Darque Wants (24 page)

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Authors: Diana Steele

BOOK: Darque Wants
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              “So then, like, why did it bring me here?” Nai asked. “How do you control it?”


              “The bracelet is part of you. You will learn to feel it and control it,” Marjorie said as she pulled up the sleeve of her robe and showed her wrist to Nai. The sparkling shimmer of a gold bracelet shone on her arm. “The bracelet is connected to you by your blood. You are part of one another. The bracelet calls to you when there is need of your help, and it guides you to where and when the threat exists. When there is no threat, it will easily guide you back to where you belong.”


              “Wicked,” Nai said as she marveled at her own bracelet. “What else does it do?”


              “Each person is different. The bracelet enhances your inner being and provides you with the skills that fit you best to help defend the Jars – magic, basically,” Marjorie said and she lowered her sleeve and hid the bracelet. “The spirit guides will help you understand them, and help you under the other problem.”


              “The other problem,” Nai said as she tried to take it all in. “What other problem?”


              “Oh, I've know you long enough Nai to know you are well acquainted with the other problem already,” Marjorie said with a grin. “We are daughters of the moon, dear, born of the lust and desire between the sun and the moon. The priestesses bear the burden of that lust so that the daughters of the world aren't consumed by it.”


              “Daughters of the moon,” Nai said. “OK, so what's the burden we have to bear? I mean, come on. We have to protect these stupid jars here or the world goes to shit. What do you mean we have to bear lust?”


              “We have to bear the burden of the lust that first brought the sun and moon together, and which keeps them chasing one another in the heavens for eternity,” Marjorie said. “Basically we are horny all the time dear, really fucking horny.”


              “Oh,” Nai said quickly tossing her gaze back towards the ceiling. “Yea, OK, got it.”


              “After you have rested up from your first time jump, I will set you on the path to the spirit guides,” Marjorie told her. “There is a lot to wrap your head around when it comes to time travel, though, Nai. Not everyone moves in the same direction, and you have to keep your eyes open.”


              “What do you mean?” Nai asked.


              “Like you and me. I first met you in my past, about thirty years ago for me,” Marjorie said as she looked closely at Nai. “But you were older then. I can see it on your face, now that I look more carefully. After a while, it's hard to have relationships with people outside our world. But it's harder to have them with people who pop in and out of your life at random times, never knowing what to expect. You have to be careful who you trust, Nai, and who you don't.”


              “So what's the threat here?” Nai wondered. “I mean, this place seems safe.”


              “The threat is complicated,” the Sister said. “There is a problem in town with the local men thinking the mission is a brothel. They think they should be allowed to beat their way through. But the real issue is Vagar. He is coming, and you need to be ready.”  Nai remembered the name from the tomb stone next to her grandmother’s grave. It didn't occur to her that he might be some sort of villain.


              “Who is this Vagar?” Nai asked. “And why is he something I have to be ready for?”


              “Vagar,” Sister Marjorie said as she took a deep breath. “Well, that depends on what time he arrives, whether it's a good year or a bad year for him. When I sent for help, I wasn't sure who would come. But then I saw him on the ridge yesterday. He likes to circle before he swoops in.” Marjorie stepped closer and placed her hand on Nai's arm, looked up into her eyes, and spoke softly. “Nai, I can't tell you some things. Time's not as fragile as people think. It's harder to screw it up than the movies make it out to be.” Marjorie looked down at the floor for a moment as if she was trying to figure out what to say. “But when you are shifting back and forth, and the rest of the world isn't, things can get complicated. Especially with men, you know?”


              “Men are the last thing I've ever let get complicated,” Nai said and she eyed the woman. “And I'm not about to start now.”


              “Time has a way of changing things, Nai,” Marjorie said. “And I've known you a lot longer than you think. Now come with me, and I will show you where you can sleep, and get you a gun.”


              “A gun?” Nai said with surprise. “What the hell do I need a gun for?”


              “Nai, honey,” Marjorie said with a smirk as she moved towards the door. “It's 1866. Everyone has a gun.” She stuck her right leg out and lifted the black tresses of her habit. As her tan, slender leg came into view, Nai suddenly noticed the small revolver strapped around her delicate thigh. “Come on now. You need some rest after that first trip.” Marjorie opened the door and headed back up the steps. Nai looked up again and watched the stars spiral around in the sky just over head. She felt a little dizzy, though she wasn't sure if it was the ceiling, the insane conversation she just had, or the fact she was till chewing the coca leaves like crazy. Whatever it was, the Sister was spot on, she needed a nap and a shower. “Did they have showers in the Old West?” she wondered to herself as she pulled her eyes from the stars and turned towards the door. “Hey, Sister!” she shouted after Marjorie. “Do they have showers in the Old West?”


