Darque Wants (92 page)

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Authors: Diana Steele

BOOK: Darque Wants
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Chapter 2


Bella didn’t know who to turn to…but she at least knew who she had to see.  Bastien himself was surprisingly absent from work and from her home.  His sudden lack of interest either meant Darque took a hint and grew up…or that something rotten was in D.C.  Bella decided to talk to Bradley down at the coffee shop and tell him everything that happened, including the very last thing Senator Mallory had cackled, that bit about power and how it’s much deadlier than just murder.

Bradley, however, seemed overconfident.  “Wow.  That’s crazy.  But you know what I get from all of that?”


“She’s scared out of her mind.  She’s using whatever power she has to get you to stay silent and help protect Darque’s reputation.”

“You still think he did it?”

“Listen…Darque dismissed me.  Not in person of course, but I got the word today.  They’re letting me go.”


“Officially, the internship is just winding down.  But I think I’m hitting too close to home.  And I think they know that I have a big story on my hands.  The kind of story that quickly goes national.  And one that could end Senator Mallory’s campaign.  And since they’re trying to scare you into scaring me, it looks like I rattled their cages.  I’m Batman!”

Bradley laughed but saw that Bella was on edge.  “I’m going to be okay.  I promise.” 

“I don’t know.  The whole thing is really freaking me out.”

“That’s the Mallory family’s goal.  But listen to this.  I’ve been snooping around and talking to a few PI’s.  Guess what?  Darque hasn’t exactly mastered the art of shredding paper trails.  Turn out, some of his old employees are still living in the state.”


“I found one of them and her name is Elena Parkens.  She used to be one of his maids.  I even found evidence that she still donates money to the Mallory campaign.  From what I’ve read, she was there ten years ago and to as recently as three years ago.  She has to know something.  Maybe the Darques gave her severance pay in exchange for her silence.  But…it’s worth talking to her.  Maybe she’ll at least give me something to go on, you know, off the record.”


“Come with me.  Come on, we can bring him down together, Bella.”

“I don’t want to lie.”

“I don’t either.  But the more I read about the details of the case, the more that Agnes’ story doesn’t check out.  For instance, did you know that Melissa was listed as a former work associate for the Darque family?  I mean…the family’s not going to pay a girl for sex on public record.  That means someone found her a job just as an excuse to have her around the estate.  Do you really think Agnes Mallory is the type of mom that would help Bastien get laid as a teen?”

Bradley leaned in and spoke softly.  “If he didn’t do it, he didn’t do it.  But Bella, if he did it…and killed those girls…we
have to
expose him.  I mean…have you lost your soul already?”

Bella tilted her head and sighed.  “Fine.  But…let’s please play it safe.  I think they’re tracking me, Bradley.  Everything I do.”

“Hey…remember what you told me.  All it takes it one phone call.  Paranoia is the best revenge.  You understand what I’m saying?”


Playing it safe, they took a cab the next day to go meet Elena Parkens who was living in a surprisingly roomy house, with a nice yard, circular driveway and what looked like at least five bedrooms inside.

Elena was an older woman in her fifties with nothing left to prove and apparently, hardly any thoughts one way or the other towards her ex-employers.  She had white hair, thick black glasses and was of average weight and height; she didn’t look wealthy or like she knew the most powerful people in America.

She allowed the two amateur sleuths inside, served tea, feigning interest in what she called “a news story for the ages.” 

Bradley took the lead and explained that they were “helping the police” investigate Darque.  Bella was nervous but even more disturbed at the thought of facing Agnes’ wrath if Bradley didn’t call off his game.  She even wondered to herself if there was a way to discourage Bradley from going public with the story.  Maybe Elena would clear Bastien’s name.  Maybe she would be the dead end that would this all go away and leave everyone happy, or at least as happy as the Darques and Mallory’s could manage.

“So this is a story that you’re writing, young man?”

“No,” Bella interrupted.  “This isn’t a story yet.  We’re just asking questions.  We’re trying to help.”

“Well,” Bradley said with a shrug.  “We are kind of hoping to go public with it.  That’s why we’re here.  For the truth.  Now tell me…did you ever get the impression that Bastien was a disturbed person capable of committing violence against women?”

“Well frankly, I think the family is capable of anything.  Isn’t anyone capable of violence at any given time?  Sebastien in particular, he seemed troubled.”

