Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (6 page)

BOOK: Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Chapter 5

Logan and Duncan rocked Cane until they realized she was asleep. Duncan picked her up and gently laid her on the cot in the holding cell, placing her bag next to her. He left the door to the cell open in case she woke up. He didn’t want her to wake up and panic, thinking they were locking her up. Walking back over to his desk he sat down and sighed heavily. He watched as Logan paced the room and could tell that he was about ready to hunt this Sam guy down and beat the shit out of him. He couldn’t blame him
about Logan’s past, he felt the same way.

“I knew that she was hiding something,” Logan said, “but I never suspected this. It’s a good thing we didn’t run a search on her
he bastard is probably watching for that so that he can find her.”

“Where do we go from here?” Duncan asked. “Her confession doesn’t change how I feel about her. And I know you feel the same way, so I think the most important thing is to show her that she can trust us. At this point, she is looking for a reason to jump on the next bus out of town, and we can’t let that happen.”

“You’re right,” said Logan
running his fingers through his hair and sitting down. As if he had been reading Duncan’s mind, Logan said, “I wish I could find the little shit and beat the hell out of him. What do you think he did to her to put her in the hospital for eleven days?”

“Whatever it was it had to be horrible, and with him being a detective on the force she probably felt like she couldn’t press charges.” Both men sat silently, both thinking of the hell that Cane had suffered for eight years at the hands of a man that was supposed to protect rather than torture

* * * *

“No! Please don’t. I’m sorry
t won’t happen again!” Cane screamed. She tried to run, but she was cuffed to a bed.

“You bitch! How dare you try to run from me? I gave you everything and this is how you repay me?” Cane could hear Sam screaming, but she couldn’t see where he was in the room. It sounded like his voice was coming from all around her.

“Please, Sam, just let me go. You made your point. I will never leave you again.”

Stepping out of the shadows, Sam walked over to the bed with a huge grin on his face. “Oh, I have no doubt, baby, that by the time I am done with you, the thought of leaving me will never cross your mind again.” Cane began to scream and felt hands on her shoulders shaking her. Someone was yelling her name, and she opened her eyes and sat straight up. Logan was staring at her with a worried look on his face. Cane lay back down and took a deep breath. Rubbing her face with trembling hands she softly chanted to herself that it was just a dream. Shivering she realized that she was covered in sweat. Logan must have noticed because he grabbed the blanket folded up at the end of the cot and covered her with it.

“You want to talk about it?”

“I dreamed he found me,” Cane said. “It was awful
e had me handcuffed to a bed and he had this crazy look in his eyes. He couldn’t believe that I would ever leave him and he was going to make me pay. Oh God, Logan! What if he finds me? What am I going to do?” Fresh tears began to fall, and Logan wrapped her in his arms and rubbed her back in small circles.


okay, baby, don’t worry. Duncan and I will protect you, I promise. Nothing bad will happen to you here.” Logan gently sat Cane away from him and lifted her face to his so that he could look her in the eyes. “Your plan was great, and it worked perfectly. How can he find you if you didn’t even know where you were going until you got here?”

“I guess you are right, but you don’t know Sam. He will try his best to find me.”

“Well, if he does happen to show up here, then Duncan and I will handle him.”

Feeling better, Cane pulled back to look at Logan. “Thank you for being here. All my life I have never had anyone to depend on but myself. It’s nice to have someone in my corner for a change.”

Logan didn’t respond
, he reached up and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. He left his hand against her cheek and stared into her eyes, and then he slowly leaned down and kissed her. Caught off guard, Cane didn’t have time to react. Suddenly his lips were on hers
hey were warm and silky soft. He moved them against hers as his tongue slid out and rubbed her top lip. Moaning, she opened her mouth and he took it as an invitation to take the kiss even further. His tongue entered her mouth slowly as if waiting for her to protest. He traced the roof and sides of her mouth and then rubbed her tongue with his. His taste was sweet and his kiss was so gentle that it made Cane light-headed. Sam had never kissed her like this. He liked to dominate her mouth, and it became quite painful at times when he became too rough. Logan didn’t compare to Sam at all
his was the best kiss she had ever had in her life. He moved his tongue out of her mouth, and Cane followed it with hers. She traced his lips as he sucked her bottom lip in his mouth. Bringing her hands up to the back of his head, she ran them through his soft hair.

“Am I interrupting something?” Cane jumped and looked over to see Duncan leaning against the cell door smiling with a wicked look in his eyes.

“Don’t let me stop you,” he said
“I was enjoying the show.” Staring at him, Cane didn’t see or hear any hint of jealousy in him. Wow, it must be true
hey really do share women
she thought.

“I think I need to be heading to my room,” she said as she stood.

“I don’t think you need to be alone right now after the dream you just had,” Logan said.

“It was just a bad dream
I have them all the time, and it’s no big deal.”

