Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (16 page)

BOOK: Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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* * * *

The rest of Cane’s afternoon went by uneventfully. After her walk with Riley, she had lunch at the diner. Logan and Duncan ended up having to go out on a call, so they weren’t able to make it. Once lunch was over, Cane decided that she wanted to go home. Home? When did the Matthew’s house become her home? The thought didn’t make her feel uncomfortable. In fact she felt a sense of belonging and for the first time in her life, she had somewhere to call her own, even if five other people lived there. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched and felt safer at home. Riley didn’t ask questions, he just took her straight home. Once there, he suggested a movie
and Cane agreed. Trying to get her mind off the weird feelings she was having and not really paying attention to the movie, Cane decided to ask Riley about Jessica.

“So how long have you liked Jessica?”

Catching him off guard with the question, Riley choked on his drink. Cane gave him a knowing smirk as she patted him on the back. His reaction was all the answer she needed to know that he really did like her.

“How do you know I like her?”

“I saw it on your face when we walked in the library today.” Riley was quiet for so long that Cane didn’t think he would answer until he took a deep breath.

“I’m in love with her, but she doesn’t even know I exist.” Cane didn’t say a word, so he continued, “I have wanted her since the third grade, but she was always so shy. In high school, she turned down every guy that asked her out, so I never bothered thinking I never had a chance. Once I left to go to college I figured that I would forget about her, but I haven’t been able to. I go to that library every
day and pretend to study just to be in the same room with her, but she never even says anything to me beyond hi and bye. Pathetic

Turning toward Riley, Cane put both palms on his cheeks. “You are not pathetic. From what I saw, Jessica looks at you the same way you look at her. I could see it in her eyes that she liked you. Her face lit up when she saw you come through the door.”

“She has never shown any interest in me.”

“Maybe she is shy and you are going about this the wrong way. Maybe she is waiting for you to take charge and ask her out.”

“You really think?”

Cane could hear the hope in his voice and prayed that she wasn’t wrong about this. “Sure
and besides, what is the harm in asking her out? If she turns you down then at least you have your answer and can move on with your life.”

“Have an answer to what?” Riley and Cane both turned to see Logan leaning against the doorway.

“Hey, bro,” Riley said, standing
“It’s nothing. Cane was just helping me with a little problem I’m having. Are you home for the day because I need to go out for a bit?”

Logan wasn’t buying Riley’s excuse, but Cane was glad he didn’t push him for the truth.

“Yeah, go do whatever you need to do. I’m off and Duncan will be here once he finishes up with the paperwork from the call we got earlier.”

Riley kissed Cane on the cheek and whispered, “Thanks,” and walked out of the room.

“What was that all about?” Logan asked as he walked over to her.

Not wanting to upset Logan, but not wanting to tell Riley’s secret, Cane took a deep breath and said, “I’m sure he will tell you when the time is right.”

Without saying another word, Logan wrapped her in his arms and kissed her. Cane felt her body instantly relax as it molded to Logan’s. All thoughts of Riley and Jessica flew out of her head as he nibbled her bottom lip and licked his tongue across the crease. Cane parted her lips and was instantly rewarded when Logan eased his tongue in her mouth. The kiss was slow and gentle, but when they parted, it left both of them out of breath.

Logan was the first to speak. “Damn, I missed you.”

Wrapping her arms around his ne
, Cane pulled his head down to hers and kissed him again. “I missed you, too,” she said between kisses.

She kissed his eyes, his nose, and began trailing kisses down his jaw. He smelled so good, like outdoors and musk. Pure man. Once she got to his neck, she bit it slightly causing him to groan. The next thing she knew, the world tilted as Logan suddenly picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Cane let out a loud squeal and wrapped her arms around his waist to keep from falling.

Laughing as he walked down the hall
she yelled, “You are such a caveman,” and bit him on his butt. She was rewarded with a grunt from him as he smacked her bottom. She laughed again as he suddenly threw her on the bed.

“At least I didn’t knock you over the head and drag you by your hair to the bed,” Logan said

Looking around, Cane noticed that they weren’t in Duncan’s room. This must be Logan’s room. The bed was just as big as Duncan’s and was covered in lots of pillows. Everything in the room was either chocolate or cream in color.

“You like it?”

“Yes, but I never pictured you to go for such rich elegant colors. I figured you to be more of a rugged flannel guy.”

“I deal with that all day out at work
hen I come home, I want to relax and be comfortable.” The bed was really comfortable. Feeling bold, Cane rose up on her knees and pulled Logan down on the bed. She started kissing him again as she worked the buttons on his shirt. With each button that opened, she kissed and licked the skin that appeared. Once the shirt was fully unbuttoned, she helped him sit up and removed it. Straddling his lap, she began kissing his chest again. She licked one nipple and caused him to gasp. Feeling good about his reaction, she continued to lick. She sucked the nipple into her mouth and bit down gently. Logan groaned, and she felt him put his hands on the back of her head. Smiling, she moved over to the other nipple and gave it the same attention. She then trailed kisses down his chest stopping at his belly button. When she dipped her tongue inside, she felt Logan’s stomach muscles flex. Once she reached his belt, she sat up and looked him. Logan’s eyes were glazed over and he was breathing heavily. Cane nibbled her bottom lip nervously. Did she have the guts to do what she wanted to do?