              “Oh, fuck!” Nai said as her fingers slipped down between her legs. She lay in the steel tub the Sisters had brought into her little room and filled with hot water. Her long dark legs stretched out over the rim as her fingers pushed down on her clit. “Mmmm, yes!” she hissed out between her pursed lips. She leaned her head back against the towel behind her and rubbed her wet soapy breast. Her rich, deep-colored nipples pushed up from the water in the growing need as she flicked her fingers over one and then the other. Her hips spread as she laid her knee wide apart and started pushing the tip of her middle finger between her lips until she found the firm little nub she had been searching for. A moan drew out of her mouth as she pressed the tiny button firmly and began to move it in circles. Her fingers pinched a nipple and pulled it from her breasts. “Shit yes, mmm, there we go,” she said as she held it out and rolled it between her fingers. The surface of the bath water rippled as the hand beneath it picked up pace between her thighs. Her flat stomach pushed for the sky as her aching body began to writhe and her belly button rose up into the cool air. “Mmmm, God!” she said louder as her fingers pushed down between the trembling lips and found their way to her sensitive opening. As she pushed hard, they sank deep inside her and began to pump in and out quickly. Her other hand moved rapidly grabbing her other breast with a tight squeeze. “Oh yes, fuck yes,” she cried out as she shook so violently the water splashed out on the dingy wooden floor. Nai's head tossed back and forth and she cried out in ecstasy, the sounds drifting through the open window.


              The white wall of the mission glowed in a dull blue shade in the moonlight. He leaned below the open window quietly as he listened to the sounds of her passion float out into the night.  He knew her sounds. He knew how her body built up and when to push her harder. But she didn't know, not yet. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a small silver cigarette case and fished out a smoke. He held it between his lips, savoring the taste of it, as he breathed in and the red light of the cherry glowed in the darkness. He heard the sound he had been expecting. He heard her reach that point she couldn't pull back from, even if she wanted to. And he knew her well enough to know, she never wanted to. He knew the moment Nai came, and a thin grin crept across his lips. His hand reached the brim of his hat and gave it a little tug. “Good one, Nai,” he whispered in a gravelly voice. He tossed the cigarette on the ground as he walked away. He knew the look on her face, and he pictured it in his mind as he faded off into the night. Hell, he knew everything about his wife, and he looked forward to meeting her, again.




Nai leaned back in the hammock as he knelt between her open legs. Her bare breasts pushed high in the air with every breath as he kissed her inner thighs. She felt his warm breath on her skin as his slow kisses traced their way up towards her dripping lips. Nai's hands reached out and wrapped around the edge of the hammock, her mouth fell open as a long deep moan rose up from inside her. His lips sank down on her clit and firmly closed around it as he drew it into his hot mouth.


              “Oh god!” Nai cried out and she swung her hips down toward his waiting mouth. She felt the rough palate of his tongue wracking over her sensitive nub as she shivered uncontrollably at his attention. As he knelt on the ground between her spread legs and lavished her womanhood with his hungry mouth his fingers spread her open and sank into her depth. “Fuck! Yes, damn it, yes!” His middle and index finger pushed hard into her body in rhythmic thrusts timed perfectly with the swinging hammock so that the weight of her own body drove her harder and harder down on his invading hand. His lips kept themselves locked around her pulsing clit as she swung onto his fingers. Swaying in the hammock Nai had no control over how he used her body. She felt his fingers rubbing over every hidden and delicate spot deep inside her body in way no man had ever been able to touch her before.


              Nai's eyes fluttered open for a moment as her head hug back off the edge of the hammock. She saw the man standing over her, watching as her body was used and devoured. The Shaman stood behind her silently watching as she writhed in her pleasure. She saw his elaborate headdress, the feathers fluttering in the breeze as strands of his long, black hair danced around his face. His dark eyes locked on her heaving body as she moaned with a lack of control she was anything but used to. Unable to focus on him or anything else, her eyes closed again. Her body swayed back and forth, faster and faster as the man between her thighs grew in his determination. Nai's mouth hung open as long drawn out moans flowed like a river from her throat. The Shaman watched as the beads of sweat formed on her skin and rolled down the curves of her breasts. Nai arched her back and thrust her hips down hard on her lover’s fingers as she suddenly erupted in violent convulsions. Her scream ripped through the foliage and echoed through the jungle as it tore through her body like never before.


