Authors: Susan Worley-Bean

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“See you in a few.”

His mother left the bathroom through his room. Wonder why she didn’t mention the bed, he thought. He peeked through the partially opened door between Jillian’s room and the bathroom. Looking at Jillian still asleep in bed, he whispered to himself, “That’s my baby.”

During the morning chores the boys decided today was race day. They’d race after breakfast. After the morning chores were finished, the men came into the house for breakfast. Natalie and Jillian were busy completing the meal.

“Good morning, Jillian,” she chuckled as Mike and Josh said at the same time.

“Good morning, how are you?”

The men sat at the table and the ladies brought coffee to the table. Once the ladies sat, Mike said the morning prayer. “Bless us and the food we’re about to receive. Amen”

All replied. “Amen.”

The morning’s conversation was simple: the weather; chores on tap for the day; the scrapbooks; RJ and Jillian’s tomorrow’s departure and last but not least, the race. Lucille called to say they were coming down to race.

When breakfast was over, the men went out to prepare the vehicles, while the ladies cleaned the table and started the dishes.
“Dear, you don’t have to help me. I do this by myself every day,” Natalie said as she looked out the window.
“Oh, no, I want to. Thank you for letting me see the memory books. I read them until after two this morning.”
“You’re most welcome. I hope you don’t believe all the stuff you read about him. He’s a good boy.”
“Oh, I know that.”
Nothing was mentioned about the sleeping arrangements. They finished up the dishes in silence.
“Go on out there and I’ll be out in a sec. I’ll bet they’re ready to race.”

When Jillian came out of the house, three ATV’s sat on the driveway. RJ, Josh, and Larry were racing the ATV’s engines. She saw an opened bottle of Jack Daniels inside the toolbox that sat on the edge of the driveway. RJ patted the back of his ATV for Jillie to join him on the back. He handed her a helmet, and she put it on. As if a silent GO! was said, all three ATV’s roared off. Jillian grabbed RJ around the waist and held on tightly. RJ bumped into the back of the lead vehicle driven by Josh. The driver shook his fist in fun.

When they arrived at the track, Jillian saw one large track that was graded with several hills against the flat track. The surface was dirt, with a couple of puddles throughout. Hay bales were placed along the edge as curbing.

They stopped, and RJ motioned for Jillian to get off. Mike, Natalie, Lucille, and Mikey arrived in the truck. Jillian walked over to the truck. Remembering that she still had on the helmet, she removed it and dashed over to return it to RJ. He said he didn’t need it and tossed it aside. She noticed that the other two men were wearing helmets and tried to argue with him, but he roared off.

The boys told their father that the race would be ten laps. Mike used his handkerchief as a starter’s flag. The roar of the revved ATV engines was almost deafening. Immediately, Josh took the lead, RJ was second, and Larry last. The first couple of laps the lead changed several times. Up the hills and down on the flat, they sounded like a swarm of buzzing bees. All three waved as they raced past the spectators.

Natalie shook her head. “Boys will be boys. What’s that the old saying about the price of their toys?”

Jillian smiled.

On the seventh lap RJ was about half-way up the hill, when he leaned to the left and fell off. The riderless machine continued up the hill a few feet, then fell backward. Jillian screamed as she saw the ATV fall on RJ, who was lying motionless at the side of the track. A glancing blow from the handlebar hit his forehead. Everyone ran to him and Jillian squatted down next to his seemingly lifeless body He opened his eyes. She tried to stop him from sitting up but couldn’t. Lucille handed Jillian a clean cloth that she pressed against his bloody forehead. She asked him if he hurt anywhere else, and he responded no. After asking RJ a few more questions, she decided that the only injury was to his forehead, which would need stitches, and a possible concussion. Mike helped him to his feet.

RJ argued during the ride to the hospital that all this fuss was totally unnecessary. Once registered, he was taken into a private room for the emergency room physician’s assessment. The door opened. A short white haired, aged man stepped into the room.

“Well, well, look who we have here. I’m Dr. Woods. Let’s have a look. Did you just fall off or did you pass out? You know, my wife’s one of your biggest fans, but I’m sure you hear that all the time.” He removed the compress from RJ’s forehead.