“Really?  How so?”

“He was very shy growing up.  What I noticed is that his mother was mostly absent and his nanny, his sitter, what a ghastly old woman she was.  I knew even back then he was going to grow up without any affection.  Maybe no understanding of what love really was.”

Bella listened and cast her eyes downward.

“Right.  But…did you ever hear of any rough sex that he engaged in with women?”

“Oh my…such questions,” she laughed.  “Is this story running in Playboy magazine?”

“No.  No…it’s a real story.”

“Well…if you’re asking if he was sexually active, of course.  They all were.”

“Excuse me?”

“They were all a very strange family.  And even some of their staff…participated in these games.  Except Agnes.  She was always a cold fish of a woman.”

“Family?  Like who…”

“Well as soon as Sebastien had a new girlfriend they immediately seemed to find her a job.  They found excuses to keep the women around that they liked.”

“How old was he?” Bella asked.

“I don’t know.  Eighteen or nineteen, probably.  Hopefully not younger.  But with that family, who could know?  And who could do anything about it?”

“Was Melissa her name?  His first…?”

“I think so.  But she was actually older than Sebastien was.  She had to be a good ten years older, if I remember correctly.”

“And they had a relationship?  Was he violent?”

“Oh no, not with her.  She was his surrogate mother.  His mom with benefits, if you get my drift.”

“Oh that’s messed up!” Bradley said with a laugh.

“Well, it was quite eccentric.  There were a few times I walked in on them.  And she would be doing strange things.”

“Like what?”

“Oh, I prefer not to say.  But strange things…with…weapons.  Or toys, whatever you call them.”

“She was punishing him?” Bella asked.

“Yes, from what I could see of it.  He was an innocent boy.  Troubled but Melissa seemed to calm him.  He would come home upset about something or another and she would be very attentive to him.  She spent a great deal of time with him especially during the summer.”

“And then…” Bella said, “Agnes said that she paid the woman off to leave.  So that Bastien would stop embarrassing her.”

“I wouldn’t simplify it like that.  I think Sebastien was just a young man, head in the clouds.  And she was old enough to know better.  She fell in love with him.  And there’s nothing more pathetic than a young woman who falls in love with a troubled rich man.”

Bradley laughed hard and Bella flinched the thought away.

“She wanted to get away.  Because you don’t just recover from a relationship that intimate.  I mean, she practically raped the boy.  He may have been the age of consent but he was still very innocent at that time.  And especially if you still have to see them every day.  My guess is that either Melissa confessed the truth to Agnes or Agnes learned it on her own.  Melissa had no reason to stay.  He was done with her.  It was time to move on.  And she paid the price with her dignity for being foolish.”

“Right.  But do you think Darque killed her?”

“Killed her?  Oh heavens no.  Sebastien doesn’t strike me as that type of personality.  He may have been cruel to her, leaving her in the lurch like he did…but well, she called it upon herself.”

“Miss Parkens, when you said the whole family was ‘into it’…who do you mean?”

“Cousins.  Staff members.  Sisters.  Whoever came by, there was always a bit of funny business going on in the bedrooms.  That’s what some of the gardeners and cooks told me.”

“Oh I see.”

“A very long family,” she said with a wink.

“But like…not Agnes or her husband?”

“No…” she said carefully as if backtracking.

“If you’re afraid of saying something…this is all anonymous.  And off the record if you prefer.  We just need a lead.”

“Agnes, I told you, was a cold fish.  And her husband Richard…well, I don’t believe the old fool would even know what handcuffing a person means, outside of an episode of
.  He is a conservative in every aspect of his life.”

“Just one more question, Miss Parkens,” Bradley said.  “Does Sebastien strike you as the type of man to hurt a woman…if his reputation was on the line?”

“No,” she answered firmly.  “I have no loyalty to Agnes.  Her severance pay ended a long time ago.  But I have no intention of burying someone just because ‘anything is possible’.  The boy was a victim.  Whatever he does to women, I’m sure he was taught.  Melissa left of her own accord.  All of his girlfriends left in the same manner.  He grew tired of them.  Or in my opinion, he
wised up
and got rid of them.  A man doesn’t need a bunch of groupies holding him back in life.  Go get it while you’re young.”

