Day, Xondra - Menage on the Prairie (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (10 page)

BOOK: Day, Xondra - Menage on the Prairie (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“You’re tense,” commented Winter.

Ryan nodded. He didn’t dare move an inch when Winter slipped
his hand underneath his shirt. A small sigh escaped his lips. It felt so
good to have a man touch him again. He craved the one-on-one intimacy.

A look was exchanged between them. Winter swallowed hard. “You’re a very handsome man, Ryan.”

Ryan felt his cheeks flush at the compliment. Glancing downward onto his chest, he watched as Winter unbuttoned his shirt. The man’s hand brushed against his nipples as he opened it to reveal Ryan’s chest.

Ryan looked up, Winter bit down on his bottom lip. His lust-filled eyes glazed. “You’re truly beautiful. Total perfection and then some.”

Ryan watched Winter lean in over him,
Winter’s lips now connecting with his left nipple. At first, Winter hesitated, as if he expected Ryan to stop him. But why the hell would he stop something, something that felt so damned good?

Ryan moaned, Winter’s lips sucking his nipple, nibbling just enough to make him react.

“You like that?” asked Winter, his eyes curious as if they questioned just how far he could take things.

“Yeah, I like that.” Ryan inhaled deep, holding his breath for a minute before exhaling. He curled his fingers into Winter’s hair, the man’s head moving lower, trailing little kisses, Winter’s fingers fumbling with his belt buckle.

And Ryan wanted it, he wanted it bad. He needed this man to caress him, to touch him in ways that could only be done behind closed doors in private, away from prying eyes and idle gossips.

Ryan could feel the burning sensation grow between his legs, his cock swelling, he ached. Every inch of him down there sought release and when Winter set him free, he groaned.

“Well, look at that,” commented Winter, his hands snaking around Ryan’s engorged cock. “Someone’s
glad to see me.”

“I’ll be even more glad when you take me in your mouth.” Ryan flashed a boyish grin. Suddenly his headache was all but gone. All he wanted now was to feel pleasure, unabashed, hot, dirty pleasure.

In one swift movement, Winter hauled Ryan’s trousers down across his hips. Now fully exposed, Ryan grabbed himself. “You want that, eh?” he asked, one corner of his mouth curled in a wicked, snake-like grin. He’d always been submissive to Joe, but with this man, he’d play differently.

“I do, I want it bad. I noticed you from the first moment you strutted into the saloon. Everything about you made me wanna—”

“Wanna what? Tell me what you want to do to me.” Ryan was enjoying this immensely.

Now firmly planted between Ryan’s legs, Winter gazed at him, gingerly stroking his cock. “I wanted to strip you down, lick you from head-to-toe, and have you,” Winter paused.



want you inside me. I want you to stick this inside me, deep.”

“How much do you want it?”

“More than anything.”

* * * *

“Just exactly what are you saying?” asked Kate, arms folded across her chest. From the get-go, deep down she had felt that something wasn’t right with the whole situation.

The tension, the looks that Ryan had often given her when he thought she hadn’t been looking, and him distancing himself from Joe. It was as if the two men may have had some sort of relationship other than just friendship. But that wasn’t possible, was it?

She erased the thought from her mind. It was silly to think such a thing. Joe wasn’t that way, he was all man. He’d proved that to her in bed.

* * * *

“Before you came, I mean before you arrived there was something between me and Ryan.” Joe stood from the table and paced the room.

“Yes,” she nodded. “I know that you two were very close, being best friends and all.”

“It was more than close, Kate. I don’t even know how to talk about this.” Joe stopped, catching her gaze. Their gazes locked with one another. “I’ve kept this hidden for so long it just feels so damned awkward to talk about. It’s the kind of thing that was never meant to come out.”

“Close,” her voice rose another octave. Was he telling her what she thought he was telling her? This couldn’t be true.

“It was

Silence sluiced through the air between them.

Kate’s mind went blank. She went to speak and nothing came out. There were no words to explain the shock that had overtaken her. She opened the front door and stepped out onto the front porch, the humid night air sweeping over her. She gripped the railing, feeling like she might be sick, her stomach
churning, her heart racing. Did he really mean what he had just revealed to her?

In less than a minute, her world came crashing down, and when she felt Joe’s hand come to rest upon her right shoulder, that’s when she lost it.

“You two were together? Intimately?” Her voice broke saying the words, a look of confusion plastered across her face.

“Kate, I never meant to entwine you into this.”

“Well, what were you thinking when you placed that ad for a wife? If it hadn’t been me, it would have been some other poor, unsuspecting woman. And how is that fair, Joe? Do you think that’s fair to lead a woman into this hotbed of

immorality?” She winced at the last word, memories of her father and his thoughts regarding her own indiscretions came flooding back. She wasn’t in much of a position to judge, but darn it, she felt like a fool.
A fool who had rushed into something that was beyond her realm of understanding.