“I lost my balance and fell off.”

The doctor looked at RJ and smelled the alcohol on his patient’s breath. He noticed the attractive lady standing beside the exam table, holding RJ’s hand.

“And you are?” he asked Jillian.

“Jillian James, Mr. Montgomery’s fiancée.”

“Yeah, she’s my personal physician.”

“A doctor?”

“I’m an orthopedic surgeon.”

“Mr. Montgomery, I think you need a couple of stitches. Let’s get a couple of X-rays and do some lab work. Dr. James, do you agree?”

Jillian nodded.

After the X-rays were taken and Robert’s forehead stitched up, Dr. Woods said, “Son, I’d like to admit you for overnight just to watch you. You’ve had quite a blow to your head.”

RJ started to resist and argue, but Jillian stepped in, explaining, “RJ, it’s only precaution.”

“But you could watch me at home.”

“I know, but if something happened we’re several miles away. RJ, it’s best.”

“Well, I am tired. I could use a nap. Okay?”


Chapter 27

RJ was settled into a private room on the second floor. All the family said goodbye in the Emergency Room, leaving Jillian to spend some time with Robert. Mike told her he’d come back later to pick her up.

The next morning RJ was ready to be discharged and was anxiously waiting for Jillian to arrive. He was amazed to see the entire family standing at his bedside. A doctor that RJ hadn’t met stepped in behind them.

“Well, does it take all of you to spring me out of this joint?”

“Son, we need to talk,” Mike said. Robert looked at Jillian inquisitively. His father continued, “I don’t know how to say it tactfully, but we’re all really worried about your drinking. We’re here for your support, but you need to do something about it now!” All the family members nodded in agreement.

“RJ, your blood tests came back with abnormal values. I feel they’re abnormal because of the alcohol.” Jillian paused. RJ tried to say something, but she continued. “This is Dr. Axminster. He’s a substance abuse physician.”

Dr. Axminster stepped up and shook hands with Robert.

“So, what do you want? You’re going to tell me that I’m a drunk? ” Robert replied in a hateful tone.

“Mr. Montgomery, I’ve made some calls. You can enter a treatment program this afternoon. There are a couple centers that can handle a person of your caliber. Your blood work tells us that if you don’t stop drinking, you’ll soon be dead.” Robert looked at him with a blind stare.

Jillian said, “Would everyone mind stepping out? I’d like to have some time with Robert.” They left the room, but not before tearfully hugging their son and brother.

Jillian returned to the bedside and took RJ’s hand, “We have to talk. The longer you wait and continue to drink, your health will suffer. I’ve seen you mornings when you’ve been so ill you can hardly get out of bed. And then your day started with another drink. Alcohol’s taken over. I love you with all my heart and soul, but you can’t go on like this…we can’t.”

“How can you say you love me in one breath and in another tell me all this?” he said angrily.

Tears welled up in Jillian’s eyes. “I can, because I know somewhere underneath is still the person you once were. Now that I know your family, I believe that person’s still there. Remember, I’m ‘your’ physician. I see the values on your tests. I want you around to see our children grow up. I want to grow old with you, sitting on our front porch in our rocking chairs, Pa.”

Tears rolled down RJ’s face. He knew that he’d needed help for years. Now he had the girl of his dreams and didn’t want to lose her. He knew she was right. Without words he shook his head yes. Jillian put her arms around him, and he buried his face into her shoulder. She held him close, as they cried together.

“It’s going to be hard, but you’re a
right?” They both chuckled. She had her hand on the doorknob. “Ready?”

“Okay, let them folks in and we’ll this get done,” RJ said. He cleared his throat and wiped his face with a cool washcloth that Jillian handed him.

There were papers to be signed for discharge and the treatment center faxed their paper work for completion. The paperwork was finally completed, and Robert was accepted into the program. It was time to go.

When they arrived at the airport, they drove onto the tarmac, Robert John Montgomery’s plane was sitting waiting to whisk away its owner. His mother had packed their suitcases that morning before coming to the hospital. It had been decided that it would be best to fly out directly from the hospital. Jillian slipped off the engagement ring and into its box then quietly placed it inside Natalie’s purse.

