Day Out of Days

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Authors: Sam Shepard

BOOK: Day Out of Days
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Kicking a Dead Horse
Buried Child
Tooth of Crime (Second Dance)
The God of Hell
Great Dream of Heaven
The Late Henry Moss, Eyes for Consuela,
When the World Was Green
Cruising Paradise
States of Shock, Far North, Silent Tongue
A Lie of the Mind
The Unseen Hand and Other Plays
Fool for Love and Other Plays
Paris, Texas
Seven Plays
Motel Chronicles
Rolling Thunder Logbook
Hawk Moon

To all my family
and those long gone

That’s the mistake I made … to have wanted a story for myself, whereas life alone is enough.




Haskell, Arkansas (Highway 70)


Williams, Arizona (Highway 40West)


One Night in the Long-Ago

Indianapolis (Highway 74)

These Recent Beheadings

Classic Embrace

Alpine, Texas (Highway 90)

Mission San Juan Capistrano

Pity the Poor Mercenary

Quanah, Texas

Pea Ridge Battlefield, Arkansas

San Juan Bautista (Highway 152)

Brain Fever


Thor’s Day (Highway 81 North, Staunton, Virginia)

Cracker Barrel Men’s Room (Highway 90West)



Time Line


Esmeralda and the Flipping Hammer (Highway 152,

Tet Offensive

Mean Green

Poolside Musings in Sunny L.A.

Seminole, Texas

Las Vegas, New Mexico

Nauvoo, Illinois

Little People

These Days—Grand Canyon

Lost Art of Wandering (Highway 152,

Duke of Earl


Wyoming (Highway 80 East)

Buffalo Trace

Our Dwelling Is but a Wandering

Original Sin


Choirboy Once

Cat in a Barn at Night

Philip, South Dakota (Highway 73)

Nephophobia (Veterans Highway)

Victorville, California (Highway 15)

Elko, Nevada (Thunderbird Motel)


Faith, South Dakota (Interstate 25)


Horses Racing Men

Man O’War


Lightning Man

Saving Fats

Bossier City, Louisiana (Highway 220)

Shreveport, Louisiana

Casey Moan

Mr. Williams

Five Spot

Knoxville, Tennessee (Highway 40)

Head in the World


Tall Thin White Man

Perpetual Warrior

Livingston, Montana

Lost Whistle


Majesty (Highway 101 South)

Bright Spots

High Noon Moon (Highway 152,

Orange Grove in My Past

Kingman, Arizona (Andy Devine Boulevard)

Van Horn, Texas (Highway 10)

Mercenary Takes a Stab at Self-Improvement

Interview in Café Pascual

June Bugs


Nine Below


Dawson, Minnesota (Highway 212 East)

Demon in the Woods

Gardening in the Dark

Happy Man

Promising Two-Year-Old

Mandan, North Dakota (Highway 94)

Miles City, Montana (Highway 94 West)

Wichita, Kansas (Highway 35 North)

Valentine, Nebraska (Highway 20)

Christopher Columbus

Devil’s Music (Montana, Highway 2)

I Can Make a Deal

Butte, Montana

Get Out of Butte Altogether

Ft. Robinson, Nebraska (Highway 20)

Wounded Knee, Pine Ridge Reservation

Rosebud, South Dakota (Highway 83 North)

I Thought There Was a Hawk


Normal (Highway 39 South)

Elkhorn River



Durango, Mexico

Tulum, Mexico

Boca Paila, Mexico


Quintana Roo, Mexico

Dogs Really Know

Land of the Living

Screened-in Porch

Clarksville, Missouri (Little Dixie Highway)

Where Are We Now?

The Head Reflects


We Sat Around in Rosy Candlelight

Black Oath


Things You Learn from Others

Rape and Pillage

Should He Head North

Lost Coin


There’s a Man in a Pay Phone

Back in the Woods


One Stone

Regrets of the Head

Indio, California

Wisconsin Wilderness

Distant Songs of Madmen

These Pills

Rogers, Arkansas (Highway 62)


Deepest thanks to the following:

Rudy Wurlitzer
Michael Almereyda
Judy Boals
LuAnn Walther
Phil Gerow
Hal Jennings
Val Kilmer
Larry Shainberg
Rosemary Quinn
and Jessica


I’ve always done my best work in the kitchen. I don’t know why. Cooking stuff up. Maybe that’s it. Now I’ve got my own kitchen deep in the country with a big round table smack in the middle. But I am surrounded. I’m not sure who put all this stuff in here. Who jumbled all this up on my white brick walls as though it told some story, made some sense; some whole world out of floating fractured bits and pieces. Pencil drawing of Seattle Slew, long after retirement—bloated pasture-belly, glazed far-off stare in his eye as though looking back to the glory days of the Triple Crown. And, wedged between the glass and flat black frame, snapshots of different sons in different shirts doing different things like fishing, riding mules and tractors; leaning up against their different mothers at radical angles. Postcards of nineteenth-century Lakota warriors like Gaul, adopted son of Sitting Bull, price on his head; left for dead only to come back and seek his perfect vengeance at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Henry Miller with a walking stick, black beret, sitting on a rock wall gesticulating to the camera, some quote about morality and why don’t we just give ourselves over completely and unabashedly to the present, since we’re all up against the same grim prospect anyway; same sinking ship. Slaves in sepia tone, harvesting bluegrass seed and whistling “Dixie.” Wedged between the tile and brick, more pix of hawks and galloping horses out near where we used to chase skinny coyotes back into the tangled mesquite and ocotillo. Then Beckett’s sorrowful bespectacled hawk-face, gazing into oblivion with no trace of self-pity, resigned, hands clasped between his knees. Underneath in
neat black scrawl: “There is no return game between a man and his stars.”

