Darque Wants (28 page)

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Authors: Diana Steele

BOOK: Darque Wants
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Her back against the wall, Nai clung to him quivering as she felt his cock swell inside her. She knew he was close. He was going to fill her. He was using her body as it had been used so many times before but with an effect that was completely new for her. She had said his name, his actual name. She had said please. Knowing it scared her, it made her feel vulnerable somehow, and now he was going to explode inside her and she wondered if it would be the end for her. Vagar wrapped his arms around her tightly and pulled her from the wall. All Nai could do was lie against him as he carried her across the room.


              “No!” he cried out as he lifted her body up, drawing her off his cock. A moment ago she was so afraid of it, but now she craved it, she wanted to feel him break inside her body. He lifted her up and tossed her backwards with ease like a rag doll. Nai fell on the bed. She looked up into his eyes as he stood over her. She didn't know what to think, what to say. Her body felt exhausted and aching, and now it felt so empty she could cry. “Please,” She whimpered out as he looked down at her on the bed with a smile on his face.


              “Hush, honey,” He said as he placed his finger on her lips. “I know.” Vagar peeled his shirt off over his head and tossed it on the floor. He pulled his boots off and set them beside the bed and worked his pants down and kicked the aside. Nai looked at his body rippling with sweat. She saw his scars flexing with his muscles, and she saw his cock standing straight and proud as he looked down over her naked body. She felt suddenly exposed. His gaze was something she couldn't bear, and she rolled away from him onto her stomach. She felt the bed list towards him, his hand on her back. “It's ok, Nai.” He said as he pushed her shoulder firmly, causing her to roll over completely on her stomach. She felt the weight of his body moving on top of her and his cock rubbing against her ass gently as his legs came to rest on either side of hers. Vagar took his cock in his hand and pushed it down, guiding it between her thighs until he found his target.


              “God!” Nai moaned out as she felt him sink inside her from behind. Her eyes closed as she lay her face on the pillow and reached up to grab the wooden bars on the headboard. She felt his hips push down on her ass as he shoved deep into her dripping body again. He lay down on her back, his face beside hers. She could feel his breath on her neck. She felt even more vulnerable, but somehow his weight on her was safe, secure. “Oh God, yes!” His hips moved slower yet just as firmly, their intent clear as they forced his cock deep between her lips. From behind, the slight curve in his shaft had him touching her inside in all new ways as he thrust again and again against her. His power pushed her into the mattress, trapping her beneath him as his rhythm built up, harder and harder, deeper and deeper. Each thrust of his hips pushed Nai against the bed forcing her moans from her lungs in a steady stream of pressure. She felt him inside her again, she felt his cock swelling and throbbing. She felt it pulse deep, and she knew it was almost time.


              “Oh, damn it again,” She droned as he pulled himself from inside her and rose up. “You're a fucking tease.” Vagar grabbed her shoulder and rolled her on her back.


              “I want to see your face,” he said as he spread her legs and climbed between them. Nai arched her back when he quickly pushed back inside her. Her body, drenched and aching, accepted him readily as he grabbed the back of her neck and sank inside her. His eyes locked on hers as his hips broke into a hard pace instantly. She saw his eyes, she saw his need, and she knew she was going to give it to him. Nai pushed her hips up from the bed to meet him, she clamped down every muscle in her body as hard as she could and was rewarded with a loud groan from someplace deep inside him. She felt every inch of him, every pulsing vain as he held his hips tight against her and exploded. Nai cried out as she felt it erupt inside her body, the thick hot surge of his pleasure, filling her again and again. She felt it spilling out around them as she once again broke like a wave as he pour out inside her. Nai screamed out as she dug her fingers into his shoulders and rocked, helpless on his hard cock.


              Nai collapsed back onto the bed taking Vagar down with her, still inside her. She felt him relaxing as his body lay down on hers. They quickly fell asleep together. Marjorie stood in the hall way, where she easily heard the tryst come to an end.


              “Oh Nai, honey,” She whispered to herself. “I told you to be careful with him.” Her musing jumped to the back of her mind as Sister Margret approached.


              “Mother Superior,” Margret said in a whisper. “Pardon me, Mother Superior but what are we going to do?”


              “What are we going to do about what, dear?” she asked as she took Sister Margret by the arm and walked her away from Nai's door.


              “Richards' men will be back tonight, won’t they?” Margret asked as she rubbed her hands together in serious concern.


              “No,” Marjorie said. “No, Vagar is right. Richards will have to think it through now that he knows Vagar is still in town.” At least Marjorie hoped he was right. “But pass the word. I want all the windows shuttered and all the doors locked. If they do come back tonight, I want everyone moved down into the temple for safety.”


              “Yes, Mother Superior,” Margret replied as she headed off down the hallway. “Thank you, Mother Superior.”


              “You two enjoy it while you can,” Marjorie said as she looked back down the hallway towards Nai door. “Trouble is coming, for all of us.”





When Nai woke up, she found she was back in the jungle. Her naked body was lying on the earth near the Shaman's fire. The great black cat, resting nearby, lifted its head and looked at Nai, then lay back down and closed its eyes. A small black bird swooped down from the trees overhead, landing by the fire, and began picking at the ground. The Shaman sat on a log by the fire firmly poking it with his spear.


              “I'm back,” Nai said as she sat up in the dirt and rubbed her eyes. “Again?”


              “No girl, you are sleeping,” The Shaman replied without looking up from whatever held his attention in the flames. “You are dreaming.”


