Daughter of York

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Authors: Anne Easter Smith

Tags: #Fiction, #Historical, #Biographical, #Romance, #General

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A Rose for the Crown

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2008 by Anne Easter Smith

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Touchstone Subsidiary Rights Department,
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

First Touchstone trade paperback edition February 2008

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ISBN-13: 978-0-7432-7731-0
ISBN-10: 0-7432-7731-7
eISBN: 978-1-4391-4461-9

With love to my husband, Scott,
who encourages me every day to dream



Part One

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Part Two

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Part Three

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Part Four

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Author’s Note



A Touchstone Reading Group Guide


It is my great pleasure to acknowledge and thank several people for helping me tell Margaret of York’s story. First and foremost, my friend Maryann Long, who agreed to accompany me on my journey to Belgium to follow Margaret’s footsteps. She was Passepartout to my Phileas: carrying the maps, taking hundreds of photographs, acting as a sounding board as I plotted out the novel and saving my life as I blithely stepped off sidewalks onto busy Belgian boulevards thinking I was back in the fifteenth century. We discovered Burgundy together and shared many fascinating excursions. I must also thank my sister, Jill Phillips, who once again hosted me in London while I went to the British Library, the Public Record Office and other venues. Through her friend Jo Cottrell I was able to view the only medieval portion of Greenwich Palace (now the Royal Naval College), which is not generally open to the public. Thanks, too, to Ann Wroe, author of
The Perfect Prince
in UK), whose knowledge of Margaret was invaluable to my research and who gamely photocopied the entire Vander Linden’s
Itinéraires de Charles, duc de Bourgogne, Marguerite d’York et Marie de Bourgogne
for me. Claire Denenberg, nurse practitioner extraordinaire, helped me with medical aspects of the book.

I would also like to acknowledge: Professor Marc Boone of the University of Ghent, who graciously gave me a crash course in Burgundian politics in just under two hours in his office; Professor Emeritus Walter Prevenier of the same university, who through an e-mail exchange pointed me in the direction of fifteenth-century buildings in Mechelen; medieval-history consultant Henk’t Jong of Dordrecht, Netherlands; my friend Kiek van Kempen for help with Dutch/Flemish; and Pamela Butler, membership chair of the U.S. branch of the Richard III Society, who kindly lent me Joseph Calmette’s
Philip the Good
Charles the Bold
for more than a year even before she had read them herself.

My thanks to erstwhile singing partner and graphic artist Patrick Duniho of Plattsburgh, N.Y., for contributing his creative talent to the chart and map at the front of the book.

I would be remiss not to thank again my tireless agent, Kirsten Manges, and my overworked and brilliant editor, Trish Todd.

And finally, to my family for supporting my new career venture, all love and thanks.

Dramatis Personae

*Fictional Characters


York family

see Plantagenet Family Tree

Lancaster family

see Plantagenet Family Tree

Woodville family

Sir Anthony (later Lord Scales and second Earl Rivers)

Eliza Scales,
his wife

Elizabeth Grey (later Queen Elizabeth),
his eldest sister

Jacquetta (formerly duchess of Bedford),
his mother

Richard, first Earl Rivers,
his father

Sir Edward,
his brother

his brother

various brothers and sisters

Neville family

Cecily, duchess of York (see Genealogy chart)

Richard, earl of Warwick,
her nephew

Countess Anne,
his wife

Isabel (later duchess of Clarence),
Warwick’s daughter
(see Genealogy chart)

Anne (later duchess of Gloucester),
her sister
(see Genealogy chart)

George Neville,
Warwick’s brother, chancellor of England


Anne of Caux,
the York family nursemaid

*Jane Percy,
Margaret’s attendant

*Ann Herbert,
Margaret’s attendant

*Beatrice Metcalfe,
Margaret’s attendant

Margaret’s attendant

John Harper,
soldier and messenger in Edward’s train

William, Lord Hastings,
Edward’s councilor and chamberlain

John Howard (later Lord Howard and duke of Norfolk),
Edward’s councilor

John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester,
Edward’s councilor

Jehan Le Sage and Richard L’Amoureux,
Edward’s jesters

Lady Eleanor Butler,
one of Edward’s mistresses

Isobel, countess of Essex,
lady-in-waiting to Duchess Cecily

Anthony Woodville’s squire

*Brother Damian,
monk at Reading Abbey

Dr. Fryse,
one of Edward’s physicians

Señor Martin Berenger,
emissary of the court of Aragon

*Master Vaughan,
Margaret’s steward

Burgundy, (see Plantagenet Family Tree)

Charles, count of Charolais (later duke of Burgundy),
Margaret’s husband

Duke Philip,
his father

Dowager Duchess Isabella,
his mother

Countess Isabelle,
his first wife

his daughter

Antoine, count de la Roche, the Grand Bastard of Burgundy,
his stepbrother

archduke of Austria and heir to the Holy Roman Empire

Marie de Charny,
Charles’s stepsister and Margaret’s chief attendant

Pierre de Bauffremont, count of Charny,
her husband

Anne of Burgundy (later Lady Ravenstein),
Charles’s stepsister

Adolphe of Cleves, Lord Ravenstein,
Margaret’s councilor

Lord Louis of Gruuthuse,
merchant of Bruges and Margaret’s councilor

Guillaume de la Baume, Lord of Irlain,
Margaret’s chevalier d’honneur

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