Who scrambled all this stuff in here with no seeming regard for associative order, shape, or color? Without the slightest care for where it might all wind up. Just randomly pinned to cupboards and door frames, slipping sideways; gathering spotted stove grease and fly shit. El Santuario de Chimayó, for instance, caked in Christmas snow, but what’s it doing right next door to a business card for my horseshoer with an anvil and hammer logo? Then, working up the wall, there’s the little bay in Lubec, Maine, where another set of rum-running ancestors lay long buried, then magic stones from Bernalillo, Wounded Knee, the painted stick, guts of the dream catcher, antelope, prairie dog, old speckled racing greyhounds flying off the tailgates; rusted spurs on the back of the black walnut door. What’s all this shit for? Some display for who? For me? What for? Some guest or other? I have no guests. You know that. I’m no host. Never have been. Maybe the old Sonoran man who drops off split oak but no real visitors, that’s for sure. Everyone knows to stay far away. Especially now with the tiger-brindled pit bull out front. The screaming burro kicking buckets down the hill. The fighting gallo in attack mode. I’m in this bunker all my own, surrounded by mysterious stuff. It may be time to take a break and walk back out into the dripping black woods where I know the hollowed-out Grandaddy Sycamore sits and waits for you to climb inside and breathe up into its bone-white aching arms.

Haskell, Arkansas
(Highway 70)

Sunday, midday. Not many cars. Man’s out for a stroll. He comes across a head in a ditch by the side of the road; walks right past it, thinking he hasn’t seen what he’s just seen; thinking it’s not possible. He stops. His heart starts picking up a little. His breath gets choppy. He’s shaking now and he’s never understood why his body always takes over in moments of panic like this; why his body refuses to listen to his head. He turns and goes back. He stops again and stares down into the ditch. There it is. Big as life. He’s staring straight at it. A severed head in a wicker basket. He picks up a stick and pokes it like he’s done before with dead dogs or deer. The skin puffy and blue and the eyes shut tight, squinting as though frozen in the moment of amputation. The head sporting a Pancho Villa-style moustache; two buckteeth slightly visible; a single spot of blood on the lower lip. No other signs of gore. No dangling arteries or purple mess. It’s a cleanly decapitated head resting flat in the bottom of a basket with what looks like burlap tucked neatly around the abbreviated neck. Black locks of matted hair dangle in snaky coils down both ears. The body is nowhere in sight. The man is relieved about that. In fact, he hopes he doesn’t stumble across it
in the same way he came across the head. That might be more than he could handle at this point.

Suddenly, the head starts to speak to the man in a soft, lilting voice. The eyes of the head don’t open; the lips don’t move. The voice just seems to be floating out the top of the skull. It’s a humble, quiet kind of voice with no accent that the man can make out. Maybe the islands. The head asks the man if he’ll kindly pick up the basket and carry it to a place it would prefer to be. A tranquil place not too far from here, away from the pounding sun and the roar of traffic. The head tells the man it’s been hard for him to think straight in this miserable ditch. Panic takes hold of the man and he runs. He runs so fast and desperately that he quickly exhausts himself and falls down flat on his face. He hasn’t fallen so completely flat as this since he was a little kid running away from his father; running for his life. With his teeth in the dirt the man hears the head calling out to him in the most forlorn and melancholy voice the man has ever heard. It makes his whole heart ache. The man pulls himself up off the ground, spitting little grains of sand. He turns and returns to the head. He can’t help himself. His heart is pounding wildly. He tells the head he doesn’t want to be involved; this was purely accidental, this meeting between the two of them, and he wants to just continue on his way as though the whole thing never happened. The head pleads with the man and the voice of the head is so full of yearning that the man remains rooted to the ground. The head tells him he’s been calling out for days to the passing cars but no one hears him, no one stops. The man is the first one to stop. This makes the man feel important somehow; the idea that he might be some kind of hero. He likes that idea and his heart begins to relax and return to normal. The man asks the head, very tentatively, where it is he might want to be taken and the head answers, “A lake, not too far from here. It won’t take very long. You can just throw me into the flat water and then be on your way.” The man considers for a moment then agrees to carry the head on one condition and that is that the head will
please not speak to him anymore other than to give him simple clear directions on how to get to the lake and, above all, he should never again make that mournful, melancholy sound. The head agrees eagerly to all this and immediately goes silent.

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