Authors: Susan Worley-Bean

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“Here they are!” Mike and Natalie Montgomery hurried towards the couple standing by the car.
“Hey Mom…hey Dad, this is Jillian.”
“Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery… how nice to meet you.”
“Honey, it’s Mike and Nat. Please come with me and let’s let the guys bring in your luggage.”

Natalie Montgomery wore a floral print skirt and a pink blouse. Her gray hair was cropped close to her face. She was small in stature, and a cheerful attitude. Jillian couldn’t determine if her rosy face was natural or weathered.

Mike Montgomery was dressed in overalls with a starched denim shirt underneath. He was taller and several pounds heavier than RJ. Jillian knew his ruddy face was weather-caused. They both hugged their son, as if he was their long-lost child. In their eyes he was still their “little boy.” They turned and hugged Jillian.

“Dear, come with me. You must be hungry. When was the last time you ate? Would you like something to drink?…iced tea or a pop?”

“We had breakfast a few hours ago, but iced tea would be nice, thank you.”

They entered into the living room, simply furnished with tiled floors. Off to the right of the living room was a large kitchen with a huge oak table at one end of the room. Jillian quickly counted about ten chairs. Mrs. Montgomery motioned Jillian to sit down at the table. Jillian offered to help but was told she was their guest and was to make herself at home.

“Jillian, let me show you where you’re bunking. Son, grab her other bag and follow me.” RJ followed his father’s instructions and grabbed the bag. He and Jillian followed Mike Montgomery up the stairs to the second floor. When on the upstairs landing he pointed to his son, “You’re in your old room and Jillian’s in the guest room.”

Mike opened the guest room door and showed Natalie in. The room was bright with sunshine. A metal bed was covered with a homemade patchwork quilt and lace covered pillows with a large oval braided rug under the bed. An antique chest of drawers and a dressing table graced the room, both covered with delicate lace runners. An old bowl and pitcher sat on a three-legged table in front of one of the windows. A quilted throw was draped over a loveseat at the foot of the bed.

“These are gorgeous,” admired Jillian.
“My mother pieced the quilt and Nat’s mother tatted all the lace work. Nat braided the rug when we were first married.”
Mike opened a door to show Jillian the bath and a walk-in closet.

“Jillian, hope you don’t mind. You and RJ will be sharing this bath. Hope he’s better in keeping it tidy than he was growing up. I used to tell his mamma that she babied the boy and always cleaned up after him.” The man smiled. Jillian returned his smile. Just then the door on the opposite side of the room opened up and there stood Robert John Montgomery. For an instant he looked like he was 15 years old, with a boyish grin on his face. Jillian thought: It must be since he’s home and in his old surroundings. I’m glad I came. He winked at her. Her heart melted, and she found herself falling in love all over again.

“Hey Dad, let’s give Jillie some time to get unpacked and catch her breath.”
“I’ll be downstairs. Come on down and we’ll have our iced tea. Mother’s waiting.”
“We’ll be right down.”
“You know, that’s Dad’s way of saying to do what needs to be done but don’t dally.”
“I just need to hang up a couple of things and I’ll be ready.”
“Hon, can I help? I’m already unpacked.”
“How’d you get unpacked so soon?”
“Hey, remember, I’m a professional gypsy.”

Jillian returned to her room and reached to lift her suitcase. RJ grabbed it, and tossed it on the bed, and popped it open. He looked like a young boy, pleased with himself for helping out. She hung up her clothes, and carried her cosmetic case, to a shelf by the bathroom sink.

“Okay, I’m ready.”

RJ was sitting on the loveseat watching Jillian walk towards him. He patted the seat for Jillian to sit, and she sat down next to him.

“I’ve wanted to do this for several months now, but seemed to have never the correct place and time,” RJ said, kneeling down before her.

Jillian tried to say something. He placed his fingers on her lips as a silent hush.

“Jillian Louise James, would you please do me the honor of sharing my life with me? Would please marry me?” He opened a velvet box and inside Jillian saw a large diamond engagement ring. Again she tried to speak, and he hushed her.

“We have your parents’ blessing.”