Anger coursed through her veins like fire. How dare he do this to her?

“No, it wasn’t, and I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry for everything I’ve done, but I needed a wife.”

“You needed a wife,” she scoffed at him, shaking her head. “Much like you need common sense I suppose, because that, Joe, you definitely lack.”

“People.” He tossed both hands into the air. “They were talking, about me and Ryan. There were rumors and well, I figured having a female here might help alleviate the situation.”

“A token wife? Well, that makes me feel so much better. At least I served a purpose other than cooking and cleaning.”

“Kate.” He stepped forward toward her.

“I’d advise you to keep your distance from me at this time.” Her gander was up and she did not, under any circumstance, husband or not, want this man near her any more than he already was.

“So let me see if I have this right. You placed an ad, I responded and came here.”

He nodded.

“Were you thinking about anyone else besides yourself when you were hatching this plan?” Goodness gracious, the man was so self-centered.

“I just thought it would be better for all of us involved.”

“But that’s where you’re wrong. It may have been better for you, but what about me and, land sakes, what about Ryan? Where was he to stand in all of this? I now understand why he’s run off. You practically drove him away from here, his home.”

“You’re right. Everything you say is right, and I hate myself for it.” Joe ran down the steps out into the darkness.

She didn’t call after him. If he had been expecting her to, then he was plum out of luck.

Kate wasn’t naive to the ways of the world. She knew that men like Joe and Ryan existed. Of course it was never talked about openly in polite society. She’d heard her father once or twice reference to a couple of men he felt were rather
And once when she had asked her mother what it had meant she was told to stop asking silly questions and to mind her manners. In the end, she figured it out on her own.

* * * *

Winter’s tongue amazed Ryan. The man had talent, he’d give him that much credit. And to think such a mild-mannered, clean-cut man was practically a wildcat in bed. The irony amused him.

Of one thing he was certain: Ryan wanted this man naked
. N

“Let me see you,” he said, his right hand caressing Winter’s cheek.

Winter withdrew Ryan’s cock from his mouth and grinned. “This sure is something. I could suck it all night long.”

“You’ll get your chance, but right now I want you naked next to me. I have some exploration of my own I’d like to do.”

“Yes, sir.”

Ryan looked on eagerly as Winter first shed his shirt. When he slipped the trousers from his slender hips, Ryan stifled a gasp. Winter’s penis was a lot bigger than he had expected.

Ryan’s gaze roamed up and down the toned, naked form now displayed before him. The man was candy, and Ryan wanted to lick him all over. With one hand, he beckoned for Winter to join him again. This was going to be one hell of a night. And right now, Joe was the furthest thing from his thoughts.

Saddling up to him, Ryan could feel the heat emanating from Winter’s body. He curled one arm around the man and pulled him in close. Their eyes locked, their lips met with a lusty embrace,
toying with each other’s tongues.

Winter was the first to break away, his eyes alight with mischief. “Hold on there, tiger.”

Ryan laughed. “What can I say other than I can’t get enough of you.” His hands slid across Winter’s smooth chest. “You excite me to no end.” And damn, the man even smelled good, like soap with just the slightest hint of musk
Winter’s man-scent that made Ryan want to devour him and come back for seconds.

“You’re cute, very cute,” muttered Ryan. Both now faced each other side by side. And when he rolled onto his back, he pulled Winter on top of him. Winter ground against him, the sensation was fantastic. Each vying the other for dominance. But this time Ryan was coming out on top.

Ryan grabbed Winter’s head and kissed him sensually this time, savoring each moment. “I want you, now.” The pressure between his legs told him he had to get off soon. He ached for Winter, and when Winter shifted position straddling him, his balls clenched at what was to come next.

Winter spat onto his hand, reaching back to lubricate his butt. Ryan grunted when he felt Winter grab him, taking aim.

Feeling Winter yield to him as he pushed his hips upward, Ryan let loose with a deep groan. Fuck, the guy was tight, so deliciously tight and hot, the heat now wrapped around him was out of this world.

It was like being enveloped within a silk glove, not that he knew what a silk glove felt like, he’d never even seen one much less felt one. But it’s what he imagined one must feel like.

“Oh yeah, that’s it.
Slide into me.” Winter tossed his head back. A small cry escaped his lips.

Ryan, grabbed Winter by the waist, gripping him tight. He wasn’t letting him go until they were done.

Small beads of sweat
covered both men, their skin sticking together as one bumped against the other.

Winter pulled up and slammed down. This time Ryan went deep inside, Winter’s tight hole swallowing him, holding him.

“Oh yeah, baby,” crooned Winter. “You feel so damned good. That’s it, do me like that.”

Gearing up, riding the momentum, Ryan slammed into Winter, the only sound in the room now their moans combined with slapping skin. His balls bounced against Winter’s ass cheeks, his cock sinking each time into the silky, wondrous depths.

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