As if sensing her indecision, Logan sat up. “Hey, you don’t have to do that. We can do whatever feels comfortable to you.”

“I want to. It’s just that…well…I was told that I was no good at it. I haven’t done it very often. Sam was always too rough and the last time he made me do it was about four years ago, he cut off my air supply and held my head so I couldn’t move. I panicked and bit him. I received a broken jaw, but he never asked me to suck him again.”

“That bastard wouldn’t have gotten what he deserved even if you had bitten his cock off. I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

“I want to.”

“Okay, I will lie here then and try my best not to move if that helps. Just, no teeth,” he said with a huge grin. Instantly Cane felt comforted.
I can do this.
Nodding, Cane pushed gently on his shoulder and eased him back down on the bed.

Returning to his belt, Cane unbuckled it with trembling fingers. After a few tries, she managed to get his pants unbuttoned and unzipped. She lowered his pants and boxer briefs together as Logan lifted his hips to help. She was rewarded with his large, swollen cock that lay fully erect against his belly. She reached out and ran her finger down then underside tracing the vein that ran there. Once she reached the base, she wrapped her hand around him and gently squeezed. She felt Logan’s thighs tense as he moaned.

She looked up. “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

“No, it feels good

Gaining a little more courage, she leaned down and swiped her tongue across the head of his cock licking the small bead of pre
cum. She instantly fell in love with his taste, slightly salty and sweet. She moaned as she swallowed and sucked him into her mouth. Using her hand she pumped up and down as
licked and sucked. Soon she could hear Logan moaning, and she felt him ease his hands in her hair, Cane froze.

“Sorry, baby, just reflexes. You are driving me crazy. Your hot mouth feels so good on my cock. I’m trying my best not to lose control.”

Spurred on by his words, Cane continued. It made her feel good that she was able to make him lose control like this. She didn’t feel threatened and knew he would never hurt her like Sam. Cane increased her efforts wanting to see how far she could push him. Still squeezing the base of his cock, she used her other hand to lightly massage and roll his balls. Using her mouth, she sucked as she flicked her tongue under the sensitive tip. She could feel his cock throbbing and swelling.

“Oh God, baby, I’m gonna come!”

Releasing his cock from her mouth, she pumped him twice more and watched as he shot his c
m on her chin and chest. She continued to pump him until he wrapped his hand over hers and held it.

“No more. Damn baby, you are going to kill me.”

“Was that okay?” Cane couldn’t keep the fear that it was bad out of her voice.

Rising up, Logan grabbed her and quickly flipped her on her back. Once he was on top of her, he kissed her deeply. “Baby, anything you do to me will be good because I love you.”

He loves me.
Gasping for breath, Cane couldn’t hold back the tears as they began to flow.
I’m turning into such a crybaby
I have cried more in the few days that I have been here than in the past eight years combined.

“Do you really mean that?” she asked.

“Baby, I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it. I know it hasn’t been that long, but I love you. I know in my heart that you were meant for me and Duncan. I would die if you left or if anything happened to you. You belong here with us.” Cane wrapped her arms around Logan’s neck and buried her face in his chest and sobbed.

, baby, don’t cry. I didn’t mean to upset you.

Sniffing, Cane looked up at him and gave him a watery smile. “I’m not upset, Logan. I’m happy. I have never been this happy in all my life. I love you, Logan. I love you and Duncan with all my heart. You are right, this is where I belong. Of all the possible places I could have ended up when I got on that bus, I am glad I ended up here.”

Hugging her, Logan whispered, “Me too, baby
e too.”

* * * *

Duncan finally arrived home from work. He ended up getting a call right when he was about to lock up and head home. Mrs. Jessup called scared because she thought she saw a strange man lurking in the woods behind her house. She was eighty-two years old and lost her husband last year, so Duncan took the call. It turned out to be nothing like he figured, but he stayed for dinner to keep her company knowing she was a lonely old woman. Now it was eleven p.m., and he was tired and the only thing he wanted to do was take a shower and curl up around Cane and sleep. He missed her. He didn’t think there was a minute of the day that went by that he didn’t think about her. Getting out of the SUV, he quickly climbed the steps and entered the house. He found Cane in the living room curled up on the couch with Ali watching a movie. They were eating popcorn and laughing. Duncan leaned against the door and watched them. It was amazing how much they were both alike. They both had scars from their past both mentally and physically, but seeing them together laughing like they had been best friends for years made Duncan’s heart melt. He already knew he loved Cane, but this just was just icing on the cake. She belonged here and he had no plans of letting her go. Easing back out of the room so that he wouldn’t disturb them, Duncan turned and headed toward his room to take a shower.

BOOK: Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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