“When did you speak to my folks?”

“I called them a week or so ago. Your dad had me talk to your mother, but he said I’d better toe the line or I’d have him to answer to.”

“Robert John Montgomery, I’d be honored to be your wife,” Jillian said, choking back tears. He slipped the ring onto her left ring finger, and drew her into his arms. They stood looking into each other’s eyes.

“Jillie, you have no idea how much I love you. I’ll never make you sorry that you’re marrying me. I thought we could set a date.”

“I love you. I can’t believe you called my parents; thank you for that. A date…let this sink in for at least a minute or two.”

They stood and RJ gave Jillian a tender kiss.

Holding hands, they entered the kitchen, Jillian let go when she saw Natalie watching. She felt self-conscious, as if all eyes were on her newly adorned ring finger. Natalie motioned towards the table for them to sit. Mike was already sitting drinking coffee. In the center of the table was a large plate of several kinds of homemade cookies. Jillian sat in the chair indicated by Mike.

“Jillian, ice tea or pop? Robert?”
“Ice tea, please. May I help?” Jillian offered, as she started to get up.
“No, just make yourself at home. I’ll be right over to sit down.”
RJ reached into the old pie chest and pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniel’s. He sat down next to Jillian and poured a glass.
“Dad.” He motioned the bottle towards his father. Mike shook his head no.
“Robert John Montgomery, you’re drinking so early in the day!”
“Why, yes, Mother, I am. Please sit down. I have something to say.”
“Nat, quit fluttering around. Please sit. The boy’s got something to say,” Mike said half-way scolding his wife.

“Okay, I’m sitting.” She picked up the plate of cookies and motioned them to Jillian, “I just made these this morning…fresh and still warm.”

“Thank you.” Jillian took a couple of what looked to be sugar cookies.
“What did you want to say, son?” his father asked.
“Well, Jillie and I are going to be married.” He picked up Jillian’s left hand and showed her ring to his parents.

“Oh my, what a beautiful ring!” Natalie said. She patted Jillian on the hand and said, “Dear, you’re most welcome into our family.”

“Welcome to the family. Think you can put up with this hooligan?” Mike said.
Jillian smiled. “I think I can handle him.”
“When’s the wedding?” RJ’s mother asked.
“Don’t know yet. But I do know it’ll be soon.” RJ said, biting into a cookie.
“Mom makes the best cookies. She’s won blue ribbons for these,” RJ mumbled. He took a drink to wash down the cookie.

Natalie Montgomery blushed, “Don’t talk with your mouth full. Jillian will think we raised a boy without manners!” She patted her son on the hand. “And I wish you wouldn’t drink. Cookies and liquor… what a mix! You remember what happened to Uncle Fred.”

“Yes, Mother. We all know he was killed when he drank himself into a stupor and crashed the car. But gee, I’m not driving and I’m not Uncle Fred.”

Mike changed the subject. “Jillian, I don’t know if Robert told you, but we have horses. Do you ride?”
Before she could answer, “Boy, can she! My lady’s quite a horsewoman. Her parents raise quarter horses in Texas.”
“You’re welcome to ride here, if you’d like.”
“Thank you, I’d enjoy that.”

“Robert, I’ve invited the kids to join us for dinner. They’re so excited about seeing you. And now they’ll want to meet their future sister-in-law.”

“Heck, I’m surprised they’re not here. I know they probably heard us go by.”

“Lucille would’ve been, but she had to take Mikey to the doctor. He’s still got that persistent cough.” Natalie, remembering that Jillian was a doctor asked, “Dear, could you take a look at him?”


“Mrs. Montgomery, I’m a orthopedic surgeon not a pediatrician. I’m sure he has a fine doctor,” Jillian said, trying to squelch the idea without being rude. She saw the hurt on Natalie’s face. “We’ll see what his doc says and go from there.” That suggestion seemed to please everyone.

Mike stood up. “Jillian, would you like to see the homestead? Son, it’s almost evening chores and you’re helping tonight! You might want to get changed.”

“Ma, let’s get on our farm duds,” RJ said as he refreshed his drink. He left his glass on the table when they went upstairs to change.