              When Nai woke she was still bare, lying naked in the hammock. The jungle had fallen into darkness around her, and the air was cool on her skin. The Shaman sat on a long log by a glowing fire. His spear pushed into the flames and sent sparkling embers scattering into the darkness as he stoked the fire. As she lay there gently swaying in the hammock, he raised his head to meet her gaze. Silently he held up his hand and beckoned to her, his hand held high in the air as he motioned her to come to him. Nai didn't think, her body simply rose from the hammock. Her bare feet felt the earth below her as she stepped onto the jungle floor. It felt so natural, so right. Her body seemed at home here, even naked, she felt nothing but peace, as if she belonged here. Her toes pushed down the soft soil of the clearing with each step as she moved towards him. The air was warm with a slight chill in the breeze that made her nipples swell and harden as she walked over towards the fire and took a seat cross from him. Her mind was reeling at what he would show her next as she enjoyed the heat of the flames lapping close to her naked flesh.

Copyright © 2016

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This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.



Please don’t be stupid and kill yourself. This book is a work of FICTION. Do not try any new sexual practice that you find in this book. It is fiction and not to be confused with reality. Neither the author nor the publisher or its associates assume any responsibility for any loss, injury, death or legal consequences resulting from acting on the contents in this book. Every character in this book is over 18 years of age. The author’s opinions are not to be construed as the opinions of the publisher. The material in this book is for entertainment purposes ONLY.  Enjoy.



Nai had awakened in the morning after her first night in Santa Casa more than a little surprised that it had not all been an elaborate dream. The sun was still rising over the bluff, and the desert wind was flowing down towards the sea as it took a moment to pass through the tiny window of her room. She had no intention of getting out of bed, she was lying naked under the blankets pondering the reality of her situation when Marjorie came through her door.


              “You always were a slow riser,” Marjorie said as she came in. “Get up, girl. Today is a busy day for you. You have to start your spirit journey as soon as possible.”


              “I'll have my spirit journey with brunch.” Nai said as she pulled the blanket over her head and waved Marjorie away. “That will be all, maid.”


              “Oh, I don't think so,” Marjorie grabbed the blankets and ripped them off the bed with more force that Nai would have thought the woman had in her. “You may not know it yet, but I had enough to being your maid when I was young. Now it's my turn to be the bossy one.” Marjorie grabbed Nai's ankle and with a swift tug pulled Nai right from the bed to drop on her ass in the floor. “Spirit Journey first, brunch when you get back. Come on now, up, up.”


              “Damn it, woman,” Nai cursed at Marjorie as she sat sprawled out on the hard floor rubbing her ass. “Don't I get a bowl of Lucky Charms or something at least?”


              “No,” Marjorie said as she stood with her hands on her hips looking down at Nai. “I'm afraid you have to start the quest on an empty stomach. Among the other supplies that Mr. Richards is blocking from delivery until we get more, shall we say, amenable, Lucky Charms doesn't seem to be on the list of what's been delivered lately. Of course neither are medicines, bandages, linens, or anything much for that matter.”


              “So when are you going to do something about that guy?” Nai asked as she rose from the floor and scavenged for her clothes.


              “Oh, soon enough, I think. I know Vagar is here,” Marjorie said with a smile. “I found his cigarette butts outside your window this morning. He must have been enjoying your concert.”


              “My what?” Nai asked as she turned quickly towards the window.


              “Oh, this is a moment,” Marjorie said. “I don't believe I have ever seen you blush before. These walls may look thick, dear, but then again, you usually are pretty loud.”


              “So you heard me?” Nai asked as she quickly dressed.


              “Nai dear, the whole convent heard you,” Marjorie said grinning. “Maybe even a few people who live closer to the edge of town to.”


              “Shut up,” Nai said. “But why was this guy perving outside my window?”


              “It's a good sign actually,” Marjorie said as she leaned against the door way waiting. “I told you last night how much trouble we were in was based on what part of Vagar's person time line he was in when he showed up here. If he is peeking in your window, then it means he already knows you.”


              “I still don't get that, and what the hell has it got to do with some creepy guy peeping in my window?” Nai asked as she pulled on her boots and looked toward the washstand. “And what the hell is that?”


              “That is a Colt .45 Peacemaker,” Marjorie said pointing toward the two guns sitting on the washstand. “It's a little before it's time right now, but as I recall it's the handgun you always liked the best. And the other one is a Winchester .44 Henry rifle with the stock and barrel custom made just for you by a gunsmith in Albuquerque. You always said you liked the short barrel cause it looked sexy.”


              “See there you go again,” Nai said as she stood over the guns looking down at them in confusion. “You keep saying “I always said” but we just met. And I never fired a gun in my life.”

              “I told you last night Nai, your time line is different than other people’s,” Marjorie said. She walked over and picked up the Colt and started showing Nai how to load it. “See, like this. Now time travel gets a little complicated sometimes. You are basically going forward, and for you, this is your first trip back. But in my time line I met you 30 years ago. You were older, less of a pain in the ass too.” The gun wheel swung open, and Marjorie pulled out the bullets and showed them to Nai. “Just stick them in here like this. So anyway, you have known me about eight hours, but I have known you most of my life. It's the same with Vagar but even more complicated.”