Logan was about to say something, but Duncan cut him off. “Ali asked me to invite you to dinner tonight. Maybe you can go for a little bit. It will make us all happy and you don’t have to be alone at least for a little while.” Biting her lip, Cane looked at both men and nodded. They smiled and turned and walked out of the cell. Grabbing her bag from the bed, she followed them out. “Do you need to get anything from your room before we go?” Duncan asked.

“I would like to go freshen up and grab a jacket.”

“Good. I will drive you while Logan finishes things up here and we will meet him at the house.” He and Logan looked at each other and something passed between them. Smiling, Logan turned away. Duncan placed a hand on the small of her back and led her out.
What have I gotten myself into?

* * * *

Walking Cane back to her room, Duncan kept his hand on the small of her back. He had no intentions of removing it since she wasn’t complaining. Her body was so warm, and walking this close, he smelled her scent, something flowery and delicious. His mouth watered. He wanted what Logan had, he wanted to kiss her. Quietly, they walked the couple blocks to the bed
breakfast. Following her to her room, he stepped inside and closed the door. Once inside Cane seemed to get nervous. He noticed that she was wringing her hands and fidgeting and wouldn’t look at him. Walking over, he cupped his hand under her chin and turned her face toward him.

“Hey, are you okay?”

At first he didn’t think she would answer, but after a minute or two, she sighed. “I just don’t want you to think that what happened with me and Logan earlier is something that I do all the time. I don’t know what happened, I mean, one minute I was crying and the next we were kissing and…well, anyway I have never done that with anyone other than Sam.”

Still cupping her chin, Duncan smiled. “I don’t think that at all. Logan wants you and so do I.”

He could see when Cane actually heard what he said, her eyes widened and she inhaled deeply. He was shocked at what she said next. “So it’s true then?”

“Is what true?” She tried to look away, but Duncan held onto her chin. “Is what true?”

“Um, that you and Logan like to share women.” Not wanting to scare her off but wanting her to trust him, he finally nodded his head.

“I can’t believe that you have only been in town for a day and already someone was eager to spread gossip to you.”

“Please don’t be mad
he didn’t tell me for that reason. She said that she could tell you both liked me and that I would be good for you.” Duncan looked at her and frowned.

“Who told you that?” Biting her lip, he could tell that Cane didn’t want to answer him.

“I’m scared to tell you
I don’t want to get her in trouble. She didn’t mean any harm by it.” Duncan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Did she really think that he was like that, that he would get angry over something like this? He could see the beat of Cane’s heart through the vein on the side of her neck. From how fast it was beating and her fast shallow breaths, he could tell that she was scared to death at the moment.

“Hey, it’s okay. I’m not mad, and I promise not to get angry at whoever told you. We were going to tell you anyway so it’s no big deal.”

Watching him closely, she took a deep breath and said, “It was Ali.”

“My baby sister Ali? She is sixteen. What the hell does she know about this? How did she even find out?”

Backing away from him, Cane said, “You promised you wouldn’t get mad, and she found out the same way you thought I did, town gossips.”

Holding his hands out as if he was trying to calm a scared animal, Duncan walked slowly to her. “I’m not mad, sweetheart. I could never be mad at her. I’m just upset that she found out that way. She shouldn’t even be thinking of things like this at her age.”

Reaching out, he gently grabbed Cane by the shoulders and pulled her to him. She stiffened at first, but then relaxed and molded her body to his. We fit perfectly, Duncan thought. He planted a kiss
her forehead and slowly trailed them down the side of her face. When he reached her jaw, he made his way over to her chin. Feeling a slight shiver coming from her, he covered her mouth with his. Groaning, he tried to pull her closer and his tongue trailed along the seam of her lips trying to coax her to open up and let him in. When her lips parted, he plunged his tongue in took over her mouth. The kiss went from slow to fast in a heartbeat as she began to suck on his tongue. Wrapping a hand around her hair, he tilted her head and started kissing down the side of her throat causing her to moan and clench her fingers in his shirt. Kissing back up the other side of her throat, he stopped when he got to the corner of her mouth and kissed it.

Both breathing heavily, he rested his forehead against hers and said, “Ali will be upset if we’re late.” Looking at him with glazed eyes, Cane nodded and went into the bathroom. Damn! That was incredible, Duncan thought. He had never been that turned on just kissing. Adjusting the erection that was pressed painfully against his zipper, he smiled. If he hadn’t stopped when he did, he would have come in his pants like some thirteen-year-old boy. Wouldn’t that have been embarrassing? Although he was upset that Ali knew about him and Logan, he was going to have to thank her for telling Cane and saving them the trouble. And, from Cane’s reaction to kissing him and Logan, he didn’t think she was opposed to the idea. Now the only thing they had to worry about was keeping her in town long enough to make it happen
because he knew now there was no way they could rush things.

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