Natalie asked, “Mike what do you think of her?”

“She’s quiet, but I think she’s fine for Robert. I think he’s finally found Mrs. Right.”

“I think she’s quiet and quite reserved, but maybe she’ll relax after she gets to know us. I can’t believe Robert’s still drinking. Maybe I could talk to her.” She took his drink glass and poured its contents down the drain, then placed the liquor bottle back in the cabinet.

“You’re opening up a can of worms, hon. Better, mind your own business.”

“Mike, he’s our son and it
our business!” She heard a creak on the stairs and she stopped talking and finished cleaning up the table.

“Okay, we’re ready. Bring on those cows,”
Country Superstar
Robert John Montgomery had transformed himself into a younger version of his father. He’d found an old pair of his jeans, a flannel shirt and an old pair of barn boots. Jillian wasn’t really prepared for barn work, so she put on the oldest pair of jeans she’d brought. RJ had given her a flannel shirt of his and she wore a pair of sneakers.

“Dear, I have a pair of barn boots you can wear. Between Lucille’s size and mine we should have a pair that’ll fit. Come with me.” Jillian followed Natalie into the screened porch room to look for the barn boots.

RJ looked around the kitchen. His father knew what he was looking for, “She poured it out.”

“I can solve that.” He reached into the cabinet, pulled out the liquor bottle and got a clean glass.

“Son, please. Your mother and I are concerned about your drinking.”

“I don’t have a drinking problem. You just believe those rag stories! Dad, I can stop anytime!”

“How about today…this week?”

“Done.” He replaced the bottle and glass, clapped his hands together, and said, “Let’s go milk some cows.”

On the porch Natalie found a pair of barn boots that fit Jillian. While Jillian was changing her shoes, Natalie said, “Jillian, the boys were just teasing about you milking the cows tonight. You’re not expected to help. You’re welcome to stay in with me and leave it to the guys. Robert’s brother Josh will be down to help.”

“Thank you. I’d like to watch. I’ve never been around a dairy. It’ll be interesting to see how it all happens. I’ll probably be more a hindrance than a help, but I’ll try.”

“It’s up to you.”

The guys came out, and the tour began. Mike showed the farm outbuildings, the last highlight being the horse barn. The stable has six stalls, only five occupied. She scratched the nose of one of the horses that stuck its head out the door. She took a deep breath,
Nothing like horse smells. I love it.
She patted the horse on its neck and moved inside.

She found that Mike and RJ had started to water and feed the horses. She pitched right in, as she knew how to do this. RJ smiled as he watched Jillie clip the wire on the straw bales and break them up into pieces to give the horses fresh stall material. She really worked and in a short time had enough straw ready for all five stalls.

RJ winked at his father. “That’s my girl!”

RJ and his dad watched Jillian work. Josh Montgomery stepped into the horse barn, quietly walked up and grabbed his brother from behind.

“Hey, you!”

He and RJ shook hands, and then hugged and slapped each other on the back. Jillian looked up to see the men greeting each other. RJ motioned for her to join them. Mike took over the chores.

RJ looked at her and picked out a couple pieces of straw stuck in her hair.

“Bro, I’d like you to meet my fiancée, Jillian James.”

“Wow! When did this become official? Pleased to meet you. We’ve heard much about you from Mom. Why did you let this bum put you to work?”

“Jillie, this is my brother Joshua. We all call him Josh.”

“Nice to meet you, Josh.”

Joshua Montgomery looked nothing like his brother, resembling his mother’s Swedish side of the family. His hair was blond, he was tall, slender, but had the same steel-blue eye color as brother’s. Being dressed almost identically to his father and brother, his movements were like an old cowboy who’d been thrown numerous times.

Josh and RJ hugged again and into Josh’s ear RJ whispered, “She’s gorgeous.” RJ whispered, “Hands off. She’s mine.”

Jillian heard the whisper and blushed. She brushed her hair out of her eyes with her muddy glove. RJ put his arms around Jillian and squeezed her shoulders, he gave her a kiss, then removed his glove and tenderly brushed the mud from her hair.

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