She smiled at Bradley, who was unsatisfied.  “But you know all about that.  I hope your story against Agnes goes national.  But don’t go chasing after rabbits and ignore the fox in the coop.”




Chapter Three


Something about the old woman’s statement seemed cryptic, or at least Bella thought.  Bradley left her at home on uncertain terms.  He seemed to be back at square one.  There was no evidence connecting Darque to the crime other than rumors.  All anyone really knew about Darque was that he liked to play naughty games.  But what millionaire didn’t, these days?

Bella went back to work and noticed Bastien was cold when he did make an appearance in the office.  She noticed a few passing glances from him, though he decided against coming over.

Did Elena mean something when she spoke of foxes and not chasing after rabbits?  Even if she did know something, why in the world would she give up her ex-employer so easily, even if she knew something wasn’t right?  All Bella wanted was a lead and that’s precisely what the woman gave her.

Bradley on the other hand was seeing red.  He felt his dream of exposing Darque and becoming a New York Times reporter falling through his hands.  The woman didn’t give him what he wanted.  But it sure gave him a scent and the bloodhound started sniffing.

During lunch, Bradley managed to call Bella on her cell phone.  Bella looked around and quietly answered.

“Hey hon,” Bradley said.  “Are you as excited as I am?  We’re like Cagney and Lacey.”

“I don’t understand that reference.”

“Ah…me either, actually.  I’ve never even seen
.  Anyway the point is you and I are making a good team!”

“Oh,” she said with a nervous smile.  She still wasn’t sure how to make him understand that Agnes’ threat was serious and this wasn’t all just corporate politics.  Bradley still believed he was on the trail of something, but his trail was about to get cold and dry.  If only she could think of a way to discourage him.

“You know what I think?” Bella said.  “Maybe it was someone else.  What if there is another relative in the household that Bastien is covering up for?  Like a cousin or something.”

“Seriously?  You’re defending him?  You of all people?”

“I’m just saying, Bradley…we don’t have any proof.”

“I know.  I’m working on it.  And that’s where you come in.  You’re on the outs with Darque, right?”

“Sort of…”

“So let’s change that.  Start being chummy with him again.  Maybe even…you know…let him think you’re together.”

Bella couldn’t believe it.  She furled her brow but Bradley didn’t take the hint.  “You grill him just a little bit.  Get something on that girl.  If you can get a confession out of him…if we record it…you know what I mean?”

“So…you want me to do your investigation for you?”

“It’s our investigation.  But let’s face it.  Darque doesn’t want to fuck me.  But he loves the power he gets over you.  Use it against him.  Get him to confess.”

Bella sneered as she hung up the phone.  Suddenly, she realized that Bradley wasn’t anyone’s fool.  He wasn’t doing any of this to get back into her pants.  He just wanted to make a name for himself, everyone else be damned.

It took Bella an hour to summon up the courage.  But she finally managed to walk into Darque’s office preceded by a huge sigh.

She walked inside and saw Darque’s bimbo standing across from him at his desk.  She turned back quite appalled that they had been interrupted.

“What is it?” Darque said.

“I want to talk to you.”

“I’m busy.”

“He’s busy!” she said.

Bella walked up to his desk bumping the other woman out of the way.  “Let me make this clear.  I need to talk to you.  About private things.  Should I say more?”

Darque squinted his eyes.

“What are you talking about?” the bimbo said.  “Get out of here!”

“No,” Darque said.  “Miss Stone has a problem.  We need to fix it.”


“GO.”  he said, staring her down. 

Bella waited until the intruder did an about face and left the office in a huff.

“What I want-”

“How dare you!” Darque answered back harshly.  “You want to make demands of me?!” 

Bella remained silent, still ambivalent about her performance.

“I gave you what you wanted.  Exactly what you wanted.  Now you come back?  You want an audience with me?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Yeah you are.  You’re going to be.  Because I’m firing you.  It’s over.”

“What?  Why?”

“Because you don’t make demands of your boss.  You forget yourself.  So get out of here.  I gave you an opportunity and you blew it.  Professionally speaking of course.”

For a moment, Bella inhaled deeply, halfway tempted to take Darque’s firing and be done with it, the whole thing including the setup.  But then again, having Agnes tailing her for going back on her forced mission didn’t sit well either.  Whether up against a wall or not, she was getting screwed. 