              “Ok, I think I'm following you, but so why is it more complicated with him?” Nai asked as she took the gun from Marjorie and started loading the bullets into the wheel.

              “Well, rule number one of time travel,” Marjorie said with a bit of a huff. “At least as you taught me anyway. Don't fall in love.”


              “Damn right,” Nai said as she swung the wheel closed and locked it in place. The gun felt so heavy in her hand, so powerful. She loved how big it looked. Yeah, she could get used to this. “No worry about that, love isn't my thing. Men have their place, and it’s in my bed not in my way.”


              “As I recall Nai, it's in your bed, the back seat of your car, hell I recall once when it was on the side walk in New York City,” Marjorie said as she lifted the rifle from the counter. The stock had been cut short and rounded off smoothly while the barrel had been snubbed off just after the stock itself, leaving the gun about as long as a length and a half of Nai's arm.


              “Bullshit,” Nai said and then she cut herself short realizing that wasn't really all that farfetched an idea, all things considered.


              “Oh yeah, right out in the open. I got a picture and everything. I‘ll send it to you some time.” Marjorie said as she pulled back the level to open the chamber on the rifle. “Anyway, I can't spoil too much for you, but I will say this. Vagar used to work for the Spanish before he met you, then for some reason he swapped sides. Word has it he was the worst of the
Tiempo Conquistadors, Time Conquerors, as they call themselves.”


              “Time Conquerors?” Nai asked as she took the rifle from Marjorie. “What the hell is that?”


              “Girl, weren't you listening at all last night?” Marjorie said as she showed Nai how to work the lever on the gun. 


              “Oh yeah, I'm sorry. I had just left my Granny's funeral and traveled back in time. My bad.” Nai cocked out her hip and gave Marjorie a stern “get real” look.


              “The Mayan priestesses have always protected the Jars of Creation and used time travel to hide them and keep them safe. When the Conquistadors arrived, they and a Spanish priest discovered the secret of the Jars and of time travel. Not that the Conquistadors wouldn't have slaughtered everyone for the gold, but they had a much better reason. When the King discovered the secret, he formed a secret army to hunt down the Jars for him, the Tiempo Conquistadors.” Marjorie handed Nai a few .44 shells and watched her work them into the rifle. “Anyway, they scavenged South America, tracking down the Priestesses and killing them to steal their bracelets so they could move through time and track down the Jars. They also managed to screw up other things here and there throughout the natural time line, whereas we are sworn to insure the balance of the time line. So, got it? They are the bad guys, we are the good guys, simple as that right?”


              “Got it,” Nai said as she clicked the lever on the rifle. She felt it load the bullet as she stepped back and twirled the gun in her hands. “They're bad, we are good, no problem. But what about this spirit thingy?”


              “Spirit journey,” Marjorie said as she rolled her eyes. “I wonder if I was this much trouble when I was your age. It's a quest, call it whatever you want to. I send you through a gateway into the spirit world where you will learn about yourself and where you came from, and hopefully find your passion for defending all of creation. You know, normal spirit journey deal.”


              “Oh yeah, normal spirit journey deal,” Nai said with a smirk. “You just open a gateway to the spirit world. Sure, I've seen this movie, no biggy. Besides, I think finding passion is something I already have a handle on.”


              “Well, it's actually more complicated than that. In the movies there is always a happy ending.” Marjorie said as she looked at Nai's smile with growing concern. “The bracelets are too precious to just let them float around. If you don't find your way through the Journey, the Shaman will have to take it back.”


              “Take it back?” Nai asked. “But you said it was connected to me like by blood.”


              “That's right. There is only one way to take it back, so try and take this a little more seriously would you?” Marjorie took the holster for the Colt and wrapped it around Nai's waste, fastening it tightly so it hung just off her curvaceous hips. Then she handed her the shoulder strap to holster the rifle over her back. Nai was still as Marjorie wrapped the leather straps around her body. The idea was sinking in that this was serious after all. The thought of time travel was at first absurd, then it seemed like it might be fun. But putting the mortal spin on this adventure brought home the chill of the possibilities for Nai.


              Standing in the chamber with the Jar to her back, Nai looked through the stone door way. Beyond the opening was dark, shrouded in fog.


              “Well, it sure looks like it does in the movies,” Nai said as she hesitated and looked towards Marjorie for support. “So what, I just walk in there?”


              “Yep,” Marjorie said. “Just walk in. The Shaman will likely meet you pretty soon after you get in. There will be a history lesson followed by some instruction and then things get interesting.”


              “Interesting, huh,” Nai said with a huff. “I don’t know if I can handle much more interesting right now.”

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