mrs. Gledhill, who was already on her way. “I had a feeling.” she said.


      Hospital security was shot down instantly, and Sky took a hostage so she wouldn't be bothered on the rest of her mission. She went to the intercom and announced, “No interference, and no one dies. Except for Cassie Smith. She's doomed.”


      The police arrived, and found out about the situation. Sky took an elevator up to Cassie's floor. Ding went the elevator and out she came, dragging her seven-year-old hostage with her. “Cassie!” she yelled, “Where are you?”


      Her fairy tale went sour quickly. Cassie remembered the nice, skin as white as snow girl. Then she thought about the girl with the black-eye and hand gun. She was not the same person she used to be.


      Sky was way better than she used to be! She used to be the rug that everyone walked on, and now, she marched on everyone! She was the happiest girl in the world!


      The doctor who previously did a check up on Sky while she was on house arrest diagnosed her as 'incredibly mentally unstable' and said it was caused by 'the sudden breaking of her heart in her highest love stage'.


      Cassie didn't want to die! She had so much planned! Grow up with the twins, marry Will, and have Charlie watch their kids! Wait, how did Charlie get in the picture?

      Cassie shook the thought away when she heard a bullet being fired. It was a warning shot. Cassie watched Sky pass her room. Cassie was relieved until she came back. “Let me in!” she ordered. Seeing Charlie in the room, her face turned red. She fired six shots at the door knob, blasting away the lock. The door swung open and no one moved.

      “Get out of my way, or I will kill every one of you!” Sky screamed. No one moved. Sky pointed the gun at Charlie and fired.


      Nothing happened. She spent so much time scaring everyone that she ran out of bullets! “Oh well.” Sky shrugged, “I guess I'll have to do it the old fashioned way!” Sky ran at the bed, tripped and fell on the ground. Before she could get up, Miss Hartenburg sat on her. She wasn't going anywhere now!

      Susan called her husband's old partner and told him that Sky was no longer armed and the police should come in. “Are you sure?” he persisted. “My sister is sitting on her and she's out of ammo, now arrest her or I will!” Susan answered.


      Minutes later, Sky was riding to the courtroom in a police car for her sentence. Since she broke her house arrest, she was going to be tried as an adult for attempted murder, breaking and entering, as well as others. It was later decided she serve twenty years in the Gus Jones Mentally Ill Detention Center located in Sacramento California. It was also found out that she broke her back due to being held down by Cassie's aunt.


      Cassie's visitors left so she could relax, and went to their original plans. Charlie and Will were late to school, but under the circumstances, they were excused. Cassie wanted to go to school too, but the doctor ordered she stay at the hospital for another night, and then stay home for at least two days, before returning.

      Then, Cassie looked at the doctor and asked, “What happened anyway?”

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