“Please don’t,” Bella said.  “The truth is…”

“Yes, by all means, tell me the truth.  You come in here, use me for sex and then want to start telling me what’s wrong with my character?”

“The truth is…I can’t stand to see you with other women.  Bastien.  It hurts.”

She stared him down, looking past his stretching frown and looking into his eyes…a strange shape, almost one of injury or betrayal.

“I don’t know if you’re doing anything with that other girl…but I can’t help what I feel.  I want to be with you.  I’m sorry if I’m acting all…possessive lately.  I just panicked.  You wanted me so bad…and it scares me sometimes.”

“Uh huh,” he said with a sideways glance.  “I don’t trust you anymore.  Something’s up.”

“Well…maybe I don’t trust you either.”


“Maybe neither of us trust each other.”

“How do you figure?”

“Because Bastien.  I’m not an idiot.  Neither are you.  I want to know about Melissa.  You know who I’m talking about.”

“What the fuck,” he muttered.  “Who have you been talking to?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Bella quickly responded.  “You hid that from me.”

“It was none of your business.”

“Since I’m part of your Reputation Management Team, it IS my business.  God, Bastien.  Do you realize what people are saying about you?  And yet you’ve never come clean.”

“Wait a minute, I did mention her.  Melissa, so what about her?  You think I did something…”

“Where did she go?”

“She left.  End of story.”


“Because none of your fucking business why.”

“She was your Domme.  Wasn’t she?  She was your ‘surrogate mom’.”

“Whoever you’ve been talking to…”

“It doesn’t matter.  I want the truth.  Don’t I deserve it?”

“NO, you don’t.  And whoever you’ve been talking to has been feeding you lies.  Is it that little cocksucker, Bradley?  Pffft!  I fired him.  He’s talking shit that’s all it is.”

“Fine.  Believe that if you want.  But Melissa was your first.  And she conveniently disappeared, left the country, when you broke it off with her.”

“Is that what Bradley told you?” he asked with a raised brow.  “Shit, you really don’t know anything about me.  Nor do you want to know.”

“You just don’t want to let anyone in.”

Suddenly, Bastien exploded, pounding on the desk and flaring his nostrils.  “
I have never submitted to anyone.
  I am the power, I am the man of the house!  Don’t you ever say that I kiss the feet of anybody else.”

He glared at Bella who stood back and raised her eyebrows.

“In case you haven’t fucking noticed, I’m the one who wants control.  Anyone that tells you that I was a bitch, that I was the one being dominated, doesn’t know shit about me.  All you need to know is this.  Melissa broke my heart.  Just like all of you do.  You all do the same thing.  And that’s all I have to say about my past.  I’ll take a lie detector test any day of the week.  I never hurt her unless she asked.”

“Okay fine.”

“No, it’s not okay fine.  Listen Arabella.  I don’t know if someone like Bradley is putting you up to this.  Or if you really are just giving me a hard time so I’ll fuck your brains out again.  But if you want me to cooperate with you, then you have to cooperate with me.  I expect you to meet me privately.  The same place we used to meet.”

Bella flinched.

“Yeah that’s right.  I’m going to punish you like you deserve.  You’re going to sign my contract, a new contract, and anything goes this time.  Whatever I want.  I want total power over you.  I want you to be my fucking human slave.  Because either you’re playing me to be a fool…and in that case, fuck you and your sister.  You deserve everything I give you.”


“OR…or…”  He seemed confused and scratched his head.  “Then maybe you’re just feeling buyer’s remorse.  Maybe you liked what I did to you but are ashamed to admit it.  Or maybe you just want your job back.  I don’t care.  Whatever.  But it’s all about my rules now.  You want information from me, you submit to me.  And I’m going to make it hurt.  If you refuse to do what I say, no matter what I ask, I’m going to send you packing once and for all.  I’ll write every god damned company in the city and tell them not to hire you.  I’ll ruin everything for you.  And that’s just one tenth of what you’ll deserve for betraying me.”

Bella blinked, uncertain about the future, but feeling reluctantly excited over his promises to make it hurt.  A contract she literally had no choice but to sign.

“Fine then.  If that’s what it takes…to prove myself to you.”

“You’re going to prove yourself to me.  And this time, don’t you dare run away.  Melissa is the past.  This is the present.  And I will always be in control of your life, Arabella.”



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