After all the family good-bye’s were said, Jillian and Robert got on board. To their surprise, Gary and Emma sat on the plane.

“What’re you two doing here?”

“RJ, Jillie… I…” Emma nudged Gary. “I mean, we couldn’t let our best friends go through this alone.”

The four hugged and got seated all the while making small talk, trying to avoid the obvious. The plane taxied out. “Just where am I going?” asked RJ.

“Palm Springs.” Jillian said. “I talked to the people there, and their program’s extremely secure. Actually, we’re going to land at Bermuda Dunes. The airport’s much smaller and there are fewer people around than at the Palm Springs airport.”

After taking off, the foursome settled into the flight. Jillian explained that a representative from the treatment center was to meet them at the Bermuda Dunes Airport. There, he and Jillian would say goodbye, as she wasn’t allowed to go with him. He’d been enrolled in their ninety-day residential program. The program included counseling sessions, specialized support groups on an individual basis, along with daily lectures.

Jillian knew Robert felt that he’d been ganged up on and forced into this program. Earlier, he told her that since she’d turned against him and forced him into center, he didn’t ever want to see her again. She also knew medically that he was on a downhill spiral health-wise. He finally admitted that he’d been having blackouts and migraines.

When their pilot announced that they were beginning their descent into the Palm Springs area, dread suddenly hit Jillian. Disturbing questions flooded her mind: How can I say goodbye? Is it just for ninety days, it or forever? Has our time had come to an end? With tears in her eyes, she looked at RJ. Tears were rolled down RJ’s cheeks.

With Gary and Emma standing beside the couple, RJ and Jillian held each other, neither wanting to release the other. The program representative touched Robert on the shoulder.

“Sir, my name is Clifford, when you’re ready. I have your bag.”

Robert nodded in the affirmative.

He whispered, “Jillie, I’m glad we had our time together. Was it all that bad? If so, I’m sorry. I love you.” Choking back tears, he knew he was losing the best thing that’d ever happened to him.

“And I you,” was all Jillian could master. She felt like her heart was being ripped from her chest. She reached up, kissed his wet cheek, then turned and sank into Emma’s arms. “Em, I can’t let him go. I…..” Jillian sobbed almost uncontrollably.

Emma held her and said, “You’ve got to. You know it’s the best thing. You of all people should understand that he’s going downhill and if he doesn’t get help, when he reaches the bottom the fall will kill him.”

Gary walked his best friend to the car. They started to shake hands, but the gesture became a hug.

RJ looked back at the girls. He saw Emma holding Jillian and began to tear up again. “See ya in ninety days. Let everyone I’m sorry.”

“RJ, you take care. I’ll be right here to pick you up ninety days from today.”

“The girls are waiting. Thanks. Gar, take care of her.”

“I will.”

Robert John Montgomery didn’t look much like a superstar as he entered the car. His head was bandaged, his right eye swollen and starting to black and blue, physically and mentally crushed, tears fell down his cheeks. When he looked over to the plane, all were on board. He’d never felt so alone as at this very second.

As they were taxied out, Jillian looked back to the parking lot and the saw black limo pulling out. She said to herself,
Goodbye, Robert John Montgomery.
Have a nice life. She found herself sobbing aloud. Loneliness filled her whole self.
Granny, now I know what Dashed Dreams are all about.



Chapter 28

The next three months passed slowly. Jillian managed to fill her days with her medical practice and evenings with reading and crocheting. She kept to herself, trying to work out her feelings and mend her broken heart. At night in bed she talked to her grandmother’s spirit about dashed dreams and life not working out as planned.

Jillian’s parents came for a couple of weeks. Her father was very gracious regarding the Robert John Montgomery situation. The only thing he’d said was, “I knew he was hiding something. You’re going to be okay without him and his problem.” She and her mother sat up until the wee hours of the morning talking over
dashed dreams.
Jillian always became a “teenager” when her parents were around, but it was nice to have them back in Yerington. They were gone too soon for Jillian. They tried to get her to take a leave of absence and come home with them to heal. But Jillian knew she couldn’t grieve much longer. She was all out of tears and she had to mend.

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