              “Trust me, if I were dreaming it would be better than this,” she said as she sat up and scooted closer to the fire. “Why is it so cold this time?”


              “There is a chill coming. You feel it now because your blood allows you to feel what is to come,” the Shaman, still focusing on the fire, said cryptically.


              “What, like I can tell the future?” Nai asked perking up a bit at the thought of a new super power.


              “The future for some is the past for others,” the Shaman replied, still avoiding any kind of useful explanation. “You may only live in the present, child of the moon, but your blood has always flowed. It will always flow, and it remembers.”


              “Well, if I can tell the future, why am I just freezing to death instead of having some great sign?” Nai asked.

              “You are young in this body, and still very foolish.” The shaman said as he leaned back on the log abandoning the fire and finally looking towards Nai. “There are always great signs. You just have to learn to see them.” The fire stirred and crackled with a few tiny pops. Nai looked around searching for the great sign but saw only the same jungle she had seen before.


              “Ok, so I’m dreaming, right?” She asked, abandoning the search for a sign. “Is this going to happen often? I mean, me planning on sleeping off a good orgasm and instead hanging out here with you?”


              “Knowing you as I do,” The Shaman said with a grin creeping over his lips. “Yes, often.”


              “Great,” Nai huffed. “Now I can't even get a good lay without a catch.”


              “Everything in life comes with a “catch” as you call it, girl. Every action has a cost,” he said as he once again pushed his spear in the fire and nudged the burning logs. “Especially a good lay. Now this man, this Richards, he is after more than a house full of women. He is after the Jar.”


              “Oh, that you will tell,” Nai said with a huff. “But I have to be looking for some other big sign?”


              “That you should already know,” the Shaman said. “The bracelet calls you when the Jars are in danger, nothing more. You are a Priestess, you protect the Jars. You cannot save the world from suffering, child of the moon, ” the Shaman told her.


              “I thought was like, our job,” Nai said as she looked at him confused. “I mean like, save the world from suffering by protecting the Jars. That's our whole point isn't it?”


              “Suffering is part of the world,” the Shaman said as he stirred the flames. “Part of life is death, part of happiness is pain. You cannot have one without the other.” The Shaman looked up into her eyes closely. “A Priestess must bear this burden, you must learn that you cannot save the world from suffering. You must be content to merely save the world.”


As the Shaman pulled back the spear, the flames danced and grew with a flurry of crackling pops. A red ember jumped with a loud pop and struck the little black bird, knocking it over in the sand.


              “Oh shit,” Nai said as she jumped to her feet and came to kneel over the bird. It lay on the sand slightly opening its beak and looking up at her. “Poor thing! What can we do to save it?”


              “There are times we can change, there are times we cannot.” The Shaman said as he looked over at Nai kneeling over the bird. “Just as there are things we can see but with no time to change.”


              “But we are time travelers, right?” Nai asked looking up to the Shaman. “I mean we can change things.”


              “Some things, girl, some things. The catch is seeing them in time.” He said as Nai felt the chill of the jungle night air creeping in around her. She looked back down at the bird. It's eyes were closed, it was still. Nai felt cold and empty as she felt sadness for the bird. Tears welled up in her eyes and made the world around her seem more dark.



“Isn't there some way to undo it?” Nai asked as she looked at the bird laying lifeless on the sand.


              “None,” was all the Shaman said. 





“So you say Vagar shot Lewis,” Richards asked the men who had returned from the mission.


              “Yes, Mr. Richards.” The man stood before a large oak desk in a beautiful book-lined room. Richards lounged in a wing-backed leather chair as he surveyed the group of men who had returned. 


              “And you're sure it was him? No way you made a mistake?” Richards asked as he eyed the men.


              “Yes sir, it was Vagar alright, there ain't no mistake about it sir.” The man said assuredly.


              “Well then, there is really only one thing to do isn't there ,gentlemen?” Richards looked down at his gray cotton suit coat and carefully brushed a few grains of sand from his sleeve. He reached under the desk and pulled out a revolver, pointed it at the man who had been speaking and shot him in the forehead. He then laid the gun back down on the desk top. “First clean up that mess, gentlemen,” Richards said waving his hand in the direction the man had fallen. “Then take the night off. You all are lucky to be alive after running in with Vagar.”


              “Yes, uhm yes, Mr. Richards,” The men said one after the other as they stood terrified and in shock as their friend lay spread out on the floor.


              “Oh, and gentlemen,” Richards said once again dusting off his jacket sleeve. “Tomorrow, when I send you back down to the mission, bring me Vagar's body back and tell me the mission is cleared out finally, or you will all get an early retirement like Mr. Phelps here. Understand? This time just kill most of them. Save a few women as an incentive for the men, but I want that mission empty tomorrow.”


              “Yes sir, Mr. Richards, sir,” The henchman who had wielded the knife during the confrontation at the mission said. “We will finish it, we promise.”


              “Good, good. Oh, don't scuff the hardwood floor now, boys,” Richards said as he saw the men dragging the dead body across the floor. “And see to it you get that blood off the wall to. That's Chinese silk wallpaper.”


              “Yes sir,” the men all replied, as they went about cleaning up the office. Richards leaned back in the leather chair and pushed up the sleeve on his jacket as he ran his fingers over the ornamented bracelet around his wrist.


              “Vagar, Vagar, Vagar,” He whispered to himself. “It's almost your time, old friend, almost your time indeed.”



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